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Everything posted by Takuta-Nui

  1. Takuta-Nui

    Bionicle: Imagine

    Yeah, I've decided. You can go right ahead and include them. I won't mind if people rewrite them with their own twists and plots, either. But wouldn't it be nice if people who write spin-offs give credit to the person who thought up the original "What If?"
  2. To borrow Gavla's immortal words - "You might say I've seen the sugar... by peering into the icing. And soon you'll see it too."


  4. Takuta-Nui

    Bionicle: Imagine

    This is amazing. Take a look at the explanation beneath the [Etymologies] heading. Our two concepts seem incredibly similar. So could my series be considered part of your Imagine project? They're all one-shots taking place in separate realities, and certainly employ the "What If?" premise. For instance, my first and currently only [Etymology], "Six Billion Bohrok," is based off the question "What if the Matoran were not the Great Spirit's Chosen People?" Although I would not want them to be identified strictly as "Imagine" stories. Calling them "[Etymologies] included in the Imagine collection" is just fine, though. EDIT: Just occurred to me that if my work is included in your project, then it would be open to conceptual repeats like you said in the Addendum. I honestly don't know if I would like that since it's originally my series... I'll have to think about it. But let me know what you think.
  5. Ah, I read this after replying to your PM wondering if you had wanted to say anymore. XP But anyway, hi yourself! =)

  6. The design of the pages doesn't make you stare for hours on end and then, when you go outside and stand at the edge of a cliff as the sun sets dramatically, you can see forever?

  7. My mother forced me to be born early so she could access a certain child fund before the deadline.

  8. Well, it's true. XD

  9. Paolini certainly isn't the best writer I've met. XP

    But the world has enough books. I don't need to contribute to fiction. There are more meaningful things I can accomplish with my words.

  10. It has the potential to. ;)

    And I don't worry about "making it big." That's nearly impossible to achieve when there are so many other writers, and J.K Rowling is undoubtedly one-of-a-kind. But my career is very likely to have something to do with writing.

  11. Thanks, Toa Z. XP APN, I get inspiration simply from living. It's everywhere. =)

  12. Inspiration for what?

  13. Eh, I've lost the spirit of the conversation.

  14. I don't have to be fancy to say something incredibly offensive that would never be spoken on BZPower (or anywhere in public, for that matter - stand-up comedy would even consider it edgy, and let's not even go into the ramifications of uttering those words during the silence between the eulogy and the next hymn during the funeral of the third-greatest philanthropist).

  15. You just used a synonym for "homo sapiens." XP

  16. Pay attention in biology.

  17. Experimenter is homo sapiens of particularly guillible type.

  18. Yes. They actually taste more like a jam.

  19. You don't want to hear them, trust me.

  20. I've made three attempts at a blog. It just don't work with me.

  21. I am filled to the brim with globules of joy. X)

  22. I have protosteel armour, silly.

  23. *combined Nova Blast of all known elements*

    ... Don't poke me.

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