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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Entries posted by Arch-Angel

  1. Arch-Angel
    NOTE: Suggestions of 'Song of the Day' are much obliged, so if you have a song thats clean or mostly clean of swears and/or profanity (rap/Hip-Hop/R&B allowed of course), than PM it, and it might become 'Song of the Day'. INCLUDE WHY YOU THINK IT SHOULD BE SotD.
    Today's song goes out to all the young mothers out there who had to face this tribulation. It covers different situations from different points of views. In ths case, different artists joine in.
    What I like about this song is that its mostly clean and has a meaning to it. Then again, thats what people loved about the now passed-away main artist of this song.
    Baby Don't Cry by 2pac.
  2. Arch-Angel
    NOTE: Suggestions of 'Song of the Day' are much obliged, so if you have a song thats clean or mostly clean of swears and/or profanity (rap/Hip-Hop/R&B allowed of course), than PM it, and it might become 'Song of the Day'. INCLUDE WHY YOU THINK IT SHOULD BE SotD.
    You actually thought I'd forget this?
    Today's song goes out to my mom and myself. It a song of celebration to us. The bad memories brought by my dad and our love/hate for him drives us crazy, but this song describes the day we are waiting for it. It may be years before it comes, but I'll probably be listening to this when the comes.
    I never thought I'd doubt him, but I'm better off without him.
    Over You by Daughtry.
  3. Arch-Angel
    NOTE: I would be a proto point away from Premier Outstanding Citizen. I honest to the Lord Almighty love that.
    Don't welcome me back, because I never left. You guys knew this. I've been haunting your blogs as I was forced to say the time away from my blog, thus losing my chance at the golden prize I've looked forward to having. The Blog of the Week.
    That award I've craved for... now gone, in the fading memories of BZP... Like the hot topic twoyears ago about Lego being sexist because they had only one female toa, village, villian in each group that came each year (you can see how that part changed).
    Now, back to life. I have news.
    The news that makes you say "Whoa, Arch-Angel. I'm sorry to hear that. I hope you do ok."
    BTW, its spelled 'okay'. I dunno why I'm picky about that.
    As much as I like reading them, I always see them coming. Ruins the suprise.
    Two things.
    My sister left to Brazil to see her boyfriend who moved her using donated college money we get from our father's boss who we "keep in touch with". About a grand every year around Christmas time for each of us. So my sister cashes it in, get the tickets, flies her way down to the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil. Warm weather, beautiful beaches, and great food no matter what nation you're from.
    And she isn't having a grand time.
    She has, from what my mom tells me, gotten into a big arguement with her boyfriend (funny, he reminds me so much of my own father) and needless to say, isn't enjoying any of this. She refuses to drive down to Sao Paulo (another state south of Minas) to where our family lives.
    But I haven't gotten to the bad part.
    You see, tensions have rised in my mother's workplace. The President of Confianca Moving (Confianca means 'trust', you'll see how thats ironic later...) is in a a predictiment. Last year, the decided to move the Headquarters of the company from Sao Paulo, Brazil to Rio de Janeiro. This, in fact, is a big move considering this is a Brazilian-established moving company. Most of their profit comes from Brazil. If people in Rio didn't choose to use Confianca, then profit would go down.
    Profit went down.
    The President of the company of course, rather not take the blame the stupid #####, said it was the fault on different managers across the United States, saying they influenced the idea of the move. My mom was against it from the start of the idea, but the President sent a message to the managers she picked out.

    She pulled a Donald Trump...
    Let me round about it like this.
    My mom lost her job (this is the last week of her Two Weeks Notice) and she's applying for any places, including Macy's (which would be most likely have HALF her original salary) and she's applied to Tampa Bay, Florida, where the sun is hot, and my friends are not (there). My sister is in Brazil for another three weeks. We might not have our rent payment in time.
    Oh, and I'm calm about this, for some reason.
    I mean, come on now, don't you think I'd be used to getting hit with a cinder block of emotional stress by now?
    Lost the 'Saint' Tagline, so I'm sticking to the original sign-off.
  4. Arch-Angel
    I got emotional last night. After my last entry, I soon started crying. I couldn't stop thinking about hm.
    Still can't.
    The morning, lunch, after school, he's still in my heart for some reason.
    Something about Beliwa that just...cracked me open again.
    I've decided to leave something in memory of him. But not just him. Everyone that I knew that has passed away. I never knew Beliwa, but I was connected with him in some way. I mourned his passing, as I did others. I never want to forget them.
    I made this.
    Each dove in my content block represents everyone I knew that has passed. I never want to forget them, and with these, I never will.




    Maybe you'll use them too.

  5. Arch-Angel
    NOTE: Suggestions of 'Song of the Day' are much obliged, so if you have a song thats clean or mostly clean of swears and/or profanity (rap/Hip-Hop/R&B allowed of course), than PM it, and it might become 'Song of the Day'. INCLUDE WHY YOU THINK IT SHOULD BE SotD.
    I always wondered when the day would come. When the day that a member would pass. I saw that day as distant. As if it as wasn't gonna come. I saw myself as the first to go, only after I've distanced myself from BZP so I wouldn't break a heart. That the other amigos I knew onlinewold think that I grew away from BZP, grew up a decent life living day after day, and ended up in a cubical pulling off a scam from the movie "Office". Thats how I wish it'd woul be with any bad news.
    It makes you wonder.
    I does.
    I wonder. I knew a boy by the name of Alex. 8-years-old, lived here in my state. I believe his BZP name was 'Alex the Matoran'. He guest starred in my first and pobably last comedy 'Bionicle Dodgeball'. Alays used him for slap-stick comedy. He loved it.
    Then one day, he stopped posting. Not slowly leavin, as in he posted a few times a day and then poof. Pulled a Hodini.
    Everytime I think of my past in BZP, I think of Alex. I think of what became of him. He was eight years old. What eight year old would forget Bionicle and BZP in 24 hours?
    I tried to think, "Well, you don't know if that happened, Jonny Boy."
    But you'd have to wonder right?
    Death has never ran well with me. I look forward to my own, yet never will except others. Then makes you wonder again. Grief.
    Grief of others.
    To make one sad is pain enough. To never say sorry again...
    Sorry if I put thoughts in your head.
    I'll make you all a promise:
    THE DAY I LEAVE BZPOWER IS THE DAY I DIE. BZP will shut down or run dry of members, or ban me before I go. And if I happen to want to leave BZP, you'll all know about it either in a blog entry or a will-be-closed topic soon to be flushed away in the deep dead posts of CoT.
    I keep my word.
    Beliwa, you opened many eyes throughout BZP onto reality. To some you reopened.
    Run It Back Again by Corbin Bleu

  6. Arch-Angel
    NOTE: Suggestions of 'Song of the Day' are much obliged, so if you have a song thats clean or mostly clean of swears and/or profanity (rap/Hip-Hop/R&B allowed of course), than PM it, and it might become 'Song of the Day'. INCLUDE WHY YOU THINK IT SHOULD BE SotD.

    The past two days haven't exactly been peaceful. I got a virus on my computer which went ahead an downloaded more. Still now, I am still taking care of current viruses. Though I'm feeling better now that most of the stressful ones were taken care of. As the virus search continues, I don't worry 'bout a thing. 'Cause every little thing is gonna be all right.
    Today's song is the song my mother sung when she needed to cool down during the Divorce Age. I found the song, and proudly hum it or sing the lyrics quiety as I go.
    Three Little Birds by Bob Marley.

  7. Arch-Angel
    Today started out as any other. Get up, get dressed, of course its an hour until the bus comes, I go on BZP for a bit, leave the computer on, run for the bus stop and figure out that its either late or I just got there by the second before it left. Normal, right?
    Well, get to school. Gotta take the Gym Exam which wil be all about the sports we've learned and not one boy bother glancing at the Review Sheet the coach offered us. We're all set anyways because we saw the Pats vs. Chargers game, so no worries.
    I sit down on the bench next to my friend Shawn. Should've known this kid since Elementary, but we never were in the same class so whatever, we're friend now...
    More students come, more friends, talk and talk... blah blah blah, crack a few chuckles with dry humor...
    My old friend Carlos comes around. I've known Carlos for God knows how long. We were good friends in Elementary, and I actually got to meet up with him again tank to his girlfriend in my badly-placed Spanish class. Funny how it worked out...
    Back on topic. He starts talking about his history with me, and then he gets to the grantest memory. A memory so blurred by how unimportant it was to me. I barely remember anything in elementary because I started realizing life in the 6th grade.
    He tells me this story, and bits and pieces start coming back to me.
    There was this blonde kid in my class named Danny. Not a lot of friends because he talke a lot of smack, but he was friends with the most popular one, Andrew. At this camp place at a field trip, called Horizons for Youth, we get into... a fight?
    The question mark is there because I did all the fighting.
    My friend Jonathan Clark (funny how I was friends with the Class Explosive) tells me he's gonna beat Danny up as soon as I finish with him. In my mind, I never liked Danny, but I had nothing against him. I thought of only four words back then.
    'I'm good, he's bad.'
    So what do I do?
    In this pillow fight, swings his pillow at me and it hurt because it scratched my face. All I needed was a little motivation and I grabbed him and started punching him in the back. His friend Andrew broke us up once he steps out of the shower still with a towel around him.
    Soon as he goes back in to do whatever, Danny walks up to me and tries to start a fight. From bits and pieces of my memory and what Carlos told me, I picked him up and dropped him back first on my knee.
    I walked away, and Jonathan Clark apparently started punching the holy heck out of him. Heard that he had to leave Horizons the next day due to back problems (whoa boy), but I don't remember AT ALL getting sespended or so much a slap on the wrist. Nothing.
    I remember in the Market during the 7th grade, I saw him. I thought about apologizing to him, but decided not to for some reason. Carlos tells me things haven't changed. Danny talks more smack then ever, and his cousin that I guess recently popped up. Andrew moved somewhere.
    I'm just glad that I've moved away. Went to a peaceful town where words are your bullets and your mouth is a gun. Softened me up physically, but build me up emotionally.
    Here's to peace... *Lifts up Pepsi for a toast*

  8. Arch-Angel
    NOTE: Suggestions of 'Song of the Day' are much obliged, so if you have a song thats clean or mostly clean of swears and/or profanity (rap/Hip-Hop/R&B allowed of course), than PM it, and it might become 'Song of the Day'. EDIT: INCLUDE WHY YOU THINK IT SHOULD BE SotD.
    This Song of the Day is brough to you by Taki. I go nothing to make fun of his member nme this time, so straight to the point...

    Binkmeister is going to scream 'Boo-ya!' like Ron Stoppable when he hears that the StoD is...
    Gravity Hurts by Brinck

  9. Arch-Angel
    You must have a good reason to love me. I mean, this blog, my scary images, my birthday gifts, my girlfriend (yeah, be jealous, she's mine), the Song of the Day, being a future WWE Superstar...

    Did I mention scary pics?
    So, I call out both those who hate me and those who love me!

    What about the Pope during Christmas time?


    Show me the love! 

  10. Arch-Angel
    NOTE: Suggestions of 'Song of the Day' are much obliged, so if you have a song thats clean or mostly clean of swears and/or profanity (rap/Hip-Hop/R&B allowed of course), than PM it, and it might become 'Song of the Day'.
    The Song of the Day is brought to you by .:Sora:., .:Sora:., the teen you came always trust with a keyblade. You can reach him at 1-800-D-E-S-T-I-N-Y-I-S-L-A-N-D-S.

    DOA (Dead or Alive) by Foo Fighters

  11. Arch-Angel
    Yesterday I talked to my mom about going to visit my old town. The town where I grew up mentally and gave me so much pain, I grew stronger.
    'Why would you want to go back to a town with that kind o memory?'
    Because if it wasn't for that town, I wouldn't strong, I wouldn't be able to live a social life, and I probably woudn't have much of anything on BZP.
    After much discussion, and me quietly arguing with them for about two hours, they finally get the message. My sister was in the same position I was in almost 5 years ago and she got to go to back to her town almost every freakin' day and then cry and complain once she got back home that she didn't live there.
    I'm the same age as she was back then, back in her hometown, and I have only dealt with the poblem. My sister didn't even freakin' go to school in the other town (my hometown) and give it a chance while I sit here now, attending the town's high school, having not gone to visit my home town in three, count them, three freakin' months. I deserve it.
    So around 5 o'clock, I get there.
    I'm dropped off at my friend Tom's house, and we talk for about fifteen minutes befoe leaving. Stop by my other friend's work (Bionigirl, that would be Jess ) and then reach my friend Josh's annex(?) like one apartment home above a small business. Go there, talk for about an hour seeing if any of my other amigos could join. The Amigos happens to be all busy except Josh. Casey' at a party, Fernando's busy (I think), and Justin's mom probably sent him to help his stepdad with something. Justin's mom hates us, couldn't be more fake around us. I think she's okay with me. Dunno.
    Anyways, I want to send my time here like I did in the good ol' days. Head over to Neighbor Brick Oven Pizza!
    We walk in, guess who's there?
    Ten friends!
    Considering their wasn't an open table, we had to join in.
    Now Josh wasn't exactly the most social one in my many known friends. He has different views on life, if not better. He's techically a straightedge. Most of everyone around the table has gotten drunk more than once and the bottles hidden in the bushes to prove it. So I stickwith talking with Josh and the girl next to me (ironically named Karlee, so the entire time, I just wish Bionigirl there) and eat the food we ordered. Unfortunately, Tom did something to mix up everything on how we were going to pay. I have about 30 dollars. Josh didn't even put in any of his money, and Tom thought he did. He jut took the money out of my wallet I handed to him and ended up putting all the money I had to pay for the tab!
    Now I noticed this quick, because I wasn't going to get played like that by Tom's amazing skill at math[/sarcasm] so the four girls at our table started doing the math for us.
    I had a simple and perfect solution.
    Get back our orginal amount of money, and PAY FOR OUR OWN MEALS. Easy as that. I'm nt going to pay part of their food or drink.
    After 10 minutes of the most stressful and yet entertaining money math problems I have ever encountered, my plan works (finally).
    We head over to CVS with the four girls. All just friends, because I have Bionigirl, Josh isn't really looking, and Tom perfers a different gender if you know what I mean. So we buy the few things we want at CVS. Grabbed me a Pepsi and a pack of Mint Tridents, joke around a little and we take the discussion outside.
    Again, I'm not gonna drop Josh. I decide to talk to him more, and then comes the highlight of the night.
    12-21 New England!
    Sorry, watching the game.
    Four girls come arund the corner across the street (walking of course). I'm thinking, 'Funny, I don't know them...'
    Apparently everyone else but Josh and I has some relation to them.
    The say their hi's and continue walking, but goofing off, so they must be in middle school or something.
    But before they get out of earshot I yell, "Hey girl! How's that fine (butt) doing?"
    Everyone starts laughing their (butts) off. I had to leave this night with a memory.
    Hour later, I've gone to Josh's annex(?) and talked with his parents who are very friendly and fun to be around. Soon after I realize that it was 8:34 PM. I was suppose to leave 34 minutes ago.
    I turn on my cell phone (techically my mom's Nextel. My phone commited suicide somehow) call my mom, who tells me that my dad was waiting at Tom's house, so I call him and tell him that I'll be in the Convience Store gettin candy before I leave.
    My dad comes in the store before I pay for the candy. Give him the regular hug, considering we don't see each other day by day (even though we saw each other last night watching Cloverfield).
    "Let's go? Everyone's in the car waiting."
    "Wait, what? You mean Elizabeth and..."
    "Yeah. Come on."
    I stop him.
    "Dad, I can't. Mom wouldn't forgive me."
    Dad gave me a strange look, "You don't need to tell her. Keep it a secret."
    "No dad. Mom and Karina (my sister) know when I lie. Remember when they ound out I went to the apartment?"
    "But you don't need to tell them."
    "I never told them. They just looked in my eyes. I promised mom I wouldn't get into the car if her or Gil, or anyone of them were inside."
    Dad wasn't happy. He was disappointed.
    "Then you're just gonna stay here?"
    "Yeah. Might sleep over josh's house or Mom could pick me up..."
    After a bit of a silence, my dad says, "Tell your mom I'm tired of playing her game."
    Whatever game that is.
    He gives me a hug, then leaves.
    Josh only hear of the problems with my family through my words, but he got the 'pleasure' of witnessing it.
    I explained the problm to him on the way back to his place (techically only 30 yards away) and once p, I called my mom and explained everything.
    She picks me up a half-hour later, and tells me she's proud of my decision.
    I just feel I took another step into life for choosing by myself.
    Then today...


  12. Arch-Angel
    This is the reward of surfing the internet movie database people.
    Don't want to get yelled at for no warnin' ya, ight?

    And something probably at the back of your mind...

    You can thank me later, right now I'm gonna get ready to run with the monster starts headed North after eating the Yankees. He's gonn want a bite out off the Red Sox soon.
    *Flies to St. Louis and Chicago to get Bionigirl and Taki*
    And for those of ou begging to knw what the monster is and only followin what others describe t you or the 'lion' theory thing, here's the pic.

    Alright, I'll give you the real pic.
    (Lean Back, Brush Your Shoulders Off...)

  13. Arch-Angel
    My gosh.
    When Critics say that this was the movie-expericence of a life-time, and I've seen A LOT of movies, they lie to you not.
    This movie single-handly blew me away.
    The movie starts out differently. Characters Rob and Beth are introduced. They are, lets say, more than friends.
    It cuts over weeks later, his brother Jason reluctantly is put into the job as the one to record people's goodbyes during the going-away party Rob saw coming miles away. Before this, Jason convinces Hud, Rob's Best Friend and 'Main Dude', to do the goodbyes. He spends most of is time trying to flirt with his love interest. She is not interested. Soon, Beth comes through the door. Only with another man. This other man, Travis, is not important other than the fact that he's BETH'S NEW BOYFRIEND. Rob, is of course, hitting rock bottom of rejection. You fnd out that they haven't talk for weeks since... you know what... and once Hud finds out, he tells everyone. Doesn't help.
    Soon, Rob and Beth talk outside the apartment, and argue. After the arguement, Beth leaves with her boyfriend and Rob drops an insult as they step outside the door.
    Jason and Hud goto Rob's room to try and talk him into forgetting Beth because she's not good enough for him.
    It starts.
    Brief blackout across the city, and the lights go back on. The new reports the a Oil Tanker capsized near the Statue of Liberity. They know tey aren't far from the location and they go up on the roof to see if they could see what caused it. The trailer shows you what happens, so you aren't excited at all except waiting to see the monster and see everything come to play.
    Once outside, Statue's head flying, yeah yeah yeah, and then you see the Empire State Building collapse.
    This is where you are hooked. Nothing except your life being threatened could tear you away from this.
    The story goes on to tell you Rob's intention to save Beth from her apartment without dying. On the way, both Jason and Hud's love interest die. Jason because the monster smashes the Brooklyn Bridge and killing Jason right there. Hud's love interest because the little monsters that come off of the original monster bit her.
    The process of the little monsters making their offical appearance is trilling and heart-pounding.
    They run into the subway because the monster is literally right over them and the military can't do jack to stop the thing. They stay there and Rob weeps over his broter and Hud's love interest brings up the possiblity of Beth being dead judging from the voice message. After a few minutes, Rob sees the tunnel map and finds out if they take the tunnel up, they'll be a few blocks from Beth's apartment. They start making their way when they notice something. The rats are haulin' their furry butts the sam one way direction. They hear a noise behind them. Rob turns on the night vision on the camera, and Hud is stunned. He tells them quietly to run. They want to know what he sees. Rob looks into the camera view.
    Lots of heart-pounders in this scene.
    They reach a mall where the military is using it to care for injuried victims and track the monster. Once we see her bleeding from her left eye, the soldiers grab her and take her to quratine where they explode her head behind the curtains with a powerful gun. You only see the shadow of her death, and Hud, Jason's girlfriend, and Rob are left there. Rob constantly asks to get to the area where Beth's apartment is. Though the General tells him not to go, a soldier reluctantly tells them where to head, but with a warning. If they don't leave the island by 0600 hours (6 AM) through the evacution, they'll be stuck in the middle of bombing the holy heck out of the monster.
    Skip this amazingly long-to-describe part, they get Beth and try to leave as quickly as possible, because you get a full body view of the monster itself.
    It skips the scene of going down over 50 flights of stairs and cuts straight to them running outside. The military set up their forces there and fire whatever they got at the monster. Of course, the monster takes one step and full-body crushes a tank.
    They escort Jason's girlfriend into a helicopter where we never see her again for the next 15 minutes of the film. Hud, Rob, and Beth make it to a helicopter as the monster takes care of the force directly to their right.
    Cut to the scene in the air. The watch the monster's rampage as he walks destructively through Manhattan(sp?), and Hud catches a B-2 Bomber (or Night Hawk) fly over them and drops a row of bombs on the colossal creature and gives the idea that the thing is finished.
    Out of the smoke, it rises, nails the helicopter and brings it down.
    They crash-landed. Everything's quiet.
    Everyone in the theatre is wondering, "Is that it?" and talk as the camera stays in the same position for at least 30 seconds.
    At this point, the guy in the front watching the movie for a second time goes...
    "The movie isn't ###### over!"
    Everyone laughs and the movie goes on. Everyone but the pilots survived, but with plenty of injuries. They are in Central Park. They crawl out of the helicopter. They try looking for cover, but the monster appears. Hud has fallen. He points the camera directly at the monster. It looks down on him, breathing. For a full ten seconds, Hud is whispering 'Oh my God' over and over again when he should've gone Pirates of the Caribbean 2 Jack Sparrow style and say ' 'ello, beastie.'
    He comes down on our camera man, chews on him and kills him, and as it does, it must have been attacked by the military because he's spat out and the camera glitches a bit, trying to focus. Rob and Beth run over and know fr a fact, Hud's done.
    Rob takes the camera, runs under the famous bridge in the park and say their final goodbyes to the camera just in case they die.
    I'll end it here.
    Just so you know, I haven' ruined the whole movie, just telling you the parts that'll freakin' blow you away...
    In the camera's final flashback with Rob and Beth on a date at a carnival, the camera looks out to the ocean. BOTTOM RIGHT SIDE, you will see somethng in the distance shoot into the water and rise the water shockwave style. Don't miss the moment.

    Its been reported that audio is heard at the end, which is believed to be Rob whispering 'Its Still Alive.' Don't miss that.
    This movie is the greatest I've EVER EVER seen. I recommend it completely, and you will not be disappointed.
    this movie gets the impossible rating of...
    Good night, or morning, everyone.
    Funny, at this time, the Coverfield Monster starts his havoc...

  14. Arch-Angel
    Its another Friday, and another time where my father wants to spend time with me.
    Fortunately, I use it to my advantage.
    I plan to watch the long-awaited Cloverfield, as is like... every person thats seen the trailer. I've actually advertised it in my homeroom when I write the date on the board for my homeroom teacher.
    I think I should've put it down so when I get to the theatre, the tickets aren't sold out. BUT, I have a counter. I'm buying the tickets, getting dinner with him, then, go watch the movie. Time I buy the tickets? Hour or two before!
    Omi, go to the AMC in Framingham/Natick, got it?
    Though, there are chances my unfailable plan could fail. So, I will watch 'Atonement'... an hour and a half after Cloverfield starts. (Cloverfield - 8:00 PM, Atonement - 9:25 PM)
    Well, we'll see how that'll work out.
    This morning in homeroom, we got our new schedule for the second semester... yay...?
    History (of course)
    Biology (of course)
    Acting (New!)
    Spanish 2 (wait, what? I'm not suppose to be taking that this year!!)
    Geometry (of course)
    English (of course)
    Health (must-have, unknown where the heck it is...)
    Only updates this morning, so I'll be seein' ya...
  15. Arch-Angel
    NOTE: Suggestions of 'Song of the Day' are much obliged, so if you have a song thats clean or mostly clean of swears and/or profanity (rap/Hip-Hop/R&B allowed of course), than PM it, and it might become 'Song of the Day'.
    Because none of you PMed or IMed me with suggestions (because there are only like, 5 or 6 of you?) so I had to do to it the old fashion ay... pick it out myself.
    This song of the day is a song I thought would've been here eariler considering its one of the feel-good sons with a message that seem somewhat pessmistic?
    Anyways, I deem this song a remedy to sadness just on the way it flows...
    Waiting on the World to Change by John Mayer.

  16. Arch-Angel
    I am proud to inform you all that today is Trogday! This day (or week) marks the 5th year of Trogdor's creation by StrongBad, who isn't trilled because we killed Trogdor like we did with Zombies, Ninjas, Pirates, and StrongBad.
    No, I do not know how long it lasts or how long its been going on but bottom line is, its Trogday!

    Happy Trogday!



  17. Arch-Angel
    NOTE: Suggestions of 'Song of the Day' are much obliged, so if you have a song thats clean or mostly clean of swears and/or profanity (rap/Hip-Hop/R&B allowed of course), than PM it, and it might become 'Song of the Day'.
    This song was brought to you by ♥TAKi♥. ♥TAKi♥, Japan's Number 1 Teriyaki Chicken Sauce. Buy it at your local iMarket.

    Last Train Home by LostProphets

  18. Arch-Angel
    In my old school, I was a bit of a flirt. Not majorly, but enough to show I'm a flirt. Why? Because I've had few girlfriends in my life to commit to. The only true commitment I've had was with my last ex and my current girlfriend, Bionigirl. My relationship with my last ex didn't last long because she was going too fast and I couldn't keep up with it, and I wasn't even sure I loved her. I kept her in mind, but not at heart. After our break-up, I began to think on how girls thought. Yes, I've made huge discoveries, and I'll tell you, the difference between a boy and a girl in attraction... is slim. Looks, key.
    Buddy, when was the last time you seriously considered dating a girl that was less attractive then that beauty in your English class?
    You can tell by the statement above which group of girls I aimed for.
    Time goes on, I change my look. Not just clothes, but physical appearance too. When I hear a girl that carried some extra baggage lost some pounds, I immediately look for that girl and I see the difference. Even if it wasn't that much, I look at her differently. Like she still made an effort to look better, and thats attractive.
    So I do the same. The girls in my target range liked preppy clothes. Mostly Hollister and American Eagle (Hollister gets too expensive by the time I look at the sweat-shirts, so I stuck with shirts) and I got jeans, sweat-shirts, and sweaters from American Eagle. Heck, I have a watch from there. First one without a digital read too.
    I gel my hair everyday, watch my own appearance everyday, and especially watched what I said. Make sure that joke is actually funny to everyone else, or you look like a fool.
    Time goes on, and I am known in everyone's mind as at least a friend throughout the grade and soe in the upper and a lot in the lower classmen (especially the freshmen because I'm still famous for jumping off the dock and into the sea in the 8th grade field trip)
    Soon enough, I am forced to move.
    Surely, I don't go without litterally leaving my mark.
    But thats another story, in a past entry, look for it.
    Too many smileys... Anyways, I move into this 'new' town and I start from square one. Its bigger, more students, very diverse, and half of the students don't know the kids in the of their grade. But of course, I still make friends... with girls.
    Then an old friend of mine comes along. A girl that thinks deeply and has a lot of expericence in the toils of life. A girl that I can truly love, and love back.
    Fast forward to this month. She's on vacation. So I continue my daily routine, wake up, sometimes miss the bus, get to school, sleep, get out of school, take the bus home, play Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2 an continue to count down the day.
    ... But I've beat Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2 already.
    So what do I do?
    Start making friends! The ones I should avoid!
    The pretty ones, the pretty and artistic ones, the pretty and very literate ones, and the very pretty ones...
    I hold myself. I stop my auto-control from getting into flirting. Today especially. Plenty of times to do it, but never flirted. Because I wait patiently for her return.
    And what do you now?
    She's right here.

  19. Arch-Angel
    I'm practically counting down the hours I return home and wait to talk to Bionigirl offically for the first time this year.
    In fact, I'm risking it by going on AIM Express right now just to talk to her.
    Alright, she may not be on, but thats alright. As long as I'll talk to her sometime soon.
    This week in school, we're reviewing for the mid-term exams which are next week. Of course my memory is blank of all things Biology, though I'm thankful to still have history still in me.
    Well everyone, I'm in school so now its time for 'In Other News'!
    In other news...
    no news.
    Study over.
  20. Arch-Angel
    After hours upon hours, world after world, characters after character, keyblade after keyblade, I've beaten both Kingdom Hearts and Kingdom Hearts II! Ugh, about time!
    You see, I've been wanting to play Kingdom Hearts since it came out back in te 5th grade 5 or 6 years ago. Of course, that Christmas I got my first ever straight from a package game system... a PS1.
    The game is obvisously a PS2.
    I lost interest, up until Kingdom Hearts II came out, grew a bit more in interest in it, but still had no PS2.
    It wasn't until the last offical Christmas with my family that I got a PS2, Christmas 2005. By then, Kingdom Hearts loomed in the back of my mind...
    So I covered it up by playing other games, and enjoying a growin social life whic met its last days before I moved.
    I am bored. I go to school, come back, wasted the hours of my life that I would've spent with my social life on BZPower. Sure in benefitted here but I needed to do something then roam BZP with my Pepsi and my 2 Step!
    Then I walk into a local GameStop, and I see it. The key to all my boredom.
    Kingdom Hearts.
    Soon enough, I'm playing the game here in my room and gettng ticked because I still hven't gotten off the Destiny Islands.
    Time goes on, I find a walkthrough and I beat the game when others say it was impossible.
    2008 rolls around, I get Kingdom Hearts 2, and today, I've beaten it with a boss I can say kills Sora twice before, third times the charm! I beat it.
    The past few days I haven't posted a blog entry have had nothing else to include except the hours I've played the game. I've finally got it off my back, now I can enjoy life!
    Better start getting a social life...

  21. Arch-Angel
    NOTE: Suggestions of 'Song of the Day' are much obliged, so if you have a song thats clean or mostly clean of swears and/or profanity (rap/Hip-Hop/R&B allowed of course), than PM it, and it might become 'Song of the Day'.
    Today's song is one that I enjoyed listening too. Suggested by my friend Jack_Skellington, I truly love this song. Its late so I won't give you my thoughts this time, just know, its a great song.
    These Walls by Teddy Geiger.

  22. Arch-Angel
    Today went off well. Aside from my teacher repeatedly and seriously telling me and y friend that we suck (we weren't doing our work because our brains were on sleep mode as you can say) it was fine.
    I come home at 4:30 PM after getting off the late bus. I didn't bring my cell phone because I'm not accustomed to it yet. Mom and sister were a bit annoyed wondering where I was.
    The day went on, I've beaten the first Kingdom Hearts using a walkthrough a couple days ago and have moved on to Kingdom Hearts 2. Played that for an hour or two (could be three?) as I didn't have any homework. Quite an entertaining game might I say.
    Around 9 o'clock, my mother and I decide to watch The Bourne Ultimatum and I say good movie.
    After brushing my teeth, I step out the bathroom door. I give my mom a hug and a kiss as notice that she's about to cry. Obvisously I'm curious as to why but didn't ask because for all I knew, she did this every night.
    I'm shutting off the lights in our apartment and was about to say good night to my sister.
    She calls me over.
    On the internet, there is this Brazilian Web Profile Site, and on it was a picture of my sister's friend's church all together taking pictures.
    Then I see my father.
    Then I see the 9-year-old boy.
    Then I see the woman he left us for.
    With his arm around her.
    My sister has watery eyes.
    I know my mom is crying right now.
    Yet why do I have little emotion? I am emotionally stronger?
    I have been through the same battles, I have been through the same pain. I've cried in bed praying to God for things to get better.
    But right now, I feel some anger, some disappointment.
    But I do not know why I have no true emotions flowing. That is why my anger is rising, becaue I can't cry with them. I feel like a monster. I feel like a beast.
    I feel ashamed of my existance.

  23. Arch-Angel
    NOTE: Suggestions of 'Song of the Day' are much obliged, so if you have a song thats clean or mostly clean of swears and/or profanity (not always rap), than PM it, and it might become 'Song of the Day'.
    This new song came out and in the R&B/Hip-Hop World, its already considered a hit. It isn't stereotypical as some members are convinced. Its a love song. Its has a great rhythm and clean lyrics.
    Going out to Bionigirl...
    With You by Chris Brown.
  24. Arch-Angel
    In school right now... its 8:08 AM here and today is going to a breeze with my school schedule. Study now, History (favorite), Spanish 2 (zzzz...), Gym, English.
    Still not used to the 5-period process, old school in my hometown had 6-period.
    Anyways, the proxy to go on the WWE Homepage ain't workin'... hmm...
    Got one that works now...
    Oh! News Time!
    A NEW Las Caras/Los Dudes!

    And in other news, Brittney Spears finally lost custody of her kids and visitation privledges.
    If I had the chioce, would've given the kids to K-Fed the second this pic came up.

    Apparently Dr. Phil came by to tell us something we all thought months ago.
    "She needs medical and phychological help."
    Happy Monday everyone, tomorrow's Tuesday and you know how I feel about those...
  25. Arch-Angel
    It all comes down tonight... Waiting for either a Blog Assistant or Toaraga to put up the winner.
    Number 54...
    Feels kinda scary... like its not here, but I feelit coming. I have plenty of doubt...

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