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The Forge of Artakha

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Posts posted by The Forge of Artakha

  1. 12 hours ago, Mel said:

    I think this is always a good thing to bring up.

    @The Forge of Artakha A lot of us enjoy playing with Zyrgak--he's a fun villain to fight, and we appreciate the enthusiasm you're bringing to the table with him.  However, his extra powers essentially boil down to be really strong, so he doesn't have the vast flexibility of the Toa or other beings that are going to be set against him.  It's okay if he doesn't notice this--it's one of his character flaws, after all--but you should realize that Ta-koro is filled with people that can teleport, see through walls, summon fireballs, and a vast number of hobbits which will immediately go for the knees.  And they don't just have knives.

    Yeah, never intended to get out of there easy, although at the time I thought it was up to the player to make it as convincing as possible. But this actually makes that more fun now since the prison break that he will try eventually in the next arc won't be entirely on my end and there will be actual opposition and that gets me hyped for the next arc even more. Also thanks your first comment, really appreciate it. His original design was kinda like a mini boss you can find in mmos where he'd spawn, wreck havoc, and depending on player count or ability he'd be defeated. That's basically what happened in his first interaction which made me really happy how many players got involved (it was also unexpected). And finally... hobbits. LOL         

  2. 4 minutes ago, 25K Now! said:

    Krayzikk probably wouldn't have noticed if your character just turned up without having ever been in jail at the start of next arc lmao. Would've missed out on actually RPing a cool prison break, but that's the easiest way to pull off a prison break.

    This might have been useful before.-.- 

  3. 3 minutes ago, Krayzikk said:

    I'm not privy to exactly what was discussed already, only what I am explaining now. An imprisoned character is difficult to get out. That's by design, because village forces are under the direction of players as much as the PCs that lead them. It's not supposed to be easy to get out. A jailbreak isn't against the rules, but the manner in which you have gone about it does run contrary both to courtesy in dealing with village forces, and directly goes against the Common Sense Guide's section on NPCs. 

    Neither of which do I think either of you intended to violate, you didn't know. Which is why I'm offering the choice to retcon it. 

    As for Forge, he wasn't PMed by staff; he was PMed by a more experienced player who wanted to nudge things before I had to do something. It has been a day, the day after I finished my part in the sprint to finish this six year old arc. I was taking a frankly well deserved breather.

    You can retcon, or I can assume control of the Ta-Koro Guards.

    By retcon you mean delete?

  4. 9 minutes ago, Krayzikk said:

    That's not what is primarily at issue. That is part of it, the wrapup topic is not intended for ongoing play as indicated in the first post. What is more at issue is that what you have been doing doesn't actually work. I was working up a PM to address the issue, but you've managed to get out before I could finish it.

    I can still finish it to explain in greater depth, if you would like, but presently your options boil down to retconning the departure from the cell, orrrrr I'll actually play out the Ta-Koro Guard end of things. Which won't go particularly well.

    I'm not trying to be unreasonable, but you've blazed through faster than I could address it. And I believe that one of your fellow players was already trying to warn you against this, as well.



    Nah, you're not being unreasonable I get it, I just didn't understand the whole picture, it's cool. But, ah... what now? I personally am fine with staying but @Daniel the Finlander kinda wanted to get his character out before the next arc is there way to get his out? Wouldn't have wanted to cause trouble for him with the crazy escape.  

  5. Just now, EmperorWhenua said:

    That’s assuming you know everything about the jails and either have the ability to play your own opposition or that the opposition will be played by someone with the time and ability to write quickly with you. The issue is that neither of these are true. 

    Fair point. Guess we bit off more than we could chew. Although to be fair, prison breaks generally go unnoticed until they are gone, successful ones that is others get a beating and get thrown back in their cell.

  6. 1 minute ago, Daniel the Finlander said:

    IC: Sir Dahkapa (Ta-Koro Prison)

    "Alright, if you say so."

    He turned around and summoned his powers of ice to create a wall of frost blocking off the passage. He then continued to follow him.

    "If I remember right, we should turn to the left next, then head straight forward. Quick, before the patrolling guards hear us."

    He glanced at the cell doors as he passed by them, and noticed the glowing eyes behind bars. Part of him felt pity for them; but if they weren't followers of Ak'rei'an, why should he care? Besides, there wasn't enough time to set everyone free. They should only do so if they had to.

    IC: Zyrgahk/Marro (Ta-Koro prison)

    "Good to know."

    Zyrgahk kept walking the direction Dahkapa pointed out, but as he was about to take the left he heard the footsteps of one of the guards. He quickly pressed his back to the wall and signaled Dahkapa to do the same. Thanks to the ice wall there'd be no reason to worry about their back. Zyrgahk waited as the guard drew near, he suddenly reached out and took him by the mouth with one hand and holding his spear with the other.
    "Now, now stop struggling you won't be able to tell anyone what you saw for a looong while." he said and smashed the guards head against his knee.

    Zyrgahk took the guard's mask and spear, the spear was to short for him and wouldn't be much use for him so he offered both to Dahkapa.

    "This'll be more useful for you than for me."

    OOC: The mask can be whatever best suits you.


  7. 1 minute ago, Daniel the Finlander said:

    IC: Sir Dahkapa (Ta-Koro Prison)

    As soon as he heard the Skakdi get out, Dahkapa mumbled a prayer to Ak'rei'an, thanking him for his divine aid, and asking him to protect him as he escaped.

    When the wall came crumbling down, Dahkapa instinctively tried to activate his Kanohi Hau, only to remember it had been replaced with a powerless one.

    "Impressive strength, even for a Skakdi," he muttered, and wondered if his strength had been somehow increased. Maybe he was just naturally that strong. Thankfully, the designers of this prison hadn't expected such might.

    "Time to go."  

    He nodded. "Yes, and quickly. Lead the way, I can tell you where to go if need be, but you seem to be the stronger one so you should go first. May Ak'rei'an guide and protect us."

    IC: Zyrgahk/Marro (Ta-Koro prison)

    "Since the guards should still be passing out food, we should be able to retrace their steps in the other direction without encountering anyone. But to be safe you should freeze the passage behind us."

    :Any extra time we have the better.:

    They began walking the direction the guards had come through.

    "On second thought, you should freeze any corridor we exit just to be safe. Separating the guards is our number one priority."

    If Zyrgahk had to he'd open a few more cells to cause a riot in the event something went awry. 

  8. 1 minute ago, Daniel the Finlander said:

    OoC: Alright we got a bit carried away fine. We'll wrap it up in a couple of posts, calm down everyone.

    I just wanted to rp after 4 years alright ;n;

    IC: Sir Dahkapa (Ta-Koro Prison)

    "Well, it's been a while since I've eaten. But they don't serve food that often. They don't care too much for the prisoners' well-being. You should have an hour, optimistically."

    Indeed, his prediction was largely correct. Over half an hour would pass with no sign of additional guards coming to serve food. There was only one Toa patrolling the hallway; his occasional presence meant that it was a foolish idea to talk. Dahkapa hoped he wouldn't hear the Skakdi dismantling the door with his claws. Once the guard was far away, he said:

    "I hope you're done soon. I have a feeling they'll be serving food not long from now. Hurry up."

    IC: Zyrgahk/Marro (Ta-Koro prison)

    "Al-most... there." 

    And with that the final pin was out and none the sooner, as the guards were passing out the food. They reached Zyrgahk's cell, he was looking down at them with as much anger as he had.

    :Just wait till you're gone.:

    The guards kept passing out the slop they called food and cleared out the hall. Once Zyrgahk saw them leave he pulled the door upward and out as quietly as possible. 

    "Hope you're ready." he whispered as he placed his hands on the brick wall that Dahkapa's cell door was attached to.

    "Better save some time, I'm doing this one."

    And with Parakuka enhanced strength he pulled down the wall, careful not to let the stones fall to the ground, and deactivated it once more.

    "Time to go."  

  9. 53 minutes ago, Daniel the Finlander said:

    IC: Sir Dahkapa (Ta-Koro Prison)

    "Toa of ice huh. That'll be pretty handy, blocking hallways and stalling the guards."

    "Yes, if I manage to get out of this cell, that is. It's proofed for elemental powers from the inside, I presume. Not that I have tried to use them."

    "Any idea where that armory is at?"

    Dahkapa squinted his eyes and tried to memorize Brontes arresting him. He had removed his mask and weapons, escorted him to the headquarters and given him in, when a powerless replacement mask was placed on his face. He vaguely remembered Brontes taking his warhammer and crossbow down a hallway.

    "Some idea. Not very exact, unfortunately. But if we manage to make our way into the lobby, I know the rough direction. My personal Kanohi mask is held there too, I assume."

    Briefly Dahkapa wondered if the other speaker was a burly Toa like he had suspected, and was also in need of his mask.

    "What species are you, if I may ask?"

    IC: Zyrgahk/Marro (Ta-Koro prison)

    "Skakdi." he said nonchalantly still fiddling with the pin.

    :A rough location will do.:

    "Almost got the first one half way. Once I'm out I'm bringing down the wall to your cell, wouldn't want to get caught trying to take the door apart."

    The original idea was to punch the wall down but instead it would make less noise if he pulled most of it down.

    "How much longer do you think It'll take before they serve out any food?"  

  10. 10 minutes ago, Daniel the Finlander said:

    IC: Sir Dahkapa (Ta-Koro Prison)

    "Very well", Dahkapa said, and then heard the scratching of metal. He was going to try and dismantle the door, apparently. Dahkapa looked at his own cell door, made out of sturdy protosteel. Briefly he considered doing the same as him, before realizing he had no idea how. He hadn't even seen a cell door before coming here, and he wasn't much of an expert on doors anyhow. It seemed his duty would be that of a patient look-out. Thankfully, he was a patient person. He sat down on the floor and crossed his legs.

    "So this'll take a while to get right, so in the mean time you can tell me what you are and how much you know your way around a fight."    

    "I am a Toa of Ice, and have been for many years. As the guardian of Ko-Koro" -- he winced as images of his burning home city flashed in his mind -- "I honed my fighting skills as much as I honed my mind. Usually, I use a warhammer and a crossbow, but unfortunately both were taken from me as I was imprisoned. But unarmed combat is not unfamiliar to me."

    IC: Zyrgahk/Marro (Ta-Koro prison)

    :Now I understand why he cared about Ko-Koro.:

    "Toa of ice huh. That'll be pretty handy, blocking hallways and stalling the guards."

    :Guess my luck is taking a turn for the better.:

    "Any idea where that armory is at?"

  11. 11 hours ago, Daniel the Finlander said:

    IC: Sir Dahkapa (Ta-Koro Prison)

    Dahkapa nodded,  not that the gesture could be seen. It was a foolhardy and risky idea. Almost guaranteed to fail. But what else was there? Besides, perhaps it was a good idea in the end. For all Dahkapa knew, the other prisoner had been imprisoned before, and possibly had even escaped, and thus knew how to do it again. Even if that wasn't the case, Dahkapa trusted him more than himself. Having always devoutly followed the Virtues before being Enlightened, he had never broken a law and been behind bars. This prisoner at least sounded like he knew what he was doing, which is more than he could say for himself.

    "Sounds dangerous, trying to escape like that. But I haven't got any better ideas myself. At the very least, I can handle hunger with ease. Ak'rei'an gives me strength to keep going. Maybe He shall give me strength to overcome the guards, too. I wish His divine blessing may extend to you as well, so both of us can be free once more."

    IC: Zyrgahk/Marro (Ta-Koro prison)

    :Not sure what Ak'rei'an means but if he's in, and can cope with hunger that's good enough for me. I've got you if the going gets tough.:


    "Good then. Now if you hear the guards coming around tap you're cell twice to warn me, I should be able to hear them but just in case." he said this while tapping the cell bars with his finger.

    :Hardened protosteel, double layered, gotta give it to the Guard they sure know how to make a cell. But...: 

    Zyrgahk rose to see the hinges, and began digging his clawed thumb into the small crevasse to begin removing the pin.

    :Three hinges, going to take a while. At least I'll get acquainted with the feeding schedule.:

    "So this'll take a while to get right, so in the mean time you can tell me what you are and how much you know your way around a fight."    

  12. IC: Zyrgahk/Marro (Ta-Koro prison)

    "Why do you wish to know? I don't see how knowing the feeding schedule is useful."

    :Hmm... He may be of use, although the last person who became a tattletale, things didn't go well for him, caused this transfer.:

    "True, but his previous desperation will likely dissuade a betrayal."

    :Fair point.:

    "The feeding schedule becomes a weak point, they will likely have multiple guards at once to be certain that nothing goes wrong. But it's unlikely that they will round once more until some time, giving us an opening."

    Zyrgahk had purposefully acknowledged Dahkapa to instill confidence that he'd see to both their freedom, although he intended to free more than just themselves in the escape.

    "As long as one can deal with starvation as to ignore the food that has been placed before them. One could feasibly be able to open the cell door and not expect guards immediately rushing towards them since they are still passing out the food."           

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  13. IC: Zyrgahk/Marro

    "No, I am afraid. Besides, if the reputation of the Ta-Koro guard is true, then they're wise enough to switch schedules randomly, so you can't predict the pattern of guard rotation. These people aren't fools, you know."

    Zyrgahk scratched his chin, he'd expected them to change at random but not that the inmate wouldn't even consider finding out.

    :This might put a damper on things.: 

    The reason Zyrgahk caused such commotions back at Ga-Koro prison was to see where everyone was at that specific moment, doing it again could pose a greater problem since the guard would've been warned of his, misgivings.

    "They certainly aren't. Hmm...Although I find it hard for something to be truly random, especially when dealing with dangerous beings, they'd always want their strongest warriors to stand guard."

    The guards couldn't be everywhere at once their strongest would always be near his cell, getting to know how many there were and who would prove to be an advantage.

    "I'd imagine that their feeding schedules don't change much, it's something I doubt they'd handle at random." Zyrgahk said more to himself.

    :Worse off, I don't know where the armory is. Need to get my weapons back if I want to try anything.:

     "Is there a mess hall or do they just leave the food here?" 

    Either one had its uses. 

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  14. IC: Zyrgahk/Marro (Ta-Koro prison)

    "Do you happen to know what has been happening in Ko-Koro lately?"

    In his time in the Ga-Wahi prison Zyrgahk had been able to pick up on some information regarding the Koro, although they were mainly rumors or whispers.

    "Mostly rumors, but to my knowledge it seems a group took possession of it. Some of the Koros have sent reinforcements, but if there has been an outcome to that I don't know."

    :Wonder why he'd care, don't need another do good Toa stopping my plans again.:

    "If that's the case you might want to silence him before he figures out what you're doing like that last inmate did."

    :His broken back should make him remember to keep his nose out of my business.:

    "Now let me pose you a question, have you taken count of the guards' rounds?"

    :If he knows it might take less time to get out.:  


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  15. IC: Zyrgahk/Marro/NPC (From Ga-Wahi transferred to Ta-Koro Guard prison)

    A giant metal box is being pushed toward the entrance of the prison, the wheels clanking against the stone floor. It's completely enclosed save for the small slits on the front and back nearing the top. There are five Ga-Koro marines, four on one of each of the box's corners and one on the front. One of the Ta-Koro guards comes out to inspect the transfer.

    "Right on time." the guard says while taking a look at the large box. "I've got to ask, why couldn't you keep him locked back at Ga?"

    The marines looked at each other. Then the one in the front speaks up. 

    "Didn't they tell you?"

    "Not much, but I thought he had broken into a bar or something, wouldn't think that would be much trouble." he takes a second glance at the box, from the sheer size of it he began to suspect that the transfer was less about the crime and more what might have happened afterwards.

    "Well from the moment he arrived it was bad news. First it was the mess hall, he got into a fight against some of the inmates, most of them wanted to show him who was 'in charge', he bit the ring leader's arm off and tore it to bits, sent everyone of the others to the E.R.. Then he took one of the guards and ripped his leg off from the knee down, poor guy is still at the healers. He was put in solitary but somehow managed to break out of his cell just to break another of the inmates' back, something about having taken something from his previous cell. We need to have every Toa on him at almost all times just to restrain him, and some of them don't want to even get close to him. All the other inmates are terrified at this point and we don't need him breaking out and attacking the tourist district, the destruction is causing problems economic wise too. And one more thing this guy has a Parakuka."

    The Ta-Koro guard winced now he knew the real problem, but as is customary of those who carry the element of fire he was not dissuaded from the threat.

    "Well he'll find that we do things differently here at the Guard. Open the gates!"

    The gears began turning slowly, the gates opening with a loud dragging sound and came to a stop with a bang. The marines began rolling the box forward.

    :I smell ash, we must be in Ta-Wahi.:

    "Guess you made a bigger impact than expected."

    :And I was so close to figuring out the guards' routine and reaction times. Now I have to do it all over again.:

    Zyrgahk raised his head to look out at through the slits.

    :Yeah, Ta-Koro guard alright.:

    The Ta-Koro guard got only a second to see that the Skakdi was looking at him, with glowing red eyes through the box's slit before they disappeared back inside the box.

    :He-he really is that big.: 

    A sense of dread and unease befell the guard as they continued to march on through the prison's halls. When they arrived at his designated cell, while stepping on a ladder they thrust a spear into the back of the box.

    "Alright, get out!"

    The massive Skakdi lumbered into his cell.

    "Don't believe these walls will be able to hold me." he said without turning to face them.

    "We'll see about that." the guard's parting words as the group began to leave.

    "How long have I been imprisoned? Someone answer me! How long have I been imprisoned? Has Ko-Koro been liberated? In the name of Ak'rei'an, I must know!" cried a voice through the corridors.

    "Not long enough." said the guard while pounding his cell, indicating to the prisoner to step back. They kept walking until they had cleared the area.

    :This man's desperation might make him more prone to do something stupid.:

    "Or just accept his bad lot and die."

    "How long do you think you've been here?" Zyrgahk asked the nearby inmate, his voice rumbling across the hall.

    OOC: Wonder if Sir Dahkapa is up for a needlessly elaborate escape, or a hostile prison takeover. Also decided to change Zyrgahk's text color.   



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  16. IC: Zyrgahk

    The Marines began hauling Zyrgahk off. His extremities (and jaws) were tied with large thick vines intertwined with each other, only his legs were moderately loosened so he could walk. Matoran, Toa, and Dasaka alike would stop and stare at the immense Skakdi. 

    :Well you weren't much help. Not that I'm even sure you understand me, you little runt.:

    "It's not like you even tried to use my power." said the Parakuka, or more showed him rather, in equal anger to his.

    :Oh you little rat! I'd skin you alive if- wait... I understood that.:

    "Yeah, I finally figured out what you respond to, you over glorified reptile!"

    :And you choose now as an appropriate time instead of, I don't now say before my leg was stabbed and we were captured.:

    "Well I tried but I hadn't figured all of it out, not to mention, you, weren't, listening!

    The image of a monkey closing his ears with his hands while a bird trying to warn him of a muaka about to kill him punctuated his sentiment. At this Zyrgahk began growling. One of the marines struck him on the back of his right leg, not that he knew why Zyrgahk was growling.

    "Don't get any bright ideas."

    Zyrgahk stared at him with painfully obvious fury.     

    "Man, it's like looking at a rahi."

    Zyrgahk got up still staring at him, his towering frame increasing the marine's unease.

    :Toa of water, low rank it would seem, and wears an akaku. Remember this guy well, uh what should I call you anyway?:

    "Just call me Marro, and yeah we're going to have to tear his right leg off, for poetic justice reasons, sooner or later." 

    :On that we can agree on.:

    The toa of water expected their prisoner to attack him but none came, Zyrgahk turned around and kept walking on with the marines. He'd wait a bit longer before striking at him he was sure this wasn't the last he'd see of him.

    OOC: Zyrgahk open for interaction...? 

  17. IC: Zyrgahk

    The vines began growing, twisting and turning around Zyrgahk's body.

    :Well, this is not how I envisioned my day going.:

    Suddenly one of the vines wrapped around his injured leg a bit to tight.

    "Hey watch what you're doing, you rahi brained-"

    He was unable to finish his sentence as one of the vines closed his mouth shut.

    :I'm going to have to get back at that tiny marine for this some day.:  

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  18. IC: Zyrgahk

    :Great, just what I needed, the marines. Looks like the Toa didn't buy it either. Nothing seems to want to go right today.:

    "Going back to what you said a while ago, what's your stance going to be on damages with this little scuffle? I might have whacked your doorframe a couple of times."

    "Heh, not to mention you tried burning the place down. Oh, now I understand why you don't care what happens to Arero, you were perfectly fine with setting the bar and everyone inside ablaze, guess you thought he was going to get it at some point or another."

    :Might as well keep it up now.:  

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  19. IC: Zyrgahk

    "Where did they teach you biology? Or is this Kentoku you speak of so primitive?" Zyrgahk said in a rather annoyed voice at the Dasaka. "Don't you know that if you crush someone's throat they will simply suffocate and die, there is no 'Just enough so he can't speak.' trust me I should know."   

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  20. IC: Zyrgahk

    "Arero Is a homebody whose worst enemy is his next door neighbor, filling his ears with basket-weaving gossip."

    :How does this guy not know that you shouldn't keep giving me information on him.: 

     "You don't have to believe me, nor would I expect you to." he said still keeping a calm demeanor. "But gossip can entail many things. If you ever wanted to grab someone you wouldn't do it at the same time your distraction arrived you'd do it in the aftermath, when everyone least expects it, when the crowds were being escorted out of the building. Remember your target well, and grab him before he realizes he's in danger, within the mass of people."

    :Time to take it up a notch. There are always corrupt cops, or in this case marines, who have personal grudges for one reason or another it might just make the one here suspect someone.:

    "Besides what better way is there to kidnap someone if you're trusting them to uphold the law."

    :The marines would have wanted to question everyone, the likelihood of one not having him is very low. And it would account for knowing where they were. Not to mention if he's paying attention he'd realize I never said I'd get caught or stay that way for long.:    

  21. IC: Zyrgahk

    All good lies are based on a grain of truth, and knowing where they came from was not one of them.

    "I still owe him so saying who he is, where he's going, or how he came about knowing where you were are out of the question. Although I thought you might've wanted to know seeing as what he's got planned for him is nothing good. And if you're going to ask why I'd rat him out now," he took an angrier tone. "Well that's because of the fact that I wasn't supposed to fight this many people nor get my leg's busted like this. Thought he was indebted to get his own share of surprises today." as he said this his smile faded and gave a much more serious look. He rested his head against the lily-pad beneath him making it seem he had finished mouthing off.      

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  22. IC: Zyrgahk

    Zyrgahk coughed once, now that the Dasaka's knee had been pressed harder against his sternum.

    "Kentoku?" he said thoughtfully. "Is that supposed to mean something to me? If you want to kill me so bad why don't you actually earn it. After all, all you did was get, one, lucky, tackle. And one tackle does not a fight make, especially when everyone else did far more than you did. Karz I doubt you could even get half way through my neck before your strength would give way."

    :That last part was one bald-faced lie. Wonder how it will affect her though. Gotta get rid of the crossbow somehow if I want to get outta here. He said he had a client probably the same one who threw the crossbow in the first place.:

    "Hey, Toa of leg ripping."

    :This lie might cost me or save my life.:

    "I've stalled long enough for him, you may want to check on your client who knows what kind of trouble may have found him." Zyrgahk said while beginning to smile again. 

    :The fact that they didn't help out suggest someone with little to no combat experience. And if this person hired someone as a bodyguard or he was a bodyguard by trade they are certain to have enemies. He really shouldn't have dropped his name when asking for that darn thing.: 

    "Not sure what Arero did to make him so angry, asked me to make a good enough excuse to separate you from him. Owed him a favor so he came to collect." 

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