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Kahu Rider 13

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Blog Entries posted by Kahu Rider 13

  1. Kahu Rider 13
    Yes, it's now BZ's 6th anniversary! I'd like to thank all the members, staff, and admins who have helped to make this site what it is over the past six years. Long may it continue to thrive!
    As part of the celebrations, my Not-Very-Spectacular Blog will be active for another year - and my cookies are back, this time with blue icing! I hope you all enjoy them!
  2. Kahu Rider 13
    Like #3, my 4th cookie will be given to someone who commented here: Pop Nuva!
    Unless I can squeeze an entry in tomorrow morning, I regret to tell you that this will probably be the last entry! Like so many of us, I'm not premier, thus the fate of this blog is inevitable.
  3. Kahu Rider 13
    Hi - I figured I had to create a blog!
    First, congrats to T-Hybrid on winning the BotW! He certainly deserved it - I enjoyed his Inuva (and all the rest, of course!)
    Second, don't expect this blog to be very good - I don't have a great deal of time on my hands.
    Third, a belated happy 5th anniversary to BZP! It's definitely a great achievement that been around for this long, and thrived as much as it has. Shame I couldn't celebrate this success earlier, but better late than never I suppose!
    Fourth, I need an original title - I'll come up with one later.
    Fifth, I'll be handing out cookies randomly. The first goes to T-Hybrid for his BotW!
    That's it for the first entry. Bye!
  4. Kahu Rider 13
    Yes, it's that time of year again: this week, I'll be giving out cookies to various people! This year, they;ll have blue icing again, but they'll also have a cherry on top.
    Also, congratulations to BZPower on its seventh birthday!
  5. Kahu Rider 13
    Scuderia Toro Rosso have now publicly announced that they wish to replace their two drivers (although it's not really that surprising seeing as they've made so many mistakes). I wonder whether either will be replaced before the end of the season? If so, it may give Sebastien Bourdais a chance to show what he's worth.
    There's no suitable candidate for a cookie with blue icing, so I'm just going to give it to select someone at random. Congratulations to board messages for not letting me see the random profile!
  6. Kahu Rider 13
    That's right! The first cookie goes to Janus for his choice of Blog of the Week - congratulations everyone!
    The second goes to rain for the unusual race that it created at the Nurburgring yesterday. The track got wet at short notice that many drivers, so few drivers were able to change to the correct tyres. As a result, the rest started aquaplaning off the track at the first corner (forunately, I believe no-one was hurt). After all this mayhem, Markus Winkelhock (a 27-year-old German making his Formula 1 debut) ended up leading a few laps after qualifying last!
  7. Kahu Rider 13
    And the third cookie goes to Jacob83093 for being the first to comment here! Enjoy!
    Another F1 update: the FIA have banned BMW's radical vertical wings - I have to agree that they must've obscured the driver's view.
    I'll also be starting a new feature: the MNOLG2 Random Hint of the Day!
  8. Kahu Rider 13
    The second cookie goes to BZP's entire membership roster (apart from myself) for proving the popular belief that this blog is less than spectacular by not commenting. Indeed, very few people even viewed it!
    Now, for all you F1 fans out there, Toro Rosso have been working on some new aerodynamic components and working on their traction control - sadly, I don't know the details.
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