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Posts posted by Timageness

  1. Diamond is the hardest natural substance on earth; a Toa of Crystal could create impenetrable armor and impossibly sharp weapons.


    Real-life diamonds are actually quite brittle, meaning they would make terrible armor, despite what Marvel's Emma Frost and Fullmetal Alchemist's Greed would have you believe. The weapon angle, on the other hand, is more or less correct.

    Seeing as to how Bionicle is a fictional universe with fictional physics, however, I suppose that anything's possible. As for the perfect memory thing, though, that's actually pretty cool. One of the custom species over in the BZPRPG actually has a perception-based ability for that particular element as well; they can see farther while possessing a much higher visual clarity than beings of other elemental affinities.

  2. IC: Rail - Infirmary


    "Yeah, well," he said, eyes drifting towards Glass as he allowed himself to grin slightly, nodding as a sign of respect. "Fighting Chain Lightning Rahks can be a real pain in the ###. I haven't been this banged up since my bout with Xara."


    IC: Torc - Gym


    "Tough talk for someone who hasn't even landed a blow yet," the Rahkshi of Heat Vision snorted. "I may not be the opponent you want, but I'm the opponent you've got, and frankly, I didn't enter this tournament just to punk out in the first round. So if you want me gone, then you're going to have to do a lot better than that."


    IC: Liar - Gym


    As the sword slashed into his legs, delivering its payload as intended, Liar's mind devolved into a flurry of emotions as he finally began to feel the effects of the poison.

    What the Karz is going - oh dear god...

    Releasing his grip on his weapons as he fell to the floor, one hand immediately went to cover his mouth as the other shot up towards his Kraata case in a vain attempt to help settle his stomach. Despite his best efforts, however, he could no longer contain the urge to throw up, and puke began spewing its way out of his mouth, forcing itself through the cracks between his fingers as it began to dribble all over the platform. He tried to force himself to stand, but only ended up slipping back down into the water, releasing even more noxious fluid into the atmosphere due to the impact of his fall, which only led to him punching the platform in frustration. There wasn't any doubt in his mind that he was on the verge of defeat, that his chances of emerging victorious were dwindling with each passing second, and that only a freaking miracle would allow him to continue onto the next round, but his mind was made up, and there was still no way he was giving Stripes the satisfaction of hearing him quit.

    His pride simply would not allow it. Not after everything he had been through.

    Struggling to return to his feet, he proceeded to sway around for a bit, only to collapse back onto his hands and knees. Glaring daggers at his opponent, all he could do was attempt to conserve as much energy as possible as he waited for them to make their next move.

    Do or die, Liar. Do... or die.

  3. IC: Verulas (Spectre) - Ga-Koro (Bar)


    "Just saying that if someone's dumb enough to start picking fights, they should at least have to make up for it by covering the cost of your drinks is all," Verulas responded, signaling for the bartender to pour him another. "Even if they aren't exactly conscious at the time of your order."

  4. Alright then, can I have a different backup weapon instead?


    Seeing as you only have one at the moment, not counting the spare you're planning on getting rid of, I see no issue with that, provided that whatever you add isn't ridiculously advanced and she doesn't end up turning into a walking armory.


    I made a few changes to my profile.


    Thanks for the notification.

    I already took a look at it before and it seemed fine both then and now, but I still have to wait for the others to provide input before I can definitively say whether it's approved or not.

  5. IC: Verulas (Spectre) - Ga-Koro (Bar)


    Upon hearing the sound of the Onu-Toa crashing into the floor, he turned his head towards the scene, but did little else in terms of displaying any form of emotion. Places like these weren't really worth their weight in booze if there wasn't at least one idiot getting the Karz kicked out of them, so by that logic, he was expecting one heck of a drink.

    When the being responsible for said Karz-kicking, a Skakdi who had clearly seen better days (though to be fair, the same could be said for most of the ones he'd encountered ever since he arrived on this island, with the obvious exception being the Boss-Lady herself, who still somehow managed to be strangely alluring), proceeded to sit in the stool right next to him and attempted to initiate conversation, however, he simply raised his eyebrows as he watched the bartender finally return with his order.

    "Personally? I would've made off with his wallet and some of his other belongings after cleaning his clock. Nothing says complete and utter humiliation quite like getting your rear handed to you, only to wake up sometime later, flat broke and missing your shoes," the Bo-Toa said, reaching for the glass and downing its contents all in one shot. 

  6. IC: Misery - Refectory


    Having grown tired of roaming the halls and seeing little that interested her, but not wanting to seek out the dormitories yet, Misery had decided to walk back to the only other room she actually knew the location of; the refectory. And what just so happened to greet her as she opened the doors?

    A fight...?

    Taking note of the fact that one of the combatants seemed to be missing two of their limbs, she almost immediately lost intrest, but upon remembering that she had absolutely nothing better to do, she found herself reluctantly pulling up a seat, daring to wonder if she could at least derive some small form of excitement from the ensuing spectacle.


    IC: Liar - Gym


    Seeing as to how he was both in Flight Mode and still moving when the knife was thrown, the blade mostly glanced off of the armor plating coating the thigh of his suit, though it did manage to succeed in leaving a large gash streaking from the point of impact all the way up to his hip. Mostly, however, as he growled in pain, it left him wondering what the point of aiming for his legs was, considering that his opponent had already done everything in their power to ensure that he wasn't able to effectively use them to begin with.

    But if Stripes still saw them as that much of a threat, then he would be more than happy to oblige.

    Leaning to the side and grinding one of his swords into the platform in order to assist with his turn, he shot towards his oponent once again, this time thrusting his other blade directly into the stone and pivoting himself through the air in such a manner that both of his legs were now on a collision course with the side of their face.


    IC: Torc - Gym


    Feeling his sword unlock as he twisted himself in mid-air, he landed first on his toes, allowing his body to sink into a crouch as his other leg quickly drew an arc in the sand.

    "Heh. That was a pretty nice dodge there. Hopefully, that was just the tip of the iceberg."

    Raising his swords in a defensive stance, he simply started circling around the platform, waiting for his opponent's next move.


    IC: Rail - Infirmary


    Hobbling through the doorway of the infirmary, Rail must've been quite the sight. Pistons and gears were still hanging out of his wound, occasionally falling off into the puddles of hydraulic fluid that had been dripping all over the floor. Spying an empty bed across the room, he only hoped that the room's other occupants weren't squeamish, otherwise there'd be even more of a mess to clean up later.

    "Just put me down over there so you two can get yourselves back to the gym," he told Glass and Aerahk. "Oh, and thanks for the help."


    OOC: Hope you guys don't mind the time-skip. Don't want to hold your characters up any longer than I already have. :P

  7. Exploded? I think that's a bit much.

    We've been getting back to people as soon as we are able to finish our discussions, and out of the four profiles we still haven't approved yet, two are currently waiting on edits from the players who've typed them. Speaking of which:


    On the wiki, I read that guandao are used first as disarming weapons/tools, and the notched hook on the front is used to catch other weapons. They aren't terribly big, sort of like someone cut a circle out of the base of the blade. I also read that sometimes they had serrated backs, and while I'm not sure about the functionality, I like the aesthetic. If one guandao works better functionally then that's fine, but can she carry on as a spare? In her dorm maybe?


    I don't see why she couldn't carry a spare, just so long as she isn't using both at the same time.

    As for what Scorp said about her tail, we discussed it yesterday, and we came to the conclusion that we don't have any issues with her having one, since previous approvals with two sets of arms and vestigial wings sort of set a precedent in that department. However, we do still take issue with the fact that it apparently can regenerate, seeing as to how it's basically an additional limb, but I think that's really the only gripe we have at this point that's standing in the way of you playing as her.

  8. I have a question: if a Rahkshi's arm was cut off, would they get a robotic replacement?




    We've had loss of limb and other suit damages doled out as a GM punishment for inconsistent/unfair play in the past.


    EDIT: That said, if the character in question happens to keep a hold of their severed limb and get to Palma in time, they could potentially get it reattached. We've had past precedents for that, too. 


    I should probably clear this up a bit.

    Back when Wyrd/Ultron was still here, we actually did have a character who received a prosthetic for one of their legs (Construct's Dodge-256), but it was acquired in-game as a tech item due to the flexing armor and heel-blade. They had to spend quite some time hobbling around between losing their original and eventually getting it, however, and whether it had the funtionality of today's more common artificial limbs or if they could control it as if it was originally part of their own body is currently up for debate, since their player isn't as active anymore.

    Otherwise, Nato pretty much hit the nail on the head.

  9. IC: Verulas (Spectre) - Ga-Koro (Outskirts)


    Alright, #### this ####. I'm tired of waiting.

    Activating his mask as he descended from the rooftops, he took one last look at the folder before rolling it up and creating a few seeds in his hands. A second later, and they had sprung to life, their branches and roots weaving themselves over and under each other and eventually began constricting, forming an airtight wooden seal, which was then quickly stuffed inside his armor for safe keeping. Knowing that the guards were currently on the lookout for him, he immediately reasoned that simply trying to walk himself out through the main gate would be a terrible idea, as even if he did continue to remain undetected on the way there, the likelihood of him being discovered would still be pretty high. No, what he needed was a discreet way out of the village, one that was lightly patrolled in comparison, and one where people wouldn't think twice about someone such as himself hanging around.

    Thankfully, being the floating village that it was, Ga-Koro did indeed have one such place possessing both qualities, and it wasn't too far from his current position.

    A hop, skip, and a jump later, he arrived at the docks, taking a deep breath of that salty air this region was practically known for as he began to slowly lower himself into the water. Shoving a nearby reed into his mouth, he then proceeded to swim out a little further, deactivating his Kanohi before letting himself become completely submerged. Granted, it would take him substantially longer to navigate himself onto the beaches just outside the city walls, but from his point of view, pretty much anything beat spending the night inside of a prison cell.


    "Welcome home, sir. I've left a report of todays proceedings upstairs for you to look over."

    "Excellent," said the Ba-Matoran as he stepped inside his two-story mansion, flanked by the pair of Skakdi that made up his security detail. "Anything particularly worthy of note?"

    "Our men were unable to retrieve payment earlier today from a shop near the docks, and our informants inside the Marines discovered that the Toa you dealt with last week had access to certain files concerning our operations within the village; files that now appear to have gone missing," the Lesterin who had approached him said, displaying a hint of concern in his voice.

    "Of course they have. Now I'm going to be up all night, wondering why I even pay those idiots."

    "Sir, perhaps you have misunderstood the situation we're in; if those files - "

    "Those files are of no concern; the heralds only shout what I want them to, and I've got a number of influential people in my pocket who can make the entire situation disapear. Get someone to tail that sister of his if you must, but frankly, I have other things to worry about."

    Watching him nod before eventually departing, the Matoran and his entourage proceeded their way towards the stairs, passing the various potted plants stationed throughout the building about every few feet. One of the Skakdi let out a silent yawn as they began their ascent, only to quickly straighten himself back out after his companion elbowed him in the ribs, just in time for their boss to turn around and address them as they finally reached the top.

    "I'll be spending a few hours in my study before I retire for the evening. One of you stay here while the other checks on the patrols."

    Continuing down the halls, the Matoran eventually reached the room in question, opening the door and stepping inside as he started to remove his jacket. Placing it onto the nearby rack as he felt around around for the lights, he let out a sigh, pinching the bridge of his nose as he stepped even further inside...

    ...only to jump back startled as his chair swiveled around, occupied by a familiar green and blue Toa of Plantlife, casually nursing a glass full of whiskey as he rested his feet up on top of the desk sitting in front of him.

    "Long day?," Spectre asked lazily. "Me too. Hope you don't mind that I just sort of helped myself to your ####."

    "Who the #### are you?! How the #### did you get in here?!"

    "Why, the window, silly. You were obviously so busy throwing around ridiculously large piles of money that you neglected to do a proper background check on your locksmith. Spoiler alert, by the way; they suck. As for who I am, well... let's just say that I represent someone who you've managed to tick off, and... oh, screw it. I'm here to kill your ###."

    "You think you're real funny, don't you? Alright, buddy. Let's see how long it takes my associates to wipe that grin off your face!," the Matoran said, tilting his head back towards the hallway. "Get your ##### up here! Now!"

    "Yeah, I'm affraid nobody's coming to your aid tonight, pal; your buddies are all off in dreamland, courtesy of a few alterations I made to your plants," the Toa sneered as he rose to his feet. "So it's just you and me, all alone in this secluded little compound, and far enough away from Ga-Koro that nobody will even hear you scream."

    "W-w-wait! You seem like a smart guy, seeing as to how you got rid of everyone else! You should come work for me! I'll double whatever you're being paid - no, triple it!"

    "About that... You see, I don't know if that'll sit right with me. I've seen that file of yours, and boy, have you done a lot of bad things over the years. Murder, smuggling, extortion, racketeering... But having people embezzle funds from the Ko-Koro Victims' Relief Effort for you? Now that's a whole new low, and frankly, it's going to take a lot more than triple my pay to make me forget about that, especially since I was actually there, helping people evacuate. But onto more pressing matters," he said, pausing to unsheathe one of his knives, only to start twirling it around with his fingers. "How many times do you think I can stab you before you eventually bleed out? Personally, my all-time record's somewhere around thirty-seven, but the victim in question at the time was a Vortixx, so I really doubt we'll be able to go that high..."

    "S-s-stop! No, here!," said the Matoran, brandishing a slip of paper with a string of numbers written on it. "T-t-this is the combination to my vault! Take as much as you want! Just please, don't kill me!"

    Darting his eyes between his target and what he was offering for a moment, he took some time to contemplate his decision, eventually letting out a dejected sigh as he put away the weapon and responded with a slight shrug.

    "Meh. Works for me. Had you going for a little bit, though."


    "Psht. Murdering people's way too messy of an affair these days. First you've got to deal with all the goons, then you have to make sure that you've actually killed the target, then whoever hired you's going to want proof of the deed on top of all that, and before you even know it, you're walking through the desert without any water and you're talking to some poor sap's severed head. And trust me; they have, like, no conversational skills whatsoever."

    "Huh. I'll... just take your word for it, then."

    "That would probably be for the best, yeah," Spectre agreed, grabbing a stray handkerchief off of the desk before wiping down the rim of the glass and tossing it aside. "Here, you look like you need this a lot more than I do. I honestly thought you were going to #### yourself at one point."

    "Well, what can I say? You're one scary guy," he said, passing off the code and taking the drink, only to practically down it in one gulp.

    "I do have my moments," the Bo-Toa chuckled, looking past the Matoran and at the face of the massive grandfather clock looming behind him. "Oh, gee. Look at the time. I should probably be on my way now. Catch you later."

    Walking off towards the door, he reached out to turn the handle, only to slap himself in the forehead.

    "Right... I almost forgot," the mercenary exclaimed, brandishing a set of photographs before forking them over. "I was supposed to give you these back when we were still doing the whole "I'm going to kill you!" routine, but I mean, you might as well have them anyway, seeing as how someone's actually hiring people to try to kill you and all."

    "Hey, I recognise these two! That ##### is so ####### dead tomorrow!"

    "Yeah, I thought you might. Well, thanks anyway, I guess. Enjoy the rest of your evening!"

    "Oh, you bet I will! I feel so alive!"

    Seconds later, the effects of the poison he unknowingly ingested kicked in, causing him to asphyxiate to death in a puddle of his own vomit.


    Having returned to Ga-Koro sometime later to pick up the rest of his payment, Verulas decided that he should grab himself a quick celebratory drink before beginning his long-### trek back to the frozen wastes of Obsidian Outpost. Turning off his Volitak as he entered a bar, he stepped up to the counter, had a seat on one of the stools, and pulled out a sack of widgets the size of his fist before setting them down in front of him. Unfortunately, despite a surprisingly successful raid on the manor's vault (more on that later), he only had what he originally came into the region with, plus the pay for the job he just completed, but he clearly wasn't going to let that get to him.

    "Barkeep," he said, grinning maniacally from ear to ear. "Give me the hardest stuff you've got on the shelf; I'm heading up to Ko-Wahi."


    OOC: Open for interaction. That's your cue, Ghidora.

  10. No problem. Pyle and Oshi are now approved. Keep in mind, however, that Oshi can only detect the minds of others and pick up on their emotions at her current stage.

    As for Atem, Onaku, we would like to see some extra clarification as to regarding whether or not they actually possess said climbing gloves mentioned in their profile. Also, we would like to point out that their clothes should not be making them anywhere near as stealthy and/or quiet as a Rahkshi of Chameleon/Silence, and would appreciate it if you would go back and make some additional changes just to reflect that.

  11. While I didn't quite understand exactly what you were saying, Timageness, I tried my best to go back and edit Oshi with the information that you gave me.  I hope it'll do.

    On another note, Pyle's ZamoRevolver is actually cartridged now, and the projectiles are solid metal.


    Okay, fair enough. Let me try to be clearer.

    We essentially want you to change these:


    NAME: Pyle

    VARIATION: Chameleon

    LEVEL: 2

    GENDER: Pyle identifies as a male.


    • The Shankers- An odd pair of weapons, consisting of hide gloves with small knives held in between the fingers by metal sockets.
    • ZamoRevolver- Despite its name, it's not a revolver.  A small firearm with the ability to fire four Zamor Sphere-sized solid metal projectiles before needing a fresh cartridge.

    APPEARANCE: As a Rahkshi of Chameleon, Pyle's natural armor coloration is crimson.  He has flamboyant gold markings around his eyes, shoulders, knees, and spines.  A fanged, smiling mouth is painted around his actual mouth.  His natural Rahkshi hunch is noticeably greater than other students'.

    PERSONALITY: Pyle likes to think that his mind is as slippery and sneaky as his powers.  He imagines his skill at swindling and hustling other students out of weapons, gear, money, or time is second to none.  In reality, his methods are about as subtle as an axe to the head and mainly consist of threatening to hit students with The Shankers if they don't give him what he wants.  (He's actually had to do that a few times.)  This has left him generally disliked by the majority of the student body.  He has an intermittent habit of wringing his hands.  He has a more consistent habit of making song references.

    BIO:  Pyle was considered too much of an extortionist, even by his Makuta's standards, so he was sent to Corpus Rahkshi.  The hope was that he'd start becoming more subtle in his swindling.


    NAME: Oshi

    VARIATION: Mind Reading

    LEVEL: 2

    GENDER: Oshi identifies as a female.


    • Fleur- A short sword with a flower carved into the pommel.

    APPEARANCE: As a Rahkshi of Mind Reading, Oshi's natural armor coloration is lavender.  Flowers are carved into her shoulders, kneepads, chestplate, and even on top of her head.  Two red stripes are painted across her right eye.

    PERSONALITY: "Oh God they're all out to get me oh God oh God oh God" would be an apt description of Oshi.  She is extremely paranoid, and will go out of her way to avoid other students.  This is likely due to her inability to fully control her Mind Reading abilities; they will involuntarily trigger, allowing her to see briefly into the twisted minds of her fellow students.  Every time this happens, she gets hit with an initial wave of aggression and hatred from the student whose mind she is reading.  She doesn't know how to cope with this initial rush of thoughts, so she simply assumes that whoever she was Mind Reading is out to get her and breaks off the contact immediately.

    BIO: Oshi was intended to be her Makuta's "canary in the coalmine," if you will; her task was to sniff out enemies and read their thoughts to determine any traps they may have laid for her Makuta.  When she first tried this, however, she made contact with a whirlwind of thoughts, most of which were basely evil, such as "kill them all" or "I must be the most powerful."  She couldn't handle or understand what she detected, but the thoughts disturbed her nonetheless, reducing her to a paranoiac of the most extreme variety.  She was shipped off to Corpus Rahkshi in the hopes that she would eventually overcome her fear of others.  Needless to say, it hasn't worked out yet.


    into these:


    NAME: Pyle

    VARIATION: Chameleon

    LEVEL: 2

    GENDER: Pyle identifies as a male.


    The Shankers - An odd pair of weapons, consisting of hide gloves with small knives held in between the fingers by metal sockets.

    Cartridged Zamor Launcher - A standard Zamor Launcher with a cartridge-fed clip. Contains five (including the one already in the chamber) solid metal Zamors that need to be both located and retrieved before they can be fired again.

    APPEARANCE: As a Rahkshi of Chameleon, Pyle's natural armor coloration is crimson.  He has flamboyant gold markings around his eyes, shoulders, knees, and spines.  A fanged, smiling mouth is painted around his actual mouth.  His natural Rahkshi hunch is noticeably greater than other students'.

    PERSONALITY: Pyle likes to think that his mind is as slippery and sneaky as his powers.  He imagines his skill at swindling and hustling other students out of weapons, gear, money, or time is second to none.  In reality, his methods are about as subtle as an axe to the head and mainly consist of threatening to hit students with The Shankers if they don't give him what he wants.  (He's actually had to do that a few times.)  This has left him generally disliked by the majority of the student body.  He has an intermittent habit of wringing his hands.  He has a more consistent habit of making song references.

    BIO:  Pyle was considered too much of an extortionist, even by his Makuta's standards, so he was sent to Corpus Rahkshi.  The hope was that he'd start becoming more subtle in his swindling.


    NAME: Oshi

    VARIATION: Mind Reading

    LEVEL: 2

    GENDER: Oshi identifies as a female.


    Fleur- A short sword with a flower carved into the pommel.

    APPEARANCE: As a Rahkshi of Mind Reading, Oshi's natural armor coloration is lavender.  Flowers are carved into her shoulders, kneepads, chestplate, and even on top of her head.  Two red stripes are painted across her right eye.

    PERSONALITY: "Oh God they're all out to get me oh God oh God oh God" would be an apt description of Oshi.  She is extremely paranoid, and will go out of her way to avoid other students.  This is likely due to her inability to fully control her Mind Reading abilities; they will involuntarily trigger, allowing her to briefly detect the twisted minds of her fellow students.  Every time this happens, she gets hit with an initial wave of aggression and hatred.  She doesn't know how to cope with this initial rush of thoughts, so she simply assumes that whoever she discovered is out to get her and tries to distance herself as best as she can.

    BIO: Oshi was intended to be her Makuta's "canary in the coalmine," if you will; her task was to sniff out enemies and gauge their feelings in order to determine if any traps had been laid for her Makuta.  When she first tried this, however, she encountered a whirlwind of emotions, most of which were centered around hatred, bloodlust, and greed. She couldn't handle or understand what she detected, but they ended up disturbing her nonetheless, reducing her to a paranoiac of the most extreme variety.  She was shipped off to Corpus Rahkshi in the hopes that she would eventually overcome her fear of others.  Needless to say, it hasn't worked out yet.


    Hopefully this helps you out enough so we can approve them after your next edit.

  12. IC: Dahrak Nade - Ta-Koro (Store Interior)


    "Twenty widgets, final offer," the Po-Toa slurred.

    "Sir, that bottle is vintage, imported straight from Ga-Koro. It's worth at least three hundred."

    Straightening his face out as best as he could, he leaned forward, resting his arm on the counter, and positioned himself uncomfortably close to the Su-Matoran sitting behind it.

    "You're vintage. And full of ####."

    "Look," he responded, rolling his eyes as he leaned backwards in an attempt to distance himself. "If you don't have the widgets to pay for it, then I can't sell it to you. And since you aren't looking to buy anything else, I'm going to have to ask you to leave."

    "Pfft. Fine. Be like that. This Karz-Hole barely has anything good in stock anyway."

    Pushing himself back to his feet, he slowly turned around, stumbling back towards the door and almost taking out an entire shelf's worth of goods in the process as he attempted to exit the building...

    ...only to have the barrel of a Patero Launcher shoved into his face as a wide-eyed Lesterin of some variety or another stepped inside and motioned for him to go back the way he came.

    "Put your hands where I can see them and start walking," he hissed, trying to make himself look bigger in the process. "This is a robbery."

    Oh, you have got to be freaking kidding me...

    "You know, I don't really care if you take this guy for all he's worth; frankly, what you do in your free time is none of my business, and besides," he said, complying with the other being's demands. "He's kind of a ####."

    "What?! But you're a Toa! Protecting people and keeping the peace is supposed to be your job!"

    "Yeah, well, you obviously suck at reading people," he said, keeping his attention on the Lesterin. "So what do you say, pal? Let me walk on out of here, and you only have to worry about one person potentially doing something stupid."

    "Yeah. You," he scoffed, tossing a bag towards the Matoran. "I don't need you running off to the nearest guard and snitching on me, so like it or not, you're staying right here until I leave. Now start emptying out the contents of the register."

    Clearly unhappy that his rather simple request was denied, the Toa of Stone simply shook his head and began rolling his eyes.

    "Why do you ######## always insist on doing things the hard way?"

    With a flick of his wrist and a glow of his Matatu, the weapon suddenly found itself being tugged up towards the ceiling, causing its owner to accidentally fire it off in surprise. Not wanting to keep himself in danger any longer than he had to, the shopkeeper wisely ducked out of sight as firecrackers began ricocheting all over the place, taking out sacks of miscellaneous food products as one somehow managed to wedge itself inside a rack full of spears before exploding and scattering them across the floor. Using the commotion to his advantage, Dahrak dashed forward, gritting his teeth as three new burns singed their way into his flesh and encasing his limbs in his element, only to deliver a vicious uppercut to the Lesterin's jaw. Reeling from the pain of having one of his teeth shoot up out of his mouth before lodging itself into his nostril, there was little else he could do but to recoil from the blows that connected with his torso soon afterwards, driving him even further off-balance and leaving him open to a brutal axe kick that not only ended up shattering his Ruru, but also sent him falling face-first into the floor, instantly rendering him unconscious.

    Satisfied with his handiwork, he took a step back to admire the scene, only for the Su-Matoran to pop back out of hiding, clearly in shock over the state of his surroundings.

    "My shop! What the #### do you have to say for yourself?!"

    Pondering his response for a moment, he eventually came up with an answer he figured would absolve him of any and all liability.

    "Twenty widgets, and I help clean this mess up. Oh, and on top of that, I'll also take out your trash."


    Some time later, Dahrak swung the door open, stepping back out onto the street as he took a swig from his newly acquired bottle. True to his word, he left the criminal just outside the building, the words "Arrest Me" painted brightly across his forehead for everyone to gawk at.

  13. IC: Zenithex - Blackrock (Ruins)


    Zenithex diverted his gaze towards the offered hand, remaining motionless for a moment longer than necessary before finally returning the gesture and nodding in agreement.

    "For now, we are but two. Those who side with Makuta stay clustered in the icy landscape of Ko-Wahi, while those who praise Mata Nui believe themselves safe within their walls. Their focus is largely on each other for the moment, and we should take advantage of this by seeking to improve our numbers."


    IC: Taranis and Tenjin - The Iron Mahi (Passenger Car)


    What in Karzahni is she doing?

    Tenjin, who was completely oblivious to the concept of subtlty, had started to fidget around in his seat, impatiently awaiting the moment when everything around them would suddenly erupt into chaos and he'd finally be able to kick some ###. Luckily, Taranis took note of this, and decided to intervene before the Vo-Skakdi could try to get up and potentially blow everything for them.

    "Relax, moron," he growled quietly, curling his claws into a fist. "Don't make me regret bringing you onboard."

    "You're a regret," he snarled back, finally managing to calm down a little.

    "That doesn't even make sense."

    "So much for you being the smart one."

  14. Okay, this is getting ridiculous.

    First of all, we're not handing out levels soley based on how much a character fights; in fact, if you go back and actually check out the last twenty or so posts, we haven't been approving anything even related to leveling at all yet, because *gasp* we're still working things out. We've literally had this gig for 17 days, and none of us were looking over Wyrd's shoulder while he was designing the game, so we're probably going to be typing stuff up that other people don't necessarily agree with from time to time, which is okay, because we have some pretty big shoes to fill. But the fact of the matter is this; none of us are Wyrd, we're not going around pretending to be, and some of our actions aren't always going to fall within the parameters of what everyone expects he would've done. Assuming otherwise is pretty much just setting yourself up for disappointment.

    Scorp took the time to post what he thought was an acceptabe example of a leveling request, and I provided my opinion on what I considered to be a reasonable assessment of how far certain characters were progressing. At no point did we specify that anything we were typing regarding this topic had been set in stone. This was literally just our way of running things by everyone, and honestly, if it was really our intention to try and screw you all over, we could've just as easily half-##### everything and stonewalled all the petitions sent our way, not to mention blatantly ignore new profiles being submitted for approval. Were mistakes made on that front? Probably, but as Matau stated in Web of Shadows, "that's what happens when you're brave enough to make decisions."

    As for the fights themselves, that was likely due to a tiny bit of impatience on our part; a lot of us have characters that we've long since considered to be "Perpetually Level 2" (Rail was originally posted in this topic 302 pages ago, just to provide everyone with at least some idea of what I'm getting at), and their inclusion was probably born from some misguided attempt to counter the activity gap between the players who had their characters level multiple times and those who had yet to have one of their characters receive one at all. Was it a bad way to go about things? Yeah. Were we actively trying to diminish everybody else's accomplishments? Of course not. Did it end up panning out? No. As such, we've already begun attempting to revise this yet again, which is a whole lot harder than it sounds, given that we also knew next to nothing about how experience was supposed to be previously tallied out.

    So with that being said, we'd all greatly appreciate it if you'd take a mere second of your time to show us a little leniency before rushing off to grab your pitchforks and torches when we do something wrong.

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  15. Fixed the ZamoRevolver; there's only one, and it's cartridged now.


    Oshi still needs to be toned down a little.

    Elaborate, please.


    Oshi is similarly fine, though at level 2 I don't think her abilities would see too far into the minds of fellow students to see what you've described. That said, there's enough surface aggression in the general student body that if you changed the wording slightly is have no issue with the profile.


    Mind Reading abilities are as follows:

    Stage 1: Instinctive empathic ability prevents easy capture.

    Stage 2: Has the ability to detect and seek out nearby creatures for infection.

    So basically, she'd only be able to pick others out of hiding by locating their minds, and have an easier time avoiding ambushes and traps due to the feelings of whoever set them. Otherwise, we're fine with everything else, including the surface aggression. The problem we're having here is simply that your profile seems to state that she's establishing much more of a connection then she really should be at this point, and this is really only because of the current wording.

    As for Pyle, I'll go spread the word that he's received some edits.

    Edit: Scorp noted that you did not change the weapon specifically into a cartridged Zamor Launcher (nor remove the revolver bits), and Sergei would like to point out that ammo for such a weapon would be significantly rarer than normal projectiles, so you'd likely have to collect and reuse them. Saying that they're also solid metal would probably also go a long way.

  16. Better late than never, I suppose...



    I'm presuming this is where you put the profiles, yeah?

    Ok, cool.

    Name: Scorch

    Variation: Plasma

    Level: 2

    Gender: Male

    Gear: Scorch owns a shortsword that he keeps strapped on a sheath which is attached flat to his lower back. He also owns a hardback copy of "To catch a gukko bird.".

    Appearance: Scorch is predominantly cloudy grey, with bright mustard yellow eyes, and rust colored spines, hands, and feet. His plasma is a reddish tint. He is just short enough to be made fun of, but just tall enough to be taken somewhat seriously. He has a nasty looking scratch on his left shoulder, that he could not be asked to clean up.

    Personality: Nice enough. Kind of a nerd, but will fight if pushed far enough. Enjoys board games.

    Bio: After being all but ignored by his makuta, Scorch was very willing to join Corpus Rahkshi, anything to actually socialize and make friends outside of his very small batch. He packed his shortsword as a safety measure, and set off, on his way to social freedom.




    Name: Hush


    Variation: Power Scream


    Level: 2


    Gender: female


    Gear: Hush carries a staff with a small, simple blade at either end. At first glance this is a somewhat boring weapon, however, upon closer inspection, there is a lot more to it. Running down the back of the staff is a narrow slot, from which can be pulled a string, like that of a bow. When the string is pulled, the staff bends back into a bow-like position, thanks to it being composed of multiple interlocking segments. The staff will lock into this form once each segment is properly angled, but can be returned to its original state by pressing a button above the handgrip. She also carries a quiver of arrows for use with the bow.


    Appearance: Hush is oddly small for a Rahkshi, the result of a deformation in the Kraata that would eventually become her armor. The limbs and body of her armor are a pale silver in colour, while her head, Kraata tank, hands and feet are varying shades of purple, from dark to light. The spines on her Kraata tank are short, narrow and numerous.


    Personality: Hush is naturally antisocial, generally avoiding others and the world itself. Those around her will often see her as having a somewhat vacant look in her eyes, or mistake her for being somehow upset. However, while there is rarely a lot going on the outside of her armor, there is always a lot going on inside. Hush spends the majority of her time thinking, be it about personal matters or what she read earlier that day. Hush will even run through her opinions on things in her mind, despite rarely talking to others. That is another thing that makes Hush somewhat... unusual. Despite what her power would suggest, Hush never seems to talk to anyone, except to give short, even one word, answers to questions. It is this silent nature that earned her the name 'Hush'. But, despite her reclusive nature, Hush does not in fact seem to enjoy total solitude and she will often linger around other Rahkshi, even though she will not participate in conversation, not verbally at least.


    Bio: Hush was seen as weak by her Makuta, due to her smaller than average size and refusal to participate in what was occurring around her. The Makuta even planned to have her killed, since she served no use to him. However, upon realising that she was yet another of those Kraata to be undergoing some form of evolution, it was decided that perhaps killing her was not the best idea and instead she was sent to the academy.


    Also approved.


    NAME: Exigent

    VARIATION: Gravity

    LEVEL: 2

    GENDER: Exigent identifies as a male.


    • Spear- A navy blue-shafted spear with an ornately carved silver head.
    • Shinken Shuriken- A set of four-bladed throwing stars.

    APPEARANCE: As a Rahkshi of Gravity, Exigent's natural armor coloration is silver.  He has a ring of navy blue around the edges of his raised collar armor and kneepads.  The Matoran character for "5" is etched on his shoulders, because he was the fifth Rahkshi that his Makuta produced.  He is as thin as a rail.  He wears a pair of spectacles on the end of his "nose."  (Purely for show, of course.)  Two thin golden rings are on his left pinky finger, and one thick golden ring is on his right middle finger.

    PERSONALITY: Behind Exigent's cool, calm, and collected demeanor lies perhaps one of the most twisted minds in the whole of Corpus Rahkshi.  He compares the screams of the tormented to beautiful music, and would gladly sip tea and read philosophy books among the corpses of his victims.  Each time he encounters someone, he immediately imagines them dying in a most horrible way.  He'd gladly make that horrible death a reality himself, except for the fact that he is a massive germophobe.  Fortunately, being the "son" of a rather persuasive Makuta, he's picked up on the skill and can convince others to make real the suffering of those he deems fit for it.

    BIO: Exigent was probably his Makuta's greatest achievement.  Right from the start, Exigent displayed his ability to carry out gruesome tasks without any second thoughts; a truly evil "son" for a truly evil being.  However, during a particularly nasty assignment, he accidentally swallowed some blood from a dying victim and contracted a debilitating disease.  This disease was the reason that he became a germophobe when he healed.  He refused to touch another being, for fear of becoming infected again.  Exigent's Makuta shipped him off to Corpus Rahkshi to temper the fear of germs out of him.


    Looks good now. Approved.

    Oshi still needs to be toned down a little. As for Pyle, we'd prefer it if he only had a single, cartridged Zamor Launcher. The ammo is fine now, though.

  17. Okay, just some quick updates:


    NAME: Pyle


    NAME: Oshi


    NAME: Exigent



    1. These we'll be mostly looking at independently over in our private discussion from now on. Other players will still be able to throw in their two cents here, which we will still be taking into consideration as well, but the main thing to take away from this is that now when one of us says that a profile is approved, it counts as an approval from all three of us, so you can just get straight to playing instead of waiting for a specific GM to come back online. We're also keeping track of the characters we do approve, and we're currently working on a way to get them added to the opening post in the Register.

    2. Unfortunately, since we essentially know next to nothing about what was planned for the Rebellion/Hand of Spiriah interaction, we currently have no plans to continue this, and are instead opting to leave it in stasis until Wyrd is (hopefully) able to return. We apologise to everyone affected, but we feel that anything we do regarding that segment in particular might either cheapen the experience or muck it up entirely beyond recognition.

    3. As for the leveling controversy that seems to have picked up, I just pitched a potential solution to my fellow GMs, so we're effectively still working on that as well. That being said, this is the way I currently see things:


    Poly, better known as Legion


    Basically within the range of a potential increase in level.




    Has some pretty substantial events listed, but seeing as to how there's only six of them, their combined efforts only succeed in placing him somewhere around the halfway mark. Also, since leveling is supposed to represent one pushing themselves beyond their current boundaries, those of higher levels should be required to earn a little more experience then they did last time, so the bar here has also been slightly raised a bit, and would continue to be that way for all characters above Level 2.




    In agreement with Click here. Also, since the fights weren't individually listed, couldn't exactly get a good read on what had been accomplished, though so far, he's well below the halfway point.




    Yes, I know it was a joke, but no, not even close. Nowhere near enough deeds and/or accomplishments listed to even justify having this conversation.

    And just to clarify that we are actually trying our best to be fair here, I'll be throwing in one of my own as yet another example.




    - Fought Xara to a draw in his first ever PC-controlled fight while she was still Level 2.

    - Blocked off the doors to the gym so Xara could get her claws on Vaalku, which led to a riot shortly before Silencer died.

    - Resolved to be less of a #### ever since, which he's been upholding.

    - Fought Mantis and snapped the actual physical spinal column of his suit shortly before he choked to death on his own spit in the Infirmary.

    - Fought Booger for bullying a disabled Vaalku and removed a number of his fingers as punishment.

    - Flawlessly disguised himself as Liar and infiltrated the group made up of Illusive, Venom, and Poly.

    - Participated in their attack on the Matoran and helped them smuggle some into the school while undercover.

    - Informed Icarax of said incident, thus leading to Illusive's subsequent blackmail.

    - Put up wanted posters for Illusive, which, so far, only Illusive has reacted to.

    - Gracefully accepted his loss to Glass after being unable to effectively react to/counter the effects of Terrortooth.


    Status: Just over the halfway point. Still has quite a bit of experience left to obtain.


    Well, it's already been established that Makuta have zero influence or control over the new breed rahks like they would normal rahkshi, so I don't see why the Makuta would suddenly be able to exert this level of invasive influence when the rahks have almost reached their peak level of power.

    According to BioSector1, it's a thing.


    Doesn't mean we have to copy it.



    According to BS01, it is a thing. For canon Rahkshi.

    Seeing as how pretty much every character belongs to the new breed, specifically noted by Wyrd to have more independence and free will in the opening post of the game, it wouldn't be that much of a stretch for this particular feature to be absent in the Level 6 Kraata that Corpus could potentially cultivate.

  19. Well, as stated before, Quaza Cores only power the Heroes and contain their A.I., so whatever physical attributes they used to possess would've probably only been specific to their previous body.

    On the other hand, the Heroes do basically get stripped down to their skeleton each and every time they get upgraded, and the cores themselves would have to be removed every time they needed to be redesigned (the actual physical pieces on the sets represent this, as it's been stated that the ones on the 2.0 Heroes (and every other core by extension) were reconstructed to provide them with a 40% power increase over the 1.0 models), so it might be possible to put an older one inside a newer body, provided that they remain compatible with each other and it is still in working condition. There haven't been any cases of this present in the actual story, however, so this should definitely be taken with a grain of salt.

  20. The BS01 Kraata Variations page only says that they are in constant communication with their respective Makuta when they reach Stage 6; whether this is executed via telepathy or Shadowspeak (how Makuta and Umarak communicated in G2, which I believe was also present in G1) is not explicitly stated.

    Either way, if it was going to be implemented, I would assume that it would only be for conversational purposes, where the knowledge conveyed would be limited at best, but that's something we would still have to discuss. The Makuta are already OP enough as it is, however, so I'm not really looking to give them anything extra.

  21. True. The only things we really have over the average sellsword at the moment are a base that used to be the old Ko-Wahi cable car station (which we used to charge a toll for), and an alliance with Ihu-Koro and Ta-Koro to help make sure that those pesky Makuta-worshipers don't end up crossing the Tren Krom Break and into Ta-Wahi, which so far, not much even remotely related to that has occured.

    Oh, and an entire armory filled to the brim with standard, non-tech weapons. And a prison for people we don't like, provided that we feel generous enough not to just straight-up kick them into the nearby river of lava in the first place. And an indoor bar that still charges people for drinks, though the player running it hasn't posted in a while. And other, like-minded individuals who will (probably) have your back when it's time to go out on missions.

    And the best part is that the entrance fee is only trial by combat $9.95! But yeah, solo mercs totally have access to all that stuff as well, so you might actually be better off going it alone.

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