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Kaleidoscope Tekulo

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Blog Entries posted by Kaleidoscope Tekulo

  1. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    Just learned about this contest thing today, so I sketched this after work. Not great, but not too shabby either in my opinion.
    Also I'm blagging from my tablet, so I'm too lazy to do color this entry.
    ~Melon Lord <3
  2. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    Bionice will be a zombie theme next year. Should they return, all of the characters we grew to know and love will be zombies.
    Zombie Tahu, Zombie Lewa, Zombie Matoro, etc.
    This pleases me...
    ~Melon Lord
  3. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    Been playing the full version of Layton Brothers Mystery Room on my phone.
    It's not perfect in its cases in my opinion. One small beef I have with it is that there is a lot of convenient evidence in some cases that could have easily not existed in the first place which would have left the cases a little more open instead of immediately pinning the blame one one specific culprit... but that's not so annoying that the game isn't enjoyable.
    I actually really like the investigation of the crime scene. It's more hands-on than Phoenix Wright point and click and zooming in to look at the small details is pretty cool in my opinion.
    Wow, I really love run-ons.
    Anyway, I'm on the final case, and I love the overall plot thus far. It's got me hooked in! As for the final whodunnit...
    Anyway, Alfendi is totes adorkable. Is it weird that I kinda like his alter egomajig?
    Also, this is like the only game I will play/experience before GSR and I am super stoked about that. (He got ahead of me on Phoenix Wright, Professor Layton, Dangan Ronpa, Super Dangan Ronpa 2, and now Super Smash Bros 3D. This will probably be the only time in my life that I can say "neener neener" or as per our language "Upupupu" in his face for a legit reason. It's... kind of exciting. 8D)
    ~Melon Lord <3
  4. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    Anyway, seeing as I have literally raised every starter in every pokemon game five times over by now (or something like that), I have decided that my starter for Omega Ruby or Alpha Sapphire shall be a Cleffa of my choosing (trying to Masuda method these things and I'm on my third box. One of them's bound to have good stats) and a lvl 5 Milotic. This shall be done through Pokemon Bank with the hope that I can reuse this method. (I restarted my Pokemon X version and started with a growlith and a togepi. BEST. STARTERS. EVER.) I raised this Milotic( her name is Midori)'s sibling, Akai, to lvl 100 in Black 2. She's one of my bestest fighters, so now I shall raise Midori and have an unstoppable Milotic empire! Or, you know, a fun team for online battles. Not competitions, though. I want to have fun with my video games. =P
    Only, you know, here's hoping Omega/Alpha's story is actually enjoyable this time! 8D (I played through X/Y's story over three times now... I cannot put up with that stupid, un-fairy tale, pathetic story EVER AGAIN EVER! D8< )
    Digressing is fun.
    Speaking of which, I had a Gravity Falls marathon today. Not through season one yet, but it's right down my ally! I like all of the characters thus far. They really do a good job at having creepy scenes. It's even better when someone immediately breaks the mood. XD I think it has a good formula set up, although I wonder if the entire story will take place in just one summer. The Halloween episode was fantastic about that, so no complaints whatever they decide.
    In other news, my hair is now long enough to put back into a warrior's bun. It sits on the top of my head and I can't decide if it's adorable or if I look like a total dweeb. It's most likely the second one, so I'll wear a fedora when I want to go out (which will most likely be the case because it looks socially acceptable and this way I get to wear a blue fedora... Man, I really need a bowler hat or something more ridiculous). Anyway, I forgot what it was like to have my bangs not totally invade my face all the time. I missed this way more than I should.
    In news unrelated to the previous one, I repaid my student loans in full! It left a giant hole in my bank account... Yaaaaaay! 8D
    Anyway, just keeping a sort of journal about my life thus far in this here blag. Heck, I'll probably look back on my blog in a few years and laugh and laugh or sob extensively in a corner and punch myself in the face. Perspective is fun.
    Yeah, adult life is kinda boring. Glad I have nerdy interests to preoccupy myself until I wake up in like fifty years or something and I die. (Yeah... being alive as a human kinda takes a while...).
    ~Melon Lord <3
  5. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    So my mom and my brother KK abandoned me for Disney World this week (because I have a job and didn't want to take off), so my dad decided to see Kajiggers of the Galaxy.
    We stopped at a Red Robin first for lunch, and decided on a later showing because we figured we wouldn't make it for the 1:10 showing. They had bottomless rootbeer floats. Bottomless rootbeer floats. Quick note: That is my favorite of all the beverages. Another note: They were made with Barq's rootbeer and soft-serve icecream. These rootbeer floats were designed to appeal to me specifically. I only had two because they were tall and things started to look like this:

    Anyway, we walked around town for a bit, looking at some antique shops and stuff. I did find a nifty Xmas gift for Akano. I'd go into detail what it is, but he's on BZP and probably reads my blogs. I can trust no one... (So basically PM me if you really want to know and then go "Neener neener! I know what you're getting!" Actually, just mock him regardless if you have this information. It builds character -and it's super hilarious-).
    So, after that we went to see the movie. Um, it wasn't fantabulously flawless or anything, but I liked it. That kinda says a lot because I kinda don't like superhero movies (it probably helps that nobody was actually super human for no reason like Superkajigger or anything). It's not that I hate them or anything, it's just they really aren't my thing... you know, like at all. Still, all of the characters had at least some depth (even if it wasn't fully explored), it had some heated moments and the special effects and stuff were really nifty. Though, the female lead being super hardcore and then going into a classic damsel in distress situation where only the dude hero could save her kinda miffed my fedora (I wore a fedora all day). It didn't help that they were a classic "will they/won't they" couple thing which I am sick to death of. Mumble grumble, I hate movies because of this, grumble mumble...
    So, after that we went to a brew works place for dinner. I had a couple of drinks, but then the unexpected happened. THEY PLAYED MOVES LIKE JAGGER ON THEIR FREAKING PLAYLIST! (Backstory: I had an internship once, and my co-workers listened to the radio as they worked. The only station they listened to played a grand total of six songs over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again. Moves like Kajigger was one of these songs. I worked there at least, like, five hours a day (on a slow day at that), and my only sanity in the entire day came when Adele sang Rolling in the Deep and Someone Like You because how can you not love Adele?). It was sheer torture, even after all this time... My musical nemesis... The bane of my eardrums... My one true enemy in this world...
    So, it was a good day all in all.
    ~Melon Lord <3
  6. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    So, I just watched a few episodes of Gravity Falls today.
    Why didn't anyone tell me this show was hilarious? It's also... very surprisingly dark... and yet I laugh at the schadenfreude anyway because I am a horrible person. =P
    Mabel is adorable. XD
    Edit: I just realized that I wasted my 200th blog entry on a really bad bait and switch joke... It is far more fitting than I ever could have planned!
    ~Melon Lord <3
  7. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    Oh man... I knew I was going to love this game from the start, but I did not think it would be this good!
    Honestly, I was a bit worried because the latter Professor Layton games were pretty lack-luster in terms of story. Azran Legacy had only one twist that I really liked and while it was good, it did not come close to this one.
    I think both game styles really played off of each other fantastically. Laytonesque witnesses with over-the-top stress points and breakdowns were amazing. Seriously, I love Phoenix Wright characters, but the majority of them in my opinion tend to be young and attractive with very similar body structures. April May, Mia Fey, Olivia Aldente, Ini Miney, etc while not all exact all seemed to have similar physiques to me. It also goes for the guys in Phoenix Wright games too. Luke Atmey, Lary Butz, Edgeworth Johny Smiles, Acro, Apollo Justice, etc. That's not to say there weren't any diverse characters in any Ace Attorney game (Jean Armstrong, Bikini, Victor Kudo, etc), however Phoenix Wright games, in my opinion, tended to diversify their characters more through eccentric clothing or hair than actual physique. Layton characters, I think, tend to be a lot more colorful. The majority of the characters met in the games come in all shapes, sizes, nose lengths, eye shapes and puzzles. Did I say puzzles? Because puzzles. (...puzzles...) A lot of that probably has to do with the style of Layton games (which is totally amazing), but seeing characters like Kira, Emeer, Knightle, Mary and Wordsmith on the witness stand was so refreshing. They were eccentric without having major oddities solely in their clothes and hair. (Or I'm just biased because LAYTONESQUE!)
    The setting of Labyrinthia was AMAZING. I love fairy tales. This was totally a Brothers Grimm story, by the way. Although Espella did seem a bit Andersen. If this were an Andersen story, Espella would most likely be the protagonist due to her kind and selfless nature. Loads of cautionary tales in this one. There were tons of dark moments that spoke for themselves. It had lots of fantastical events that you just had to roll with. My love. All of it. The final chapters tied in so well to the fairy tale theme. Keeping this vague because I don't want to need spoiler tags, but they got it right with this game. They represented their theme so well in the end with everything. Pokemon X and Y's story can go in a corner and cry; THIS is the real deal!
    As for the gameplay, they cut away to the other group at opportune moments. It did get a bit annoying because I was all "I finally get to explore this strange mysterious area!" and the game was all "Nope! Trolololol." and I was like ">.>"
    Other than that, the new courtroom elements were really fun. I felt the cases themselves maybe could have been a little tougher, but considering the game was half puzzle and I was satisfied with how the events unfolded, I let it slide.
    As for the puzzles, they were all way too easy in the main story. Also, no one prevented me from going forward unless I had a certain number of puzzles solved... BLASPHEMY! Hint coins were everywhere... SO MANY HINT COINS! I wish I could just like cash them in for the option to have Phoenix in a Layton outfit.
    Anyway, overall this game is definitely one of my favorites. It's right below Unwound Future (my favorite game of all time) and probably somewhere in the Phoenix Wright games which I have not played in forever (It's above Investigations, though).
    Also, the bonus content episodes are hilarious. I am so replaying this game someday.
    ~Melon Lord <3
  8. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    I am approaching that point in the game (I think) where there will be a huuuge info dump as a result of a very Laytonesque investigation. Before everything gets solved in the most dubious of ways possible, let me just say that I have absolutely no idea where this game is going or how it might possibly end after the final witch trial.
    A big part of the reason why I have a limited understanding of what will happen is the setting of this game and the fact that its use of its surreal environment is really really good. Also, you know, a dude from 2015 (at least) flew to London and somehow met a professor from the early 1900's and his child companion who have not aged at all (I love how that works, and I hope they don't explain that because it makes me laugh so much).
    Onto my thoughts thus far! Warning: Contains spoilers up to the third witch trial.
    So, that's pretty much it. I have no idea what's going on or why.
    ~Melon Lord <3
  9. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    ... for someone who supposedly lived hundreds of years, the Doctor seems to die a lot within a single life span of the modern day human...
    Like, seriously, how did he ever live to be that old? I know he got that 1up, but that's not good enough! He'd need at least one hundred of them if he always died at that rate, and if not, then why was he living in such long spans of time and why did that change in the first place?
    I guess they could say he lived like fifty years in-between seasons when he was companion-less, but... Dude, it takes you that long to be angsty? Yikes.
    ~Tekulo <3
  10. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    Please listen to someone.
    Don't expect for them to come to you with their problems.
    Be open, be chill, and don't try to solve every single problem or try to dominate them by saying "you shouldn't feel that way."
    Be approachable, stop being so judgemental, stop playing those stupid "I'm smarter and you're an idiot" games. Don't carry an air of superiority.
    Consider others' feelings seriously. Don't write them off as "oh, they're just being like..." or whatever.
    It's different for everyone, but those were the things preventing me from talking with a lot of people, including my own family, about my condition. I did have people I did talk to, and I'm doing fine now, but I feel like only telling the people with depression to "talk to someone" is only half of the issue sometimes. It can be a lot harder than you think.
    Be someone worth talking to.
  11. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    The Mask of Change
    Whew, this was really fun to write! It's been a while since I've attempted a BIONICLE story, but I hope it's at least enjoyable.
    This is the second short story addition for Volition. We started it off with A Destiny Chosen. We have more stories in the works, so hopefully we'll continue getting them out in a timely manner.
    ~Tekulo <3
  12. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    Okay, so, I was meaning to make this entry a little while ago, but seeing as I just got caught up with the latest episode, it's probably just as well.
    MAJOR SPOILERS AHEAD so I'll be putting them in spoiler tags. Normally I'm just vague about the subjects, but this is serious business.
    ~Zuko <3
  13. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    Okay, so I played through this game on my days off this past week. I got through it in two sittings (partly because the game was relatively short, and partly because it is very engrossing).
    To be clear on this point: I have yet to play the first Portal game.
    Oh. My. Yes.
    Everything I wanted out of a game and more.
    The puzzles were clever, the antagonists fitting and fulfilling, the entire situation completely messed up beyond all belief and it had the most dubious of endings which made me laugh endlessly.
    I really need to play the first game. It should be noted that I only played the second first because my brother and I found it for $20 at Best Buy. He played the first game, and it was a relatively low price, so we nabbed it.
    Would recommend to anyone who loves a fun, quick story and interesting puzzles. (If you like Professor Layton, you will like this game).
    Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to listen to "Now I Only Want You Gone."
    ~Tekulo <3
  14. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    It's happening now
    I'm seriously excited right now. ;u; This collab has been in the works for over a year now, and now we can finally get the ball rolling.
    Like, the only way this day could be any better is if we found Samantha.
  15. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    Okay, so, sorry about my sob-fest last entry. I needed to get that out of my system because OH MY GOSH SO MUCH FEELS!
    But I am now through all 25 episodes of After Story. Done. I managed not to cry despite coming really close.
    Overall thoughts? This was quite possibly the best love story I have experienced thus far. I have a few reservations about that opinion mostly because of the surrealism in the end (or rather throughout, technically?) However, everything up to that point was amazing. Great characters, relatable situations and endless rivers of tears. Yeah, this was an experience, and wow was it worth it.
    Totally recommend this anime to anyone who appreciates a good story.
    But what I liked about After Story was that it took place outside of highschool for the characters. I don't actually think I've seen that before in anime, and this show actually captures a side of life that adult stories fail to do. Really, this is the first show I've ever seen that has the protagonist grow up, find a job, and deal with difficult choices and growing up quickly that actually felt genuine and logical. If I were in Tomoya's shoes, I probably would have made similar, if not, the same decisions he did. Every decision felt like it was carefully thought over for the characters to make. Akio and Sanae especially seemed seasoned in making tough choices (which fits perfectly with their characters). The scene where Sanae and Akio talk after Tomoya decides to take in Ushio? Priceless.
    It's just... everything about this show's main story felt like it was well-made. It's good, plain and simple; the kind of story I love.
    That being said, I do think certain episodes, such as Kyo's story, was a bit forced, maybe? Like, I could see how Tomoya could end up with Tomoyo because she used to be a delinquent similar to him, but she also worked with him to help him grow as a person. Nagisa did that too by taking his feelings seriously and pushing him to talk with his dad or talk about his plans for the future (It's why they're my OTP in this show, because they work together. Heck, he does the same for her with her self-confidence). With Kyo's story, I really didn't sense any of that going on. It didn't feel like a relationship so much as a cliche'd love triangle (rectangle if you include Sunohara. =P).
    Now then, as for the very last episode of After Story: I liked it.
    I mean, I keep hearing it's frustrating or bad or what have you, but... Well, I don't get that opinion. It was a summary episode, and I always look at those as a nice look-back to the story as a whole. They chose a nice theme to work around too, and the ending of that left me with "D'aww... You know you scarred me for life with the rest of this story, right? =D"
    I mean, if you're actually talking about the ending of the main story, then I guess I can see where you're coming from, maybe? It was a weird way to get to the ending, and despite the happy I was still going through rehab due to the enormous amount of grief the show had just put me through so I wasn't getting into the happy... But it could have ended worse.
    Obligatory: FUKO, YEEEEEES!
    Anyway, the few nit-picks aside, this story was completely worth it. I'll probably watch it again someday (and cry forever).
    ~Tekulo <3
  16. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    Okay, so... before I totally cry my heart out, I want to start off with legit thoughts on how this season has made me feel thus far. (NOOOOOOOOOOOOO)
    The fact that (WHYWHYWHYWHYWHY) the series actually follows the characters (THIS IS PURE SADNESS) after highschool, and showing the protagonist (DESPAIR WINS, MONOBEAR WAS RIGHT) grow and get a job is really cool. I wish more stories in general could show this side of life (TAKE THAT BACK, IT'S NOT WORTH IT) because it's actually really interesting (AND FILLED WITH SORROW).
    Yeah, I can't do it.
    This is bad. This is very not-good. I'm through episode eighteen now, and while the ending of this episode was sweet, it was still extremely feelsy. I nearly cried three times over the span of a couple of episodes. This is a new record for any story I've ever followed. The mist could not leave my eyes, and everything was spoiled for me up to this point, it was that bad.
    The worst part? I'm not even at the saddest part of this anime yet AND THE ENDING THEME STILL DOES NOT FLOW WITH THE STORY AT ALL (thought I mentioned that?)
    I... I dunno if I'm gonna make it, guys... Save yourselves.
    (Obligatory yelling at kids or whatever...
  17. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    Starting with the end of Clannad: The Tomoyo episode was pretty sweet. I actually like her and Sanohara together, but let's face it, that guy should not be dating anyone ever.
    I'm up to episode eight. So, to recap...
    This is bad, guys... Misae's story was bitter-sweet. I'm surprised too, because I didn't think they would actually do anything with her as a character. Also, I'm kinda glad they actually made her look different from her adolescence and adulthood. It's slight, but she does look more adult than Akio and Sanae. Seriously, put either of those two in a highschool suit and they look the same age as their highschool daughter (They either have really good genes or they had Nagisa when they were really young, geez).
    Also, I'm loving the music in this anime. The sad-track always makes me think "Oh, geez, things are getting tragic, aren't they?" I'm not even at the seriously bad stuff yet, and it's getting to me...
    Tomoya is still wonderful at pranks, though. When Sunohara asked Akio that question I was convinced that Tomoya is an evil genius (that or a very lucky opportunist).
    I'm a bit bummed out that we haven't seen as much of Kyo, Ryo or Kotomi so far. That's also a beef I had with the Tomoyo episode in the first season: they all kinda dropped off the face of the world for that episode. It's not as bad in After Story, but I still think it's apparent.
    My biggest problem with After Story, though? The opening and ending songs... I mean, they're just not as good as the first ones. The ending song really gets me, though. It's... it's just not fitting with the stories. I mean, I'll have just watched something really somber and then the song that plays is really upbeat and goofy... It doesn't flow right in my opinion. I miss the dango. That song was fantastic. (I actually sat through the opening and ending themes in the first season almost always, but now I'm skipping over After Story's)
    ~Tekulo <3
  18. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    So, after I did some research on the subject, I found a few different dango recipes. Dango, for any uncertain as to what I am talking about, is a sweet dumpling snack/dessert made out of rice flour, and typically served with tea. Some recipes called for tofu, others were just special forms of rice flour and water, etc. Eventually I came across a recipe online that seemed simple and had a step-by-step video.

    It didn't turn out half bad. It should be noted that I didn't find every exact ingredient for this recipe. I used a few variations as I live in America, and unfortunately I don't live in Pittsburgh near Lotus Foods anymore (a really cool market for Asian foods).
    Sticky Rice Powder - I just used plain old white rice flour. It's all I could find (And I didn't find any at Walmart. Normally I would've used the brand with the red text and the pegasus on the bag. Instead I went to Heinins and got Red Mill brand. It's a bit on the pricey side, so if you want to try to make this yourself look for the cheaper alternative first).
    Sugar - In this video, though it doesn't specify, it looks like it uses raw sugar instead of white sugar. Really it shouldn't make too much of a difference, but I used white sugar in my recipe.
    Green Tea Powder - it was pretty difficult for me to find the right tea to use. I didn't find any instant powder by itself, unfortunately. I substituted a green tea mix which used green tea powder as the main ingredient (which sounds easy, but there was only one brand I found at Walmart, which was 4C brand. It's sweetened with honey and splenda, so this made the green dango really sweet, but also more flavorful. I wouldn't say they were overly sweet, but when consuming dango with tea, I would prefer it to be toned down). Other recipes I've seen have this ingredient replaced with green food coloring, which would probably be the better alternative for those who can't find plain green tea powder.
    Tofu - This video didn't specify the type of tofu to use, but it should be noted I used soft tofu instead of firm tofu.
    This type of dango with three colors is apparently called Hanari Dango.
    Now, while I made this dough for all of the dango I made at home, I also tried to make Mitarashi Dango. Basically for this type of dango, I left the dough plain with no food coloring or tea mix.
    I made a simple sauce for it from this video here at 2:42
    Red Mill also makes potato starch, so for this sauce I had all of the ingredients needed.
    While the person in this video over-cooked their sauce, I managed to get it to a proper consistency.
    PRO TIP: When thickening with potato starch, the sauce does not need to come to a boil in order to thicken (unlike with corn starch where the starch must be dissolved in water before-hand and then brought to a boil). This sauce's ingredients can be combined all at once, mixed, and then brought to the stove. As for how not to kill your sauce, be sure to remove it from heat right when the sauce begins to thicken. Don't worry if you think it looks a bit too runny. Because this sauce is cooked in such a small amount, the residual heat from the pan will continue to thicken the sauce after the pan has been removed from the heat. It's actually a pretty important step, so if anyone here dares to try this, keep this in mind.
    It also should be noted that after the dango were removed from the boiler, I placed them in an ice-bath to cool for five minutes (as suggested in the second video). The outsides did seem a bit moist, so I would recommend allowing them to air-dry on a plate with a paper towel underneath (or just allow them to cool on their own instead. I just thought the ice-bath was a faster method).
    The tea I made to pair with these was green tea. I found a brand that only used green tea leaves in the ingredients list, and instead of pouring hot water over the tea bags, I instead ripped the bags open and boiled the tea leaves with the water in a tea pot. It gives the tea more flavor, in my opinion. I also strained the leaves out with a small fine-mesh strainer as I poured the tea into my mug.
    Thoughts on the two types of dango I made:
    Hanari Dango: As for how everything turned out - it was yummy, but plain. Don't get me wrong, it was an enjoyable treat coupled with the green tea I made. However, the dango on their own do taste plain (aside from the green ones as previously mentioned). I wouldn't mind trying to make something similar to this kind of dango again, but I would like to try making it with some other flavoring such as vanilla or lemon zest. They're not bad, but they don't have much flavor. It's a nice compliment to tea, though, so for anyone who loves a good cup of tea, but doesn't want an overpowering snack to go with it; I would recommend this form of dango.
    Mitarashi Dango: I prefered this dango to the Hanari. The dango themselves are plain, however the sauce compliments it nicely giving it a nice soy sauce flavor. Again, the sauce itself isn't overly sweet, so it also pairs nicely with tea in my opinion.
    Overall thoughts: For anyone with a sweet tooth, dango isn't for you (at least not these recipes anyway). They are, however, filling (I only ate six dango [two skewers] before I was beginning to fill up). Also, if you don't have/want skewers, you can use chopsticks instead. It might not be as elegant, but it does work for holding three dango in place.
    As for me, I still have tofu, rice flour and potato starch left over, so I'll probably make these again (and maybe alter the recipe a bit for flavoring experimentation).
    ~Tekulo <3
  19. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    Tomoyo's story almost made me cry. This is bad, guys, the anime is appealing to my sense of humanity... I hate that thing... =/
    Nagisa's story finally comes to light! I'm so glad it ended the way it did.
    So, I guess the twins don't get too much backstory? I get that they both (maybe) had a crush on him and all, but... was that it for them? Maybe not because I haven't finished the story yet.
    So! I only have two episodes left until I'm done with the first season. I gotta say, Akio and Sanae are the most adorable characters ever.
    ... Yup. After Story is going to be the bane of my existence soon enough (and I probably won't have the Dango song at the end of the episodes! Now where will I get my fill of joy? NOOOOOO!)
    ~Tekulo <3
  20. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    SUNOHARA- well, I don't care as much about him at the moment... Looks like we'll be seeing more of Tomoyo, though.
    Also, oh my gosh, Tomoya is a wonderful prankster. How he can say such obvious lies with a straight face is wonderfully admirable...
    Anyway, I got up through the Kotomi arc and I'm a few episodes after that. This. Anime. Will. Destroy. My. Soul.
    The Dango song is amazing, though. Seriously, it's wonderful. I look forward to its simple joy at the end of each episode after my soul cries for hours on end (even though they're, like, 22-minute episodes).
    ~Tekulo <3
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