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Posts posted by Takamasaurus


    Oh yes Dilophasoaurus is one of mine as well. Even without the JP depictions. Though I liked that version too as it was my first interaction of the species.

    Same here. Those structures on its head are pretty cool. :P



    I also was very fond of Iguanadon as a kid. You can imagine how happy I was when Disney's Dinosaur came out; I mean, thumb knives and walking on six fingers, pinkies being used to grab things? That schnit' is cool xD Speaking of that movie, the Carnotaurus looked really cool. I really would not want to meet that thing. :no:



    Does anyone else here correct people when some says Pterodactyl? It's a Pterodon!


    Pterodactyl is what most people call Pterosaurs, when it reality, the word refers to one species of Pterosaur (Pterodactylus)  Pteranodon is the most commonly depicted Pterosaur in media, but many people give it Teeth when in reality it had none

  2. May i remind you of Yutyrannus. A Large Tyrannosaur relative that had a Full covering of Feathers and one of the Skeletons is an adult specimen that's covered in them (This Adult was 9 meters long). Feathers were used to keep this one warm, because it lived in a colder environment. However, those same feathers, that keep this dinosaur war, can also be used to make its relatives cool in hot conditions, making it possible that Tyrannosaurus had a full covering all throughout its lifetime. 


     Most of the Dinosaurs that we know had feathers fall into the  Coelurosaria family, which include Ostrich mimics, Raptors, and Even Tyrannosaurus Rex. Yes, even the King was likely feathered thanks to the discovery of one of its older cousins called Yutyrannus. Rather or not anyone likes them like that is a matter of opino and personal taste, but it must be rememberd that a Scaly Velociraptor is no longer an acurate Depiction.


    I think it's actually important to note the dinosaurs we know had feather-like structures that weren't Coelurosaurs, especially those like Kulindadromeus that are ornithischians, thus opening the doors to feathers (at least simple feathers) being basal to all of Dinosauria, which means any dinosaur could conceivably have been at least partially feathered (barring fossil evidence to the contrary, such as skin impressions.) It's like being on the brink of the next Dinosaur Renaissance, one that tears away the perception of the wrinkly, scaly, grey-green elephantine creatures of before and instead explores a large variety of possible integuments and structures and seeks to breath new life into old bones by bringing them even closer to the realm of true understanding.


    I can Go and Explain more things to you guys, but when i lurked on here back in 2006-2010, there was a Thread on dinosaurs, but it was closed for discussion of Evolution.


    Now that I certainly find strange, as I've been told directly by friends on the staff that discussion of evolution is not prohibited, merely discussion of the false controversy surrounding it. I'd imagine it was the latter that lead to the topic's demise.


    Now that that is over with, I want to say that my favorite dinosaurs would have to be those that rely on fish, like Irratator and Spinosaurus. There is one more that belongs in that group, but it's name escapes me.


    Perhaps you mean Suchomimus or Baryonyx? Most likely the latter, as of the two, Baryonyx is slightly better-known.


    Most interestingly, a new study on Spinosaurus found it may have been radically different from its relatives in its level of adaptations to semiaquatic life. Most notably, they found its legs are likely much smaller than predicted based on other spinosaurids. The extent to which they were shortened is something I last saw still being contested, but I'm under the impression it's at least certain the animal's legs were much shorter than previously thought.



    I am aware of Ornithosuchians with feathers. Such as Psittacaosaurus, and Yes, Kulindadromeous. Of course not all Scientists agree that the structures on Kulindadromeus were real feathers, but feather like structures.   Also, yes, Spinosaurus has gotten a Dramatic Overhaul, so much so that its being debated to be a quadruped



  4. WOW a topic I can get into.  I collect Dinosaurs from many different brands some are more Intricate then others, and recently i have been commissioning a Paleo artist to make my own line of Prehistoric models, made according to modern science (meaning some Theropods will be feathered).


    I can tell alot about these magnificent creatures. For instance 




     Most of the Dinosaurs that we know had feathers fall into the  Coelurosaria family, which include Ostrich mimics, Raptors, and Even Tyrannosaurus Rex. Yes, even the King was likely feathered thanks to the discovery of one of its older cousins called Yutyrannus. Rather or not anyone likes them like that is a matter of opino and personal taste, but it must be rememberd that a Scaly Velociraptor is no longer an acurate Depiction.


    Here is what they would look like



    Art by Emily Willoughby






    I can Go and Explain more things to you guys, but when i lurked on here back in 2006-2010, there was a Thread on dinosaurs, but it was closed for discussion of Evolution.

  5. Hello, My name Is Takamasaurus (I noticed there are a lot of Takamas here) and I Loved Bionicle since the day i got Pohatu in 2001.   I was a lurker on here from 2006 - 2010 and I was devastated when i heard that Bionicle was cancelled that year.    


    Since then I thought they never bring it back, so i Moved onto another hobby i had, which is Dinosaur Collecting.   Now that I saw that Bionicle is rebooted, I decided to Finally join this website under a name that honers both my hobby's. I don't know anything story wise from 2010 - 2014 as i was focused on Dinosaurs, but I thought I would not need to, as the series is getting a reboot

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