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Dark Hunter Lewagirl

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Everything posted by Dark Hunter Lewagirl

  1. Ah, but what would be the point of that?
  2. My personal opinion is that Mata Nui already IS evil; presumably he didn't go rampaging around showing this for the same reason Makuta doesn't smash the Mangai- it's his place. However, he may wake up on the wrong side of the bed and/or be angry at the Matoran for letting the Brotherhood get the best of him and/or become paranoid and institute a big nasty distopia so that he doesn't get challenged again. HOWEVER, I have very little basis for this. It stems entirely from reading that after writing my story Elder Brother, along with the fact that I think it would be awesome. (hey, I'm a Dark Hunter, right?) There's just something in the way they say "allowed to reawaken" that gives me an ominous feeling. I'm just not sure why... —Dark Hunter Lewagirl
  3. And here I was with the conviction that it somehow referred to Hapori Tohu... Just as a matter of curiosity, why did you take the name Smeagol, as opposed to Boromir or Smaug or something? (forgive me if I've misspelled that; it's been ages since I read) EDIT: And 4, as opposed to, oh, 19 or 78 (heh) or something? —Dark Hunter Lewagirl
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