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  1. Will do when I get home. -Kyther
  2. Whoof, finally got around to making a BZPower account xD So anyhow, downloaded the Pre-Alpha when it came out, and I'm quite impressed and excited for the full release! The few issues I can say I have are with the swimming(which I know is fixed, I read the updates), some small visual things(will elaborate on further down), and a small error where, if you tab out of the game, then click on it in the bottom bar to re-open it, an....interesting glitch happens with the mouse and the way you move the camera. It's fixed by talking to people, though. I also had a small gripe with the walking animation being slightly out of sync with actually walking, and the walking animation playing when you turn. Sometimes the game bugs when you try to get out of the water. Other than that, I found everything refreshing and nice I'm really looking forward to the update. The small visual things I thought a little visually irritating were the walking animation playing when you turned whilst stationary, and the backdrop with the mountains and waterfall not quite properly melding at the right distances with the water/foreground, making it sort of look like a weird bubble. These are all minor though, and I'm sure it will be fixed. It really doesn't detract from the great experience -Kyther If that doesn't appear for anyone else, that's probably just my computer. ;P
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