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Kaleidoscope Tekulo

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Blog Entries posted by Kaleidoscope Tekulo

  1. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    So many feelings... So much better than the first series... ridiculousness to the extreme... Everything I wanted it to be and more...
    Sorry... that was some pretty intense story there... I think I need a moment and a few re-watchings of the ending to organize my thoughts. Brotherhood was a great anime and I'm so glad I gave it a shot. ^^
  2. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    The house was abandoned. While it was abandoned, that certainly didn’t mean it was lifeless. No, the cobwebs, droppings and moths scattered in the dust made that clear. There wasn’t any natural light in the home. The curtains on the windows had been drawn for, one could assume was, eternity. In this main room furniture was knocked around and broken. Portraits of the previous owners had been knocked down, torn and faded. None of their faces seemed to hold a smile.
    It seemed like it was once such a large, lively manor. A chandelier oversaw the ballroom which had now been littered with broken glass and dark stains on the marble. It was wonderful to imagine what once was. It was just so easy to picture a crowded room filled with women in flowing gowns and men in starched suits enjoying their lives at a wondrous social event. Unfortunately, the surroundings told a different tale; of what was probably the last time the room saw any delight.
    Just outside, there was a large oak tree. It had branched out higher than the house itself, which was quite a feat. Although it was dark out now, one could still see its healthy leaves which now looked black at this hour. The crickets and cicadas were silent around these parts, it seemed. But most curious of all was a tombstone, faded and forgotten, which rested in front of the tree.
    Yes, it was under here where it was discovered. A casket, weathered and moldy, had been unearthed. Beneath its lid there was nothing but a cushioned interior and an empty, open silver locket. A blood curdling scream pierced the darkness of night.
    ... for you see, Billy, the body had been found, and it was moving! And do you know what it said?
    ~Tekulo <3
  3. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    I am so glad to be done working today. I have tomorrow off but then I need to prepare for New Year's.
    Anyway, Merry Xmas one and all!
    I got a Pinkie Pie toy (which I am having waaaay too much fun with), a Nintendo Ds organizer and an organization container for my LEGO minifigs.
    Soooo glad to be home on xmas. ^^
  4. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    Tomoyo's story almost made me cry. This is bad, guys, the anime is appealing to my sense of humanity... I hate that thing... =/
    Nagisa's story finally comes to light! I'm so glad it ended the way it did.
    So, I guess the twins don't get too much backstory? I get that they both (maybe) had a crush on him and all, but... was that it for them? Maybe not because I haven't finished the story yet.
    So! I only have two episodes left until I'm done with the first season. I gotta say, Akio and Sanae are the most adorable characters ever.
    ... Yup. After Story is going to be the bane of my existence soon enough (and I probably won't have the Dango song at the end of the episodes! Now where will I get my fill of joy? NOOOOOO!)
    ~Tekulo <3
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