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Kaleidoscope Tekulo

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Blog Entries posted by Kaleidoscope Tekulo

  1. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    ... would be the spider babies hatching and being sooo cute. ^^ I wish I could huggle them, but if I did they'd be crushed to an early doom... so I tend to shy away from such things.
    Oh, and there are red leaves too... but mostly that spider thing.
    -a yellow leaf falls to the ground-
    ~Tekulo <3
    (Post Lawn: One of these days I will tire of my blog's theme. It is not, however, today, tomorrow, next week or the end of December 2012).
  2. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    I was really hoping for this. COT has been far too cluttered for too long.
    I know a fair portion of members thought it would be an empty forum that nobody would visit, but I for one will do my part to post new topics and to review and critique what other members put down (aside from RPGs because I'm not too interested in joining one at the moment).
    Also, did I mention awesome? I think I mentioned awesome.
    I'm in the middle of something, Billy!
    ~Tekulo <3
  3. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    I'm still around.  Kinda.  Definitely probably still here.  
    I got a sunburn the other day.  I was helping with yardwork. 
    I ordered a new phone which should be in tomorrow. 
    I had a dream earlier in the week about my late dog.  She was in my bed and we were hanging out like old times.  It was good to see her again. 
    Bonkles r rad
    knock knock
    who's there?
    Botar who?
    Well that's about all.  
    ~Tekulo <3
  4. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    Nothing like replaying some of your favorite games after so many years.
    The thing I love most about this series is that it's so unbelievably epic with a great, detailed cast of characters with their own individual quirks, interesting bad guys with elaborate and tedious plots and is so entertaining on the whole; and the only way I can describe it to an average joe is "So basically you play as a lawyer and defend people in court."
    I always get so many odd looks when I say that.
    Hah hah hah... I feel forever ashamed of my own choice of words sometimes... ''-_-
    ANYWAY so I forgot how much I hate/love Miles Edgeworth's character. The first game he's at his worst, but starts on his path to his best (and fails miserably with a Whooooooooop!). In later games (Ace Attorney Investigations which I really loved [despite the boss making my video game life oh-so-ever-tedious]) he really shines and I love how classy he is. Still, I do admit he doesn't have as much class as Professor Layton in my opinion.
    Larry Butz is probably my favorite character in the first game. He's just a regular guy who finds himself in the center of bad luck, but he's always got a lively personality (both good and bad) that just makes me laugh every time he shows up.
    Maya is also a very fun character, but I start to like her even more later on in the series. She's so goofy and doesn't always know what she's talking about, but at the same time she has a good heart. Actually, I'd say she's the pinacle of goodness in any of the games. No matter what the story puts in her way, she always comes out smiling and that's just really awesome.
    So, I could go on and on about every character in the series, so I'll just stop before this becomes a really long entry.
    ~Tekulo <3
  5. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    Oh man... I knew I was going to love this game from the start, but I did not think it would be this good!
    Honestly, I was a bit worried because the latter Professor Layton games were pretty lack-luster in terms of story. Azran Legacy had only one twist that I really liked and while it was good, it did not come close to this one.
    I think both game styles really played off of each other fantastically. Laytonesque witnesses with over-the-top stress points and breakdowns were amazing. Seriously, I love Phoenix Wright characters, but the majority of them in my opinion tend to be young and attractive with very similar body structures. April May, Mia Fey, Olivia Aldente, Ini Miney, etc while not all exact all seemed to have similar physiques to me. It also goes for the guys in Phoenix Wright games too. Luke Atmey, Lary Butz, Edgeworth Johny Smiles, Acro, Apollo Justice, etc. That's not to say there weren't any diverse characters in any Ace Attorney game (Jean Armstrong, Bikini, Victor Kudo, etc), however Phoenix Wright games, in my opinion, tended to diversify their characters more through eccentric clothing or hair than actual physique. Layton characters, I think, tend to be a lot more colorful. The majority of the characters met in the games come in all shapes, sizes, nose lengths, eye shapes and puzzles. Did I say puzzles? Because puzzles. (...puzzles...) A lot of that probably has to do with the style of Layton games (which is totally amazing), but seeing characters like Kira, Emeer, Knightle, Mary and Wordsmith on the witness stand was so refreshing. They were eccentric without having major oddities solely in their clothes and hair. (Or I'm just biased because LAYTONESQUE!)
    The setting of Labyrinthia was AMAZING. I love fairy tales. This was totally a Brothers Grimm story, by the way. Although Espella did seem a bit Andersen. If this were an Andersen story, Espella would most likely be the protagonist due to her kind and selfless nature. Loads of cautionary tales in this one. There were tons of dark moments that spoke for themselves. It had lots of fantastical events that you just had to roll with. My love. All of it. The final chapters tied in so well to the fairy tale theme. Keeping this vague because I don't want to need spoiler tags, but they got it right with this game. They represented their theme so well in the end with everything. Pokemon X and Y's story can go in a corner and cry; THIS is the real deal!
    As for the gameplay, they cut away to the other group at opportune moments. It did get a bit annoying because I was all "I finally get to explore this strange mysterious area!" and the game was all "Nope! Trolololol." and I was like ">.>"
    Other than that, the new courtroom elements were really fun. I felt the cases themselves maybe could have been a little tougher, but considering the game was half puzzle and I was satisfied with how the events unfolded, I let it slide.
    As for the puzzles, they were all way too easy in the main story. Also, no one prevented me from going forward unless I had a certain number of puzzles solved... BLASPHEMY! Hint coins were everywhere... SO MANY HINT COINS! I wish I could just like cash them in for the option to have Phoenix in a Layton outfit.
    Anyway, overall this game is definitely one of my favorites. It's right below Unwound Future (my favorite game of all time) and probably somewhere in the Phoenix Wright games which I have not played in forever (It's above Investigations, though).
    Also, the bonus content episodes are hilarious. I am so replaying this game someday.
    ~Melon Lord <3
  6. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    Yeah, so I decided to get this game yesterday. I kinda got addicted to it (after I finally figured out how to delete the save data because they hid it so well I was confuzzled until the intermawebs gave me the answer).
    So, I was up until around 2:00 playing it. When the words on the screen started to blur and dance with me, I knew it was time for bed. XP
    The gameplay is interesting and fun. The battle style's pretty fun and I like the way it works. Kinda like pokemon chess... with warlords... and CONQUERING ALL! MUAHAHAHAHA! =3
    So, I've captured the first... uh, seven or nine castles. Also one of my piplup's evolved into a prinplup. ^^
    Well, if you need me, I'll be taking over people's homes and forcing people to join my army. Maybe I'll even play some more Pokemon Conquest. ^^
    As for you guys you have two options. You can either join me, or
    Tekulo <3
  7. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    So, real quick
    The plot is the best of any game
    I caught a shiny Cleffa and her name is Star (Because I like the show Star vs the Forces of Evil). She is now a level 56 Clefable.
    I captured all of the legendary pokemon without having to use a master ball
    I have completed the Alola Pokedex.
    I caught a level 11 Salamence and it was the most tedious thing ever.
    Mudsdale is a neat and reliable Pokemon as is Kommo-o
    Mimikyu creeps me out and I somehow managed to trade mine for a Buzzwole via GTS
    Weavile are uncommon and if I recall correctly I managed to trade one for a Dragonite. I traded the Dragonite away for something else as I really wanted to complete my dex.
    I named my character SwagtronYOLO
    I have no life and now I kind of feel sad about it. I miss childhood when shame didn't exist in its current form.
    So yeah, I think that about sums it up.
  8. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    (For those of you who just want to scroll down and add me, feel free! I'm just gonna ramble on and on for a bit nonsensically. You have been warned).
    So, after seconds and milliseconds of begging, defeat, crying, surrender, and seashell collecting (in that order); I finally managed to convince you kids to keep off my lawn... at a terrible cost...
    Ah, Pandermon... That brings me back all the way back to the distant year of 1999. Back then everything was in black and white which is so unlike the games today. Games like Red and Blue and the ever elusive Green versions. They hated the primary color pallet of light, so America shunned it and instead added in yellow. That's how the color wheel was created, Billy.
    Anyway, I started with Pikablue and Bulbazard, defeated some bottle rocket doohickey and ended up getting a certificate after I captured all 72 types of critters.
    (Sweet father of Ash Ketchum, this is getting painful to type)
    The show was by far the best part! Such a wonderfully rich story...
    Anyway, Billy, on my Black 2 version, my friend code is:
    5243 9840 1344
    Just tell me if you use it.
    Now that that's out of the way,
    ~Tekulo <3
  9. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    Celestia, ruler of the sun. Luna, ruler of the moon.
    Twilight: Where the sun and moon meet.
    Well, no duh...
    I... I think I'm going to hide my head in shame now for just noticing this...
    ~Tekulo <3
  10. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    So I found a pony generator today and decided, since I have nothing else to do with my life, to create a pony-sona.

    So now I am a pony. A gay pony.
    ~Lapis Lazuli <3
  11. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    Okay, so I played through this game on my days off this past week. I got through it in two sittings (partly because the game was relatively short, and partly because it is very engrossing).
    To be clear on this point: I have yet to play the first Portal game.
    Oh. My. Yes.
    Everything I wanted out of a game and more.
    The puzzles were clever, the antagonists fitting and fulfilling, the entire situation completely messed up beyond all belief and it had the most dubious of endings which made me laugh endlessly.
    I really need to play the first game. It should be noted that I only played the second first because my brother and I found it for $20 at Best Buy. He played the first game, and it was a relatively low price, so we nabbed it.
    Would recommend to anyone who loves a fun, quick story and interesting puzzles. (If you like Professor Layton, you will like this game).
    Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to listen to "Now I Only Want You Gone."
    ~Tekulo <3
  12. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    I've never actually had it and it sounds like it would clog my arteries.
    Also apparently today has a thing attached to it, but I don't really care about that and just felt like copying blog titles as I tend to do because I'm trash. :V
  13. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    So I was at a family friend`s house today. Normally when I go I spend my time entertaining their youngest family member who is still a wee lad. Before bed tonight, he was allowed to watch one episode of Power Rangers and I watched it with him.
    Oh. My. Gosh.
    So, in a nutshell, there were these humans wo became super warriors as Power Rangers who became ultimate warriors as Super Samurai Mode Power Rangers who utilized two massive robots which proceeded to merge together into the mega ultimate thing which leveled around three square blocks of the city.
    The acting, the bad lines and the bad special effects all sent me into fits of giggles. I barely managed to stop myself from bursting out laughing it was so bad.
    ~Tekulo <3
  14. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    So, I purchased a year's worth of premier membership earlier today. THE POWER! I HAS IT! >=3
    I am now one step closer to throwing BZP into a state of confusion, panic and more confusion.
    This is going to be one fun year on BZP. ^^
    So, uh... Feel free to ask me for polls and stuffs. And don't go treating me any different now. I have been a regular member here for many years and I just figured I should support the site. This place really does mean a lot to me. ^^
    Look forward to further silliness with a dose of... uh... non-silliness on a rare occasion. XP
    Stay breezy,
  15. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    Hey everyone! Been a while.
    Life's been keeping me busy with work, walks, family visiting, the occasional (very occasional) trip to Seattle and procrastination on things that are important that I should be doing right now. I got about... five(?) hours of sleep last night and I'm at the end of my day so boy howdy that is a thing. XP (meanwhile someone out there reading this is on no sleep for the past three days and is screaming at their computer screen right now).
    There's a lot I could put in a life update entry, and I might just get around to that at a later time. Right now, I want to talk a bit about pride month.
    So yesterday I watched a candlelight vigil for the victims of a certain incident (which idk if I can talk specifically about here). But yeah... hearing multiple names and ages of victims being called out and realizing you fall into the same minority and age group is... sure a strange feeling. I've had people tell me that these are just isolated incidents and that it's not going to happen to me, to stop stressing out, but... hehehe it's not like anyone can predict the future and honestly the world is a wild place. News about violence against LGBT people is always a hard truth to face. Well, for me it is anyway.
    So, a while ago I started identifying as genderqueer. That was because I had no better term to describe my gender identity, really. I've talked a bit about it on here before. Well, recently I learned about demigenders. I looked up the definition of demigirl and I kinda realized that was closest to describing how I personally identify. After I read the definition, really read it, I kinda stopped for a second and... you know how you follow a really good mystery story? Like right towards the end when everything starts to come together and make sense and you see the solution at the end of it, you get like these goosebumps and a strange sense of excitement and trepidation? That's how I felt when I realized this was describing me. Genderqueer had always been a bit of a vague shrug for me. It's nice having a more precise label imo.
    So, for those not aware, demigirl is a gender identity where someone identifies partially as female, but not completely. For some people they identify as primarily female and partly as something else, but not always.
    Personally I don't think I feel physical dysphoria, or at least not to the point where I'd want to undergo hrt.
    So, what does this mean for me? Well, it means I'm the same person I always was. Now I just have a label for myself that I feel comfortable with. And actually, for me it's a relief. Even if a lot of people aren't going to understand me with my gender identity, just knowing that there are other people out there that identify in similar ways to me... it's comforting to know I'm not the freak I told myself I was growing up. I know I'm not cis and I'm not in the majority or anything, but... I dunno, I feel more like a normal human being now than I have in years (and this after I've dyed my hair, worn cute necklaces, got my ears pierced and went through all these little things that guys just didn't do where I grew up).
    I'm still good with he/him pronouns btw. I'm generally okay with feminine pronouns and things too, provided they aren't used as a means to ridicule me through misgendering (i.e. calling me a girl in a way meant as a demeaning insult. Yes, people still do this, and no it isn't funny. Hasn't been funny to me for a while now tbh).
    So yeah. Demigirl, demihomosexual and very tired from a long day of work and a long many years of trying to figure all of this out.
    This is who I am.
    Happy Pride Month! <3
  16. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    Note: the part of the game I am referencing happens at the very beginning of the story, so I didn't feel a need to use spoiler tags.
    Layton: Now then Luke, the small child I have taken with me into enemy territory (with guns. Lots of guns), time is of the essence! We cannot afford to hesita-
    Luke: ... ... Erm, are you alright, Professor?
    Layton: Those oil drums remind me of a puzzle. 8D
    Luke: ... >.>
    ~Tekulo <3
  17. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    ... is pretty fun, actually once you get the hang of it. So far I've been able to turn my 3DS into a music box that plays Saria's Song (I even did slow down the tempo and change the instrument setting).
    Confusing? Very. Will I make a game? Not any time soon.
    Though, I also know how to place circles of various x,y coordinates, radiuseseseses and colors as well as lines, boxes and I put together a nice little map to go with my music box. The main problem is, it makes a noise when it loads and that gets in the way of the music that plays...
    I'd really like to find a way around that...
    I'm glad I learned how to play an instrument; it made composing a full-length Saria's Song much, much easier to convert to MML format.
    For anyone else who has Petit Computer, the QR code for this app is here:

    Also, it loops... And I couldn't get the drums to cooperate with me, unfortunately. =/
  18. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    I've been in a scary place lately. Little PSA here, guys: You never know who is or isn't on anxiety medication and you never know who is going to go super logic-jump crazy. XD
    So, when you take medication, be sure to get your blood work done, work with your doctors, ask what the risks are, and be sure to eat healthy.
    I'm doing fine, though, and I kinda came to a big life decision.
    Eventually, some day... I kinda want to adopt a kid. ^^;
    So, um. Thanks for listening when I needed it, BZP. I really appreciate it. ^^
  19. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    So, I'm brainstorming ideas for characters, and I wanted to base them off of the Nuva. Thing is, my memory is a bit rusty and I wanted to refresh my knowledge of their personal quirks and traits. Other thing is, reference sites kinda suck for that because they only contain factual info about what they did and who created them, etc.
    So basically, are there any references that actually contain more info on their personalities or examples where their personalities came out in the story?
    Might have to look up 2001 bios or check the extras on the mask of light dvd...
  20. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    So, after a two-day driving journey we have arrived. Akano and KK are coming tomorrow night because they are dorks.
    I had scotch and Baileys.
    There are gators here in the south.
    I am kinda bored right now because we're taking it easy.
    About to go shopping for groceries.
    I checked BZP today and there were 17 notifications and like three of them were interesting. Seriously, guys?
    I have Wifi.
    Remember, the universe is a hologram, reality is an illusion, buy gold, bye!
  21. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    Been waking up each morning with either a sigh or light sobbing. =/
    Been brushing my cat's fur with a comb and been trying to treat them well. I lost my best friend, but... to them I think it's been like losing a sister. They both have been snoozing a lot and I've been trying to make sure they get up and eat.
    At any rate, I think the garden out back is good enough to ward off racoons and wild dogs among other things that would try to dig her up (honestly the real danger would be the neighborhood dogs, but uh... not too worried since there are plenty of creepy crawlies out here in the summer. XD)
    So, I'm going to cover the area in topsoil today. I still need to weed out some stones big enough to circle off the area. And after that it's back to hitting the books. Things are really slow at work right now (which is a little odd because we've only had a little bit of rain. People just don't like nature anymore, I guess. And, like, I get it because I'm a shut-in by nature, but... like, the pollen is not that bad after it rains. =/)
    My avocado sappling is doing great now compared to before. I added in an earthworm and some ants to help it along early last month. It's been doing wonders.
  22. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    Made it to my work site for the summer. Lots of snow so far (at least 10 feet)
    There is no Internet where I'm living now, so unfortunately I won't be able to keep up with BIONIFIGHT or BZPGOT. Hopefully it will be up by next week.
    Aside from some very irritating drama, things are going fine. My roommate is nice and I start work tomorrow. Hopefully my patience won't be tried too much. Uuuuuugghhhhhh I hate stupid drama.
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