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Sassy Dalmation

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Posts posted by Sassy Dalmation

  1. IC: Draco 

    "If you have any questions, feel free to ask them. The first day can be... overwhelming to many students." I say, trying to break the silence. Overwhelming indeed. I take a moment to reflect on my first day at Corpus, and I smile a little on the inside as the memories wash over me, before snapping back to reality. 


    OOC: Sorry this took so long.

  2. IC: Draco

    "Seems like it." I say, taking one last scan around, just to make sure everything was done. The Refectory certainly was cleaner than the last time I was here, although that didn't say much. Not bad, I suppose... I probably made another enemy today though. I sigh. You can't go through life without making a couple enemies, but I had made more than just a couple throughout my time here. I wonder what they're up to... Shaking my head back to reality, I say to the new Rahkshi, "Go get your food. I'll be sitting here." I then take a seat at a nearby table.


    IC: Carraig

    I wave back at Danger, watching until they exit the room. I then sigh, and take a seat. Things are going alright so far. I think to myself, smiling slightly as I recount the day's events. Still. Now's no time to rest. I need to continue on training, and become as strong and immovable as possible. I stand back up, and summon a couple of training dummies. Let's try on working on actually attacking today. I ready my claymore in my hand, and summon the dummies to come and attack me. As the first one approaches, I wait until it is within range, and aim a powerful diagonal strike at the dummy's shoulder. My blade cleaves the dummy in half, and it fades back into the gym. Satisfied, I start to get in a rhythm, practicing various slashes and strikes on the dummies.


    OOC: Carraig OFI

  3. IC: Draco

    "The only thing served here is the gruel. Again, not exactly the best, but it's better than nothing."


    IC: Carraig

    "True, he does need to learn to defend himself." I say, rubbing my own head, though still standing. "That doesn't mean you can beat it into him in just one training session though. If I had to wager, I'd say even the best warriors here struggled with even holding a sword at first. But they learned, not because they sparred once or twice, but they trained for a period of time. These types of things take time to develop. Plus, I don't think continuing on would be healthy."

  4. IC: Draco

    "Follow me then."  I say, turning to head to our original destination of the Refectory. Given how we had already walked a fair distance before picking up Explota, it didn't take long for us to reach. As we walk in, I look around. There were a couple of Rahkshi socializing, but other than that, it was relatively quiet. And clean, I thought to myself. Guess he finished. "Here we are: The refectory." I say to the two fresh Rahks. "The food here isn't the greatest, but it'll be nourishing enough to keep you going. Speaking of which... If you two want to get something to eat, now would be the time."


    IC: Carraig

    I block the first couple of hits, but a few strikes get through. Thankfully, my armor deflects most of that that got through, though one strike did dent my armor on my upper-arm. Growling a little in pain, I activate my powers, and wait for the next strike. When it comes, I reach out to grab the swinging blade, allowing my arm to move back slightly so all of that force didn't just stop painfully. I then attempt to pull the blade, and by extension, Danger, towards me, while aiming a headbutt at my opponent's own head. This might hurt...

  5. IC: Draco

    "We're going to be covering the entire school, so yes, we'll swing by the library. For now though, we're heading to the Refectory, as I need to check on something before we continue on." I say, waiting on the two to finish their greetings.


    IC: Carraig

    I spin my claymore so I'm holding it once again in the traditional way, then catch the swinging blade with the guard of my own sword. Bracing against the impact, I then slide my sword across Danger's own, and force the pommel of my sword violently so as to hit my opponent in the chest with it.

  6. IC: Draco

    For a moment, I was tempted to continue on with my harsh words, but then stopped. He's still young. Probably meant no harm. Besides, if he does try to attack me, I'm more than capable of taking him down. I sigh, shake my head, and say, "Sure. Come along if you want. We're touring the school. And..." I pause for a moment, and take a deep breath, before continuing, "I apologize for being so harsh in my words. You can never be too careful here, though."


    Bah. Even though I wasn't wrong about my treatment, I couldn't just snap at every Rahkshi I met. I had a duty, not just to Icarax and the Brotherhood, but to my brothers and sisters. I couldn't just be a brute with a short temper anymore; I had a reputation to uphold, and I needed the student body to not just fear me, but respect me as well.


    IC: Carraig

    With the blade of my sword still in hand, I stand my ground and wait. When the blade was in range, I thrusted the handle of my sword upwards, so that Danger's sword would be right next to the handle, before the guard redirected the thrust. I then throw a quick punch at Danger's torso.

  7. IC: Draco

    I simply sigh. Just your average day indeed. "Yes, I do mind. Do you have some sort of condition where you just have to make things explode? Not exactly something I would consider safe." I say, not bothering to hide my annoyance. Seriously. Why is it that for every normal Rahk, there's one just around the corner ready to commit arson or murder?


    IC: Carraig

    I frown a little. Not exactly the best strategy... I'm tempted to just end this quickly with a powerful thrust, but that would probably be too mean. I might as well take this opportunity to work on something... I lift up my sword, but instead of turning it over, I grab the blade, activating my power in my hands for safe measure. When the blade comes down, I lift my weapon horizontally, blocking it. I then rotate my sword, flinging Danger's sword arm to the side, and shove at him with the flat of my blade.

  8. IC: Draco

    "Admittedly, that's probably the best path to go down. With Icarax as the Headmaster now, he respects raw strength and fighting prowess above all else. That said, there are definitely a lot of other Rahks here you could get involved with. Musicians, poets, cooks, you name it."

  9. IC: Draco

    "Quite a few. Enough to destroy a nearby Matoran village." I say, remembering our field day with Gorast. That was quite a while ago. I think to myself, smiling slightly at the nostalgic memory. "That said though, not every single Rahkshi here is training to be a warrior. There are some who would prefer to stay within the realms of the arts or something other than fighting. I'm not sure why we are allowed this freedom, but I guess it's because this place is still an experiment."

  10. IC: Draco

    "Just to the Refectory. I need to go check on a couple of things, and I'm hungry after a duel." I say, then after a moment, "I'm guessing you don't know where that is. Are you sure you don't want a tour? The Makuta may leave us up to our own devices, but that doesn't mean we students can't help one another." Besides, if I'm supposed to keep order as a Prefect, I need people to not just fear me, but respect as me as well.

  11. IC:  Draco

    "In that case, your best bet would be the gym. It's back that way, through the double doors." I point behind me with one of my talons. "There's a couple of duels going on right now, as well as an assignment, but that's closed off as soon as it starts. Or you could do some solo training by summoning training dummies. The gym responds to your will." 

  12. IC: Draco

    I was lost in thought, so when Blizzard nudged me, I instinctively took a step back and reached for one of my swords, before realizing that I wasn't being attacked. My surprise quickly turned into annoyance. "You know, there are safer ways to get a Rahkshi's attention."  I say harshly. Easy now. She meant no harm. I think to myself. Taking a deep breath, I say in a much calmer tone, "Sorry. Where do you need to go? Or are you asking for a tour?"

  13. IC: Shock

    Thankfully, it didn't take me too long to reach the Infirmary, all things considered. With a sigh, I sit down on one of the beds, and wait quietly for Palma to administer her dose of healing powers. I swear, I'm getting sick of this divine-intervention-garbage with the Prefects. It's a bloody school for aggressive killing machines! Yet here we are, being babied, as if none of us can't put up a fight. What a joke. Well, hopefully I won't have to put up with it for much longer.


    IC: Mortsia

    "Follow me then." I say, before jumping into the air, grabbing onto the ceiling, and swinging myself so that I can crawl comfortably on the ceiling, before making my way to the Headmaster's Office, with Toxitora surely following.


    IC: Draco

    Well, this fight was going nowhere. With a sigh, I simply exit the gym, no real idea as to where to go next. Might as well go see if that loudmouth has finished his task. So, I begin to make my way to the Refectory. I begin to think about what I had seen in the gym. There were many new faces here, each of which had a story behind them. But one thing was certain: All of them were here for the sole purpose of becoming better at whatever they do, whether it be fighting or some other craft. I suppose that also includes me. I pause for a moment. I really have come a long way since my first battle...


    The sound of metal clanging could be heard as Stelio attacked me with ferocious blows, his axe forcing me backwards, as I hide behind my shield. "What's the matter? I thought you wanted to fight!" The Purple Rahkshi yells, laughing in glee. So much for fun, I thought to myself as I here Equis shooting me some "advice". "Come on! You can do better than that! Stop hiding!" Angrily, I turn my head briefly to say, "Easier said than done!"  Before turning back to the fight... Or rather, an axe at my head. "And dead. I win again." Stelio says smugly. I growl as I back up, frustrated at my lapse in attention. "Sorry." Equis says, embarrassed. "Why can't I ever even land a hit?" I growl, throwing down my gladius. "Seems I'm just too good for you. Although that doesn't say much. I mean, just look at you. You're small, weak. A liability. You can try and play as a warrior you want, but at the end of the day? You're weak. And you always will be." Equis gasps, and I begin to shake. "Uh... Maybe you should take a break, Avem. Besides, it's my turn to-" "No! I'll show him! I'll show him how strong I really am!" I snarl as I pick my gladius back up. "Draw!" Stelio shrugs, then readies his axe, smirking. I growl, then charge him, this time going on the offensive.


    Apparently, this is what Stelio expected. He prepared to block my sword strike. Only, it didn't come.Instead, I just charged into him full force with my shield. "What the-" He swings his axe towards me. This time, I was ready. I block the swing with my shield, then thrust my blade forwards, straight at his torso. Yes! I think to myself. I finally landed something!.. Or at least, I thought I would. With snake-like reflexes, my opponent grabs my arm, stopping my blade. "Oho! Looks like you still have some fight in you! Don't worry, I can fix that." He throws my arm to the side, and punches me hard in the gut. I stagger, and fall on my knees, before collapsing. "Learn! Your! Place!" Stelio shouts, kicking me again and again. I simply grit my teeth, and just endure the pain. As he turns away, clearly thinking he had won, I rise to my knees, ready to strike... But then, in the hallway just outside of the room, I see a massive shadow, just watching us. "Icarax..." I mumble. Stelio hears me, and sighs. "You just don't know when to give up, do you? Fine." He walks over, and hits me in the head with the flat of his axe. I collapse, the world fading to black. Equis runs towards us. The last thing I see is my father, just staring emotionless. I wish he had shown at least something, so I would at least be reassured that I had meant something to him in the first place.



    Shaking my head, I continue onwards.


    IC: Carraig

    I lift my massive claymore as a sign of strength, before setting it back down. My stance was no longer relaxed as I placed both of my hands on the hilt of my sword, and widened my feet. A fire now burned in my eyes. "Let's see what you have learned." I say, clearly not moving forward to attack. 


    OOC: Draco OFI.

  14. IC: Mortsia

    I frown. Does Icarax even take mail? "I uh... I'm not quite sure. It might be best to just slide it underneath his office door. Do you need me to show you where that is?" 


    IC: Carraig 

    " I just focus on being immovable, and my body reacts." I say to Danger, before hearing Revenge. At his request, I pause for a moment. Why would he ask me to fight Danger? He wouldn't exactly put up much of a fight to begin with... Unless he just wants me to just stand there and be a punching bag. The very thought of that made my blood boil, and I almost burst out, before taking a couple deep breaths. Calm down. It probably wasn't meant like that. Besides, it's about time I test my resolve on another Rahkshi.  "Sure. I'd be happy to."  I say, a smile on my face.
  15. IC: Dahl

    Personally, I wasn't the most thrilled about this whole situation. I knew that the best place to get paint was somewhere the mainland, and it wasn't exactly the safest place for a Rahkshi to travel. But on the other hand, I had never been personally, so it would be a good experience, and with three Rahkshi travelling there, It would at least be somewhat safer.So, I simply shrug. "If you're ready."

  16. IC: Dahl

    I smile a little at Limon's enthusiasm. Truly infectious. "I actually don't know if they have pots, but I doubt it. You would probably have to either make it yourself... Or maybe make one out of a bucket. Prolly wouldn't look as nice, but it'd be the simple solution."

  17. IC: Dahl

    "That would be a yes." I say, tapping on the table now. "All you have to do is claim one, and you're set!."


    IC: Draco

    I shake myself back to reality, as I hear the sounds of another fight going on. Turning, I see a dark purple Rahk combating against another Rahk, red and orange. Been a while since I've just watched a good fight. Might as well...


    IC: Carraig

    I shake my head.  "Not fully invincible, no. True, I can shrug off most blows from a sword, but any blunt weaponry will still mess me up. I can still be electrocuted, burned, frozen, and anything else like that."


    IC: Mortsia

    "Honestly, pretty much whatever they want to do."

  18. IC: Dahl

    I personally didn't grab any food, as I wasn't particularly hungry, and sludge didn't really stir my appetite. So instead, I just sat down, tapping my leg just to keep my hand moving. "So, while we're here, anything you want to know?"

  19. IC: Carraig

    "I am a Rahkshi of Limited Invulnerability." I say, looking to see how the two brothers would react. After all, there were probably quite a few students who thought I was just born lucky, and that any fight I win is just solely because of my powers.


    IC: Dahl

    This Chief fella intrigues me. I mean, usually when you're talking to someone, your third or fourth question isn't usually 'do you like to fight?' He might want a nice duel, or maybe some assistance in another area. 






    Or he could be making small talk you dimwit. Whatever the case, when I looked back, it was quite evident that food was on their mind. Oh, I m so sorry that I'm about to shatter your dreams of a pleasant meal. "Well, we're here." I say, stopping at the entrance to the Refectory. "The food ain't gonna be that good, but it's better than nothing. Besides, it'll give us a chance to talk." I still had a feeling that Chief was going to ask something from me.


    IC: Mortsia

    My frown becomes deeper. Why is she so interested in the God Twins? Is she going to join them? Is this another potential enemy?... Relax. It's probably just naivety. "They are definitely not... Nice. They killed another student. As to why they consider themselves gods..." I just shake my head.


    IC: Shock

    Well, I was pretty much all finished up with my cleaning. Sighing, I glance around the Refectory. I think that's as good as it's gonna get. With this strangely absurd rise in activity in here, I won't be able to do much else. I push the cart of cleaning supplies back into its closet, before approaching the Porter keeping me hostage here. "I'm done. So if you would kindly move, I would appreciate it." The Porter was hesitant to move, but after a couple moments, it moved aside, indicating I was free to go. "Thanks pal." I'm almost tempted to pat it on the head, giving it a nice shock, but I decided that I had gotten into enough trouble as it is. With that all done, I head to the Infirmary, to get all healed up, and then find that Turahk.


    IC: Draco

    I nod in agreeance, before turning around... Huh. I've seemed to have gathered an audience. One of the members was a young Rahkshi, his eyes bright with curiosity. I was a lot like that...




    I look on in sheer amazement at the Rahkshi sparring against two others. "He's huge!" I say to my companion, Equis, excitedly. "I bet he's super strong!" Equis, the more reserved Rahk that he is, chuckles in amusement at my excitement. "That's Feris. He's definitely a site to behold." My blood starts to burn as I look on at him, before I turn back to my friend. For some reason, his size didn't scare me. On the contrary, it made me excited beyond belief. "I want to fight him! I bet I could take him!" "Whoa whoa whoa. What did you say?" Equis turns back to me, concern in his eyes. "You heard me." "Oh, I heard you. I just think that's a ridiculous thing to say." "What? Why?" My companion stares at me in disbelief. "You'd get pulverized. We all would. The only one who wouldn't might be Vitesse, and that's a big maybe. The rest of us..." Equis shakes his head. "We wouldn't last five seconds. There's a reason he's father's favorite."


    As if to emphasize his point, one of the Rahkshi he was sparring against charged at him, eyes blazing as he slashed his broadsword at Feris' side. In a swift motion, Feris brought up his shield, blocking the slash with relative ease, before smiling cruelly at his attacker. In the next second, he was knocked on his back from getting hit with the shield, breathing heavily. I sigh. It was true. Compared to the last batch of intelligent Kraata, we were quite small, with the largest of us being only slightly above average. Myself? I was the runt of the group. I wasn't ridiculously small, but compared to Feris... All he would have to do would be to kick me, and I would go flying. "But still..." I try to protest. "Avem. Listen to me. Right now, you should set your goals lower. Just accept that you're not going to reach his level." Equis says sharply, then in a softer voice, "Let's go train with Stilio for now. Have some fun. Alright?" "...Alright." I say, resigned. Satisfied, Equis turns to leave. I am about to do the same, before I look back at Feris. He was talking with one of his companions, gesturing to his shield. That same fire starts to burn, and I clench my fist. I don't care what it takes. I will overcome him, and I will be the most powerful Rahkshi here. I won't stop until I achieve this goal, and go further beyond.

  20. IC: Draco

    "Indeed. You can only learn from this now." I say, smiling a little. "Take this defeat, and form it into your next victory."


    IC: Dahl

    "Apologies. I simply greet everyone like that." I say, standing up while grinning. "And we are doing a little tour. If you want, you could come with us, maybe get some food along the way."


    IC: Carraig

    I nod at Revenge's comments, before saying, "I would probably try to stand my ground against him, counter his slashes with my power, and get in a hit whenever I see an opportunity."


    IC: Mortsia

    I frown a little. I had never been asked to explain a portion of my speech, so this was a little odd to me. "There are two students, Ezec and Aza, who consider themselves to be gods."

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