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Status Updates posted by AvohkiiLight

  1. Quick rise to OBZPC...

    Anyways, I added you as a friend seeing as how we share BST. I'm a big fan of your shop- kutgw.


  2. LOL, trust me- it's the team, not me. Though I do help ;) - Thx, BufFooN.

  3. No, you just have more spam-inclined friends than I. And, you waste more time on the computer.

  4. Yeah, I'm hovering at 5 now :P

  5. My hair was orange and yellow for one day of Ichthus... but that purple is pretty awesome ^_^ !


  6. lhikan636, SOMEBODY had to like it- they made 6 movies of it!

  7. FYI, everyone, Family Force 5 is the BEST band ever. I wake up and sing thier songs, I sing thier songs as I run 5 miles (every day...) and as I fall asleep.


  8. So many comments... You people have made a banned member more popular and visited than new members who are trying to figure out BZP.

    I mean, 251 views in this guy's profile?


  9. FYI, I'm just now updating my trade references to include our trade with the watch. Thanks.


  10. Is that really your hair? Did you do that to go to a concert or something?


  11. Is that you're picture? I'd imagined you 6 foot, 200 lbs scary FA... Guess mods are just human too, eh ^_^ ?


  12. Trust me, High School is a long four years- 3 months lis like a year of seniority. I'm like, 15 years older than you :D ...

  13. Um, mine. Duh. I'm going to take a new picture, though- with my hair covering my eyes.

  14. And how has Ms. Zenith been doing lately? Are you schooling through the summer or do just Kentuckians homeschoolers?


  15. Amazingly funny name- BufFooN!


  16. 5 stars again...


  17. I sing like an angel! Actually, I tried out for this "American Idol" type thing at Ichthus and the video is posted online. I wouldn't dare post the link here, but if someone I trust wants to see it, I can show them I CAN sing :D ...


  18. Happy New Years, friends!

  19. BTW, was it temporary spray or dye or what? Just wondering... for future reference *sly smile*


  20. Happy New Years, friend. May we both grow in our faith and service :) ...

  21. After that News story, you're basically famous ;) .

  22. EW & Buf, I think I have you 2 beat...

  23. I love my semi-long hair. I'll send you some pics- it's so awesome. Then again, I have NO curl or wave in my hair...

  24. Ah... munkey x2. Yeah, short hair can get annoying. Long (but not like a girls') is awesome.

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