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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Entries posted by Arch-Angel

  1. Arch-Angel

    I am so sorry to inform you all that I have just seen the trailer to this movie not to long ago, and again somone let loose the 2 of the 6 writers from the Scary Movie Franchise from their cage yet again. With movies like Date Movie and Epic Movie left in their path of destruction, we can't expect this one to be any different.

    Sorry King Leonidas. I truly am sorry...

  2. Arch-Angel
    Anyone else notice the Relient K and My Chemical Romance are exact opposites?
    There's this girl I see often. Cute redhead, her name is Kat. She quite gorgeous, and was in my health class last year. I never talked to her for two reasons. At the time, I was in a relationship with Bionigirl, and the second was that she had her boyfriend Jack at her side 99 percent of the time, so I didn't bother so much as talking to her. Though I thought of her from time to time, wracked with worry as to what made her leave class crying in tears and Jack with a solemn expression. They didn't seem to break up, still sitting next to each other in health class. It was strange.
    This semester of school, I saw Jack at her side once, and that was the very beginning of school. I haven't seen them together since. I don't know if she's going out with anyone currently, considering it's become a thing where we simply say hi to each other in the hallways. I have no classes with her, and only cross paths with her once every other day.
    Nearly every boy around me talks about nothing except girls and hooking up with them simply because they're hot. I simply want nothing but a relationship with a girl I couldn't figure out. That's what attracts me to a girl, a girl I can't figure out. Quiet girls get me like that, smart girls get me like that, girls that actually bother giving their honest opinion after thought get me like that. Considering I never had an actual conversation with Kat, I don't know honestly truly know her, and to think the possibility of her having any personality I'm attracted to doesn't help my romantic side.
    Why can't I settle with loneliness? My lust is nothing but an annoyance- no, a curse.
    My romance? Well, it's a beaten path I don't want to go down. I still struggle with it, more than lust. I am a hopeless romantic, yes, but I never show it. I could only show a girl how romantic I'd be if I were in a relationship with them, but how do I show anyone at all otherwise (without looking like a fool)?
    Maybe I should learn to play the guitar, write songs, play once in a while. Written poetry is corny and unattractive, music is great. How many times have I heard a girl see my friend Sean with a guitar and talk about how it attractive it is? Not a bad idea.
    But at the same time, as much as I want a relationship, I want no feeling for a relationship. I've become a loner. People ask me what I am to put me into a category. I was asked at lunch by a girl walking up to me what I was. Clearly I was confused at first, but they explained that I wore preppy clothes but never socialize at lunch, I talk without any care of what others around me might think (the arrogant ######## ), but can still not come off like a horrible person, and I stay well kept (shaved face aside from common five o'clock shadow, washed hair, wear different clothing daily) and I read Twilight. I'm not a scrub apparently, but not a prep. I've lived in the ghetto, but I'm no G. Otherwise everyone sees me as just weird, but still can't categorize me.
    I must be aggravating.
    I guess the next time someone asks me what I am, I'll say Edward Cullen. Simply to come off as a smart###.
  3. Arch-Angel
    NOTE: Suggestions of 'Song of the Day' are much obliged, so if you have a song thats clean or mostly clean of swears and/or profanity (rap/Hip-Hop/R&B allowed of course), than PM it, and it might become 'Song of the Day'. INCLUDE WHY YOU THINK IT SHOULD BE SotD.
    I always wondered when the day would come. When the day that a member would pass. I saw that day as distant. As if it as wasn't gonna come. I saw myself as the first to go, only after I've distanced myself from BZP so I wouldn't break a heart. That the other amigos I knew onlinewold think that I grew away from BZP, grew up a decent life living day after day, and ended up in a cubical pulling off a scam from the movie "Office". Thats how I wish it'd woul be with any bad news.
    It makes you wonder.
    I does.
    I wonder. I knew a boy by the name of Alex. 8-years-old, lived here in my state. I believe his BZP name was 'Alex the Matoran'. He guest starred in my first and pobably last comedy 'Bionicle Dodgeball'. Alays used him for slap-stick comedy. He loved it.
    Then one day, he stopped posting. Not slowly leavin, as in he posted a few times a day and then poof. Pulled a Hodini.
    Everytime I think of my past in BZP, I think of Alex. I think of what became of him. He was eight years old. What eight year old would forget Bionicle and BZP in 24 hours?
    I tried to think, "Well, you don't know if that happened, Jonny Boy."
    But you'd have to wonder right?
    Death has never ran well with me. I look forward to my own, yet never will except others. Then makes you wonder again. Grief.
    Grief of others.
    To make one sad is pain enough. To never say sorry again...
    Sorry if I put thoughts in your head.
    I'll make you all a promise:
    THE DAY I LEAVE BZPOWER IS THE DAY I DIE. BZP will shut down or run dry of members, or ban me before I go. And if I happen to want to leave BZP, you'll all know about it either in a blog entry or a will-be-closed topic soon to be flushed away in the deep dead posts of CoT.
    I keep my word.
    Beliwa, you opened many eyes throughout BZP onto reality. To some you reopened.
    Run It Back Again by Corbin Bleu

  4. Arch-Angel
    Today was...
    A filler.
    I stayed home today, reason being is that the tail bone infection has ensured a school chair would bring mountainous amounts of pain. Got a little cabin fever...
    Tomorrow at 1:30 (PM, not the one in an hour and thirty minutes) I meet a surgical doctor so he can analyze my infection. Needless to say, it will be painful and worse, it'll cost money.
    I've made a list of all the songs I have for SotD and I have enough until 49 so far from the ones I regularly hear, not including the one's suggested. Expect it to regularly come by.
    I've done my dishes, done what I wanted on the internet, said happy birthday to two fella, and I should call it a day. I hate short entries like these. So unnecessary yet unfortunate...
    Maybe tomorrow I can write about something lengthy. Until then, good night (or good morning)...
  5. Arch-Angel
    I can't believe its been two days since one of the funnest days I ever had in my life. WOO!
    Sorry, still got me some excitement flowing. Lemme give the pics...

    My girl Karen (Unoffical, but I plan to pop the question)

    The kid on the far right has no idea whats going on...

    One of my favorites...

    Me and my friend Meg

    (Was going to pop the question, but a guy named 'Colin' beat me to it by a week... did I mention he wears girls' jeans for some reason?)

    Hendrick to the far left, Danielle, Me, Amy, and Kaleigh

    Karlee, Meg, Lauren, Me...

    Yes, we have fireworks too.

    Some people partied TOO hard...
    But the one pic that I love the most is...

    Well, aside from my friend Jeremie, its me and Karen.
    Post comments, questions, criticism, insults...

  6. Arch-Angel
    I know this girl that claims to have visions in her sleep.
    Yeah, I know.
    (I guess that fits any initial reaction)
    She says that she has random visions of events that are going to happen. She said she had a vision where I would walk in while she was taking her History exam so I could finish my exam. Sure enough, it happens.
    She had a vision of me giving her my AIM screen name (though didn't see what it was) and I did.
    After those events, and when we talked some more, she told me about this.
    Truly, I didn't believe a word of it. But more thing stuck on me like a grenade with superglue.
    She said the night before I told her about Bionigirl, she already knew who she was.
    Which was months ago.
    I started asking questions, chasing for answers like a dog running after a treat tied to a string. What was I wearing? Where was the location? What did I look like?
    I was wearing a royal blue shirt, location unknown, and I didn't look any older or much older at all than I do right now.
    'I wanna say this year," she said.
    So, after discussion after discussion later, she invites me to hang out with her and her friends (all guys. She's a tomboy) today at the Natick Collection. Longest I've ever spent in the place with this much enjoyment. Made new friends. Paul, The Chill. Ryan, The Con-Artist. Raf, her boyfriend (and fellow Brazi). Jesse, The Hippie. And this kind-of stalker guy I had to stalk for a minute to get him off our backs. Apparently a friend. I think it's Joe...? Hmm...
    I grabbed my Historian amigo Josh along for the party. Mall's the last place he'd be, but he seemed comfortable enough.
    Well, we had plenty of fun in the mall. F.Y.E., Spencer's, food court, Irish store, JCPenny's (we hung out at the recliners for like a freakin' hour in total. We came back after the food court again), Food Court (the return of the recliners!), CVS, caught Stalker Joe, and the food court again.
    It was five hours of having a good time. Strange right?
    Not a hitch.
    The entire time, in my ROYAL BLUE American Eagle shirt, in a very public place, I'm looking around, I'm glancing at every girl's face, looking for any similarities that might occur. The only chance of this is on what was believed to be A VISION. Half of me is saying, "It's crud. Don't worry about it. Have a good time, stop looking for her because she isn't there."
    The other part of me is saying, "That her? No. Darn... ... ... H-Nope... Ugh... Where could she be?"
    After my 5 hour search plus fun, Kory leaves, shrugging off that Bionigirl hasn't appeared (sigh) and I wait for my ride with Historian Josh, Paul The Chill, and Stalker Joe (who for some reason is still here).
    I decide, considering its been a long while, and I'm depressed beyond belief, and considering my ride's with the Historian, to leave my things with him and take the money I have left and buy a De-Caff Diet Pepsi at the D'angelo's in the food court.
    As I walked there, I saw this girl...
    Dark hair, white, punk-ish, and looks like her, got in line for MickyD's.
    The entire time I'm in line and D'angelo's, I am staring at her.
    "Is it her?"
    My heart was racing. I got my Diet Pepsi, and made a slow walk towards her. As I walked by, I called her name loud enough for her to hear, being only four feet away.
    No response.
    I turn back to my direction, keeping one foot in front of the other.
    I sat back down, without a word to the guys and waited for Josh's dad (my ride too) to get here.
    I turned and saw the girl again.
    She wasn't the girl of my dreams. She was my false illusion.
    It was Satan playing tricks on me. I heart is crushed, my mind's tired from the excitement of the entire day, and I wished the Diet Pepsi had something in it to KO me, if not lethal poison.
    I've been off the rest of the day. My report card comes, I'm smacked in the face by summer school and three F's, I lose concentrated thought on problems I should help with (sorry Tee) and I've been increasingly swearing.
    Lord knows the times when I'm not swearing. When I'm engulfed with His presence, or talking to her.
    I've unfortunately haven't been to church...
    And it's been months since I've directly talked to her...
    And I won't give in.
    Not today.
    Not tomorrow.
    Not at the end of the world.
  7. Arch-Angel
    The bitter taste of the Starbucks coffee was hardly a concern. Normally, Chris would complain about how it tasted a bit processed and that he wasn't about to put in a fifth Splenda, but today wasn't one of those days. Today was the day Chris needed to rest himself, his mind, and his heart. It's been a while since he has had to make a decision he believed would mark the rest of his life. He chose to be answerable or accountable, reliable or dependable, and to be focused on one thing.
    For a person.
    This person wasn't as any person, as he just agreed to be there for that person. Through thick and thin, and for as long as need be. As long as possible. It his Erica, his girlfriend, for Pete sake, but he felt, in some way, now tying the knot. No ring, no Bachelor's party, no wedding, no reception, no Honeymoon. Married. He felt married.
    "Since when does it feel this bad?" He thought to himself, "Why am I not happy? Do I not love her?"
    His coffee cup, cardboard, bony white with green, Mother Nature logo, was still in his right hand. His cell phone in the other. The most important phone call he might ever had, on the most typical day. It just hit him that the taste was sitting in his mouth, getting worse as it dried up as he left his jaw hang while in plaguing thought. He hasn't been responsible for anything in so long. He's gone to college, he got his degree in English, he worked his way into Grad School, but that was just passable to him. He could've decided to live his life extremely different. His parents had money, they were happily married, and it seemed that they haven't lived a hardship since Chris's Appendicitis scare when he was fifteen. And that was because it was a camping trip. Yes, he felt lucky to have survived, but he isn't traumatized by it anymore. It was a medical emergency in the middle of the woods, and it was treated. That's it. But this, this was something different. He repeated the words in his head, and he didn't like them. He didn't believe himself. It wasn't true to him.
    "We're having a baby. You're going to be a father."
    "How do tell someone that on the phone?" He said out loud, realizing he spoke too loudly. Some people looked up, then went back to their original preoccupation, believing it was just better to leave the lone coffee drinker to settle his own stress. It's the smart option: someone is in distress, so best not to get involved and let them handle it. It's their problem, they'll sort it out. Heck, they might become a stronger person. And when they have kids and grand-kids, that person can help them through that stress because life blessed them with the opportunity to learn from trial and tribulation.
    "Kids?" Chris whispered in thought, "Grand-kids, even?"
    The thought of it made his head spin like a dreidel. He wasn't going to let his kid do this in life. Not make the same mistake.
    "Mistake! No! Not a mistake! He is not going to be a mistake!" He shouted in his thoughts, "He is a blessing! A wonderful surprise!"
    He looked down at his coffee, still bitter, still warm. Then Chris realized that he just gave the baby a gender. He realized he subconsciously wanted a son. He thought of the baby as a boy, and not only just a boy: his boy. His son. He imagined a tiny newborn, so adorable and so at rest, with not a care in the world as he cradled the child in his arms. He wanted to protect that little one. His little one. He was going to grow up. Get his first baseball cap. Become a Yankees fan because he wanted to be different, and to tease his old man when the Sox lost a game to them. And they would play catch, and he would go to school. And he would study hard, and he would work hard, and he would be a great athlete, and would go to college. And Chris wanted to love him all the way. And even if he didn't do any of that, he would support him. If he got bad grades? Help him out. If he didn't know how to work? Teach him. If he wasn't good at sports and liked acting or singing or whatever? Help him become more then he imagined. If he was gay... well, even then, he was going to love that little boy that he once held in his arms. And at church, or at barbecues, or at parties, he would wrap his arm around the boy's shoulders, bring him up to his friends, and say, "Hey fellas, I want you to meet my boy."
    He laughed to himself and thought, "I love the son I don't even know I'm having. Oh, my gosh."
    He chuckled some more. The entire time he was sitting there for at least an hour. His butt felt numb, and he realized he was sick and tired of Starbucks' ###### chairs. Their natural glow and fake wood panels. Their funny way of saying sizes like Grande and Venti. Most of all, he was tired of buying the same burnt and bitter coffee and hating it, then coming back the next day to buy it again. It was a habit. It was ritual and he just realized it. Here he is, right now, sitting in a Starbucks, not doing anything. Now, he has to do something. He is going to drive to Erica's house and tell her that he was going to stay by her. Through thick and thin. He is going to tell her that he was going to take responsibility, and he was going start making changes in his life for this child. The boy he never met, but loved so much.
    He got up from the uncomfortable chair. He grabbed his coat. He took his coffee and headed to the door. He dropped the half-empty coffee cup right into the trashcan and watched it fall like a rock. The lid opened up, and the brown liquid spread out and released itself from the cardboard prison. He stepped out of the cafe, and he took a breath of the crisp, fall air and felt the chill go up his spine, and underneath his skin, feeling every one of his hairs stand up with pride. He swallowed, and remembering the taste of the past, knowing it would be the last time he ever would.
    His phone began to ring.
    "Chris, I'm so sorry. I read the box wrong."
  8. Arch-Angel
    Blog approvals... Ever since the Blog of the Week, we seem to have had a steady increase in making, earning, and asking for them. Some look amazing, some look thrown together, others you REALLY want. It seems to be that no matter how much you blog, you can't get that one member to find your blog approving of them. Though, in the process, we get the approvals that are so rare to get, you forget the one you really want and you're happy you got them.
    But I want to know, what blog approvals you got and how? Whats the story behind them? Your Metals of Honor (I call them) have all been given for some reason.
    Members who have given their Blog Approvals:
    Taki (2)
    Cap'n Goldfish
    Jack Skellington
    //// Dalek Paan ////
    ~Blue Diamond~
    Bundalings the Bunny
    The Xaeraz/The Dr. Zephyr
    One's Earned through Friendship and/or Blog Readers:
    Cap'n Goldfish
    ~Blue Diamond~
    Bundalings the Bunny
    The Xaeraz/The Dr. Zephyr
    Given Through (indirectly) Asking or Blog Approval Trade:
    Jack Skellington
    Have shame in:
    Kopakalaka (I asked for it, but I didn't earn it. I'm undeserving of it)
    That one entry got you that approval you've wanted so bad:
    Merriment (Hey, I didn't know him, but I wanted the approval when it was given)
    ~Blue Diamond~
    That approval you wish the Member would resize already(!) ><:
    The Approval that you never saw until the day you got it (giving it that special feeling):
    //// Dalek Paan ////
    Approvals you want and hope you get:
    ~Blue Diamond~
    Bundalings the Bunny
    MercenaryXero (that Chuck Norris one is pretty cool)
    Toa Lluvio
    Darth Vader
    Turakki's #1 Lavasurfer
    Gryphus 1

    ^Consider that my check list of sorts.
    What are yours?
  9. Arch-Angel
    I was wondering what you guys think of me doing some remodeling. Nieve got me to thinking about it when I made a content block for him. What do you think?








  10. Arch-Angel
    The number 54. The number of weeks in a year (Plus 2), John Cena's number in his College football years, number of Diet Pepsi I'd drink in a week, and number of people Chuck Norris has restraining orders against on BZP, and... well, I just like the number.
    What I'm trying to say, nothing would make me feel more happier then to end this year with at least some accomplishment. The First Day of this year I have the memory of my father getting arrested. My first girlfriend and I broke up a week before Valentines. My first punch to the jaw. I could go on.
    Still don't understand? Let me help you.





    But I know I have to earn it. I know I can't get it by saying "ME WANT BLOG AWARD" I have to entertain you all.  
    But the question is...

  11. Arch-Angel
    It all comes down tonight... Waiting for either a Blog Assistant or Toaraga to put up the winner.
    Number 54...
    Feels kinda scary... like its not here, but I feelit coming. I have plenty of doubt...

  12. Arch-Angel
    My first practice for wrestling and the sweatiest I've been since Summer, and I think I might of surpassed that.
    I am sore. I am tired.
    And I'm going to hit the gym soon.
    For some reason, amateur wrestling is starting to come naturally. Got a point from my partner everytime he reached in for an atack. Guess its because I love lifting people up using the Fireman's Carry and you get a point just lifting their leg up. Can't let them get your leg up or have your head touch the mat. I'm hard enough to get off my feet.
    Though through the practice, there is this manvuer where you bring you waist and thighs down really quick with your legs up, and lets just say one landing of mine wasn't too well. ><
    The coach said this is the hardest sport in the school, that we're going to get sore, that we're going to get hurt, sometimes bleed, and that the only way you'll last is through Hard Work.
    Thats what got me. Hard Work. Anything physical that will prove to be a acheivable challenge, I'll take.
    There is an old saying in wrestling that my coach told us.
    "Boys play with balls, and men wrestle."
    I like it. Its cocky. Its irrogant. Its tick others off.
    But I alway feel better about myself only that.
    Your Future WWE Champion of the World...!

  13. Arch-Angel
    Well, I got nothing to do. except homework.
    How the he(ck) do you do shuffle...
    1. Put your iTunes, Windows Media Player, etc. on shuffle.
    2. For each question, press the next button to get your answer.
    4. have fun wit it.
    Changes - 2pac
    What You Got - Colby O'Donis ft. Akon
    Go On Girl - NeYo (read the lyrics... oh gosh)
    Blind To You Haters - Collie Buddz
    Ain't No Stoppin' Me - Shelton Benjamin's Entrance Song
    Heart of the City (Ain't No Love) - Jay-Z (beautiful)
    Break Down The Walls (Of Jericho) - Chris Jericho's Entrance Song
    Hot - Smash Mouth (xD)
    Snow ((Hey oh)) - Red Hot Chili Peppers (lyrics I hope)
    WHAT IS 2 + 2?
    Killa - Cherish ft. Yung Joc
    Take My Hand - Simple Plan (O_O)
    When I'm Gone - Eminem
    On Top of the World - Boy Like Girls
    Ayo Technology - 50 Cent ft. Justin Timberlake (HOLY #### xD)
    Too Many Tears - 2pac (thats funny)
    Ain't No Love In The Heart Of The City - Bobby 'Blue' Bland
    Shorty Like Mine - Bow Wow ft. Chris Brown (This is true)
    Throw It On Me - Timbaland ft. The Hives (Que?)
    I Walk Alone - Saliva (that makes me sound bad ###)
    Bubbly - Colbie Colliat
  14. Arch-Angel
    NOTE: I would be a proto point away from Premier Outstanding Citizen. I honest to the Lord Almighty love that.
    Don't welcome me back, because I never left. You guys knew this. I've been haunting your blogs as I was forced to say the time away from my blog, thus losing my chance at the golden prize I've looked forward to having. The Blog of the Week.
    That award I've craved for... now gone, in the fading memories of BZP... Like the hot topic twoyears ago about Lego being sexist because they had only one female toa, village, villian in each group that came each year (you can see how that part changed).
    Now, back to life. I have news.
    The news that makes you say "Whoa, Arch-Angel. I'm sorry to hear that. I hope you do ok."
    BTW, its spelled 'okay'. I dunno why I'm picky about that.
    As much as I like reading them, I always see them coming. Ruins the suprise.
    Two things.
    My sister left to Brazil to see her boyfriend who moved her using donated college money we get from our father's boss who we "keep in touch with". About a grand every year around Christmas time for each of us. So my sister cashes it in, get the tickets, flies her way down to the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil. Warm weather, beautiful beaches, and great food no matter what nation you're from.
    And she isn't having a grand time.
    She has, from what my mom tells me, gotten into a big arguement with her boyfriend (funny, he reminds me so much of my own father) and needless to say, isn't enjoying any of this. She refuses to drive down to Sao Paulo (another state south of Minas) to where our family lives.
    But I haven't gotten to the bad part.
    You see, tensions have rised in my mother's workplace. The President of Confianca Moving (Confianca means 'trust', you'll see how thats ironic later...) is in a a predictiment. Last year, the decided to move the Headquarters of the company from Sao Paulo, Brazil to Rio de Janeiro. This, in fact, is a big move considering this is a Brazilian-established moving company. Most of their profit comes from Brazil. If people in Rio didn't choose to use Confianca, then profit would go down.
    Profit went down.
    The President of the company of course, rather not take the blame the stupid #####, said it was the fault on different managers across the United States, saying they influenced the idea of the move. My mom was against it from the start of the idea, but the President sent a message to the managers she picked out.

    She pulled a Donald Trump...
    Let me round about it like this.
    My mom lost her job (this is the last week of her Two Weeks Notice) and she's applying for any places, including Macy's (which would be most likely have HALF her original salary) and she's applied to Tampa Bay, Florida, where the sun is hot, and my friends are not (there). My sister is in Brazil for another three weeks. We might not have our rent payment in time.
    Oh, and I'm calm about this, for some reason.
    I mean, come on now, don't you think I'd be used to getting hit with a cinder block of emotional stress by now?
    Lost the 'Saint' Tagline, so I'm sticking to the original sign-off.
  15. Arch-Angel
    Omi has your blog approval.
    Anywho, today proved really funny.
    I'm taking the test for the second day in a row. Its a three day test on Lingo Arts (English) and we got to the easy part. Multiple choice and short answer response.
    Let me recall what we had... hmm...
    In no particular order:
    Things Are A-Changin' by Bob Dylan
    Another song by Bob Dylan
    Parts of the following books:
    Black Boy
    Invisible Man
    And an article on Indepent Inventors of toys.
    It was enjoyable mostly. Frankenstien looks to be a book I might actually read.
    Well, you see, though I got a good night's sleep (not bad... 1:30 AM) and I felt better today. I was going to grab a part of sunglasses I got from New York out of my mom's car, but I decided it would only drain time considering it was 6:52 and the bus is usually here at 6:55.
    I get to school, receive my test, finish section one...
    You see, I didn't feel like going to Health class. There's a cute girl that finds me worth talking to, and I have to resist the temptation. I don't think there is any girl out there that can give me as much purity of affectionate love than Bionigirl. I can't even swear to her. Swearing is a problem I have, and around her... I'm rated G.
    So I snoozin' for about what my friend says about 45 minutes (I asked her to wake me up everytime I slept) and she woke me up three times, each time more ticked off than previously. It was quite entertaining.
    After two hours (one of which I slept through) I went down to the Library.
    Now remember that 'purposely' up there?
    Thats because we're excused from class and it was early release (out at 1 PM).
    So I head straight to the library, wanting to get it over with...
    I take my seat near the door because the other tables are full.
    I turn my head towards the entrance door and start laughing.
    Kids are POURING into the library for the sole purpose of cutting class LEGALLY. I guess-timate about 200 students were in the library at the time. Most were relocated to classrooms without a class at the time. One was Mr. McNeill's. Pretty sure he had a field day [/sarcasm].
    I couldn't help but laugh more to find out this town did the same thing in the eigth grade.
    That must've made my day, 'cause Tom noted I was suprisingly in a good mood ever since.
    Gotta love legal skipping...

  16. Arch-Angel
    Many of you know (by many, I mean the few that read my blog) that I hate Tuesdays.
    I mean, HATE. Its my curse. Tuesday = Pain for me.
    But this Tuesday, Smackdown! and ECW are coing to Boston (nearly a year since they've been here) and I'm looking forward to being near the ring with my best friend.
    Of course, the whole being a Wrestling Fan thing would've never happened if it wasn't for my parents and the divorce, and the anger that flowed through my blood since, but I'm cool right now.
    I'll take pics of my sign and if I happen to see someone with a World Title Belt, I'll ask to borrow it for a few pics.
    Your WWE fan (And hopefully future WWE Superstar),

  17. Arch-Angel
    Yesterday, after a lovely day at school (by lovely, I mean it was about as graceful as a gazelle stomping on a baby lion for revenge)...

    He had it coming, trust me.
    My mother left work early and we went to an orthopedic surgeon to diagnose if my ankle needed surgery or not, or whatever he could do to it. So, after poking my foot in 14 places as if he was a pressure point master working his voodoo on my appendage, he wrote a form for me to take an X-ray on my foot. We head over to radiology and get the X-ray, come back, and found that the condition has become a little worse than expected. It's a ligament tear, but also with bruising of the bone and surrounding tissue. He gave me a boot to secure my foot in and told me to get crutches and to completely immobilize my foot for six weeks when we'll look at it and pray that I won't need a cast.
    The things is, crutches basically immobilize me. If that was the case, I would've broke my left leg to balance it out and get a wheelchair.

    I knew exactly where to go if ever the motivation.
    So, until the 13th of December or so, I'm pole-vaulting every step I want to make. The only benefit of this all is the thought that I'll be in walking condition soon enough. Really, this effects everything from my grades to my acting. I can't cross STAGE LEFT to STAGE RIGHT in character. Nor can I walk to the store to grab food after school. Or walk to Barnes and Nobles, get coffee and snack'ems, read books, write essays and lab reports, get into a depressed mood, and write really bad poetry. I mean, even my bad writing is taking a hit from this! Come on! This isn't fair now! I can't think of any good writer who had a disability! Not a soul!
    Aside from that, I spent today just simply trying harder.
    You see, what happened before getting the crutches was a class called Exercise Physiology. Physiology, but with exercise as labs.
    So because we need to sign a contract saying we consent to their exercise labs, no matter how painful, we had to do bicep curls. Until we couldn't anymore.
    5 times.

    I'm not this guy, but I just saw Batman & Robin, so I know that I'm a better actor than him.
    So my arms are having a hard time even extending fully, let alone lift anything.
    Including my 210-pound frame.
    Right now, I'm limited to a pair of crutches and a boot. Which is why I titled this entry "Canadians".
    Get it? A boot? Aboot? Canadians? From Canadia?
    Better than Alaska, though.

    Alaska: Canada's Canada
  18. Arch-Angel
    That Song of the Day, in Spanish!
    This one as a singles hit in 2005, an though I got tired of it, I'm not today.
    What made this stick out about other raps was that its about his family, and how he's sorry he's not there for his daughter more, or at all for that matter. Its touching, emotional song...
    When I'm Gone by Eminem.
    I only censored what the radio verison of it censored. Figured it was only right that I did to.
    Your song-loving member,

  19. Arch-Angel
    Labor Day... The first day of September, the first day rockin' the sexy orange, and Makaru's birthday.
    Funny, I made his b-day topic in CoT and Kex yelled at me.

    I was literally loling.
    Right now, as I was looking to see if the Natick Collection was open (the Natick Collection is the Mall of America of Massachusetts, basically), which it is, I found out that the Lego Store is hiring for Sales Associates. The Collection is a bit of a walk from school, and with the fall and winter rolling around, it'll be harder to walk, but I'm looking forward to the cold surprisingly. I think it'll bring back my poetic spirit, and maybe my writer's side as well. Right now I am indulging into my artistic side, and though I have a picture I'm proud of I want to show you... the scanner's broken, but writing needs no scanner on the internet!

    Sorry. With all the good the today's brought so far, I feel great.
    And while I'm at the Collection, I'm going to have my first Dr. Pepper, but it's WaWa's favorite drink.
    Yep... maybe some lunch in Friendly's too. But Friendly's is my depressing location. I like to eat there only when depressed. Reason being is the on July 4th, day after I broke up with Bionigirl, I ate there just to please my mom. Couldn't stop staring at myself in the mirror just to curse at myself inside at how much of a fake I was being at the time.
    Okay, come on Jonny Boy, no depression, not today. Today's a gift from God, appreciate it.
    I'd like some album suggestions, as I'm headed to the music store at the Collection. Be quick por favor.
    And guys, thanks for the congrats.
  20. Arch-Angel
    The GSA stands for the Gay/Straight Alliance. Recently, I have joined my school's GSA. Not due to my political opinion on gay rights or anything pertaining to my sexual orientation.
    I think I realized what I want to in life the most.
    I think I want, more than anything, is to fight for equal rights. Whatever one's political opinion may be.
    So, since the GSA at my school is large in size but small in... doing anything, I decided to take an initiative and get started on something called, "The Dream Project". The idea of the project is to spread the message of Anti-Bullying and Suicide Prevention. Letting kids know there are proper adults ready, willing and able to talk to you if you ever felt targeted or had dark thoughts. So Dream Project is the major title, while the project itself is many little projects which include:
    -The Ceiling Tile Project
    -Starbucks Coffee Bake Sale
    -UNOs Doughraiser
    -Barnes & Noble Book Fair
    -Other potential fundraisers and cause outreaches
    The Ceiling Tile Project is a concept I came up with when I saw an art student's work in my class. He painted a picture of his girlfriend on a ceiling tile, and put it up in all of her classes. Why? They had to be separated because her parents extremely disliked him. They came around, but still, it was a message to her that he was always there with her. It was sweet. The story made me tear up.
    Then I went into business mode and capitalized on that.
    Paint the ceiling tiles of multiple classrooms (the Principal approves and loves this idea and wants it IN ALL CLASSROOMS, if the teachers are willing) and have it start classroom discussions when a student asks about the tile.
    "Why does that tile mean?"
    "It's in memory of a student who died because he was bullied."
    Well, that hits home.
    Raise your hand if you been bullied or have bullied. Raise your hand if you have thought of taking your own life.
    Statistically, that's a lot of high school and middle school students.
    I also want the project to be "alive" as well. Or as I like to call it, "with a pulse." The teachers can switch around tiles, so that there is never one tile that is painted that melts into the background. Teachers in Massachusetts and in many other states are required to discuss issues about bullying and report concern for a student if signals are sent.
    So, why not try to change the world, even as small as a school?
    Oh, and when this Ceiling Tile Project is done, we're going to ask the middle schools if they like this. I've gotten the interest of other GSAs in neighboring towns to do this.
    Keep in mind, The Dream Project isn't just for gay anti-bullying or gay suicide prevention, but AGAINST ALL BULLYING AND ALL SUICIDES OF ANY FORM.
    Away from the Ceiling Tile Project, there is also the matter of funds. The GSA has none. It has no need for funds.
    Well, that don't sit well with Jonny, because Jonny likes funds.
    The GSA at my school forget the meaning of the word "Cause". So The fundraisers are being made to make funds to put into our bank account (they forgot they are also a non-profit organization) and at the end of the year, we pick where we'd like to donate that money. The money more than likely will go to a support group clinic or Teen Outreach that counsels depressed teens and/or adults, or churches or temples that have support groups or group therapy. That's what a Cause needs to do. It needs to actually do.
    So, I guess you can say I'm in Cause Marketing. Because change in the world doesn't happen unless you try to change the world.
  21. Arch-Angel
    NOTE: Suggestions of 'Song of the Day' are much obliged, so if you have a song thats clean or mostly clean of swears and/or profanity (rap/Hip-Hop/R&B allowed of course), than PM it, and it might become 'Song of the Day'. INCLUDE WHY YOU THINK IT SHOULD BE SotD.
    This one obviously goes out to my man VanillaToads (thats my name for him) since this entry.
    Hey Jude don't let me down
    You have found her now go and get her...
    Hey Jude (Across the Universe version) by The Beatles (sung by Joe Anderson)
  22. Arch-Angel
    The lights and idea came from Jack_Skellington, my new unoffical business partner.
    Notice the Christmas Lights on the Custom Content Blocks on your right? Its simple decoration!




    Credit Jack Skellington and myself! Mostly Jack!
    Happy Holidays (Because the government won't let me say 'Merry Christmas'),

  23. Arch-Angel
    This is the reward of surfing the internet movie database people.
    Don't want to get yelled at for no warnin' ya, ight?

    And something probably at the back of your mind...

    You can thank me later, right now I'm gonna get ready to run with the monster starts headed North after eating the Yankees. He's gonn want a bite out off the Red Sox soon.
    *Flies to St. Louis and Chicago to get Bionigirl and Taki*
    And for those of ou begging to knw what the monster is and only followin what others describe t you or the 'lion' theory thing, here's the pic.

    Alright, I'll give you the real pic.
    (Lean Back, Brush Your Shoulders Off...)

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