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Blog Entries posted by Ektris

  1. Ektris
    Let me start off by saying, yes, I misspoke yesterday - Flash was not an HM. But I still would have been helpful for Victory Road. I ended up not using it of course and it did strain my eyes to see where I was going... but at least it wasn't a lot I had to get through.
    The ending of Victory Road was fantastic. The changes to its scenery were beautiful, the music awesome, and fighting Wally felt important. It was a good fight too. He only managed to take out Hashirama (unfortunately), but sill wasn't boring.
    The rest of Victory Road kind of was, though. The wild Pokémon's levels just seem super low in the game. The trainers are higher and closer to mine (I don't think I overleveled that much...), but fighting any wild encounters just didn't seem worth it.
    Afterward I immediately set out to fix my Pokémon's moves, but remembered I now have the Eon Flute. So naturally I had to use that. Found what is probably where I can catch Cresselia, but didn't want to bother with it right now. Then removed all of their annoying HMs.
    So I didn't make too much progress, but it was some. I'll be trying out the Elite Four tomorrow.
    Glalie, Lv. 56
    Hashirama, Sceptile Lv. 54
    Sigurd, Flygon Lv. 54 (Settled on this because seriously nothing else could come to mind acceptable... red bug eyes and green horns adorn both, so close enough?)
    Altair, Swellow Lv. 52
    Abyss, Sharpedo Lv. 51
    Latios, Lv. 51
  2. Ektris
    I really did not play much today on account of Thanksgiving. Barely any progress was made as a result. One interesting note is I did finally find my first new Mega Stone with Sableite (not that it was hidden that well heh).
    The rest of my time was spent trying to get a good (read: Adamant) Groudon. Ohhhh boyyyyy... Mascot Legendaries are actually hard to catch! I am genuinely surprised but also please. Unfortunately the silly long cutscenes (only thought of as such since I have to keep doing it heh, otherwise they are cool) are not helping. So far I've not gotten one. And I'm going to keep doing it until I get the right nature, so... Next few days may be a bit boring heh.
    Team has not changed:
    Hashirama, Sceptile Lv. 49
    Glalie, Lv. 48
    Flygon, Lv. 48
    Latios, Lv. 47
    Altair, Swellow Lv. 47
    Abyss, Sharpedo Lv. 46
  3. Ektris
    Slow progress again today.
    Remember yesterday when I observed I hadn't found a Mega Stone in a while? Well, I've found 5 in the past 24 hours. Unfortunately, they're all still just for old Mega Evolutions (And I did at least check Sharpedo's... looks like I'm not getting that during this playthrough :/). One in particular had me a little bummed: Manectite. I swore off using a Manectric since I used one in my original Ruby run and didn't want to repeat that. But if I had just bothered to check Cycling Road back when I got a bike, and gotten the stone then (it probably would have been my first too), I'd likely have picked one up in a heartbeat. At this point, it feels a little too late. Even though I do still feel the loss of Fire and Electric types (I don't even have any Pokémon capable of learning movies via TM of those types...).
    I tackled the Mossdeep Gym and encountered Groudon for the first time today. I end the day about to enter Sootopolis. And man, the things I had to do to get there... Before I face the Elite Four, I HAVE to go back to the Move Deleter and Relearner to rid my 'Mons of all these retched HMs. I'd gotten by without teaching any Strength until now, and Rock Smash was on Akamaru as a useful move, but without him... And now Dive too... Ugh, I do not like some of their movesets.
    Team breakdown:
    Hashirama, Sceptile Lv. 49
    Glalie, Lv. 48
    Flygon, Lv. 48 (Yet again, still nameless)
    Latios, Lv. 47
    Altair, Lv. 47
    Abyss, Sharpedo Lv. 46
  4. Ektris
    Continued my slow crawl through this game today by grinding. Lots and lots of slow grinding. I snagged myself a fancy Feather Badge in-between all of that though. So at least there was some progress made.
    Really not that much interesting happened. I did scan a friend's QR code to enter my first secret base (and was most disappointed when I learned I couldn't battle him yet lol). Haven't bothered doing anything to mine yet... I know I'll find a nice place and kit it out eventually though.
    It occurred to me today that I have done zero research on where to get the new Mega Stones. Besides the two you're handed as part of the storyline, I haven't found any since those two the other day. And I would reeeeally like to find Sharpedo's.
    Speaking of, surfing on a Sharpedo is awesome!
    So yeah... since there's really not much else to say, here's the team:
    Glalie, Lv. 41
    Vibrava, Lv. 41 (Still no nickname inspiration...)
    Hashirama, Sceptile Lv. 39
    Altair, Swellow Lv. 39
    Abyss, Sharpedo Lv. 39
    Latios, Lv. 37
  5. Ektris
    Got an excellent amount of time in today during my air travel!
    I've now acquired two badges and even won my first contest - cool, with Hashirama. On a related note, I am currently soft resetting for a good Cosplay Pikachu heh. I'm definitely not going to be using it in my team, but it might be fun to train up later. What won't be fun is having a big gap in my Living Dex now where the other costumes will go... And the massive amount of box shifting that is going to involve uuuugh.
    Team right now:
    Hashirama, Grovyle Lv. 20
    Altair, Taillow Lv. 20
    Tohsaka, Dustox Lv. 20
    Biscuit, Surskit Lv. 18 (Seriously could not come up with a nickname... mumbling "Surskit" over and over had my girlfriend thinking I was saying Biscuit, so uh, that's how that happened lol.)
    Akamaru, Poochyena Lv. 17
    Asuna, Ralts Lv. 17
    Those who left the service:
    Seedot, Lv. 4
    Rocket, Zigzagoon Lv. 6
    I'm thinking I'll transfer Glalie tomorrow. It's likely to replace Biscuit. I also want to eventually have a Flygon to replace Akamaru, but then that would leave me without a water type (and oh boy will I need one) since I don't want to drop any of the others... I suppose I could just get a designated HM lackey. Tohsaka might be expendable too. We'll see.
    I am definitely having fun though, as I expected. Always is fun to go through a new Pokémon campaign, and Hoenn is a region I have not visited in a long time. Just also trying to take my time (which is going to be hard as the only game I have to play for the next week).
  6. Ektris
    Hellooooo everybody! And welcome back to ET plays Pokémon! This time, we bring you Omega Ruby!
    I didn't play a whole lot today - because I'm flying out for a week tomorrow so will have a lot of time to play en route and wanted to play my console games tonight heh. I basically spent most of the day fretting over which starter to choose and after deciding, soft resetting. Lots and lots of that. And my choice my come as a surprise... Because I, the "Always. Pick. Fire. ALWAYS" guy picked...
    If I were to attempt to quantify my excitement over using Mega Blaziken again, it would be negative. Mega Sceptile, on the other hand, sounds awesome.
    That out of the way... let me just say I absolutely adored the beginning of the game by having the old intro playing on your in-game GameboyPokeNav.
    The sneaking and rare moves via DexNav is a really interesting mechanic. Wonder what kind of stuff we'll be able to get. So far I just have a Poochyena with Thunder Fang, but that's still pretty darn cool.
    Team for now (which is going to change real fast tomorrow I imagine):
    Hashirama, Treecko Lv. 8
    Wurmple Lv. 6
    Rocket, Zigzagoon Lv. 6
    Akamaru, Poochyena Lv. 6
    Surskit Lv. 3
    Seedot Lv. 2
  7. Ektris
    I'd been wanting to for a while and finally last week finished playing through both seasons of Telltale's The Walking Dead. They were some interesting... games, I guess.
    So let's get to that first. I'm not sure how to think of them. They definitely are more like what I imagine a visual novel would be like (having never played one), with a bit more action of course. They were different from what I'm used to, but not overall in a bad way. It was fun to play something new. At the same time, there most definitely were many moments where I just wanted to do something instead of just wait to react to the scripted moments.
    Lee and Clem I played as very, very different people. Lee tried to be more of that guy in the middle while still recognizing the need to look past things in the situation they were in. Clem at first tried to follow his example, but even I was shocked at the end by how twisted she was becoming. That definitely influenced my choices at the end to try and find some redemption. I'm very interested in how season 3 is going to be handled given the 5 possible endings of season 2. That would truly be like playing different games at first, but it wouldn't surprise me to be funneled into the same place after maybe an episode or two.
    My biggest problem with the games is probably Telltale's apparent desire to wipe the slate clean every season. Clem is clearly the main character and to them, the only one that matters. Everyone else must die. She must find a new group. Who then must all die. I know it's the zombiewalker apocalypse, but come on now... can't anybody else she knows live??
    It was fun overall to see the story unfold, and I certainly felt some emotional extremes during the ride. I'll probably definitely be picking up season 3 as it comes out. May even look into Wolf Among Us and the Game of Thrones game. Between the fast action games I'm used to (and 5 of those came out this month aaaah I don't know what to play), sometimes something a little different is nice. I do still wish the "interactive" part of them was more true to the meaning of the word though.
    For fans of the show or comics, definitely consider checking them out.
  8. Ektris
    So I was going to quote and cite an older article that shares this entry's name, before I did a reread (been a while since I had heh) and noticed all of the language in it. It's still a good read and would be helpful context of course, so go ahead and check it out yourself if you want.
    Since I'm usually the one asking this, here's what this is directly about: The Big Bang Theory. More specifically, the vitriol I've been seeing directed towards it and the upcoming Ideas set.
    A set I can't wait to have.
    I understand that it is not perfect, but nothing is. Everything has its faults and could somehow rub somebody the wrong way.
    But the way people are acting is really making me feel bad as a fan. You're basically saying I'm scum because I find enjoyment in something that is otherwise harmless and generally innocuous. Not always, no, but not in its entirety like is being implied.
    I guess I'm sorry I found something that my girlfriend and I can watch endless reruns of. That we can relax during and share a laugh, even if its poking fun of a trait one of us has. (Because you have to be able to laugh at yourself sometimes... and it is in no way different than any situational comedy before it.) I guess I'm sorry too for having nothing but excitement over this because hey, maybe I'll finally be able to share my love of LEGO with her by building this together. Maybe, just maybe we could and I'd feel comfortable with my collecting hobby for once... Sure seemed interested enough when I told her...
    Yet the way others are acting, it's as if because they don't like something, then nobody should (even recognizing its faults) and we should have a witch hunt for anybody that does.
    So what I'm truly sorry about, is that I simply cannot and will not ever share that sentiment.
    I will support this. I had not expected it to happen, but for different reasons. Yet it is. So as both a fan of the show and in the interest of continuing to support Ideas projects, I will get this one way or another. It's far, far from the worst thing ever (although I do have some reservations of how good of a set they can actually come up with).
  9. Ektris
    LEGO Minecraft Micro World: The End
    Star Wars: Knight Errant
    Star Wars: The Last Jedi
    Star Wars: Tales of the Bounty Hunters
    A Song of Ice and Fire: A Clash of Kings
    Super Smash Bros. for 3DS
    S.H. Figuarts Son Goku
    NECA Booker Dewitt
    S.H. Figuarts Mega Blaziken
    S.H. MonsterArts Godzilla 2014
    Transformers Generations Windblade
    Transformers Generations Roadbuster
    McFarlane Assassin's Creed Phantom Blade
    S.H. Figuarts Kamen Rider Bravo Durian Arms
    I'm nearly finally done with A Game of Thrones (wow is this a long read... and after finishing it I hope to finally start the television show), so figured it time to pick up some books. Actually was pretty disappointed since the Star Wars Legends books I've been wanting for a while weren't in stock there, so I kind of just got what I didn't have... which even includes one I can't read yet (The Last Jedi) because I wasn't able to find those before it. >_<
    Also picked up The End while at Barnes & Noble and just posted my review on it.
    Smash 3DS is awesome. Yes, the WiiU one is going to blow it out of the water and this basically amounts to a limited port... but I can't take my WiiU literally anywhere.
    YES! NECA's Booker is finally out! And I had to resort to Amazon because I just couldn't find it in my TRU at all... Which also tempted me into finally getting a DBZ SHF. Goku's pretty cool. And with SS4 Goku just revealed the other day at Tamashii Nations 2014, I don't think I'll be able to resist him either. Speaking of Tamashii, managed to nab a Bravo off of Mandarake finally. He is glorious and flamboyant and oh so very painful oh goodness why is he so sharp OW!! But uh... I still like him haha! My 2014 Godzilla also came and I couldn't be happier. Mine doesn't seem to suffer from any QC issues a lot of others seem to be complaining about. He's simply awesome. Finally, Mega Blaziken arrived and he's alright. Just alright. I still wish it was regular Blaziken, but the stand they did for him is pretty sick. I do hope we get more Pokémon in the future.
    My WalMart finally put out new Transformers stock in a big way... Island devoted to just the Generations. Only picked up two but very tempted to get more.
    And finally my newest Hidden Blade, as we all saw the other day. It feels weird having this and not taking my haul pic alongside Unity. It's... Well, kind of disappointing. The blade is the tiniest yet. It's really just a sad little thing. And the crossbow gimmick (HA! This time the blade's supposed to launch across the room unlike the defective NECA ones! ) is just bad. The tiiiiniest of bumps will unlock the tiny tab keeping the bolt in place (and only the bolt locks... not the sliding mechanism or big hunk of plastic it slides into). It's just not very well designed in that regard.
  10. Ektris
    I don't know what to do with my Black Series stuff now (time to decide I guess), but oh my goodness these look great. The Stormtroopers and Vader also resurfaced and will be out next year and can't wait for them. Supposedly also a Ben Kenobi and Maul, among maybe others, only display. But all in "no pictures" areas so... will have to wait and see if anything else comes out.
  11. Ektris
    Kalos has a new Champion!
    The ending of this game was... interesting.
    Literally the only challenging part of the Elite Four was Siebold's Gyarados. During my first battle against him, it managed to get off five Dragon Dances... Stupid Full Restores... I literally couldn't do anything against it because of those and the healing. That's what ya get for not having an Electric type or even any Electric moves on your team, though. Got him easily enough the second time through relying on the fact that he predictably Dragon Danced, allowing me to whittle him down with Gogoat until one Full Restore was wasted, then got lucky with Mega Blastoise's Dark Pulses doing enough damage for the second heal to not trigger.
    Diantha was a pushover but oh my god finally somebody with six Pokémon on their team! (Except six Magikarp guy, of course.)
    It was the battle after that that caught me off guard. I did not expect to fight AZ. And reuniting with his Floette was pretty touching. But most of all, I love how you were recognized as Champion and the person who beat Team Flare. No more of the silly NPCs saying post-game "I heard somebody beat Team ____, I wonder who it was..." That's right, it was me, and I get to be proud of that.
    Final team:
    Kurama, Delphox Lv. 69
    Sanbi, Blastoise Lv. 68
    Philoctetes, Gogoat Lv. 67
    Soul Eater, Aegislash Lv. 68
    Gabutyra, Tyrantrum Lv. 67
    Oberon, Sylveon Lv. 70
    Everyone else who helped along the way:
    Simba, Litleo
    Skyhopper, Diggersby
    Pandaman, Pancham
    Uva, Vivillon
    Ankh, Talonflame
    And I'm not done yet with these! I've still got some post-game content to get through and that'll probably involved getting Friend Codes from everybody, so stay tuned for that.
  12. Ektris
    Oh, Victory Road, how I've never really ever liked you. Thank goodness I just exited you and will hopefully never have to return ever.
    The only interesting thing I got out of the trek through this mountain is just a general confusion over the trainers in this game, including your rival after that final showdown. Why do all of them have small teams? Seriously, she didn't even have 5 Pokémon until Victory Road. I don't think a single other trainer has gone over 3 Pokémon except maybe Lysandre or a gym leader. Why??? Why are they all so small this time around??? It makes battles quick and boring and I'm not a fan.
    Oberon, Sylveon Lv. 66
    Soul Eater, Aegislash Lv. 65
    Kurama, Delphox Lv. 65
    Sanbi, Blastoise Lv. 64
    Gabutyra, Tyrantrum Lv. 64
    Philoctetes, Gogoat Lv. 62
    This is the team I shall be challenging the Elite Four with. I'm not sure if I want to level them up some more; we'll see when I first challenge how it starts to go.
  13. Ektris
    Whaaat? Already?? Ayup, not procrastinating this one.
    So all of a sudden... I'm underleveled! I powered through the eighth gym with absolute ease thanks to Kurama. Then I went to move on to Victory Road and just on Route 21, my Pokémon are a few levels below the trainers'. So it's back to grinding mode for me.
    Kurama, Delphox Lv. 57
    Gabutyra, Tyrantrum Lv. 55
    Oberon, Sylveon Lv. 54
    Philoctetes, Gogoat Lv. 54
    Yveltal, Lv. 54
    Soul Eater, Aegislash Lv. 53
    Sanbi, Blastoise Lv. 53
    Yeah, Ankh's just going to be used for flying now... So the rotation's back down to just seven.
    I also tried to get my Torchic, but couldn't connect to the Internet on my 3DS even at the place with it free I was at yesterday... Guess I will just keep waiting until I go to the restaurant I know it works at or go home in a few weeks.
  14. Ektris
    I know, this is extremely late.. But I didn't get back until extremely late and didn't feel like doing this.
    So I caught Yveltal! And yes... I soft reset for a good one. I was aiming for a nature for a mixed sweeper, but after only a few tries settled on what I predicted was a Timid one. See, because of cut scenes and other events, it was actually long enough to actually check the nature that it seriously was almost not worth it. The easiest thing to do is compare its stats mid-battle against a stat chart, so thank goodness Serebii got theirs completed before I got to this point. And I was right, it was Timid. So I'm totally happy with it. He has joined my team as well, although hasn't been used too much and isn't getting nicknamed since I don't do that with Legendaries.
    I then proceeded to explore Terminus Cave far, far, far too much before realizing what it was for and that I can't actually get to that point yet... *sigh* Now I'm proceeding to the eighth gym as I should have from the beginning.
    Gabutyra, Tyrantrum Lv. 54
    Kurama, Delphox Lv. 53
    Philoctetes, Gogoat Lv. 53
    Sanbi, Blastoise Lv. 51
    Soul Eater, Aegislash Lv. 51 (Hahahaha I evolved him with my stone from Super Training literally seconds before discovering the Dusk Stone in Terminus Cave.)
    Oberin, Sylveon Lv. 51
    Yveltal, Lv. 50
    Ankh, Talonflame Lv. 46
  15. Ektris
    Oh man, late night out... At least I got to play Pokémon during a good portion of it.
    I now have seven badges and am about to go catch Yveltal. I must say, this game took a pretty dark turn very, very fast. I kind of like that, yet I really don't. Team Flare's mannerisms do not at all match their intentions. Their mission statement just does not seem to mesh with the team itself. It's just really weird. In general. The plot got kiiiind of weird.
    Team as I'm saved before entering Yveltal (which I sure hope isn't a big ordeal as I plan on soft resetting for a good one...):
    Soul Eater, Doublade Lv. 49 (So close to being ready for Aegislash!)
    Gabutyra, Tyrantrum Lv. 49 (He finally learned Earthquake and I love it. A good Ground type is another thing I've missed in this playthrough.)
    Sanbi, Blastoise Lv. 48
    Philoctetes, Gogoat Lv. 48
    Kurama, Delphox Lv. 47 (Really feel like he's underused...)
    Boxed at the moment:
    Oberon, Sylveon Lv. 51
    Ankh, Talonflame Lv. 46
  16. Ektris
    I HATE far too many of my classes this semester... Anyways...
    I really wish I could show you guys what my trainer looks like at the moment. I've been taking screenshots, but just can't get online in my dorm room on the 3DS to upload them. Hopefully sometime soon I'll get somewhere that I can.
    The sixth gym proved a little more challenging than I had anticipated. I'm still not adjusted to dealing with Fairy types and keep forgetting their strengths and weakness (outside of Dragon and Poison). I've also realized my Soul Eater just cannot take a beating, even when up against something it should be able to withstand easily (such as a Fairy-type attack, given it's Steel type). Maybe it's not as good as I had hoped it would be...
    Also lost my first battle in I think three generations. I did not expect a Sky Battle go as poorly as it did, but I only had Ankh (seriously why aren't more floating Pokémon, like Doublade, allowed in...) and yeah... Had done too much to want to reset...
    Gabutyra, Tyrantrum Lv. 46
    Philoctetes, Gogoat Lv. 46
    Soul Eater, Doublade Lv. 44
    Oberon, Sylveon Lv. 44
    Kurama, Delphox Lv. 43
    Sanbi, Blastoise Lv. 43
    Ankh, Talonflame Lv. 42
    I did manage to get a Dusk Stone from Super Training, so now I don't have to worry about that. Hopefully Aegislash is worth it.
    Don't know what I need to be doing right now; I'm in Dendemille Town right now and think I'm supposed to do something about a Mamoswine, but can't get anywhere. So I spent a bunch of time trying to level up Ankh and catch all of the Pumpkaboo formes. I have two of Average, Small, and Large, but so far Super Size has evaded me. Man there are just so many new Pokémon to get duplicates of for my living 'Dex.
  17. Ektris
    Oh hey there... Almost forgot to do this today. I've been swamped with homework and didn't have much time to play today except for very early this morning and just now when I decided to call it a night.
    So I got my fourth badge, curb stomped Team Flare at the power plant, got my fifth badge, got suuuuuper lost in Lumiose (but didn't save there! Wow is that a horrible bug!), and am entering the sixth gym right now. So I actually make considerable progress. But I'm pretty sure I've also not spent as much time exploring the new routes and actually trying to catch everything.
    Team right now:
    Gabutyra, Tyrantrum Lv. 43
    Kurama, Delphox Lv. 42
    Oberon, Sylveon Lv. 42
    Sanbi, Blastoise Lv. 42
    Philoctetes, Gogoat Lv. 41
    Soul Eater, Doublade Lv. 41
    Ankh, Talonflame Lv. 40
    Oh yeah... did some grinding like I said. Not a whole lot but enough to get everyone evolved. Just need to wait ten more levels on Soul Eater to learn all of his moves (and find a Dusk Stone...) and I'll get Aegislash, and finally the core team will be done. Who knows who could be added or pulled out later, though. I am definitely missing having a Fighting type on my team...
    Ooooh! Also! I just got Gengarite! I know I could do it now with a random one... but nah... I cannot wait to transfer my trained Gengar, Makuta, in a few months! She's gonna be super fun to use. :3
  18. Ektris
    I wasn't able to play much today because of classes and homework... But I expected as much for my Tuesdays and Thursdays.
    I did manage, however, to get my third badge! And experience my first Mega Evolution! Huzzah!
    Which, by the way, was very anticlimactic. You had spent the entirety of the game up to that point solely searching for information on Mega Evolution. You finally find it from a man known as the "Mega Evolution Guru" who happens to be around quite early in the game, in the same town as the third gym. One would think that a man with this title who is in charge of such a massive landmark would be well known, yet everyone you had encountered had never even heard of the term "Mega Evolution." Yeah, that's believable.
    At least it seems like it's awesome and fun to use.
    Gabutyra, Tyrunt Lv. 36
    Soul Eater, Doublade Lv. 35
    Sanbi, Wartortle Lv. 35
    Kurama, Braixen Lv. 34
    Oberon, Sylveon Lv. 34
    Philoctetes, Gogoat Lv. 33
    Ankh, Fletchinder Lv. 33
    I'm probably going to go back to grinding right after this and finish evolving some of them. And... *gasp* ... consult the town map to figure out what I'm near and where I should go, because honestly I'm getting a little confused...
  19. Ektris
    Whoo! I have 3 badges!
    I'm loving how much content there is between gym towns. And still how many Pokémon there are to catch; I'm doing my best but know I'm missing a lot too.
    Current team:
    Kurama, Braixen Lv. 31
    Philoctetes, Skiddo Lv. 30
    Sanbi, Wartortle Lv. 29
    Soul Eater, Honedge Lv. 29
    Gabutyra, Tyrunt Lv. 29
    Oberon, Sylveon Lv. 29
    Bumped to rotation (will only be noting new additions here since the list will get big fast otherwise):
    Ankh, Fletchinder Lv. 28
    I think it's shaping up to be a pretty good team. I'm also quite happy to have started training my first Fairy type in Sylveon. But dear lord did it take forever to get him to love me through Pokémon-Amie. I was seriously enjoying it all up until having to grind that for full affection.
    That's it for now. Going to get back to playing and see where it takes me lol.
  20. Ektris
    So I still have...
    One badge.
    There's just so much to do! So many Pokémon to catch, both new and old! Every 30 minutes I'm really struggling to construct a team, because I find something else that I really like.
    My team:
    Philoctetes, Skiddo Lv. 24
    Soul Eater, Honedge Lv. 21
    Gabutyra, Tyrunt Lv. 21
    Kurama, Braixen Lv. 28
    Sanbi, Wartortle Lv. 27
    Ankh, Fletchinder Lv. 28
    Available/might use maybe eventually again:
    Pandaman, Pancham Lv. 25
    Uva, Vivillon Lv. 22
    Skyhopper, Diggersby Lv. 20
    Pikachu, Lv. 17
    Simba, Litleo Lv. 12
    My core team is actually what I'd been working towards from the start, so I'm quite happy with it. I wouldn't be surprised if Ankh is replaced with a Noivern eventually, though (ooh what to nickname him... perhaps after a Makuta?). I'm a little worried about the lack of an Electric type and I'm not crazy about Pikachu nor Helioptile, who are the only two I have access to at the moment. Perhaps I'll get a good TM that can be taught to somebody else to make up for it.
    I also really, really need a Fairy type. All I've encountered are Ralts and Flabebe, which I also don't like. (Also uuuugh the former and its evolutions are going to be a pain for completing my living Pokedex in the future. Still not nearly as much as Vivillon.) So maybe I'll get a Sylveon in the future...
    I've been spending a ton of time just catching things. And a lot more time doing Super Training and Pokémon-Amie. Those are actually some fun mini games, and Super Training is a godsend for EV training. It's just so useful and so easy to use, even if it is still time-consuming.
    This game is distracting me far too much from homework though.
  21. Ektris
    Doing this early to play the last BZPCraft in an hour.
    So after I got through all of the soft resetting for a good Fennekin (which took a little over an hour), I was finally ready to start my journey.
    This game is beautiful. It's a nice refresh and new look to the series, which was so very much needed. I am absolutely loving it so far.
    I've gotten one badge and spent way, way, way too much time trying to catch things. The male/female ratio on Litleos is insane, but I wanted my Simba. (And of course I've already ditched him since I had three Fire types. )
    My team right now consists of:
    Kurama, Braixen Lv. 18
    Skyhopper, Bunnelby Lv. 15
    Uva, Vivillon Lv. 15 (Polar pattern, for the record. Was expecting Continental as others in the US are claiming they got that, and Polar was Canada... But since then people from states bordering the Great Lakes have all said they've gotten Polar also. Trading for all these patterns eventually is gonna be loads of fun...)
    Ankh, Fletchinder Lv. 17
    Sanbi, Squirtle Lv. 10 (Wanted to call him "Isobu" but it wouldn't accept that for silly reasons... Also didn't see it coming so couldn't soft reset for a good nature here and got one that literally has no changes, Bashful, ugh.)
    Now, I've caught a bunch of others, but of those I may rotate in:
    Simba, Litleo Lv. 12
    Trying really hard to have a new experience, but they're making it tough lol. For type balance's sake, I really want to use the Pansage I got early on, but despite Simisage being very reliable in White, I still used it for a full playthrough. Same with Riolu/Lucario in White 2.
    There's a few other big changes I want to talk about, and one of the best ones is diagonal movement. It's such so smooth and fun to do. The roller skates you get make it even more exciting and I never thought being this maneuverable in a Pokémon game would be so exciting.
    Something I thought I would like but am now not sure I'm liking so much... is the new Exp. Share. It is now a key item instead of a held item, and turning it on shares experience with your entire team. I thought that would be great. However, I feel like I'm missing out on half of the experience. Three of my Pokémon evolved while not active and I felt like I didn't properly train them, Kurama especially. I may turn it back on every time I get somebody new, like Sanbi or my eventual Tyrunt (to-be-named Gabutyra, and apparently I can get him soon), but for now I'm really considering turning it off.
    As an aside, I got the preorder poster from Gamestop with the map. It's pretty big and the reverse side with Xerneas and Yveltal is awesome. One of the friends I went with got the bonus timeline poster for getting both, and I must say I was seriously impressed with the quality of that.
    So... This game is great so far and I want to play more. But can't let it consume all of my time what with having so much homework, although I know it could easily do just that.
  22. Ektris
    I was fortunate enough to be given a code by a kind gentleman on Tokunation, so I've been playing the demo for a good chunk of the day.
    Despite my numerous problems with the game's development and everything said throughout... I knew I'd still get it, for both 3DS and WiiU, and knew I'd play them a lot.
    And just this little bit on the 3DS has reinforced that so far.
    I've mostly been playing as Mega Man, and man is he fun! Definitely going to be one of my go-to characters.
    I just can't get over how weird it is to be playing on such a small screen, though. It will take some getting used to for sure.
    It has made me look forward to this game again at least.
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