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Electric Light Gunhaver

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Posts posted by Electric Light Gunhaver

  1. Honestly, I feel like I come here just to gawk and to see if the website still exists. Got kinda spooked when I saw the error message from the old forums when trying to find them a few months ago. I really have nothing to say anymore that would be of value, and most of my interaction with people on the internet has become much more intimate, so most of my thoughts go into speaking with friends I've made. 

    , the reason I joined this site in the first place was to talk to my friend over the internet before we discovered Discord or even used email to chat. But now he's long gone from here and hasn't logged on in probably about a year. I don't know, I sure don't pay attention. 

    I really think it's the fact that I'm still technically a member of a community that I stay. Some sort of obligation. I never really felt like I integrated, but with something like a forum, you're either in the in-crowd or you isolate yourself. I really only ever posted in the Games section, in the threads that really didn't require much effort into posting, so it doesn't really surprise me that I didn't make any real, lasting connections. Though few and far between,  I have good memories of the short time I've been here, but I don't think I have nostalgia for it. It was my first foray into the world of online interaction, and it has its charm, but it is no way my go-to place for discussion of my interests. It's just kind of a reminder of where I started, and by Jove, did I start late. 

    You know, I always feel like I turn these things into meaningless rants. Never got that out of my system I guess. Hah hah. 

  2. What an odd thing to say. What exactly do you mean by that, TTL?


    Things have been moving fast, but at least I have a course of action and friends to help me. I'll take solace in that.


    Also, I'm glad DavePro has started airing Golden Wind. I've been hyped since the livestream those months ago. 

  3. These past few months have been difficult for me,too. But as long as you keep at it, things start to be better.


    Grief is a difficult thing to deal with. That's one of the weirdest and stupidest things I've said on this forum, but I do not have the words to describe it. All I can say is that I'm sorry for you, and that I wish the best for you, TimeLord. 

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  4. Hey, everyone! Sorry I haven't been around as much. There hasn't been a lot that I've wanted to, well, share... 

    Anyways, I want to say thank you for keeping this place alive for two years! That's amazing to me!

    Here's hoping we make it to three!

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