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Blog Entries posted by Arch-Angel

  1. Arch-Angel
    Yes, you know who I'm talking about.
    He has been making a statement, and a rather large one, by insulting the BZP mascot and techically calling BZPower a dictatorship. Not really the best way to approach.
    You see, in order to change the system, one must have everyone on his side.
    Have everyone on your side, what can the ones in power do?
    Though going up as one person isn't right. One person can be easily flicked away, like the person who is depicted in his banner and avatar. They will simply get rid of you because you're disturbing the BZP communnity. What are you compared to them. Maybe thats why you're fighting.
    Of course, you have spent at least several dollars for the running of this site. You only benefitted it. Foolish I say...
    But consider this.
    What if you did make a change?
    What would that change be?
    I doubt we can change the way this forum is set and expect it to be right.
    Anarchy is a bad direction. But it is your direction.
    Unfortunately, you're going to be flicked away.
    Yet you know this?
    Well, my aqquaintence, I respect your beliefs, though not my own, as I do with others.
    Enjoy your life after this day. I believe you will... somewhat. Who's to say?
  2. Arch-Angel
    Today, I actually have many things to do.
    I know, right? I'm not trapped in my apartment today.
    I'm going to go to church in a few minutes as my ride comes by. He and I are going to the church in my hometown (we are members after all) and he's bringing his daughter with him. It'll be the first time I meet the little eight-year-old. She's gone through plenty in her life already.
    Think about how phychologically messed up this girl will be if her life takes too many turns now.
    1. Her parents are divorced. Its not uncommon, but still...
    2. They both have different beliefs. Her dad is a Born-again Christian, her mother is a Jehovah's Witness. Her father (my ride) is now bringing her to church. I don't really ask about the mother.
    3. She has Leukemia, but it was caught early on. She's on chemo, though I don't know if that has already passed.
    Truly, I think any of you out there praying for me, should instead pray for this little girl. Her name is Sarah, please remember that name.
    Due to the rules of this forum, I cannot have any images, discussions, or so much as a Bible verse for today.
    But still.

    What does this buck-tooth moron have anything to do with the resurrection of Jesus Christ?
    This holiday needs a makeover.
    From now on, its will be known as...
    Big Ups For Jesus Day!!

  3. Arch-Angel
    Movie: 3:10 to Yuma
    Run Time: 2 Hours
    Rated: R for for violence and some language.
    Some of you might not have been too trilled to see this movie.
    But trust me, I was, and I was proud I got to see it.
    In pre-Civil War or post-Civil War time, a rancher named Dan Evans (Christian Bale) is in debt, and in risk of having his family forced out of home to make way of the Transcontinetal Railroad. When he and his two sons went out to feed thir herd, they witnessed a Bank Cart Hold-Up by the notorious Ben Wade (Russell Crowe).
    I shall give up no more of the story aside from that.
    The acting was great. You knew the two actors put in their best performance in this hit of a movie. This movie truly brought the Western-style movies in our generation.
    Note, this movie has a confusing ending, so don't pull it off as stupid until the finish and YOU have to understand why. If not, comment this entry and I'll tell you.
    Another Note, you best be careful of you eyes and ears. Eyes because you're going to see a little gore. Not a down-right blood fest, but say... a bullet to the throat and the removal of a bullet from the stomach? If you can handle that, you're good. If you can't handle Saw, you can handle this. Maybe not the scene of the first campfire, but everything else should be fine. Ears, because you ARE going to hear a lot of gunfires. A LOT. Not a shoot'em up, but a decent enough one where they all come together.
    My thoughts? On the list of my favorite movies.

  4. Arch-Angel
    Well, with a sigh of relief, I got to say this day brought the inner peace I was praying for from God. I feel so refreshed, mind, body and spirit (just prayed) and I got to say, I feel great.
    It all started with yesterday. That day set the path I was placed in towards refreshment.

    Crack it open. Its pretty good.
    I stayed home from school because I was given the decision. My cold/fever/cobra-clutch last night only got worse... and worse.
    "Do you want to say home tomorrow?" My mom asks.
    ...What kind of question is that? There's a 97.3 percent chance of a 'si, madre.'
    We watch 'Serendipity' which I have to say is probably the best love movie I've ever seen, with a hint of comedy. Totally recommend it (not like it matters. You probably won't bother searching it)
    So she held me down, puts Vicky on me, which burned painfully on my facial skin mind you and tossed me to bed as the tiny hint of smell going into my nostrils drives me insane.
    You don't understand.

    Ever since I was able to walk, I've hated this thing. My mom still remembers the day I stole every Vicks Vapor-Rub in the house for two years and finding all of them under my bed when we were moving. The product's scent drives me to insanity. When she put it on last night, I grabbed a paper towel and stuffed it in my mouth as a filter (I CAN TASTE THE SMELL) and I could still tasmell it a hint of it.
    The next day, meaning today, I arise from bed at 1:29 PM. So much for school...
    I spent the day being lazy. The usual surfing on BZP, listening to my playlist, going up the community blogs list, avoiding the MoC entries as usual. I spent five hours of my day doing nothing productive, as I spent with every day.
    I listen to a recording of my radio morning show on their website and they discussed exercising and diet, because just about all of them do, and they had a finalist from the show 'The Biggest Loser' talk about his time on the show. I figure, 'Hey, I got nothing to do. I might as well hit the tread mill at the gym. Haven't gone there in three months.'
    So get dressed, finish my dwindling IM chats (of course forgetting the away message) and put on my socks on the couch.
    I stopped.
    I went up to the wide window of our apartment, and remember the temperature it was when I went to get my sister's purse in her car. It was in the sixty's to seventy's.
    I open a window. The feeling of the air, the evening scent as the horizon bears the sun saying its final goodbye to the East Coast with its light shining the last rays to give us the semi-dim view of the things around us...
    I found myself reminiscing. The many summer days I spent on my bike, riding with my friends until dusk, the trips to Big Scoops Ice Cream Shop, hanging out on the bench talking and chuckling at our dry humor and funny experiences... going to October Fest together, watching the fireworks blow up in the air literally feeling the force of the sound when the explode in a flash of bright colors and wonders, with that light so bright, you thought it opened a portal to the heavens for that one second...
    I breath out.
    I head to the gym in a jog to the other side of the building and down the stairs, feet still asking for steps to be made.
    I step inside the gym, empty of the neighbors that I never talk to. I step on the tread mill set in its track format on the digital screen and put it up to a five miles an hour jog...
    A constant five miles an hour jog for 1.6 kilometers; a mile without heavy breathing and with fifteen minutes of Family Guy on CW.
    I felt proud of myself. A recorded mile? Constant? Unheard of in my body's past.
    I watch the beginning of a new Two and a Half Men on the new petal bike machine thing after lifting weights for five minutes. I was more focused on losing weight then gaining upper-body strength.
    I felt more proud. I was sweating plenty after three months of being a lazy bum in my room only living day-by-day by going to school without working out. Still proud of that mile.
    I go upstairs to my apartment, I wash my face with an acne-wash. Not that I cared about the acne even if the black-heads were ready to roar their ugly heads, but I felt it would help me feel comfortable.
    I hit the shower for a relaxing wash, and I set out.
    I'm refreshed.
    My mom gets home, she complains about the bills, et cetera, et cetera. It didn't help, but it didn't really bring me down. Sure their mind-set weren't refreshed as they were more worried on the problems, mistakes, and accidents of the past, but I couldn't blame them at all. I was feeling great, and still am.
    I have my window open. The midnight sky tuning down the temperature, but the positivity is still in me.
    I sigh happily. Thats right, probably the first time in Lord knows how long, I'm pretty happy. Like the end of a movie, when the protagonist finds peace.
    Mind, body, spirit... they're all good.
    Have a good night's sleep everybody. We all deserve one.
  5. Arch-Angel
    "Whenever I watch TV and see those poor starving kids all over the world, I can't help but cry. I mean I'd love to be skinny like that but not with all those flies and death and stuff."
    - Mariah Carey
  6. Arch-Angel
    Movie: Rush Hour 3
    Run Time: USA-90 minutes
    Rated: PG-13
    The duo are back in the action comedy film 'Rush Hour 3' with a load of action and more laughs than you can handle. Seriously, some people clapped at the One-Liners brought by Chris Tucker and people were loving the action brought by Jackie Chan. Watching this film, you can't help but laugh at the quick responses James Carter gives. High Fiving a nun, and getting into fights he should know to avoid by now.
    Jackie Chan gave some laughs also, but were hillarious! Swearing to a nun to suggesting a dirty movie, you couldn't resist to laugh. And when you saw him in action, I couldn't help but continue thinking 'He does his own stunts'. Amazing actor, even if his accent is as thick as my father's.
    You will truly agreed into calling it the funniest one of all three.
    And never forget the outtakes.
    Lee: You are not my brother!
    Carter: I'm not your brother huh? After all we've been through? ... Rush Hour 1, Rush Hour 2?
    The best 90 minutes I've had with a movie.

  7. Arch-Angel
    Read this.
    UPDATE: Russia has retreated out of Georgia, saying, "The aggressor has been punished."
    Today, 8/13/08:
    Russia to U.S.: Choose us or Georgia Forum link removed - Nukora
    Any political comments will be deleted if it shall spark a flame war. (Wish they could be drafted. I <3 opinions)

  8. Arch-Angel

    Ryuu, otherwise known as Korey, is my friend from High School. She's got a lot of heart, and a lot of problems in life. Struggling to balance her relationship with her boyfriend whom her evil parents want them to split, she has to deal with me. Ryuu's one of the best friends you could have. Don't get on her bad side though, there is no benefit to that.

    Oh. And she likes to glomp me. A lot.

    You can talk to Ryuu on AIM, her screenname is WingedWindWalker.

  9. Arch-Angel
    Mom got mad. Very mad. I thought I got it from Dad's side of the family, but apparently my mother takes the cake.
    She wanted to spend "Quality Time" with her "Family".
    If you know my opinon on this being a family, then it would be easier for you to follow.
    My sister and I both disgreed with my mom to go to beach in Rhode Island an hour and a half away. Its too long, and it isn't worth the trip. Its a record high day, the beach WILL be crowded, and three hours of it will be spent go there and back.
    And she gets mad.
    We end up going to have breakfast at a restaurant, Bickford's(at 1 PM) and lunch at a Friendly's which took a near hour to get our food. And while I was eating, a dsable woman was staring at my plate the entire time, a foot away(glass window thingy sparated us from the table as is Friendly's style)
    It was a completely loss. Before Friendly's, we went shopping at TJ Maxx to pass the time and digest a crummy breakfast. And after Lunch/Dinner, got me some new sneakers.

    Something like those.
    Spent the whole day waiting to watch Summer Slam on Pay-Per-View at my friend's house.
    It was worth the 40 bucks (I didn't spend) to watch!
    The matches were great, and only left one and a half disappointments. Umaga didn't lose his Intercontinetal title, which wouldn't bother me. But Batista won the match via disqualifition! The titles can't switch hands unless its by pin fall or submission. The Great Kahli knew this, and in fear of losing the title, hit Batista with a chair to the back to lose, yet retain.
    But best of all, John Cena made me five bucks richer when he beat Randy Orton!

    Yep... it was a great moment...
    I woke up at 12 PM, which isn't my choice in time with school starting tomorrow, and I've coming back at around 11 from Monday Night Raw isn't going to help. I'm going to get ready to leave to buy a poster, and get some exercise also.
    I hope lost noticeable weight this summer...
    Well, bye y'all!

  10. Arch-Angel
    The past six days have been...
    I basically did what is what seems to be a peaceful routine. Go to school, talk to friends, have conversations going through multiple topics, and a skill to be able separate the wise from the false prophets.
    The wise will know what to say and with meaning.
    The false prophets are those filled with knowledge. The only catch being they have an opinion or observation on it.
    Like Mr. McNeill.
    Speaking of the man, let me show you my conclusion as to being taught by him for well over one hundred days.
    React on emotion.
    Well someone ticks off Mr. MacbethMcNeill, he will make them either submit under their own will when they don't know enough English or when they do, leave the class.
    Thats not bad, thats just regular teacher justice. If I had it my way, I'd give the ol' fashion Latina mama butt-whoopin', and I know what those felt like. Those told you "Yo no carro again!"
    Instead, he turns to the class and says "Congratulations, _________ has just bought you all an essay. I want an essay in MLA format, rough draft, final draft typed and double spaced, due this _______."
    I chuckle in disbelief.
    You shouldn't do that to your class. I don't care if you have the right or power, you piece of ####, you're reacting upon emotion. Thats stupidity. You aren't doing your job, you just want the rest of us to suffer from one person's disagreement with you.
    Another thing.
    Two weeks ago, he gave us a grammar packet. Each night, the homework would be to do whatever he assigned us to do. I didn't do it, of course, not in retaliation but I've bombed English 10 like Hiroshima. I could have done all my homework for this term, aced the final perfectly... and he would still have trouble deciding whether or not he'd recommend me for summer school. The F's of the past mark you like scars, people, don't forget that in High School all you middle school graduates.
    What he did, because he felt so right doing so, was have the class take a quiz...
    He had us seated at our desks (he lets me sit on the comfy chairs he has because he still thinks I have a pilonidal cyst described here. Thats right, I'm not embarrassed by it anymore) and goes randomly from student to student asking them to define terms that would seem so simple if he didn't want the answer to be 100 per-freakin'-cent correct.
    "What is an adverb Catarina?"
    "An adverb... um..."
    "No um's, minus one."
    "Go on! Answer the question!"
    "An adverb is-"
    "Minus ten points."
    "You were suppose to say 'An adverb modifies an adjective, a verb, or another adverb. Pat! Come on, moron! (<-calls Pat that regularly. Pat doesn't mine I believe) For half-credit, what is an adverb?"
    So on and so forth.
    But the biggest catch to this?
    He took it off the percentage of our last grade. Say someone go a one hundred on their last grade and that was the only thing keeping them passing for the year. We went down 70 percent.
    So that assignment was at a 30. Which is an F.
    With what he was doing, I was building up a storm inside, ready to let out an argument enough to shut him down like a five-star restaurant with rats. What did I care? I'm failing this class worse than anyone else, so why not?
    I refrained to do so because he would've taken points off for the rest of the class, who have worked hard for their grade. Two people were already failing at this point.
    Otherwise, Mr. McNeill is just another guy with a lot of knowledge and an opinion on it. Plus, he can keep up a good conversation.
  11. Arch-Angel
    Tomorrow (and of course, the day before my b-day), my sister's boyfriend leaves to go back to Brazil. They've been together for a year and a half.
    How do you think my sister's taking it?
    She went too sleep last night at 4 AM, because she was too busy crying in complete sorrow. Heck, I went to sleep at 2:30 to finish my book for school.
    I'm in her Community College right now. She's taking a test in Economics. No time limit. I'm in the Computer Lab typing this up right now with my Should've-been-Birthday-or-Christmas-gift beanie hat from quiksilver that has a one ear headset, which I find pretty cool. Heck, I'm listening to 'Shawty is a Ten' and soon 'Because of You' right now.
    Being an immigrant is hard, and you have to lose a lot to have a new life. Start over with, without, or few family members, in a different country where things are run differently, different culture, and different language.
    He couldn't handle the pressure, so he's decided during the summer to move back to the family, leaving his girlfriend.
    Well, I just ask you all pray for my sister. The 'Love of her Life' is going back to Brazil and doesn't know if he'll come back.
    Over and out...
  12. Arch-Angel
    NOTE: Suggestions of 'Song of the Day' are much obliged, so if you have a song thats clean or mostly clean of swears and/or profanity (rap/Hip-Hop/R&B allowed of course), than PM it, and it might become 'Song of the Day'. INCLUDE WHY YOU THINK IT SHOULD BE SotD.
    In recent events, this is the only song that can describe best of what I'm feeling.
    We broke up.
    Ghost of You by My Chemical Romance.
  13. Arch-Angel
    Why hasn't anyone made a song?
    That can fit my heart
    Give hope
    For a brand new start
    That can make me whole...
    I had my love
    break me for
    Sweet as an angel
    From the heavens above
    She broke me
    So I could
    Over the mountains
    Through the seas
    I know that she
    can see me
    crying on my knees
    because she has
    set me
    Never shall I forget that day
    When we broke up, in a loving way
    My heart smashed
    My drink turned ash
    And I laid... shattered...
    Over the mountains
    Through the seas
    I know that she
    can see me
    crying on my knees
    because she has
    set me
    The sun shined
    weeks on end
    But the rain pouring
    on my head
    Single and
    Hating it
    Every single moment
    I live.
    Over the mountains
    Through the seas
    I know that she
    can see me
    crying on my knees
    because she has
    set me
    I'm still young
    I've got time
    love is there
    for me to find
    but search is hard
    a painful task
    who can see me
    under the mask?
    Not those girls
    They see lies
    A dove outside
    a crow inside
    Lying through my heart
    am I
    Over the mountains
    Through the seas
    I know that she
    can see me
    crying on my knees
    because she has
    set me
    Over the mountains
    Through the seas
    I know that she
    can see me
    crying on my knees
    because she has
    set me
  14. Arch-Angel
    NOTE: Suggestions of 'Song of the Day' are much obliged, so if you have a song thats clean or mostly clean of swears and/or profanity (rap/Hip-Hop/R&B allowed of course), than PM it, and it might become 'Song of the Day'. INCLUDE WHY YOU THINK IT SHOULD BE SotD.

    Song of the Day 52, people.

    Don't Fear The Reaper by Blue Oyster Cult
  15. Arch-Angel
    I realized I've had a problem. It's been going on for weeks, and takes a weekly pattern.
    I have a different crush every week.
    It's almost always based on personality.
    Let me explain.
    I was talking to my friend Adrianna in English class like a usually do, and she cracked a joke we both started laughing about. I looked at her again, and it was like going from an old Technicolor movie to HDTV. She became more beautiful to me, simply because I knew her personality better. I remember when I first saw her back on the First Day of the School Year, I thought we wouldn't get passed one full conversation, now we're friends and she's incredibly cute to me.
    Though my intimate feelings for her have passed.
    Because like all the girls I socially interact on a daily to semi-daily basis, I have probably had a crush on them.
    The longest one of these crushes have lasted was about nine days. It was this dark haired, blue eyed girl who's beautiful in her physical aspects, but her personality she hides. That's why the crush lasted for nine days; I couldn't get to know her until she started to remotely open up.
    Oh, and what didn't help was her first name being Carley.
    It really is a problem for me. I have no control of my feelings for them, and I know it isn't true love I feel for them, but some other form of love.
    But I can tell you there are a lot of beautiful girls in Drama Company, and with rehearsal every day, they get more gorgeous by the hour.
    Though my heart doesn't land on any girl right now, except for one.
    Miss Anonymous.
    Rachael from the December 20th section of this entry (who was one of the first weekly crushes I had if you read December 25th section) IMs me Sunday or Monday and asks me if I like someone. Being in the mood, I tried to note her actions, and I typed them out to her too. I knew she had something to gain from knowing if I did or not and that considering she was bugging me constantly for me to answer, I knew she knew something. So I explained to her my situation (noted above) and I glad she understood. I continued playing my game of reading her every response as if it had a secret meaning, because I knew it did. I guessed correctly that it was because she knew someone in Dco liked me, and that someone talks to her. I tried and failed to get her to play 20 Questions with me, and at least got the satisfaction of knowing it wasn't a guy.
    Though, throughout the week since she told me, the near-endless list of girls run by my head. I try to add up so many things. They must know Rachael, must know I talk to her, made Rachael make a promise so well she refuses my every manipulating plea to tell me, and I believe in is our play. It narrows the list well, and it shows. I know this one girl and Rachael have beef, Rachael doesn't like that one girl, these girls already have guys, et cetera. So I gave her an alias for myself.
    Miss Anonymous.
    Unfortunately, I have no clear idea who it is, and the narrowing of the list is going slowly. It's annoying. Every time I see Rachael, I shake my head with a grin and say "I hate you" and she giggles quietly.
    (Un)fortunately, I'm seeing someone on Sunday.
    My friends, Tom and Hillary (mentions so many times in this blog), were hanging out back on... December 30th? and gave me a call while working with my Dad. They tell me they got a girlfriend for me. Clearly, I'm confused but in reality of the whole thing at the same time. They tell me they're gonna bring me to their city and introduce me to Michelle, someone they were talking about who's single. Tom is going to drive me there, we are going to pick Hillary and Michelle up, and hang out in town (of course, I'm buying). Consider it a double date, accept your male amigo is gay and the other girl has no interest in you whatsoever... so yeah, basically Michelle and I with friends.
    I'm nervous to say the least. I don't know what will happen, and it's not excitement, but pure fear of the outcome. Will I fall in love with this girl? Will I not like her at the end of the night? Will I find out who in Dco likes me, or will Miss Terry fade in the confounds of my mind?
    I just know next week, I either walk out with a girlfriend, walk out with a mystery lingering in my mind, one broken heart, two broken hearts, or my broken heart.
  16. Arch-Angel
    The Song of the Day goes to the one that gets me everytime.
    If you get the chance, listen to it. I've kept this song on my mp3 players (all three of them) and it lives on in my playlist at Windows Media Player.
    I present to you...
    By Nickelback

  17. Arch-Angel
    NOTE: Suggestions of 'Song of the Day' are much obliged, so if you have a song thats clean or mostly clean of swears and/or profanity (rap/Hip-Hop/R&B allowed of course), than PM it, and it might become 'Song of the Day'. INCLUDE WHY YOU THINK IT SHOULD BE SotD.
    .:Sora:. really nailed it in the head with this one...
    This really was the beginning of my day until... I guess late.
    Lonely Day by System of a Down
  18. Arch-Angel
    I've decided to start a new content block with a song I find entertaining or emotional.
    Going off from my usual Rap/Hip-Hop/R&B genre of music, today's song is Raw's Opening Theme Song:
    ...To Be Loved
    by Papa Roach

  19. Arch-Angel
    This one goes out to my good friend Taki, whom personal troubles reminded me of this song. I actually listened to ths song or thought of it when I thought of my crush from my old town.
    The song genre is Blues, and was made in 1972...
    Bobby "Blue" Bland's very own,
    Ain't No Love in the Heart of the City
    Lyrics at the bottom right side of the blog.

  20. Arch-Angel
    Today's song was what I listened through my days of misery from being made fun of for being a Christian, the lyrics are good, and hearing it is even better.
    I Will Hold My Head High by Thrid Day
    If you ever listen to it, or have listened to it, you know what I mean.
    Roaming CoT and the Community Blog, your local multi-genre DJ...

  21. Arch-Angel
    This song goes out to sister and my mom, because I'm pretty sure this applies to BOTH of them now.
    If you read any bit of my blog before, then yu know what happened to my mom.
    But today, it came like deja vu to my sister. Her boyfriend went to Brazil, and within a few days, lied to her and went out with his ex-girlfriend. Her heart is in agony right now. Reason why I didn't go to the mall like I said I would last entry.
    This goes out to them, and any girl thats had to deal with a cheating man.
    Before He Cheats by Carrie Underwood

  22. Arch-Angel
    NOTE: Suggestions of 'Song of the Day' are much obliged, so if you have a song thats clean or mostly clean of swears and/or profanity (not always rap), than PM it, and it might become 'Song of the Day'.
    This song is short, not many verses, but enough to get straight to the point. Life ain't easy, and its not suppose to be, and 'how we survive, is what makes us who we are'.
    So I hope you all enjoy this one...
    Survive and Rise Against

  23. Arch-Angel
    NOTE: Suggestions of 'Song of the Day' are much obliged, so if you have a song thats clean or mostly clean of swears and/or profanity (not always rap), than PM it, and it might become 'Song of the Day'.
    Today's 'Song of the Day' was give by -MediocreMan- via AIM.
    I've listened to it, and you don't really know who's the narrator. It is a man on the battlefront, but what war is he facng?
    Thats for you to decide.
    Unknown Soldier by Breaking Benjamin

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