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Everything posted by Lambdadelta

  1. With 39 members, but we like it like that. We don't want some ###### noobs coming in...

  2. Sigh...it isn't mine nor is it Naruto. And I am talking about a better one.

  3. Yay? Well, Ka-Chan, do YOU want to join the site?

  4. It is a pretty nice name....

  5. @White Puma: What? Que?

  6. ....Sorry, Wrack. Ka-Chan is right, what I said was un-called for. So, please, forgive me.

  7. All I did before that was try to get her to join a site so she could make a Tengen RPG b/c I wanted to be in one. Sheesh.

  8. All I did was ask her why she liked Tengen Toppa so much and why she didn't make a topic in COT about it and she just told be to leave her alone!

  9. I've had enough of you. All I ask is a simple question and you just get angry. Whatever, I now know why you don't have many friends...sheesh.

  10. Have any ideas for your next name?

  11. Ranna Jr, how far in Naruto is your sister, so I know what not to say...

  12. Ranna, what made you come up with your display name?

  13. @Kativa/Ka-Chan. Just for that, your Happy Meal will be OVERPRICED. MUAHAHAHA

  14. Sasuke is better than Itachi!

    *spoilers below* In the newest japanese manga, Itachi starts to take out Sasuke's eye.

  15. BTW, how did you and your sister both get accounts here? Because I have a friend who has an account here and his brother wants one too. But when he tries to make one, it won't work...

  16. Wrack, lemme ask you something. Are you really a girl, or just faking it like a lot of people here?

  17. Nice photo! I will ask you the same thing that I asked you on your sister's profile. Are you ahead of the Toonami Naruto? Have you read the newest japanese manga?

  18. I don;t want to spoil anything but....have you read or watched the japanese Naruto that is ahead of the current one on Toonami?

  19. Yes. Naruto is the best Manga and Anime around! BTW, this is obviously the reply to your comment on my profile.

  20. I still won't agree that your mech anime is better than naruto until I see it. Is there a release date to when it comes out here?

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