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Year 07


  • Birthday April 14

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  1. Hello there, and welcome to BZPower.

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      Oh, and what are the rules on replying to old threads? I remember that happening a lot when I used to come on here, I don't want to be that guy. Sorry I don't know a lot about forum culture and communication; what actions are frowned upon and all that.

    3. Bonkle


      I'm pretty much just a lurker these days myself, if I remember correctly the topic revival limit is 60 days, but I could be wrong. I think each subforum has a pinned thread that should tell you.

      Last time I was here @Aderia was writing some great fanfics that were sort of a tangential/alternate approach to the Metru Nui storyline. In general though I think you'll find more original fan fics than things picking up on canon.

      I'm actually selling on another forum site where I do more business but BZP has a buy/sell/trade forum as well so I might list them here too, eventually, never done any deals here.

      I agree there's something to be said for a more traditional forum over social media. BZP is pretty laid back as long as you aren't being a jerk to anyone, so I don't think you'll run into any issues. At this point I think what's left of the community will be happy for some new active members, lol.



      Hey, thanks for the advice, man! I'll start looking around and seeing what I can find. See you around, it was nice talking with you. And I'll definitely check out Aderia's stuff.

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