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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Status Updates posted by Ektris

  1. I wish you were still here...

  2. I've never been a Premier Member.

  3. It is an awesome mask, isn't it?

    And I'll pretend that never happened, Bfahome. *pulls out golf club* It never happened, right?

  4. It will be back up when Six gets to it.

  5. It's a part of the staff RPG... the one that just kinda stopped about a month ago. :P

  6. Lol, no. Far from it, in fact.

    *hugs PA*

  7. Lol, sorry to disappoint.

  8. Lol, thanks I guess. But I'm not an Admin. :P Just a Forum Assistant.

  9. Lol, thanks.

  10. Lol, that must be it.

  11. Lol, yes it is. I can't wait for 358/2 Days.

  12. lol? LOL! How dare you use an acronym in the presence of Serpentor. Speak naturally! This, I Command!

  13. Lol. I -just- came home from seeing it.

    It wasn't bad.

  14. Lol. It never came up. :P

  15. Lol.

    There's no clarity to Killer Croc's intillect. ;-). It's different all the time. Let's just go with I'm the smart, scheming one, not the "FOOD! GRAH!" one.

  16. Mmm stuff I really can't say here. But I didn't quit...

  17. Nah, it is Lucifer I actually like. :P

  18. Noooo... Sometimes I just go to other member's profiles.

  19. Nooothin much. Life. Yourself?

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