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Dark Hunter Lewagirl

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Blog Comments posted by Dark Hunter Lewagirl

  1. My personal opinion is that Mata Nui already IS evil; presumably he didn't go rampaging around showing this for the same reason Makuta doesn't smash the Mangai- it's his place. However, he may wake up on the wrong side of the bed and/or be angry at the Matoran for letting the Brotherhood get the best of him and/or become paranoid and institute a big nasty distopia so that he doesn't get challenged again.


    HOWEVER, I have very little basis for this. It stems entirely from reading that after writing my story Elder Brother, along with the fact that I think it would be awesome. (hey, I'm a Dark Hunter, right?)



    There's just something in the way they say "allowed to reawaken" that gives me an ominous feeling. I'm just not sure why... :lookaround:



    :smilelewanu: —Dark Hunter Lewagirl :smilemirunu:

  2. And here I was with the conviction that it somehow referred to Hapori Tohu...


    Just as a matter of curiosity, why did you take the name Smeagol, as opposed to Boromir or Smaug or something? (forgive me if I've misspelled that; it's been ages since I read)


    EDIT: And 4, as opposed to, oh, 19 or 78 (heh) or something?


    —Dark Hunter Lewagirl

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