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Blog Entries posted by krack-a-toa

  1. krack-a-toa
    I vote we start calling the water planet Mata Nui crashed on Ocea Magna
    the barren desert planet is called Barra Magna so Ocea Magna just sounds about right

  2. krack-a-toa
    so now that I've started seeing Agori popping up on shelves I guess 2009 has begun for Bionicle anyway.
    2008 was a great year, one of the best. Lets see if 2009 can beat it. I like the idea that we are going back to the "super advanced robots living as villagers in simple society" thing like in 2001. There's something about that contrast I always loved.
    I've seen all the new sets (even some I shouldn't have) and I like them all quite alot. That being said I probably won't be buying any this year. I decided last year that I came in with Tahu and the gang and it seemed fitting that I stop with them too. My money keeps going else where like gas and school and I'm sure my girlfriend will love me buying her a meal once in awhile instead of buying "those rainbow colored robots". Plus I found my self more and more getting into the story and less into the sets. I'm more excited now to get the next book than the next canister. Those toys will always be a part of my life and I'm sure I'll be digging them out and playing with them for years to come. But I think 50 toa are enough for any man.
    But enough about that lets go onto the wild theories I have about 2009. Just hit the fancy spoiler tags

    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «The theory going around about Bara Magna having a crashed Great Spirit robot makes alot of sense. I would guess all the current inhabitants of Bara Magna are the survivors of the crash. The scarcity of resource comes from there being basically none on that planet except what came in the Great Spirit.  
    Now it's possible this Great Spirit was a either an earlier model of Mata Nui. This is supported by the idea that the Agori are early versions of Matoran. And it would explain why Mata Nui would come there (I have money riding on Mata Nui being the question mark on the Bara Magna). Wouldn't that just be Mata Nui's luck if he ran to his older brother when he was in trouble on to find that brother in worse shape then he's in?
    My crazy idea though that has no basis in fact and proof though is that maybe that wrecked robot is what happens when you let a Makuta behind the wheel. Could it be that we've jumped ahead in time a few thousand years. We've seen it before where matoran have devolved and forgotten where they came from, and that was after only 1,000 years. just imagine how far they could fall after 100,000 with no great spirit to guide them. Of course this would mean there's a different reason for Mata Nui to arrive on Bara Magna. He's returned just as he said to clean up the mess.
    I wonder what the Great Beings think of all this as they look down from their little red star. Have two of their greatest creations failed them? Of course it sounds like they have bigger problems to worry about as well

    Of course my little theories tend to be way off so dont expect much out of them. I remember the first big one I had way back when the Rahkshi first came out that just was crazy. Had something to do with protodermis being alive and the island of Mata Nui actually being the Great Spirit Mata Nui... pure crazy talk.

  3. krack-a-toa
    So I'll try to keep out any spoilers and just tell you that Bionicle Legends 11 is an amazing book. Maybe just for the ending though. It's got some great battles but they don't seem to quite come across in print, even becoming slightly hard to follow at some points. Though the character interaction more than makes up for it between both the heroes and the villians. There's a bit of flying macguffin that seems to show up just to clean up the plot, though I'm not sure how you would have done it otherwise.
    While the ending wasn't a complete shock if you've been paying attention for a few years, it is surprising that they actually did it. Just reminds me how deep this story for a kid's toy line can get.
    Once we can post spoilers I might talk about a few metaphors that the story seemed to have, so be sure to go grab the book so you can follow along.

  4. krack-a-toa
    I recently got Legends 10: Swamp of Secrets and I will say it's a good book. Not exactly my favorite of the books but worth the read
    I wouldn't say its a spoiler to reveal there is basically two stories going on in this book. It's interesting how it flows between the two stories but the final result feels like a book that's half as long as it should be and we only get a few fights and some secrets revealed. I believe both stories had the ability to carry two books, and had thy not been crammed together they would have been great individual stories.
    And if your new to Bionicle world be sure to bone up on the old stories, this book wouldn't have been near as interesting if I didn't know the history of the Toa Mata from 2001.
    The Kingdom is also really good, better than the book in my opinion. The idea of parallel universes has alot of potential and its good to see this idea used in such a way to tell a "what if?" story.

  5. krack-a-toa
    It looks like ToyWiz has the Mistika on pre-order
    Now usually I would never suggest ordering from Toywiz as they have a tenancy to raise the price.
    Interestingly enough they have all the Mistika available for $11.99, same price as the Phantoka, which is a dollar less then the price being shown at Toy Fair. So does this mean there may not be a price raise, did ToyWiz just not get the memo?
    But of your one of those that have to get the new sets as soon as possible, you may want to check ToyWiz out. It's only a dollar cheaper for each which wont cover the cost of shipping, but its better than paying full price.
    Cross your fingers for no price raise. Or cause some sort of economic shift, whichever is easier for you.

  6. krack-a-toa
    I finally chose the people that would be part of my podcast team today.
    I opened up the poll where people can vote on what to name the podcast
    I think I have 50 PMs in my mail box
    I may haven broken BZP in the process
    I haven't been this excited about...anything in a long time.
    Here's hoping you'll be listening when its all said and done.

  7. krack-a-toa
    So now onto my next crazy theory, the Great Spirit Mata Nui himself.
    I have a theory that seems to come more from Transformers then Bionicle...but it might work.
    Mata Nui's body is literally the world under the great sea. Think of it kinda like Unicron or actually Primus from Transformers.
    That is why the island of Voya Nui had to be returned to help revive him, it was part of him, thats why the Staff had ot be used to repair the world, to repair Mata Nui. That is why the core needed to be healed, it was the core of Mata Nui..the heart of the world.
    Thats something I was always curious about during the Great Cataclysm. Why did so many bad things happen all over the planet? Was it because Mata Nui could no longer keep it in check. If so why didn't more things begin falling apart. Perhaps the Great Cataclysm wasn't cause by Mata Nui's slumber...perhaps he fell asleep because of it. Causing so much damage to ones body would definitely cause one to become comatose, and if such damage was not treated then death would be certain.
    The only way Mata Nui could be awoken is if everything is returned to the way it was before his fall. If Mata Nui is not the actual body of the world, then at least his life and existence is directly connected to the health of the world. What better person to care for a world then one who feels it's pain.
    next time...why the matoran matter.
    and yes, i am kracked

  8. krack-a-toa
    The audition contest for my Podcast is almost over. Be sure to get your auditions in BEFORE January 15th.
    if you have no idea what I'm talking about then please go here.
    now is when the fun can start!

  9. krack-a-toa
    I just started auditions for the new BZPowercast (though currently looking for a new name) that I've been talking about.
    Go HERE, read the rules and be sure to send in your sound clips so we can get this thing going, I wouldn't be able to do it without you.

  10. krack-a-toa
    Well I just recently got Muaka & Kane-ra thanks to the wonder that is Ebay, and I have to say these may be my new(old) favorite sets.
    Not to mention I got them mint in original box for $35...gotta love it.
    But back to the sets, I absolutely love these things, I was amazed at how many peices on there I hadn't seen before, not to mention the pure originality of the bull and the cat. I know that this set and many of the original rahi were based on an old Lego Technic brand whose name escapes me that was all about battling so the rahi have great battle and destruction functions incorporated into them. The fun of shooting the Kane-ra head forward and having its mouth open and grab onto something is fun enough as it is, but when you use that to pull the pin out of the Muaka's arm it causes the whole arm to fall off and really gives you a sense these toys have a function.
    What can I say, I like my toys to have a little more "action" and a little less "figure".
    That got me thinking....what the heck happened to the creativity in the titans? I mean I know we dont have any sets over $50 anymore (i would buy a good $80 set) but when was the last time we had a titan that just wasnt a large man (anything that stands on two legs).
    and as I look at the sets for 2008 i see alot of repeats again. How do we go from cat/tank things and punching lizards to "large man with big weapon #47"? Most of the titans are pretty standard...the most original set since 2003 is Vezon & Fenrakk...which in itself pales to some of the earlier ones.
    I know of course the rahi never sold well, but how well did any of the Bionicle sets sell that year comparred to now? I would think an original and creative set (no i dont mean weird colors and wheels on your feet) would have enough support from the general fan base alone to be worth making it, at least as a limited edition or something.
    All I want for Christmas is a tankbull

  11. krack-a-toa
    It's time for one of my theories..so sit back, relax, and enjoy the crazy.
    It's actually an idea I had a long time ago, but due to recent evidence it just seems to get more and more true.
    I'm just going to go ahead and say it, that way you wont have to read.
    The Great Beings are people. Like you and me.
    Now for those of you still here I'll try and clarify it.
    When the mystery of the Great Beings first came about it more or less just hit me. What would be the perfect creator of the entire Bionicle world. Then I looked down at the Toa in my hand and realized who really was the creator of Bionicle...me. We make the sets and the world in our mind. What would be a more perfect answer in the story then that simple idea. The Bionicle world was made by people just like us.
    First it was just an idea...but now more and more seems to be supporting it. The first thing that got me was when we were told everything above ground on the Bionicle planet is infact organic, the biomechanic begins all came from underground. Everything underground was basically crafted by the Great Beings, either with their own hands or by their creations such as the matoran and Mata Nui. So if biologic things exist, but biomechanical beings were all created by the Great Beings, it goes without saying that the Great Beings are biologic, otherwise who would have created them?
    Also, doesn't the original story of the matoran sound alot like your average robot today. Only knowing their work, those who couldn't work any more went to Karzahni to be repaired or destroyed (think Junkyard)...or went to Artakha to continue their work in the light. This is basically a metaphor for the actual life of a machine.
    The most recent information about the Great Beings have been provided by the Gali blog. There was the list of things to do written by the Great beings, written on paper. Maybe I'm just reading into it but the idea of paper screamed human to me in this machine world. Plus theres more...and it leads into another great mystery, the red star.
    It's been said that if Mata Nui died that all of the Bionicle universe would go with him, but the Red Star would remain. This shows that something exists that Mata Nui has no power over, he cannot affect things created before he was, or things that exist outside his domain. We also know that the red star has guided the matoran for years with its perfectly placed astrological locations. Even more recently the star has taken a more direct approach when it created the Inika. Now it seems Gali Nuva has discovered the greatest mystery of the Red Star...there are beings inside it.
    Now if you had created a massive world, set it in motion and let it grow..wouldn't you wanna stick around and see what happens? I know I would.
    I believe it is the Great Beings themselves (a few of them at least) that inhabit the star, ever watching and indirectly helping they're little creations.
    So what have we learned class? The great beings are biologic, they have very human technology, and they have a giant red space ship that flies around keep an eye on things.
    Sounds perfectly reasonable to me, at least by Bionicle standards.

  12. krack-a-toa
    should I do it?
    should I take the plunge?
    Should I follow my dream?
    Should I risk it all blowing up in my face?
    Should I face the fear of failure?
    Should I go out in a blaze of glory?
    Why Shouldn't I?

  13. krack-a-toa
    You know what holds Bionicle back the most?
    The sets.
    I say that after catching up on bioniclestory.com. Those stories are amazing (though the biocast has all the production values of a elementary school play) and while I know most of my glee from it is pure fandom (Toa Hagah? Yes please) I know that's also because the story is free to just be a story. There is no need to try and explain a whole set of new characters every six months, they can just have new characters when they want to.
    See the fact that the story is mainly used to sell the new toys, and not to just tell a great story, is what keeps it from being able to evolve into a much deeper and richer experience.
    But the fact that the story is as great as it is despite these shackles is a testament to how great the story team really is.
    I've seen the same thing happen with my other favorite toy line, Transformers. I've always been a fan more of the comics series from transformers then anything, because unlike the TV shows they dont need to try and sell the toys, there dont even need to be toys for most of the characters.
    I guess what I would envision is a way that the storyline could drive the sets, not the other way round. But the part of me thats taking college economics knows that wouldn't work.
    Love the sets, love the story, I just want them both to live up to the full potential.

  14. krack-a-toa
    and thats all I'm going to say about that (at least until we are allowed to)
    EDIT: Now with twice the judgement
    Im just going to go ahead and use spoiler tags for all of this, in case no one even wants to have the new sets vividly described to them
    First of all, lets just look at the sets

    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «I like these sets. Well all except maybe Kopaka, probably because the only weapon I see on him is one of those guns. I really dont like the guns, why do they seem to get bigger each year? I'm also not a huge fan of the whole jet pack flying gimmick either, but it's different and could work. I wasn't really surprised when they showed up with 3 good and 3 bad, kinda been expecting that to happen for a while. I like the baddy sets more then the good ones actually, they look good. The new matoran sets looks good as well, we've got knees now and no tacked on gun things. I would say my favorite set it the Toa Moli, with him (her?it?) the gun actually works. I'm really going to miss cans though...you just cant make a good tower without them  
    And now for the story bits

    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «I hate these sets. Well ok I hate 3/13ths of these new sets. the rumor flying around is the baddies are all brotherhood members, so that should be interesting, plus I always like a good evil matoran. But on the Toa....did they just already have the sets and slap the name Nuva on them just to make us old fans happy? I'm a little confused, I thought it was said the Toa Nuva wouldn't transform again, meaning that if they changed at all it could only be some new masks and armor or something. No amount of new armor is going to completely change the shapes of their bodies. I mean Pohatu is even right side up now. You cant say that the Nuva have not been transformed. I guess I would just like one thing on these sets that said "hey we are still the Nuva" they did a good job of that for changing the Mata into the Nuva, you could do it again 
    I guess thats enough judging for now, at least till we see more.

  15. krack-a-toa
    Aright now that the forums are back online (which I think was just some sort of ploy so the collective energies of the site could be focused into shipping little blue bricks) I thought I would share how my project currently know as "The crazy idea for a fan made Powercast that will most likely fail" is going so far:
    Actually the down time for the forums have been a bit of a blessing for me cause the time I usually use sneaking my way around the forums could be put to better use. I think I know have all the programs I need. I may need to change the show a little due to limits set up by the "free" version of some of the software but that shouldn't be too hard.
    Right now I'm testing everything out and seeing exactly what I can and can't do with the stuff...plus i may have a theme song up soon.
    Next I'll just need to pitch it to the staff and see if I can get the go ahead to find other members who can help out. Then once I find my merry crew I can begin recording the pilot and see how it goes from there.
    School may slow me down a bit (18 credit hours aint exactly easy) but once I get settled back to college life I should have plenty of time to get this all done.
    And on a completely unrelated note, I really like my bricks. They should sell us more stuff. I would buy a Tohu mask for sure. Though I guess the fact that old yellow gears doesn't wear a mask may be a problem.

  16. krack-a-toa
    New Powercast? make podcast
    Let the members do it, no direct involvement by BZP staff
    unless we get it offical, then have a mention of it in the news each time an episode comes out
    About 4 members and do it every other week
    Would need to get permission from parents for anyone under 13 or so....dont want cops at door
    make it just like four people sitting around talking Bionicle, relaxed feel.
    cover all the big news on BZP from the last two weeks
    talk about whats been going on in the forums
    mention the blogs of the week
    have a BBC spotlight
    maybe art spotlight?
    have discussions, answer email questions
    Doogtoons Weekly Rap up meets Diggnation meets Bionicle (cept keep it clean of course)
    Gotta get the BZP admins in on it, just a thumbs up at least, make it official
    bout 30 minutes a show, longer if needed.
    With revolving members everyone could get a chance to be on, plus give the recurring people a break once in a while.
    Try and get one show made (pilot) then show it to the Admins and mods...see if they like it.
    Find programs to do it as cheap as possible
    get program to let everyone talk from the confort of their own home, but live like their all around the same mic.
    Record on Saturday, Release on Monday
    Have to work around time zones for some members
    Maybe pitch to Bink first since Dimensioneer isn't around that much.
    Start poll to see if there's a market, find first 3 other speakers as well as get suggestions for the show
    Get a partner that I can show how to run everything in case I cant make it, between the two of us we should be covered.
    Maybe have 3 recurring hosts with a "new guy" each show. Maybe let third spot be voted on by members though once a month.
    How many BZPers have mics?
    -removed- will host it for free looks like, plus audicity to edit means maybe can do it for free, maybe -removed- for voice chat and figure out how to record it
    These are the convoluted schemes of me at 2 AM without sleep....but darn if it aint a good one...

    Don't mention sites with forums. -Shine
  17. krack-a-toa
    You know what would make a great birthday present for BZP? an RSS feed for the main page for the news section.
    For those of you that don't know, an RSS feed is a little function that allows you to quickly load news stories from websites without loading the entire site.
    So Bink, get on that.
    I mean....please ol great and honorable Binkmeister grant one of your humble disciples a small request on this most happy of times....please
    Actually now that I think of it I have no idea how much work goes into adding a feed....could be alot. No need to strain yourself of course.
    Just thought I'd ask
    Ohh and when's the next Powercast coming out?
    EDIT: Man Bink works quick....here it is...thanks
    Or maybe I should just thank Shine for pointing it out

  18. krack-a-toa
    In all the fun an celebration going on with BZP's birthday I completely forgot about how long I'd been on here
    5 years!!!
    I really can't believe it's that long...seems like just yesterday I was surfing on Google and did a search for Bionicle just wanting to see what was on the LEGO page and found BZ Community. I can say that there hasn't been a day that's gone by that I haven't been here at least once every day....mostly more. I'm usually just lurking in the back reading the news stories and reading up on topics and looking at some cool MOCs...only emerging when I had some tiny bit of wisdom to share upon the BZP world.
    This place is really great and so are the people that join me here. I haven't found an online community like this anywhere else and it wouldn't surprise me if there wasn't another. BZP is a great and unique place, and I hope I can be a part of it for 5 more years.
    Now dance my little fire babies....dance....
  19. krack-a-toa
    So lately I've been working on coloring and cleaning up a pic a friend drew me of everyone's favorite character: Kraka the toa (and such a good name too). The original sketch was so good that I wanted to make sure my version was just as good. What I ended up doing to creating two different pictures on two different programs. And I just can't seem to choose which one looks best. So I'm asking you, help a buddy out and post a comment on which you think is better. Hopefully I'll get to use the winner in all the upcoming EU fun we'll all be having.
    Better one?

    or two?

    you can see the orginial in all it's glory right here
    thanks in advance

  20. krack-a-toa
    I recently got a private email from someone saying something about fighting the BZP. So does bzp have spam?
    But also is this a good thing, the bigger something becomes the more likely something like this will happen. It's an enevitable part of bzpower growing in popularity. And it's good to see that the staff was on a the ball and got them.
    I dont want to see anymore, and I dont want it to cause any trouble for the wonderfull people that run this great site. But if this is a price I pay to know that something I love is being loved more and more then let the spam flow like whine.
    Just as long as I don't get the kinda stuff i get on ########, we wont even talk about that.
    and maybe it was just a random occurance, but it kinda made me feel good in a weird way. So who cares whether or not I'm justified in my happiness, for I shall be happy either way.

    Don't bypass the word filter. It's there for a reason.~Darnzerf
  21. krack-a-toa
    I'm going to be talking about Legends #9 so you know the drill

    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... « Well the description for #9 is "A new world awaits -- a city in the sky -- and the legend continues . . ." Now if they hadn't just had a city underwater then I would be fine with this, but at this rate they are starting to run the gambit of stereotypic fantasy locations. Now I know this is a very limited description. I hope that by "in the sky" it means that it's an island that is surrouned by air instead of water that besides that the place has little to do with air. I dont want them to sprout wings and fly around the place. Ohh and if they have to get shot out of some giant cannon to reach said location I may scream...loudly. I'm just afraid the year after that we will be taken to a city deep inside a volcano, or any of the many other over done places to hide a city. We've had all those, on Mata Nui and Metru Nui for that matter, we don't need whole cities themed that way. 
    And if 2008 is still the Legends series then does that mean the Inika transform again? I hope not. You know I actually would love to see a good guy can set that isn't a toa. There is a cornucopia of villians in the world, why only one kind of hero?

    Again, I fear for the future, the present is fine. But tomorrow is another day...
  22. krack-a-toa
    And now for my opinion on the Mahri.
    Why the rocket launchers...why?? they have metru faces (THEY CAN WEAR MASKS!!! ) so why cant we have masks again. Or remember the kanoka? we had a whole series of collectibles that only one Toa Metru could use. Actually in my opinion we need to abandon the collectibly thing all together, if you can buy sets of "bullets" there's really no point.
    First i would like to say that the Mahri for the most part remind me of the nuva, they are essentially the same sets as last year but with some new armor, weapons, and masks. Well cept for Kongu and Matoro.
    Now to each Mahri:
    Nuparu: I like, since I liked the Inika version. The shield is different and I like it, the mask looks nice. And with him the launcher kinda works. My biggest complaint are the chicken legs, get some armor on them legs and loose the weird feet.
    Hahli: This is actually one of my favorites, at first I hated the color but now I'm warming up to it. And the mask looks like the classic kaukau (gali mata mask).The wings are definetly interesting. Give me two claws and no gun and I would find nothing wrong with this set.
    Hewkii: I'm a little back and forth in this one, I've never been the biggest fan of the new yellow color for the rock toa instead of brown. And since he's only yellow and red. The gun doesnt work again, maybe take the shoulder spike things and use them instead. Actually I like the arm spike, they should be on both sides, and those on the legs look good. The mask is...I dont know, looks like he stuck a manta on his head. But it's original so it gets points for that.
    Matoro: Yah...about that. He's just ugly. The mask makes him look like some kind of bug, way too many tubes sticking out for no reason, and throw in a messed up arm that throws back images of the hordika. Only thing he's really got going for them are those interesting shoulder covers.
    Jaller: Once again this is a good one, and that little crab with the gun on it is actually kinda cool. The mask may be my favorite of the bunch, and the whole body in general. I would say Jaller is my favorite of the Mahri.
    Kongu: bah.. I wanna like him, he has a great mask, the body is generally well designed if a little plain...but those guns. He's a toa of air, but you wouldn't tell it by looking. If you could give him two shoulder mounted guns and then a weapon of some sort.
    And whats up with the stuff on their backs? some kinda air tank thing?
    It seems like Lego is trying some new things and I will more then encourage it. Guns bad, originality good, masks on metru heads good, skinny chicken legs bad.
    Mahri good, for the most part.

  23. krack-a-toa
    Well now that BZP has released the pics for the some of the new sets I feel free to talk about them.
    I'm just going to be talking about the new titans here, I never really cared much for the construction sets.
    Aright lets start with Maxilos & Spinaz. I like this set alot. From what I've seen of Maxilos he looks well designed and is probably the only set where I think that new rocket launcher thing actually works. Plus we get Spinaz who is about as complicated as a toa, but the parts all look great.
    Now onto Hydraxon, with those spikes coming out form behind his head he looks like a killer bunny. I dont really like him, not on these Toy fair pics or the old box pics. I can't exactly say one thing in particular I don't like, but e just doesn't appeal to me that much.
    For the last we have Gadunka. I'm kinda comflicted. I like the general design and how lego seems to be trying something new, but the set seems badly executed, there's just too many gaps and parts jutting out. But it does get extra points for the tongue.
    Stay tuned for how I feel about the Mahri once BZP posts the pics. Trust me, it'll be a doosey.

  24. krack-a-toa
    I've been trying to do something sneaky that my friends over at a Transformers website taught me.
    trademark searches
    You can often find the names of products long before their release because of the need to copyright the names.
    Hasbro, the company that makes transformers has thousands of trademarks for all kinds of different toys.
    But lego does not.
    actually it may be because Lego in itself is apperently not the company filing for lego patents. If you do a search for lego on the patent website you will find little, but if you look at who files the patents you see a company called Kirkbi. When you search for Kirkbi you find many more things by lego, all their brand names are there, but sadly no specific sets.
    I post this in hopes that maybe someone else can do some digging, even if all you find is a copyright on the word Tahu I would be happy.
    cause I'm bored

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