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The Meta Knight

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Status Replies posted by The Meta Knight

  1. Hahli Mahri, refused to use instructions, assembled her wrong, still loved the set, didn't realize she was female, got Raanu later, and after that, one of the stars sets, my brother got Gresh, and I either got Takanuva or Tahu...I'm pretty sure it was Takanuva though, thinking, "hey, he's got the same name as that cool guy from the movie, but they don't look anything like eachother...OH WELL!" I later got a bucket of lego bricks which I found out the other day had...

  2. Dinosaur feathers are not a hypothesis. They're not even a scientific theory. They're fact.

    1. The Meta Knight

      The Meta Knight

      They're not just fact. They're tasty. No really. Try some.

  3. I'm joining The Battle For the Golden Mask Competition. Not that anybody reads my profile feed. :P

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