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Kaleidoscope Tekulo

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Blog Entries posted by Kaleidoscope Tekulo

  1. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    Thanks again for the birthday wishes everyone! It was a good day.
    Wasn't sure how to spend yesterday, so I binge-watched RWBY and... I kinda love it.
    Fairy tale theme? Yes, please.
    Protagonists based off of Grimm stories? Yes, please.
    Adorkable, main character with a scythe/gun? Yes, please.
    Well written characters with good character development? Yes, please.
    Epic fight sequences with a dark and edgy theme despite being kid friendly? Yes, please.
    I think Nora's my favorite simply because of how awesome she is while being irreverent and up in the clouds. Seriously, she has a jet hammer that she rides into battle with a genuine smile. It's incredible.
    Also, how did Wisse get that scar on her left eye? I've noticed it in some close-ups, but it's been bugging me... Tragic backstory time? *hopeful eyes*
    Anyway, overall, I'd say this series is... SMASHING!
  2. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    ... would be the spider babies hatching and being sooo cute. ^^ I wish I could huggle them, but if I did they'd be crushed to an early doom... so I tend to shy away from such things.
    Oh, and there are red leaves too... but mostly that spider thing.
    -a yellow leaf falls to the ground-
    ~Tekulo <3
    (Post Lawn: One of these days I will tire of my blog's theme. It is not, however, today, tomorrow, next week or the end of December 2012).
  3. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    So, whenever I post an update about my identity (being demi or gender queer,etc) there's usually one random person that disagrees and tells me that's not who I am.
    So, be straight with me, folks...
    Am I a mythical creature? It would explain so much...
    (I honestly have nothing better to do with my time than make this stupid blog entry, help)
  4. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    During my travels, I have happened upon the dwelling of a dork in his naural habitat. The walls are lined with LEGO sets from a bygone era, and the couches collapse at strange places.
    They speak of things such as Phoenix Wright and Professor Layton whilst munching on snacks. Wiimotes are haphazardly scattered across the tables, and there appears to be a helmet of some sort next to Mardi Gras beads.
    I do not know how long I can last in such a place, yet I must press on. This begins my first night staying at...
    Wish me luck... but more importantly
    ~Tekulo <3
  5. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    So I don`t really define myself with technicalities, or at least I try not to. I also try and grant the same perspective to other people because that`s just how my mind has always worked.
    There is a member in my family that has different needs than most people. I never really realized it until that family member met briefly with a childhood friend of mine. I had always just thought of that person as another member of the family. "Yes, that person acts differently, but Mom acts differently than Dad. Mom is Mom, Dad is Dad, and this person is this person" That was how my mind worked as a child. I like to think I carry a fraction of that mentality with me even today, though honestly I have no clue if that's the case.
    I know it`s not always easy to believe other people when they say "I know what it's like to be..." You can never just trust anyone else with your opinions, especially when you feel so personally and so strongly about that one trait that you relate with. People build morals, ideals and their very identityies around those sorts of things. How can anyone trust someone else with something so personal? Even so, I still try to get some sort of message across. Just here and there mostly, but I just want everyone to stay calm and think important aspects of their lives over rationally. It doesn`t sound like a lot, but sometimes people just can`t be rational or calm. They`re too proud, too stubborn or they have something that just means so much to them that they won`t ever consider taking their ideals lightly. And that`s fine, I guess.
    I am only 22 years old as of right now. So, what have I learned? Things change. I used to be a bratty kid with a hot temper. Then I was a miserable adolescent dealing with depression on my own. Now I`ve gone through treatment and I`m actually more or less content with my life. Sure, things aren`t perfect, but nothing ever is. That`s life I guess. But I`ve also learned that, yeah, I am different.
    Now, I don`t really have a label for myself that I fully appreciate, and I don`t keep up with personality studies, though I have taken a couple. (DISC - I think I was an I\C? Myers Briggs says I`m an INFJ). Ever since I was a kid, I grew up overweight. I know it`s not the most tragic thing you`ve ever heard, and yeah I am responsible for my own life choices and it`s not something that someone`s born with. That`s just how I was and still am. And yeah, I got bullied for it. I never got beat up, but throughout my schooling I would be a target for teasing. Some kids would hug me out of curiosity and tell their friends it was like hugging a big marshmallow. My bad temper didn`t help me any either. The more I reacted, the more it happened. I ended up just shutting up and ignoring people around me. That was a pretty unhealthy way to deal with it looking back now. When I went through my depression in highschool and college, it took me forever to finally come to terms with the fact there was something wrong with me, and even then it took me longer to actually tell my family.
    I hated that I was different. I didn`t feel comfortable in my own skin. I would go for walks after school and other kids (while sometimes meaning no harm) would make comments. I never lost my temper despite being quiet. I wanted to fight. I wanted to punch. I wanted to scream. But I put all of that aside. It never got any better. At least by ignoring they could have their fun and then get bored. That was just the way I was. That was just the way life is. You can spend a lifetime reasoning the ramifications of bullying, but ultimately it will still happen. That was just how my life worked. They were them and I was me. I had to deal with it alone. That was just the way it was.
    Anyway, as bad as things could get sometimes, I always told myself I was lucky. I have a good family, I have my health (more or less =P) and I have reasons to be happy, even if I wasn`t happy all of the time.
    Well, I don`t know if any of you guys have dealt with being overweight. I don`t even know if any of you can relate even a little bit to what I`ve said so far. Still, I think that no matter who you are or what you do, there will always be someone who tells you who you are and what you are capable of. When I was in college studying to become a baker, a student in the culinary program told me right to my face that no matter how hard I worked I would never find a job (And he was so stuck up about it that I wanted to punch him. Still, I was set to ignore, so that didn`t happen). I think we will be told our place in the world many times before we die. That`s the world. That`s just the way it works.
    But that doesn`t mean you can`t do anything. That doesn`t mean it doesn`t get better. Yes, I am still overweight. Yes, people around me still take notice. Yes I can be treated differently because of it. But for the first time in my life I feel comfortable in my own skin. I am 22 and I am employed as a baker. Not only that, but my bosses actually want to keep me around. Go figure. I have no idea what the people who made fun of me or told me who I was are up to now. I honestly don`t care. Karma could punish them, or they could be super rich and popular. It makes no difference to me. I like myself the way I am, and yes, I am imperfect. Yes, I should lose weight and I should probably work on my own personal identity more than I have in the past. But honestly? Right now I'm just glad with who I am. And I know my story doesn`t end here. I`m going to change a lot over the years. That`s what life does. That`s the way it works.
    I say bring it on.
  6. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    Okay, so there were a few things that I didn't fully like about the beginning... What I wasn't expecting was a completely different story after Season One. Love it. The story went from "Wow, this is a pretty cool series that I can totally relate with" to "This is awesome. It's simply awesome." It's like they deconstructed the first series and then reconstructed it. Kinda like- wait...
    Those clever devils.
    Yeah, so I'm at the part where they're at Briggs. Armstrong's sister is far different from what she was like in the first series. I am so happy.
    This one's less light-hearted and has far more of a "this is a war" feel to it. I'm normally not one for a military story, however I do like fantasy. If a homunculus isn't fantasy, I have no idea what is. ;-; (I bet you can tell how eventful our first few days of vacation have been. XD).
    Although I still don't know exactly what the big bad here is up to, I have figured something out, I think (though I don't think it's been revealed as of yet).
    Anyway, it looks like I'm in for quite the story. ^^ I'll be enjoying every bit of it.
  7. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    ... If you ever get a cat tree sort of piece for your adorable ball of fluff and they just ignore it after a while, then no fear!
    Follow my easy instructions to ensure your cat will rediscover and adore their old scratching post!
    Step 1: Relocate cat tree to a new location.
    Step 2: There is no step 2
    Aaand presto! Your feline friends will spazz like it's raining catnip (please note that adding catnip into this equation may result in your cats surpassing the speed of light and defying the very laws of physics).
    I know from experience...
    Now then Billy,
    ~Tekulo <3
  8. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    I think they're boring.
    Instead of getting pumped for a game, I spent today reading and watching Animal Planet. Say what you will but puppies, penguins, hamsters and kittens playing the puppy bowl is cute. I like cute.
    I have nothing planned for the rest of the day, so I might just keep on reading or maybe I'll watch a movie.
    Whassat, Billy? You actually know what teams are playing?
    ~Tekulo <3
  9. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    So for some weird reason I tend to have these dreams when I get stressed out. It's where I'm taking a second wave of highschool classes because the first nightmarish version in reality was oh-so-fun. Usually it's just taking classes and boring stuff.
    So anyway, in my last dream I was in a classroom sitting at my desk (which is totally normal and not in any way weird. Boring. Stuff.). Then I picked up my backpack and started pulling out a collection of stuffed animals. There were so many animals. So. Many. Animals. I'm pretty sure the anthropomorphic fox was a ripoff of Fox McCloud. So I had this two to three foot pile of stuffed animals on my desk. And then it happened.
    I got my test back. It was an F. Aka my worst nightmare in school. Sure I could afford an occasional D, but I never, and I mean NEVER got an F. It was horrible. I shifted in a fit of anxiety and failure.
    So after that I went to the principal's office to talk to someone about my grade. The lady was all like "I'm sorry, but with these grades you will never get into college." And I was just like "But this doesn't make any sense! I already finished highschool and took these tests! I even continued my education! What, am I going to have to go through highschool every single time I get a new job?"
    With a wry smile, the lady behind the desk said "Yes. Yes you will."
    And then every kid in the office literally stopped what they were doing, looked at us and started freaking out.
    I was like "lol I think we scared them."
    Then when I came to the waking world I was just like "lol I had so many stuffed animals. Nice."
    And that is my outlook on life, apparently.
    ~Lapis ♡
  10. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    "Ah, yes! This white one is clean! I really like this one! But wait, did I wear this one last time? Did they see this shirt before?
    -sees colorful shirt-
    Hmm, Tekulo, why don't you wear something more colorful like this? The white one with these pants is kind of vanilla. And you know, there's nothing wrong with vanilla, but today you want to feel more like a fruit pop."
    Happy Thanksgiving. May your food swag be bountiful.
  11. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    (So, I totally want to see Effect and Affect in a violent battle to the death one of these days... I just find those nit-pickers to be so adorable <3)
    Anyway, my friends have always called me a creepy person. XD I suppose it's because in school I was always the gloomy kid in the corner, plus I had very awkward social skills and such (cue the tiny violins for tragic ambiance. I want the tiny violins!)
    So, I just recently discovered you could creep on other members on BZP by scrolling over their names. It's actually quite fun. ^^
    (The duck is always watching... and she's also a magical ballerina princess!)
    Now then Billy...
    ~Tekulo <3
    EDIT: OMG, I can also creep on myself! This is great! 8D
  12. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    It's basically a world where people are more understanding, educated and tolerant towards anyone that strays from the social norm. In fact there would be no social norm.
    You and I are very different. I appreciate that.
    (And people being more eco-friendly and putting more love for nature ahead of their love for, say, sports.)
    Unfortunately I'm stuck with this dump.
  13. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    So a friend of mine turned me on to a graphic novel series about fairy tale characters living in New York city.
    Snow White's sister, Rose Red, is a character. That really makes me happy. ^^
    The thing is, though, there are like twenty or so books and they total to over $200. I hate myself for having hobbies already.
  14. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    Bionice will be a zombie theme next year. Should they return, all of the characters we grew to know and love will be zombies.
    Zombie Tahu, Zombie Lewa, Zombie Matoro, etc.
    This pleases me...
    ~Melon Lord
  15. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    I have not been on board the Superhero craze at all lately. I even thought Guardians of the Galaxy was just okay. But I love a good antihero. And Daredevil is definitely a good antihero.
    Action, drama, shipping, ships that actually develop at a natural pace with the story, backstories, interesting characters, vigilante justice.
    The only thing this series doesn't have are cyan explosions shaped like cats. I'm hopeful on that front, though.
  16. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    I can't sleep tonight.
    I dunno, lately I've just felt... well, I'm really not sure how to put it. I guess a word that comes close is "uninspired." I've just noticed that lately I just don't feel as passionate about things that I used to. The things I used to love are just sort of there now. Like white noise.
    I'm not sure if it's depression or if it's just me changing or what. I mean, I know I'm not normal or anything. Like I've always been rough on myself, telling myself that I'll never be able to have things like a relationship or ever be a guy that's happy-go-lucky. I mean, what if my illness came back, and I'm with someone that has to deal with me rocking back and forth while I'm panicking for no reason... And it's not like I'm attractive or ambitious or will ever be successful or all that smart. And yeah, that's a pretty poor attitude to have and all, but hey that's what those years of bullying in school made me start thinking and it's turned into a pretty nasty habit, so what are you gonna do?
    But even with all of that aside, things never quite felt like this before. To be honest I've felt this way since my dog died last year. I dunno, I guess even when I went through being bullied or even when I got really bad depression she was always there. She was my best and oldest friend. And you know, being home still and not having her around to share my food with and not seeing her paw prints in the snow and not having her around, I really notice her not being here.
    It sort of feels like life without color. I used to be the guy who, against all odds, wanted to spite the world and be happy anyway. But now it just feels like I've lost that fight in me. The only thing that really felt emotionally rewarding was when I got offered my summer job.
    Eh, I think I'll have a talk about this with my doctor when I see them next.
  17. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    So I don't remember all of it quite clearly, but I remember it dealing with BZP in this weird glitch thing... Basically all of the words on the site were like this and the links didn't work. I remember finding a link, but it somehow turned me into super-mega-great-being-decide-who-lives-and-who's-banned-kawaii-desu mode. I think I was trying to tell the staff about it, but then the dream changed...
    INTO WRESTLING MANIA! Well, it was a bunch of chibi peeps (so kawaii) sneaking into this wrestling show by pretending to be the pro wrestlers themselves (those two dudes were so easy to fool in THE BEST DISGUISES EVER! -TBDE include sunglasses with wigs that matched the owner's hair to a T. I never knew my dreams could be so funny XD-).
    So, after we stole some costumes from the gift shop storage room (no joke. I was the shark guy... Steel Blue or something like that? The name involved the second word being "Blue" of that I'm certain). So then after raiding through more merchandise (even some fake Lego sets which featured Dorothy from Wizard of Oz, the scarecrow, etc (nice quality too for a knock-off brand), we gathered our footballs, tennis rackets and other totally logical items for wrestling (did I mention I'm not a sports fan? They all look the same to me), the real, much larger and less kind wrestlers sure enough arrived fashionably late, brushed us aside and got ready for some WRESTLING!
    Of course after that the gang raided the clothing department, got some legit disguises (and because we were wearing masks at the time they didn't get our faces) and blended into the crowd.
    Best BZP-related dream ever. XD
    Oh yeah, that island I made is now available to the public (trying to sound like a big-shot).
    Now worship it in fear and all of those other happy emotions. ^^
  18. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    You are everything I'd hoped you'd be.
    Also saw Frozen and it was soooooo good. Olaf was surprisingly tolerable.
    Wassat, Billy? You watched those movies weeks ago?
    ... GET OFF MY LAWN!
    ~Tekulo <3
  19. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    So, not really anything too special here. Just a few things I'm interested in doing before my inevitable death. I might do these things, but if they don't happen it's not like it's the end of the world. I guess this is just wishful thinking.
    Visit Copenhagen and pay respects in person to the grave of Hans Christian Andersen. This would also entail visiting the Little Mermaid statue and trying a Danish from Denmark.
    Dance with the love of my life. Not like, club dancing or anything, but an actual classy dance or anything that's choreographed instead of just random. I suck at random.
    Make a super fancy dessert or meal and just eat it in front of my family without sharing to spite them. They deserve it. =P (Note: do this over Skype so they can't steal anything)
    Fit into a size Large T-shirt and feel emotionally secure about wearing it in public.
    Meet with a bunch of old friends and do whatever.
    Get out of attending my own funeral just to make everyone go "Wat?" one last time. (This will require planning).
    Actually get around to reading all of the books in my personal library (I buy ones I think look interesting at an annual book sale. My library isn't exactly huge at the moment, so it shouldn't be too much of an issue to tackle it).
    Cosplay as anything at least once and have the costume be amazing. Halloween counts.
    So, yeah, not really anything too spectacular here.
    ~Melon Lord <3
  20. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    So, today I was arriving home when my eyes were looking at the road. I remembered the splatter that used to be there after my dog was hit last year. The moment she was hit was replaying itself in my mind. I grabbed my cat, held him close as he purred into my ear and sobbed lightly.
    You know, it's nights like these that I realize I might benefit from inventing a pretend boyfriend. Unfortunately, such technology would still be incapable of hugging me and comforting me in any way. I could always try to get a real life boyfriend, but that seems just a little too fantastical (you know, unless it was a small Santa balloon, but I don't feel like dating one of those again).
    Lately, though, I've been going through old photos, and I took plenty of pictures of Jewel. I'm really glad that I did. I mean, in hindsight, a video would have been even more awesome, but what are you gonna do?
    ~Tekulo <3
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