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Status Updates posted by AvohkiiLight

  1. Wow, this world is cruel...

  2. Prove what? That I have an A900? That it's better than a Katana? Wait- do you have a Katana :P ?

  3. Yeah, I know the poke was long in coming...LOL.

  4. You have the longest, most spammed-up comment list...

  5. Nice avvie- but maybe one with a blue symbol on a black background would look better ;)



  6. Obviously I offend someone in someway... No skin off my back, though. I'll get that other avatar sent tomorrow, BufFooN.


  7. Hallelujah!


  8. He's not THAT modest :P ... Congrats on your new spinny, Gat. I know the wait was killing you.


  9. Who DOES like Star Wars?!? I mean... c'mon. Now, Star Trek- that's a whole different story ^_^ ...

  10. Well, summer's almost over and ready to start another load of schoolwork. Did you finish last years' work? LOL, I just did!


  11. How did you learn my nickname?!

  12. Hey, Mr. Possibly Avatar's Biggest Fan, don't you think it's been way too long since the end of season 2? I mean, c'mon wiith season 3 already!


  13. Hey! Who gave me 4 stars?! :P

  14. Poor Greg- you don't have any friends ;) .

    If you want one, I'll add you ^_^ .


  15. AvohkiiLight may have fallen... but the light of LK, lhikan636 and other gender-sound members has brought me back to my regular, macho self!!!


  16. AvohkiiLight, the Manly One...

  17. You changed your personal picture to show more hair? LOL.

  18. Nice picture- songs should be written about your face...

  19. He is an amazing trader ;) ... If we were to elect a member to join our group, I'm sure the TTs would vote unanimously for Ausar.

  20. But I'm not saying what those songs should say :P ...

  21. No, it's an SPH-A900. It's easily 10x better than some old Katana...

  22. How would buying your iPod help me get enough money for a car :P ? You're not really into logic, are you... >:D

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