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Time Lord of Mata Nui

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  1. I've been with Bionicle from the start but I lost touch with the site during the great downtime. Not sure if I should add Turaga, since I never actually owned any.... So, I was thinking. There's been speculation that it could be a continuation, and I think I may have figured out how they could have it work per say. Excuse my ramblings below: Story picks up an uncertain time after the serials we saw the start of in 2010. Mata Nui is gone, but people still reference him/Teridax/the MU as a whole. All the, for lack of a better term, God like characters(Artakha and the ilk) have been killed/driven into hiding/something. The Mask of Creation was lost following what happened to Artakha, though it's said he left a few clues. Mata Nui, while still a member of the canon, is removed from the equation on the board following his, to quote SPIRIT's Bionicle in 2 Minutes, "Nap Time"The 5 Nuva and Tahu are our heroes. There's still the supporting cast of various different creatures/characters such as Roodaka, but I'd imagine they'd play out like the supporting characters in Ninjago where they aren't as important to the main plot.If I recall correctly(This was 4 years okay, so it might be fuzzy) The Great Being on Spherus Manga(Angonce) tried to stop Marender from being unleashed but was too late. I'm thinking maybe he's the villain, as the Toa worked to Protect the Matoran and well.....Programming can go haywire. Considering a Matoran can become a Toa, it's not too much to assume. Alternatively, someone on here suggested Teridax could have survived, which would actually make a lot of sense with Lego's recent trends in story telling(See Ninjago Backstory) but infuriate me at the same time.With these, we get Lego's 3 favourite trends for story telling: The Group of Heroes, the clear set dynamic between good and evil(Creation Vs. I'm assuming what will be akin to destruction), and the old evil coming back to haunt the current group(This may have just persuaded me on the whole Teridax thing even more.Anyways, that's my thoughts
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