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  1. Well uh... I'm just going to slide right by that big ol' debate there. Anyhow, hi. Xyz the Day here, if anyone remembers me. I used to come around here, but lots of things happened and now I don't have the means to recover my old account, so, starting afresh, it seems. As for the topic, I am of the opinion that the story ends with Journey's End - and Sahmad's Tale. While I don't acknowledge the unfinished serials, Sahmad's Tale was completed, albeit after the end. But as long as it's finished, I'm fine, and I would hate to leave *it* unfinished in turn just so that I could cut the story off cleanly at Journey's End. As for the Greg reveals, well, I'm not even sure that I fully understand them all in the first place. So I'm still kind of digesting that stuff. I do like some of the ideas, though; for example, Velika as a Great Being is pretty cool. Not sure what I think about the Red Star, but there it is.
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