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Posts posted by VakamaHordika147

  1. I don't really like the idea of Bionicle having crossovers to be honest. Bionicle is a story driven franchise and those don't tend to work as crossovers. Franchises like Mario and Sonic crossing over are fine because they almost always have very simplistic stories, but stuff like Bionicle with a story focused narrative usually doesn't work. The only thing that I could see working for these type of franchiese is something like Persona Q. Basically we see the Agori and Matoran team up, even though this sort of already happened. I probably sound like a huge hypocrite because I like Kingdom Hearts, but whatever.

  2. I get what you're trying to go for, and I completely understand you just wanted to build a CCBS Takanuva, so I'm not gonna criticize the lack of original building.


    That being said, there's room for improvement here.


    Main gripe is that literally only his lower legs and feet are the only white parts of his body here. G1 Takanuva has always had a primarily white body with his only other major color being his armor. I get that this isn't G1, but if you're trying to go for something that's more recognizably Takanuva, I'd recommend using significantly more white parts. At the very least, I think his arms should be white too, not just his legs.


    I guess I'll commend the use of Onua's mask, considering Takua used to wear a Pakari before he transformed. Was that what you were going for? Nice little reference there if so. Though I can see why others would have a problem with just blatantly using Onua's mask, I'm okay with it.


    I'd keep the gold armor, since that was always Taka's thing. Good call there.


    The short version: Needs way more white parts, but keep the gold armor, and I'm pretty okay with the choice of mask.

    Got it! I’ll try to add more white.

  3. Found a pretty good deal on Gold Good Guy. The thing is I don’t know if he is worth it. Sure his mask is cool and he’s collectible. Other than that he isn’t that important. Normally I make my own decisions but I really am split, so I thought I’d ask the community. Is he worth it?

  4. I’ve done the best, now I must do the worst. Out of all 4 years of Hero Factory, in your opinion what was the worst? The same rules apply. Vote in the poll or comment below, or both.



    In my opinion the worst year was 2011, or as you may call it 2.0. In my opinion only a few of these sets were good. The sets I like are Nex, Evo, and Fire Lord. The rest of the sets have helmets I don’t really like. They are very basic and small, and they don’t feel like upgrades, they feel more like downgrades. In my opinion the worst sets are Furno, and Breeze. There new helmets are very ugly and show too much of their heads. Their new weapons aren’t great ether. But that’s just my opinion.


    So leave your thoughts below!


    I'm pretty sure the reason for a lack of discussion regarding City of Legends can be attributed to the lack of info, lack of content and fact that the game just... sort of popped up out of nowhere.


    However, having always adored the setting of the un-visoraked Metru Nui, I'm equally sad that this game also got canned as I am about LOMN. Plus, these are just the two we know about - how many other cancelled projects may be waiting undiscovered?




    What's more surprising to me is that they didn't just keep working on this game while incorporating the 2005 story into it to make a 2-year saga game in the same vein as the OG Bionicle Game (the 2001-03 story saga). The video makes it look like it would've been a quality game and giving them an extra year to flesh out everything would've only improved that imo.

    You know that’s a pretty good idea. I don’t know why the developers didn’t do that, considering EA did it for the first game. My only guess why is because they would miss the 2nd movie’s deadline. Even though if they kept working they could probably reach the 3rd movie’s release date.

  6. Star Wars Episode 3 Revenge of the Sith (2005)



    The CGI is amazing it’s hard to think this movie was made in 2005.

    Some of the actors are really good, especially Ewan Mcgregor and Ian Mcdirmand.

    Unlike the other prequels, the story is actually important to the Star Wars Saga. You care about what’s going on.

    The build up to Darth Vader is awesome in my opinion.

    The fight scenes are incredible! The combination of the CGI and the choreography makes them a joy to watch.

    The soundtrack is possibly my favorite soundtrack in any movie ever.



    The movie does drag out a little long.

    Some of Hayden Christensen’s lines are pretty bad such as “Love won’t save you Padmé only my new powers can do that.”

    Some people may find that the Darth Vade build up is rushed, personally I don’t.


    So overall this is my personal second favorite Star Wars movie, only behind a Empire Strikes Back. I rate this an A on an A to F scale.

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