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Kovsorr the Collectinator

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Posts posted by Kovsorr the Collectinator

  1. IC: Phobia (Gym)


    "Perhaps," he muses.


    Then he continues, "Well, I must thank you for that bout of 'sparring'. I must admit I enjoy causing pain almost as much as you enjoy receiving it."


    With that, Phobia turns on his heel and leaves the Gym.

  2. IC: Phobia (Gym)

    Phobia allows the trace of a smile to creep onto his face.

    "If you insist..."

    He lifts his foot and stomps down hard on her chest.

  3. IC: Phobia (Gym)

    The other rahkshi seemed to almost be... enjoying the pain of his strike. Rubbing his shoulder cut, he walks up to her.

    "Had enough?"

  4. IC: Phobia (Gym)

    Phobia sees the strike coming, and twists his body awkwardly to avoid it. The knife grazes his shoulder, and he lets out a grunt of pain before attempting to punch her in the jaw.

  5. IC: Phobia (Gym)

    "If you insist... but be warned, I can cause you a lot of pain."

    Phobia draws his wrist-axes, and leaps forwards, swinging his axe at her legs.

    OOC: To visualise Phobia's wrist-axes, think the Bionicle Gen 2 axe pieces, connected like Gresh's blades.

  6. IC: Phobia (Gym)


    Phobia hears the insult, and cocks his head, looking at Kri.


    "If you intended to provoke a reaction from me, you're going to fail. I do not find childish, pathetic comments like yours offensive in the slightest. If you wish to spar with me, then I will oblige you. Otherwise..."


    Phobia projects an aura of fear towards Kri.


    "Get out of my way, fool."


    OOC: Sup to you too, capMARVELOUS!

  7. IC: Phobia (Hallways ---> Gym)


    Phobia stops leaning against the wall, and strides into the gym, looking over the Rahkshi gathered in there.


    He walks forwards, looking for someone to spar with.


    OOC: Phobia wants a sparring partner.

  8. But throughout this time, I was only pretending to be a burnt corpse!


    I leap up and throw a poison dart into your neck. You fall and I grab the mask out of your hands before you land in the electrified water, dead.


    My mask.

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