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Posts posted by Ungeheuerlich


    Much of it nigh-unpronounceable though. :P

    Yeah, because Jarraradat isn't particularly hard to pronounce at all, now it is? Grant it, the word is not really in-use anymore, but how am I suppose to know the second 'ra' is pronounced as 'la'. So 'Jarra-La-Dat'. And you're calling my stuff unpronouncable. Yeah, I get it, it's an accent, but my point is your average Joe won't know how to properly say it. You'd be excuse if you can't read 'Axolotl' or 'Kvass' because the X as Sh is not in English, same as tl, or V as a partial U. It's unique, hence why I use it. More so the former.


    Just saying.


     Well, Nahuatl's pretty simple to pronounce compared to some other languages. Have you heard of English? What a mess. It's spoken on an island off the coast of Europe and half the words have irregular pronunciation.

  2. Sorry I haven't answered in a few days. I was out of town for a while. 



    I'm really open to whatever's most needed. However, there a few of those choices are going to be harder than others. 


    Skrall should be pretty easy. I know some German, and a lot of the vocabulary and grammar carries over to some extent. I would probably have to make it a bit more German-based, though. 


    Nealite, too, should be fine. I had an idea about preserving the way Latin case endings work, and I'll of course use that Agori alphabet. 


    Hmm, I don't know about this. I've never had any experience with Farsi or any other Indo-Iranian language at all. Same with Navajo. From what I've read, the grammar is really complex and it's a tonal language sort of like Chinese.

    I had another idea where I could create the Skrall and Nealite Agori languages, then make Vorox by creolizing them. In terms of lore, I think that might actually be a better choice since the Vorox originally spoke the same language as the Agori (unless in TRA lore they're supposed to have reinvented their own language).

    Plus, it'd be a little twisted--they're their own people now, but they retain remnants of both of their tormentors. 


    Matoran should be about medium in difficulty. I don't know any Maori, but like you said, there's a lot of vocabulary to work with already. Here, I think it would be best to make Matoran a highly analytic language.

    Basically, that means meaning would be determined more by different words and word order (as in English or Chinese) rather than changes to those words, like a synthetic or agglutinative language (as in German or Japanese). I don't know if I'm making sense here, so if I'm not, just ask about it. 

    Anyway, the main reason for convenience. Making it analytic would take care of the random mix of vaguely exotic-sounding words put together for Matoran terms. Like you said, Lego clearly wasn't thinking of an organic language with those. Instead of having to shoehorn in weird grammar rules and irregulars for the inconsistencies, we could just make each irregular term its own independent word, simplifying the grammar immensely. 


    Dunno about the Great Being language. Not sure exactly what you want, but it doesn't seem like it'd be too far off from Matoran. 


    For Bone Hunter, I could definitely do something with Turkish, since I'm familiar with that, but I might have to substitute Mongolian for Korean, which I'm also familiar with, but incorporate Mongolian elements. 

    Also, and correct me if I'm wrong, it looks like from the influences of Turkish and Mongolian that you want an agglutinative language with vowel harmony. 


    I also had some thoughts about a Zyglak language, to take influences from Russian and other Slavic languages. 



    Well, mostly the lore ideas are linked to the gameplay. For example, I thought we could incorporate part of the story serials and have the Vorox only become civilized after an event chain about Kabrua entering the desert or something, unless that's what already happens in the lore or the lore contradicts that. 


    Hi, everyone. Yep, I'm a he, and that's Louis. 

    Hey wassup? And welcome to BZPower.


    So, what did you have in mind contributing with? Music? Art? Some lore ideas? Though keep in mind that with lore I am particular over, but I am open to new ideas.


    I do have some ideas for lore, but in particular I'm interested in creating some  or at least part of some languages for the project. 



    Hi, everyone. Yep, I'm a he, and that's Louis. 

    Hey wassup? And welcome to BZPower.


    So, what did you have in mind contributing with? Music? Art? Some lore ideas? Though keep in mind that with lore I am particular over, but I am open to new ideas.


    I do have some ideas for lore, but in particular I'm interested in creating some  or at least part of some languages for the project. 


    Oh yeah, and also some ideas specific to EUIV gameplay like mechanics, ideas, national ideas, that sort of thing. 

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