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Blog Entries posted by krack-a-toa

  1. krack-a-toa
    Well it has been a while since I blogged on here (when did blog become a verb anyway?) but seeing how I got a special package in the mail I figured I have a really good reason now. That's right girls and rahi, I got the Inika from Shop@Home today, and I am not amused. But where to begin, well the begining in the very good place to start I'm told so I'll start with the first thing I saw, the cans. Course I don't know if you would call them cans anymore. They are big, really big, which kinda explains how they can be about half as wide as the old cans. I'm not sure about the cans for right now, I'm having troubls stacking them very high and that annoys me, but besides that I like how they have built in zamor and weapon holders.
    Which leads me to the weapons, I really like the detail on all of the light up weapons, my only real complaint is some of the color choices for the lights, why does a fire sword have a green light instead of a red one? I'm thinking if I can taking them apart and switching the lights around a bit, if I can. The zamor is still the basic one you get with the Piraka, but with the extra holder, only problem is I had the extra zamor kinda clogging up the firing system. The little extras on some of the toa are kinda cool, I love Hewkii's chain and where Nuparu has the back mounted launcher (even if it cant really move that much when attached) but I don't know why Nuparu needed the claws too, they look great and are great peices, but they just seem kind thrown in.
    Next we get to the masks, like most of the things on the Inika I both love and hate them, I love the look of all of them and the new textures, but that just makes me even more sad when I realize I can't put them on any regular face. I really wish there was a peg or something, and I dont like the heads in general, espcially when Im trying to ge thte mask off and the whole head just comes off the body.
    Ahh yes, the body....where to begin....Rember way back when we all complained that from the front the metruan looked great but from behind they looked horrible? That's about how I feal about the Inika, from the front they look great, great detail and most of them have good colors (ME WANT MORE SEE THRUW PARTS!!), but the back side looks horrible, all just holes and they are really really flat. Even Nicole Richie is calling them skinny (ok so that was a low blow, I apologize). Now the Piraka would have basically the same problem but they have those cool spines to cover for it, the Inika have nothing.
    Overall, all the new parts and colors are great, but I usually dont care that much about mocing ability and care about how they will look on the shelf, so to me they are a bit of a let down. To be honest as of right now they are my least favorite toa, though that may change as time goes by. But now Toa are my favorite sets so they're still up there on my list. And the repeatness of the sets is bad, I build one using instructions then using only the pictures on the box made all the others, then went back and checked that everything matched up with the instructions. I think the problem is that many of the canned Bionicle overall are turning more into action figures (remeber last time Lego tried to make action figures? or the failed show they were based on?) then they are constructed sets, going for pretty and simply instead of robotic and fun.
    Give me a bionicle with gears over one with Kungu Fu grip anyday
  2. krack-a-toa
    I'm starting to like this blog thing, I can post the random theories I have on here instead of posting them on the forum. I came up with my new theory while reading the offical geography topic. I started thinking about how any of the other underground domes besides Metru Nui got light. If there wasn't an island above them then any kind of opening in the dome would be pearing up into the bottum of the Mata Nui ocean. Next I started thinking about that protective clear barrier that is said to cover the light holes above Metru Nui. If all of the domes had such a procteive barrier then mayeb that is how Voya Nui got to the surface, I doubt that the barrier is as strong as the protodermis layer of over the domes, maybe Voya Nui was shot up and out of a really bog light hole. But then I thought about the whole holes being underwater and realized that if Voya Nui broke the barrier between the surface and the mainland that the mainland would nw be flooded....and that got my mind really turning....didn't the preview for Bionicle Legends 6 talk about an underwater city??? Maybe the Toa are going to go through the hole and go to Akua Nui (or the Pit) which is actually an underwater city on the now water logged mainland!!! What do you guys think?
  3. krack-a-toa
    Well, thanks to the birthday money I recently recieved I am now a premier member and thus have a spiffy new blog to paly with. This make's my third or forth blog but I've never really had a blog where I really thought I could talk about bionicle or many of my other toy time thoughts. So mostly this blog will be about bionicle, but if I occasionaly start talking about Optimus Prime or why Robot Chicken is the best show ever, I hope you will understand...
    I'll do a true new blog soon, but right now I'm kind of busy working on my entry for the S&T contest, but don't tell anyone.
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