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Kaleidoscope Tekulo

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Blog Entries posted by Kaleidoscope Tekulo

  1. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    So, between working, social life, baking and trying to keep my sanity (hah, sanity) my sleep schedule has been whacked a bit... It happens. Hopefully spending some time with my family (I'm coming to get you, Akano >=D) will help with that. ^^
    Relaxation in the country side surrounded by beautiful scenery and nature... Can't wait to play my 3DS that I have access to 24/7 for the entirety of next week. XP (I kid).
    Well, this may be my last blog (or one of my last for a while) as I'm not sure how much longer these perk thingies will last... Still, I've been considering getting premier status. Just a year's worth anyway.
    Stay Breezy,
  2. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    Yeah, the title pretty much sums it all up.
    I'll be heading home tomorrow with KK while Akano heads back to the underground city of the badger moles where he will play his guitar to soothe the savage beasts and navigate his way out of some... moving cave maze or whatnot with his nomad posse and random river people he just met half an hour ago. He'll probably bore them to near death with tunnels and forgetting lyrics to the songs he plays... Typical, typical Akano. XP
    So our last day was fun. We went on a train ride. Good day for it too. ^^
    Well, I hope everyone else's summers went well. And for you luck ducks at Brickfair; be sure to run around wearing a giant cardboard Miru shouting random Lewa quotes in place of your acquaintance/random person you don't know but for some reason are reading his blog buddy, Tekulo. Oh, and have fun. But more importantly that first thing. XP
    Stay breezy,
  3. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    How to play this game: For all initial choices, ally for everything like a total sap.
    Once that's over with, get revenge on all of those punks who betrayed you in the previous timelines.
    Dio is the worst.
    ~Tekulo <3
  4. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    I am so glad to be done working today. I have tomorrow off but then I need to prepare for New Year's.
    Anyway, Merry Xmas one and all!
    I got a Pinkie Pie toy (which I am having waaaay too much fun with), a Nintendo Ds organizer and an organization container for my LEGO minifigs.
    Soooo glad to be home on xmas. ^^
  5. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    So, starting yesterday my laptop decided to go on strike/got sick/was lazy (it's hard to read emotion over computers... =/) by not starting up and instead displaying A GRAY SCREEN OF DOOOOOOOM!
    Anyway, thanks to some searching the intermawebs, I managed to try running safe mode time and time again until finally an image (not a gray image mind you) popped up saying "Your Computer is being an cool dude. Please hold." and after around an hour or so of diagnostics, it's back up and running!
    ... For now at least... I've never come across this issue before, but apparently the issue was with one of the drivers. I also found advice to keep things clean (I did get a cooler for it a while ago, so I wouldn't find it strange to have accumulated some dust. I'll be keeping it clean for a while, so hopefully it'll remain working).
    Here is a very accurate recreation script of what transpired during the events of the Gray Screen Fiasco:
    Tekulo: ... Eh? Curse this new-fangled do-thingie... Wait, this isn't my lawn! CURSE YOU, BILLY!
    ~Tekulo <3
    (P.L. aka "Post Lawn;" New art is happening soon. Will upload shortly to General Artwork
    Edit: It's posted: Get off the lawn and go here
  6. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    The LEGO Movie DVD was released yesterday on Taco Tuesday. This makes me so happy that I went to the LEGO store and picked it up. ^^
    I rewatched it with KK and oh my gosh, the feels, the comedic timing, THE BATMAN!
    Such a good movie.
    ~Tekulo <3
  7. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    So, I'm honestly not great at debates. I like picking the unpopular opinion and looking more into why people disagree in the first place. Call me crazy or a hypocrite or whatever, but I believe there are two sides to every story. No matter how prejudiced or biased I may be initially, my opinions tend to change with more information that I pick up.
    And, yeah, it's easy to write off that other group of people as being totally stupid for having opinions (and let's be honest, threats occurred on both sides of the spectrum, so no hiding behind "they are crazy because they have that opinion" because that's not thinking logically or using your brain. Also, sending threats to people over movie opinions is just plain acting like a child who can't be bothered to articulate their thoughts). But hey, nobody's perfect. Everyone is problematic on some level, including me.
    Anyway, I know I'm never a popular guy when I explore an unpopular opinion, but I would rather explore why people are upset in the first place and admit defeat and learn a thousand times over than I would stay quiet and remain ignorant. (Even if it is just something as silly as a debate over movies)
    So, mild rant over. According to blog policy, feel free to hit me over the head with any object of your choosing.
  8. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    That's right; my post count and profile view count are only one number off from each other.
    I feel like this is a record. Not only is my post count pathetic, but it's equally as bad as my profile views. That's what I call nine years of consistency. ^^
    ~Tekulo <3
  9. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    Been playing the full version of Layton Brothers Mystery Room on my phone.
    It's not perfect in its cases in my opinion. One small beef I have with it is that there is a lot of convenient evidence in some cases that could have easily not existed in the first place which would have left the cases a little more open instead of immediately pinning the blame one one specific culprit... but that's not so annoying that the game isn't enjoyable.
    I actually really like the investigation of the crime scene. It's more hands-on than Phoenix Wright point and click and zooming in to look at the small details is pretty cool in my opinion.
    Wow, I really love run-ons.
    Anyway, I'm on the final case, and I love the overall plot thus far. It's got me hooked in! As for the final whodunnit...
    Anyway, Alfendi is totes adorkable. Is it weird that I kinda like his alter egomajig?
    Also, this is like the only game I will play/experience before GSR and I am super stoked about that. (He got ahead of me on Phoenix Wright, Professor Layton, Dangan Ronpa, Super Dangan Ronpa 2, and now Super Smash Bros 3D. This will probably be the only time in my life that I can say "neener neener" or as per our language "Upupupu" in his face for a legit reason. It's... kind of exciting. 8D)
    ~Melon Lord <3
  10. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    So I was rewatching an episode of Gravity Falls where Mabel and Dipper switch bodies and Mabel has a sleepover. At one point, Grenda emerges from the closet in their room and says that she had no idea what she was kissing in there, but that she had no regrets.
    In an earlier episode, Mabel accused Dipper of enlisting the aid of an invisible wizard which was supposedly located in their closet.
    The invisible wizard is real, guys!
    "You had your chance at the cotillion, you!"
    ~The Duchess Approves
  11. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    You know, tags are too short for my blog...
    Today when I logged on to BZP, I had 49 notifications and was all "... Eh? Confangled futuristic thinger... GET OFF MY LAWN!" so then I tossed my computer out the window. Then, in a wondrous stroke of brilliance I devised a plan: Read the notifications.
    So, it turns out I somehow followed the "Rumors Abound" news reply topic unintentionally. Being one of the first to reply there, it's no wonder I got so many notifications.
    Silly, Tekulo, Tricks are for half-baked Magicians. XP
    Oh, also Angel Beats. Wow. Not what I was expecting... at all... Very interesting so far. ^^ (I kept hearing everyone and a half on this site rave about it, so I decided to check it out. Very catchy opening sequence. Me gusta la... uh... piano... XP
    ¿Que es, Billy? ¡SALE MI CÉSPED!
    ~Señor Tekulo <3
  12. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    Lately I have noticed that I'm not particularly fond of too many shows on television. By this I'm specifically talking about sitcoms be them Seinfeld, How I Met Your Mother, Modern Family, The Big Bang Theory, and so on. Sitcoms are a type of show that I've watched for most of my life. I've gotten into a few of them, and I've generally enjoyed them over the years. But recently, I've grown tired of seeing one too many episodes of Big Bang Theory and Modern Family and I started to stop and think. It's fun to watch a show when I'm not thinking. I get to experience the jokes and playful humor without a second thought. And hey, the first two to three times watching an episode, things are generally funny. But then I stopped to look at these episodes and I realize something. I feel like these shows were not made for me.
    Let me try to explain myself a little here. Currently I am a twenty five year old man who has found work off and on as a baker. I define my sexual orientation as demi-homosexual and I define my gender identity as gender queer. I've lived my entire life overweight and my self esteem is generally on the low side. I have suffered from depression and anxiety among other things. I tend to let my emotions get in the way of seeing the world for what it really is at times, and I have to remind myself that I don't even know what this world is like to begin with. I often remind myself that the place I'm currently in, both emotionally and physically is... well, for lack of a better word, weird. I'm not sure there was ever a day beyond fifth grade that I ever felt normal, but I think I've probably mentioned this on my blog more than a few times in various entries.
    I suppose I could start with the obvious here and point out that while I'm not straight, most sitcoms revolve around straight men. These are characters that pursue relationships without a second thought. Ted Mosby on HIMYM seemed to date a fair number of women while searching for his one true love. Even if I were to ignore the fact that these relationships are heteronormative, this is something I personally find unrelatable. The very idea of me being comfortable enough to pursue even a casual relationship with someone else may as well be a work of fantasy. It's a bit of a strange feeling to be detached from a show's everyman on that level alone.
    Well then what about a show that actually has two men in a relationship? It is true that Modern Family has this, and these characters Mitchell and Cameron don't seem to have dated as much as say Jerry Seinfeld or Ted Mosby (Or Ross and Joey from Friends). They are two men in a serious relationship from the start with an adoptive daughter starting a family and a life together. Before I start complaining about these two, let me just say that to me this is a significant step forward in media and growing up I honestly never thought I would see anything like this in a television show. Love between men is something very hard to come by from what I've seen, and with anything like this I feel that in a way it's huge without really being anything all that tremendous at all. That being said, I personally don't see myself being represented much in either of these characters.
    Let me elaborate a little bit. It's true I am not in a relationship, serious or otherwise, and it is true I don't have an adoptive daughter and I am by no means starting a family myself. But let's put all of that aside for now and talk about why I don't relate to two characters on television who are gay, like me. For this I will start with Cameron. Cameron is generally, in my opinion, a walking, talking stereotype of what straight people think all gay people are like. Overly feminine, prone to drama, a love of arts and crafts with a sense of style and body language that is, generally speaking, flamboyant. As a demi-sexual and even gender queer individual (who tends to score as more feminine than masculine on gender identity quizzes) I can't help but watch this character and scream in my head "THIS IS NOT WHAT I'M LIKE." To me personally there is nothing quite so disheartening as to see a gay character on television that does not in any way represent anything that I am or anything that I stand for. For example, Cameron decides to come out to his grandmother (who is a bigot) that he is in love with Mitchell, has a daughter and a family and is going to get married. His grandmother responds with a close minded statement (accusing their identities as gay men to be the cause of a storm of all things) and Cameron's reaction? He's just glad his grandmother ultimately agreed to attend their wedding (in spite of Mitchell pointing out that she is bringing a sign and protesting gay marriage). Cameron shows no remorse that this family member will not accept him. He goes on without a care in the world, and honestly this is the scene that makes my stomach flip every time. I spent most of my life being closeted from my family, I have worried for years about whether or not I would be accepted (and, hey, even though I'm out of the closet I still struggle with this with my parents). This is something that to me is a huge deal. It's something that impacts my relationship with my family to this day and it's something I find utterly disgusting that people like me have to deal with because it is disgusting. This exchange to me feels like something out of a bad fantasy. It strikes me as totally unrealistic and it is why I hate his character for his carefree attitude towards bigotry. Granted his character has been about breaking the mold and not conforming to certain stereotypes, but this scene is something that I personally will never accept.
    Now then, let's talk about Mitchell. While neither of these characters truly captures what it's like to deal with homophobia in the modern day in my opinion, Mitchell does have his moments. Namely the relationship Mitchell has with his father. He talks about being closeted to his dad up until college when he finally built up enough courage to tell his father Jay that he is gay. According to Mitchell, his father used to call him every week or so when he was away at college to catch up. However, after he came out to Jay, those phone calls stopped. Mitchell is clearly upset about this and honestly this is another scene that sticks out to me. This is the only moment that his character feels real to me. This is the one scene in the entire show where I feel like I can even remotely relate to his character. I've been there. I am there now. Granted my relationship with my parents isn't the same as Mitchell's relationship to his father, but I often feel like my family just doesn't understand what it's like to be in my position. Sometimes they say things without thought and I get hurt because of it. It happens.
    Despite this one scene, however, I largely feel that these two characters do not relate to me. And that is shame considering, well, I thought they would. Both of them follow designers, be it a white couch or a decorative glass bowl, they seem to be into trendy, upscale material possessions. Meanwhile, I may spend some time planning my outfits, but I'm about as fashionable as a rock, honestly. I don't keep up with trendy things, and unless it's plating a dessert at the end of a five course dinner, I don't have much of an eye for style or the finer things in life. At one point, while their friend Pepper Saltsman plans their wedding, his assistant says at one point that planning a gay wedding is much more difficult than a heteronormative wedding because both grooms have such high standards. And um, again, THAT'S NOT WHAT I'M LIKE. When I'm watching characters like this, characters that are supposed to represent people like me, I can't help but feel that this was not intended to cater to me. This was intended to cater to people who think this is what I'm actually like. It feels isolating and on some level lonelier than I could have ever imagined.
    Well, this entry has gone on for quite a few paragraphs. While I could go on, I feel like I've at least covered the gist of things. Keep in mind, these are my opinions and my opinions alone. Not every gender queer gay dude thinks the same, and I fully expect there are going to be people to disagree with me. But these are just opinions from someone who never really felt like he fit in to begin with.
  13. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    Well, it's been quite an eventful year for me. While I can't post this at midnight (mostly because I'll have been working and my brain will have reduced to jello), I would still like to wish everyone at BZPower a smooth transition into the new year.
    I for one can't wait to begin another year.
    Whassat, Billy? You think the song is called "Old Lynne Sign?"
    ... GET OFF MY LAWN!
    ~Tekulo <3
  14. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    So, I've got good news. Well, it's good news for me. I don't know what's going on in everyone else's life, but that's not what I'm concerning myself with! =D (Yes, I'm always this self-centered. So glad that hasn't been outlawed).
    Anyway, I've been working a 9-5 office job this past week. My brothers and I have worked there in the past, and it's mostly just regular office type stuff. I wear a suit and tie every day and have mugs with funny captions, a picture of my wife and imaginary children and I nearly faint every time I spill maranara sauce on my freshly-pressed and starched white shirt. I'm so glad they have those stain removal pens nowadays. (Please note that everything past the first two sentences of this paragraph were a complete and total lie. The dress code is probably what casual clothing you'd wear to school. That is, unless your school has mandatory uniforms).
    So, while that isn't the most exciting thing in the world, I'm still glad I have something. Plus I've applied to a local area for a job in my field (something that shall never be revealed to BZPower because I love enigmas. I mean, it's such a fun word: enigma. ;u;). So far I've had two interviews there and things are looking hopeful at this point. I really hope I get the job. Also, I've explained my situation to my boss and they're ready to let me go or work fewer hours around a new schedule if I do get hired. In other words, it's possible I could be working two jobs this summer which makes me excited.
    Now, I know I'm seldom on BZP these days, so my public activity will probably remain the same as it already is currently. Actually, this strangely might result in more blog posts as I actually have some exciting things in my life to actually type about to random creepers on the internet who actually read about my life. HI PEOPLE! 8D
    Also, I've been reading up on driving laws and I'll be getting my temps soon.
    I know, I know, I'm getting my liscence late. However, I would like to point out that Phoenix Wright didn't have his liscence when he was 26 and he was still the most awesome lawyer on the face of the planet. Edgeworth is the classiest, ftr.
    What was I talking about again, Billy?
    GET OFF MY LAWN! >=/
    ~Tekulo <3
  15. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    Thanksgiving was a big holiday for me at work. Lots and lots of baking. I was in charge of most of it, and I'm pleased to say everything was made in time and everything went off with few hitches.
    Now I just get to rest up for a little bit and then the holiday baking for the Xmas holiday comes. It looks like we'll have fewer people so it shouldn't be too bad of a holiday to work through (and I'll be working Christmas Day. I should probably enjoy the hours while they last because after the holidays things die down significantly. Plus I'll be able to spend time with Akano after New Years for a bit. Unfortunately KK isn't staying long, so I probably won't be seeing much of him during his break. =/)
    Anyway, I've got some free time to kill, so I'll probably try to enjoy myself a bit before Xmas and New Year's.
    In other news, I've been playing Pokemon recently and I've caught myself a few shinies via the new consecutive fishing method.
    I've got a shiny Clauncher (male), a shiny Clawitzer (female, which I caught on the fifth try, oddly enough), a shiny Politoed (male) and a shiny Octillery which was actually given to me by my brother Akano.
    Shiny Clauncher and Clawitzer look fabulous, by the way.
    Whassat, Billy? You're not working this holiday season?
    ... GET OFF MY LAWN!
    ~Tekulo <3
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