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Posts posted by Grungemeister

  1. Thursday is an Aenglish variation of the continental name Thorsday. Yep, pagan remnant marked for Thor Odinson, protector of mankind and serpent slayer.


    Likewise, Wednesday is a similar Aengle variation of Odinsday, calendar day for Odin.

    Actually, all of the days of the week are like this!

    Sunday - Sun's Day

    Monday - Moon's Day

    Tuesday - Tiw's Day

    Wednesday - Odin's Day

    Thursday - Thor's Day

    Friday - Frigg's Day

    Saturday - Saturn's Day (the only one named after a God who is non-Norse)


    Other facts:


    There are two main varieties of sea snakes, true sea snakes, which are closely related to Australian terrestrial snakes, and kraits, which are closely related to Asian cobras.


    Also, sea snakes are highly venomous, but they are not aggressive and they have short fangs, and thus are not very dangerous.


    While there have been many spaceflight related deaths (18 in flight, or 19 if you count the X-15 incident, and 13 in training and test flights), only three have actually happened in outer space. This was the Soyuz 11, which decompressed after detaching from the Salyut 1 space station.


    Many people say the German is the closest language to English, but Dutch is actually much more similar.


    Most Japanese cars are actually more American than American cars, as they are mostly manufactured in the United States.

    • Upvote 1
  2. I'm going to say it's partly just cause Matau, and partly because people (and Matoran) naturally like to name immigrant cities and regions after their homes. For example, the East coast of the United States is called New England, and many German cities in the Midwest take nams from German cities, such as Frankfort, Kentucky, Bremen, Ohio, and my favorite, Germany, Indiana. It may have also been confusing for the Mata Nui Matoran if the Po-Matoran were in Po-Wahi/Koro, the Ga-Matoran in Ga-Wahi/Koro etc. but the Le-Matoran were in Bo-Wahi/Le-Koro.


    I certainly see where you're coming from, though. Every other Wahi/Koro is fairly similar to its Metru counterpart, but there's not much similarity between a skyscraper transport hub and a swampy jungle.

    • Upvote 3
  3. Behold, my favorite fun fact: shirts have collars so that way back when, a person working outside could pop the collar to keep their neck from being sunburned. They would put them down when they went to formal events like church, weddings, etc., hence why collars being down is formal. Also, sports that you play outside with no protective gear, such as golf, polo, and tennis, also use collared shirts so you can pop it and not get sunburned.

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  4. Okay, I am not the main musician, nor do I think myself as even remotely one, but nonetheless I made a quaint song for Vora'nkaj.



    (Note: I'm Vanson, I just have a different avatar and name. I'm not sure if I've posted here since I changed it.)

    This is good! It has a sort of sparse feel, which is certainly unique for tribal drumming. It feels almost ambient. As the composer, I can help you with making music for this project if you want to.


    Do we need more like tribal drumming music for this? I made a drums track a while back, but I can make more if this style would work better.

  5. Hello, all! I've been fairly busy, but I'll have time to work on music and stuff now. Is there anything that needs music? I can usually create a better and more organized composition when I have a definite inspiration  :P

    EDIT: Ungeheuerlich (http://www.bzpower.com/board/user/116997-ungeheuerlich/) has PM'd me and said that he/she wants to help, but can't really PM anybody. Expect to see him/her around this thread!

  6. Hello, everyone! I'm back from a hiatus that was a combination of being out of town and stuck in a musical rut. Hopefully I can get some more music out here.


    If you're still looking for musicians I can help you. (You can listen to something I made in my signature). :)

    Welcome, fellow musician!

  7. I recently finished watching Gravity Falls, and that was a feels roller coaster if I've ever felt one. It's also one of the most genuinely funny shows I've watched in a long time.

    Um, the section for unfashionable grandma clothes is over there.

    ​Yeah? Well, the section for people who lose at mini golf is OUT THERE! *exit sign*

    ​WHOA! Did someone call an ambulance? Because we heard a little girl just got BURNED!


    High school, where girls become women and we learn stuff about...you know what.


    Oh yeah, baby!

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