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confused piraka

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Posts posted by confused piraka

  1. what. an. ending! you wrapped it up in a short amount of time, while also making it seem like the trio were a threat. this story is ideal/peak hero factory for me, with all the most iconic parts. fantastical locations? check. stupid/creative names? check. yet another cliffhanger? check. more ethical stuff that was in the concept but never made it to the final product? check. hard to say what. I don't like about this, I feel like you could have at least given some kind of look into what the heroes look like, because by chapter 9, I was ready to make Mocs of all three. 

    out of interest, when is this supposed to take place?

  2. so as you might have seen from my previous post, I have been making so-called hybrid editions/builds of the alpha team. basically, this is me taking my favorite set for each hero and adding in some design elements from the other sets depicting said character. stormer was one of the harder ones to do, as with most heroes, my favorite designs for him were brain attack (2013) and breakout (2012). I might need to beef up his arms a little so he can do war crimes

    the main design issue for stormer was integrating the multi-missiles into his back. I did this by cutting a piece the visor is blue-tacked on.
    (parts cut,3)
    now here’s the photodump


    action pose

    a look at the gearbox and missile system

    missiles up and ready

    a closer look at the illegal leg construction


    sorry for the bad photos I took them at night

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  3. On 4/5/2024 at 8:09 PM, Aiden said:

    I don’t, you’d have to jog my memory. I tried to find said topic as well and wasn’t able to find anything.

    well this might be just painted but.... (59 second mark, look at the middle makuta)


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  4. 11 minutes ago, Nato G said:

    Tren Krom's island appears to be located in one of the hands, and is still visible on the map above. As is Keetongu's, which should be Chirox's territory, but I mistakenly drew a line to the island above it. I cropped out the rest of the southern islands as they're unnamed, unexplored, and unknown (and take up a lot of space). 

    I guess I need to study up on my bionicle geography. never though I would have to say that....

  5. On 4/2/2024 at 2:36 PM, Lenny7092 said:

    Maybe more concept stuff from the 2015 online animations

    we have tons of that already that big book.

    On 4/2/2024 at 2:36 PM, Lenny7092 said:

    Hero Factory is very much related to Bionicle, so I hope it will get the same treatment:

    unfortunately, most people have a lot less respect/nostalgia for hero factory. as this won't happen, for more information on the plans for the series, I recommend checking out duck bricks, (his office visit with faber) ,faber himself, and faber's blog. I can add links if you have trouble finding any of them.

    On 4/2/2024 at 2:36 PM, Lenny7092 said:

    Find out the guy who sang “Piraka Rap”.

    unfortunately, we won't ever find this out because it's too cringe. (also the piraka probably killed the singer)

    On 4/2/2024 at 2:36 PM, Lenny7092 said:

    Toa Inika, Nuparu, Kongu, and Hewkii. 

    are we? check YouTube.

    On 4/2/2024 at 2:36 PM, Lenny7092 said:

    The Journey to One (like plans for it)

    check biomeadia project in the 'g2' section for more on this. there some test animations and much more.



  6. 19 minutes ago, Nato G said:

    Based on the info we have in canon, Artidax is as far south as anyone has officially explored (barring Axonn's backstory of conquering some unspecified islands, the Toa Nuva's mission to quell some volcanos, and the events of Journey's End). Bitil has the most southern-most territory. 

    what about mutran? didn't he go all the way to th feet to talk to trem krom? or keetongu?

  7. 4 minutes ago, Aiden said:

    I know there’s a prototype one in brown, haven’t seen a black one before though. 

    remember that topic I made about the makuta contest?

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