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Ride Another Day

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Posts posted by Ride Another Day

  1. Goodness, I am brutally murdered every time. Is this like a punishment for my overpowered abilities in Bionifight or something? Whatever, A lone Kikanalo roams the open plain, just simply eating grass, when it uncovers the Mask of Time! My decapitated corpse rolls over on top of it and I am able to reverse my death. I then decide that this is simply too dangerous to meddle in Shadow Vezon and Onaku's plans, so I then start a Kikanalo farm and raise Kikanalo.




    My Mask of Time, Shadow's Ignika, and Onaku's masks

  2. At the ministry of silly walks, millions of dead Shadow bodies lay on the floor, all frozen. Aeron lays in a corner, lifeless. "I am sorry." I look at my newly acquired time killer sword. I had to use this to end the time Aeron had left on this world. I slice open a reality portal, but I am not fully recovered so the portal is merely like a window. The portal opens on Shadow Vezon. "You're next..." I close the portal, then ride off on a Kikanalo.



    Shadow, the me in the Super Nova is an afterimage :P .

  3. You made it sound like I stink at fighting! Whatevs...This was pretty well thought out though....



    I guess I'm still riding around on Kikanalo somewhere now. Seems Aeron is now the new threat thanks to Shadow Vezon, but due to all of the insanity that has just transpired, and this is like Pupwa insane, I think I am just going to leave now...

  4. Wait...How did we find either one of them?....My mind is hurting from all of this so I am just gonna take a break for awhile....Enjoy your birthday I guess.....

  5. IC:(5/20)"OW!!!" I throw a corpse off me. "Why does this place smell like my Kikanalo?" I then snap back to reality. I look around and notice a few dead enemies and Blade and Dapper land on the floor. "That is going to leave a mark." I then remember that Shadow is alive again (and with 2 hp, how convenient!) I then tunnel towards his general direction while keeping myself hidden from Shadow.

  6. I clench my chest in pain. "Dang it Shadow..." I crawl towards a little stream and dip myself in it. The stream is magical, as my Kikanalo brought me to it after another me almost killed me. I am instantly revived and run back towards Aeron and toss him into the stream. "Wha..." He mumbles. "Shadow has betrayed us. I know I probably am not on good terms with you guys right now, but if your are the so called hero, I need your help to stop Shadow from taking the mask and conquering us all, is this what you would want?" I hop on one of my Kikanalo and stare at Aeron. "Trust me or not, I must stop Shadow."



    The Master's mask.


    I guess to describe the new mask, The Master's position in the multiverse is hidden due to the mask. We don't revive any more I guess.

  7. "Psst! Guys, over here!" Shadow and Aeron look in my direction. A black portal is visible. "Guys, get in here." They cross in, but then subdue me and hold me. "GUYS!!! OW!! WAIT!" "Why do you still persist Rider" Shadow Vezon says. "Because you have all been duped." They release me. " I am a Watcher, Multiple mes watch over the other realities to make sure they won't fall to ruin right? Well I have news. Those mes aren't the me from those realities. I am not the real me either. We are the clones from a single being. We were an enhanced genetic clone sent all over the multirealities to find the Mask. That's where I come in. I found the mask, and my mind was set to return it to my master. I fought you guys over the mask, but as we fought, I started to question the mask, a programming for us clones that is not natural. I gathered you up and tried to prepare to fight the master, but I was betrayed by another me, who was the one who destroyed your guy's reality, and thrown me into another reality. I was trapped here until my reality portal making skills recovered and I found you guys...well...you two at least. Well, I know that it may seem sudden, but I am in need of your assistance to fight my master, who I am pretty sure has the mask. I leave it to you to find me innocent and help, or guilty and you may kill me."



    The Master's Mask.

  8. OOC: Chrom? Are you making a reference?

    Seeing how today is a new day? I have my powers back...right?


    IC: I notice the sound of crunching bodies. I turn and see a mandible puncture a body behind me. I freak out and slash my way back to the surface. When up, I notice that since this is a pile of bodies that were killed on the games and trivia section of BZPower, I find a few of my bodies and Set them up into fighting positions, using other random dead bodies to support them. "Hopefully this will work."

  9. IC:(12/20) "Shoot!" I look around and see many skull spiders surround me. 'This is the penalty I get for helping Luroka.' I look up and notice fishers' cart heading towards me. "I have only one shot." I jump up towards fishers cart and land on it, then I jump again and on to safer ground. I then use my sword and slice a hole and burrow down through the dead bodies, just to hide from Shadow Hawk's prestigious sniper skills, and cover the hole, making it look like it was before. I take a survey of myself. "Dang Spiders." (11/20). I then start to move bodies and move around the corpses.



    OOC: This seems logical...to me at least.

  10. OOC: Colette was in on the attack on Luroka as well...to be fair, I think she should also get a health point for dealing with the cheating. Just saying.

    Also, I don't mind taking damage, I just want to know why I took the damage just to come over and fight Colette? I wasn't aware of anyone cheating just that Luroka was in trouble and that he and Chro needed help.

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