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Everything posted by Imnotactive

  1. Not-Nuju and that Kakama-wearing air villager seem to be liked most. Not-Maku was kinda rushed to get a water villager, i will probably upgrade it later today Protector of stone has his individuals, reaching the image limit (one char that i have pics for, and links for, cant fit.) So, should i get rid of side and back pics? Or just the side ones? Also, should i have a larger bios for them?
  2. Use the "Report" link underneath the first post, and a staff member will change it. For now, though, title updated. Thanks
  3. how do i share imgur pictures without people having to click a link to see it?
  4. Thanks for the support guys, I'll get to work on the individual pictures tonight, for now, some official sets cosplaying as each other while carving pumpkins http://imgur.com/1l9gf4S Added individual pictures, also how can i rename posts? i want it renamed to something like Jupoawp's MOC hub. Edit: Double post merged. -Wind-
  5. would get one of these if i had onua and had extra afterwards
  6. Mask maker can make masks to give various powers to others
  7. Hey guys, Jupoawp here, and this is the place where you can find all my MOCs As for the titles in my custom universe, Protectors are Toa, Villagers are Matoran/Tohunga, Turaga are... Turaga....... All of these are nameless, just titles for now. Old, Low quality group photo: http://i.imgur.com/mgCMGcO.jpg New group photoshttp://i.imgur.com/wTjqZbW.jpghttp://i.imgur.com/72XqnlB.jpg(some of them have been modified since the group photo, and some weren't even built back when i made it) Protectors Protector of AirMask: Noble Miru Gender: Male Protector of Ice Mask: Great Akaku Gender: Male Protector of Earth Mask: Noble Ruru Gender: Male Protector of Water Mask: Great Kaukau Nuva (adaptive) Gender: Male Protector of Stone Mask: Kakama Nuva Gender: Male Protector of Fire Mask: Great Kaukau Gender: Female Villagers Ice Villagers 01 Mask: Powerless Akaku Nuva Gender: Female 02 Helmet: Metus Gender: Male Water VillagerMask: Powerless HunaGender: Female Fire Villager Helmet: Furno Gender: Male Air Villager Mask: Powerless Kakama Gender: Male Others Turaga of Ice (NOT NUJU) Mask: Noble MatatuGender: Male Thats all for now.
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