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About Belfy

  • Birthday 11/18/1978

Profile Information

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    I'm Lost.
  • Interests
    I am an old school Bionicle fan who has come back over roughly a five year period to this site for reasons I do not know. <br /><br />I am a very accepting person. I like to listen to others and am extremely open minded. Even if I may not understand something, I am not going to simply dismiss it. The human brain is a vast thing, and if we only believed what we understood we would be severely limiting to our growth as a person.<br /><br />There is not a lot that gets me riled up, as I have been through a lot of traumatic experiences and I am proud to say I have survived. I have an incredibly awesome fiance who not only loves me for who I am, but supports all my creative endeavors. Looking towards a happy life in Canada with her in a couple of months.<br /><br />I have a lot of interests, some I obsess over more than others. <br /><br />Writing, Reading, Anime, Manga, My Little Pony, Scrubs, Dead Like Me, Stargate SG1, Stargate Atlantis, Stargate Universe, Religion, Canada, MapleStory, Wonderking Online, Bionicle, Harry Potter, TaTu, Secret Garden, LIGHTS, Owl City, Utena, Record of Lodoss War, Role-playing, Bionicle

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  1. Yep, and you seem to have changed them. :P

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