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Posts posted by Wolfrenz0




    Why do we care so much about this drill anyways? There isn't even any story featuring the PoE


    Because it might be a confirmation of the existence of Adamantium - albeit under a slightly different name - in the reboot, instead of the expected Protosteel.

    Nothing will be confirmed by a product description. Need I remind you of the stinger tail?

    That's why I said it MIGHT be a confirmation. Not likely, but an intriguing possibility nonetheless. If I turn out to be right though, all you naysayers owe me an Adamantium phone case.

    That'll be one hefty phone case! I bet it's just an adjective showing how strong the drill is. I've seen it called the "Dimaond Star Drill" in some places.

    Why do we care so much about this drill anyways? There isn't even any story featuring the PoE



    Because it might be a confirmation of the existence of Adamantium - albeit under a slightly different name - in the reboot, instead of the expected Protosteel.


    Nothing will be confirmed by a product description. Need I remind you of the stinger tail?

  3. So, uh, ignoring the Adamantium discussion going on, I'm having problems choosing a Toa/Protector combo. I like Lewa with his protector because of their colour and functions, but I like Gali with her protector because of her look and overall... Feel of the sets.

    Gah. Little help?

    Gali all the way




    May I ask how Takanuva was resurrected at the end of the movie?

    Movie magic? Nonsense. It was perfectly explained. Why, they... Well, they... Uh...


    Quick! Look at the obvious distraction!

    Vakama: Yes, well, nevermind that. Listen again to the legend of the BioNicle!


    Jaller: Wait, what? But we just lived through it!


    Vakama: Err, err; Gathered friends, listen again to the legend, of the Bi--


    Pohatu: No seriously man, what exactly was that thing? How did Takua--


    Vakama: Oh, look everyone, I am obviously having a vision and not a stroke! Hmm yes Wairuha, I am listening. Okay okay. *tries to use Jedi mind trick* You will go to Voya-Nui, Mata Nui is becoming more than sleepy.


    Iruni: What? Vakama, answer our question.


    Dume: He's right guys, get a move on.


    Jaller: Can I come?


    Vakama: It worked! Thanks Wairuha. *winks*


    Wairuha Spirit: *winks back*


    That played out like a beautiful sitcom.




    Everybody's jonathans are getting crumpled over Tahu not wanting to fight an entire swarm of skull spiders. It's really funny.


    Well, for a central hero to flee is a little out of expected character.

    He hasn't really done anything heroic though, has he?

    Lava surfing...that's gotta count for something...

    Would you count that as lava surfing? He was T-posed on the board, flailing around!




    Everybody's jonathans are getting crumpled over Tahu not wanting to fight an entire swarm of skull spiders. It's really funny.

    Only one crumpled jons by my counts.

    Still less than whenever someone brings up genders. That never ends well.

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