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Hovoki Zehvor

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Posts posted by Hovoki Zehvor

  1. Gathered Friends! 

    After wanted to try filming Bionicles for years, I finally spontaneously gave it a try a few days ago. You can watch the resulting short film HERE.

    A huge thank you to Suddenly Oranges for being a huge inspiration to me, Reviving Bionicle is my favourite series of all time and means so much to me. Every Bionicle video I ever make will be in homage to their work. 



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  2. On 1/18/2021 at 10:16 AM, Lenny7092 said:

    Hi, guys. I have collected Bionicle’s sets in 2006-2010, all Hero Factory sets, and all Bionicle G2 sets in 2015-2016 (I never got Agil, though, because he wasn’t available in the US). So, here’s my question: 


    Which set should I get the most (because 2021 is Bionicle’s 20th anniversary)? For me, well, here are some things: 

    1. The Toa Mata 

    2. The Toa Nuva 

    3. 2003 Makuta 


    People keep talking about them, and they’re so tempting.

    The Toa Mata make a great display piece, I usually display either them or the Inika. They usually aren't too hard to acquire, either. That 2003 Makuta is incredible though, it's one of my white whales too!

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  3. On 12/27/2020 at 8:54 PM, Alyska said:

    As memey as it is these days, Bring Me To Life by Evanescence for the 2008 era.

    “Alive” by Sia describes 2006 pretty well.

    “What the Water Gave Me” by Florence and the Machine for 2007 as a whole and “Last Day on Earth”  by Kate Miller-Heidke for Matoro’s sacrifice.

    ”Earth Intruders” by Bjork for the Bohrok... or should that be Bjohrok?

    “King and Lionheart” by Of Monsters and Men for the plot of Mask of Light.

    Wow, I've always loved Of Monsters and Men but I've never made a Bionicle connection before. That's perfect! Kinda want to make a video now..

  4. The mask of creation looks exactly like what I always pictured Artakha's mask in G1 to look like, so it has great MOC value for me. The Unity mask of ice is pretty slick (no pun intended) as well. Just because of the rarity and colouration, the trans orange promo mask of fire is just that: fire.

  5. Honestly, G2 was a pretty awesome tribute that we never thought we'd see. I'll never forget buying my first BIONICLE set in 5 years, and G2 brought me back to the theme in general. I do think it's pretty curious that we won't get a mask of ultimate power now. 




    Could this mean Greg might give us G1 updates now?

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  6. July 5, 2015, 4:05 PM

    The Deep End of the Pool

    Nearby the Pool Filter


    Pridak: …hmm…

    Takadox: What is it?

    Pridak: Oh, hey, Takadox. Mantax got stuck in the pool filter trying to get his chess pieces out. I’m trying to think of a way to get him out…

    Mantax: Please hurry up with that. There’s all these leaves and dead bugs and…various insundry pieces of flotsam and jetsam.

    Takadox: That…does sound thoroughly miserable. Anyway, some new prisoners got tossed in here. They’re here for life, too.

    Pridak: …for life? Wow. Who are they?

    Takadox: The Piraka. Zaktan and his old gang.

    Pridak: Huh. Honestly, I’m surprised it took them this long to get tossed in here. What they’d do?

    Takadox: Apparently they were found guilty on 5,769 counts of treason. Took our makeshift court 5 years to finish the trial.

    Line of the year so far from Takadox  :D

  7. I'm going to predict we get an infected villager as Makuta before eventually getting his true form later. I'd love to see villager small sets and a set of 6 new main villains. 


    I like the theories about G1 patterns being present in G2, such as the Uniters being similair to the Toa Nuva. I don't think we see beasts-kal, as I see Umarak the destroyer as a sort of parallel for the kal.


    I don't know who said it, but the Rahkshi in CCBS would be the BEST!

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  8. I remember seeing those on the LEGO site a really long time ago, probably 2002-2003. It was an article about the origins of the BIONICLE franchise. It talked about the Pacific island cultures that inspired the island of Mata Nui, early set prototypes (specifically, this one) and, of course, these mask prototypes. There was this one really freaky one, too:



    It kind of makes me think of an Mata Nui Onu Matoran. It looks like a mining helmet and has a subterranean feel. 


    I'd like to see the very first mask posted here in G2! It looks very Okotan to me. 


    Accurately sums up Tahu stars. Good stuff!

    Thanks! Nice to see you around again, Hovoki.

    Good to be back! 


    This is great stuff, is it a continuation of sorts? I'd love to read up on the past exploits of the Barraki or the Playmobil fleet. 

  10. Good topic! I think there's a tremendous amount of potential in Okoto. Here's what I would do.

    One more book/serial to (more or less) wrap up G1 as we know it:

    - The Chronicler's Company are made into Toa-like beings by a Great Being  

    - The Toa Chroma (or something, maybe Toa Magna) defeat the Golden Being and his Skakdi, freeing the Toa Mahri. 

    - A jealous Ahkmou literally stabs Velika in the back when he is least suspecting it, killing him in the ultimate surprise move and in a fluky way. 

    - The Chroma and Mahri defeat the Barraki

    - The Chroma and Mahri defeat Marendar in the ultimate showdown

    - The Red Star is destroyed forever, but a few select character escape to Spherus Magna. (CoughLhikanCough)

    - The Toa Nuva are re-united and save Lewa

    - This last saga ends with Ahkmou walking towards a huge fortress in the distance, with the The Shadowed One looking on from it's walls. This leaves the door open for what I think would be an epic eventual G3. Also, Vakama meets Lhikan.


    My G2 idea: 

    - With a new world being formed and the MU inhabitants being integrated with the Agori and Glatorian, the Toa Mahri stay to defend six new "Koro Magna", while the Toa Chroma search for several known remaining Toa. 

    - The Toa Nuva meet the Great Beings. They reveal that the stars have revealed a cry for help in a distant world. Emotional goodbyes are said as the Nuva prepare to board special new canisters built by the great beings to take them to the distressed world. As they blast off into the sky, a great being reveals that they are destined to return to Spherus Magna one day. 


    On Okoto, the Toa are much like their original Mata Nui selves. They have no memories, and they are far from united (much like 2001). The mask hunt and story remains the same, but with more interaction with the protectors and islanders.

    Almost everything would be the same plot wise, but the Toa would have the same characteristics as the heroes we know and love. The mask of time would eventually be a link to Spherus Magna.


    Soooooo, my G2 would have 

    - The aforementioned story adjudstments.

    - Canisters 

    - Same Toa Nuva we know from G1, just wiped memories

    - More significant new characters and deeper skull villains with more substance. 


    As things are, I can't wait to see what TLG comes up with! I love the sets and I think in reality we couldn't ask for much better of a reboot.


    (What if there were four pillars sticking out of the ocean that happened to be the fingers of a long-ruined giant robot? ;) )

    Love this^

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