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The True Zedd of BZPower

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Blog Entries posted by The True Zedd of BZPower

  1. The True Zedd of BZPower
    Welcome to the second part of my BIONICLE history. I don't have anything funny to say so without further adu....
    History of BIONICLE part 2- BIONICLE takes root.
    This year got off to a rather rocky start. The Maori people filed a Lawsuit against the LEGO company for useing there words as names for BIONICLE characters. LEGO lost and ended up changeing the name "Toghunga" to "Matoran." Several others-notabley names of rahi-also took place. More changes would be shown later.
    With that out of the way 2002 kicked off it's toyline by introduceing six Bohrok breeds-Tahnok, Pahrak, Gahlok, Nuhvok, Lehvak, and Kohrak-along with six smaller sets called the Bohrok Va-Tahnok Va, Pahrak Va, Gahlok Va, Nuhvok Va, Lehvak Va, and Kohrak Va. Also released we're the new collectibles, Krana. These we're rubbery mask-like collectibles that fir inside the Bohroks headplate and the Va's back plate. There we're a total of eight "breeds" of Krana each with a diferent colour that was asociated with the six Bohrok and the Va counterparts makeing a total of 96 Krana to collect. Also with the Krana came the original six toa masks. Only this time comeing coloured as silver and gold. Storylinewise, the toa got the golden Kanohi and eventuly defeated the Makuta. However now they had to stop the Bohrok, a new enemy.
    The storyline was now being told once again through the comics, whcih followed the adventures of the toa. However new online flash episodes done with the same style as the Mata Nui Online Game soon apeared on monthly "news updates" on a new BIONICLE.com. In adition to the episodes the news updates(written as an in-universe perspective) had frequant upadates on the Bohrok attack on Mata Nui. Also this year saw the two most popular unoffical fansites-BIONICLEZoneCommunity and Kanohi-Power merge in august of 2002 to create BZPower the largest BIONICLE forum on the net. In other media a new video game for the GameBoy Advanced once again came up that showed the Matoran trying to help the toa defeat the Bohrok. A new online game was also promised, but alas it was not released until the following year in an unfinished state.
    In the summer of 2002 new sets started to surface, the Bohrok-despite being innovative and new-we're complete "clones" of eachother with only colour and hand tools being the difference. However the new sets now had the Boxor-the Matoran machine used to defeat the Bohrok-was introduced complete with a Matoran called Nuparu who had invented it storyline-wise. New Exo-Toa we're relased that had the original toa fit inside and "ride" them. These Exo-Toa we're used to combat the Bahrag-Cahdok and Gahdok-twin queens of the Bohrok swarms. But these large sets we're not the true talk. Instead it was six new heros called the Toa Nuva. Storyline-wise the original toa fell into protodermis(now called energized protodermis) and emerged as new heros with new tools, new armour, new pices, and new masks. It was with these brand new Toa Nuva that 2002 eventuly ended and with it a great storyline and avarge sets. However this was still only the begining and 2002 also had teasers of something new, something that would cahnge the face of BIONICLE forever. This was called BIONICLE: The Mask of Light! but that would be seen in 2002, as it would apear intead in 2003....
    Tomorrow: Part 3-the bad and good.
  2. The True Zedd of BZPower
    Well today I got up at 7:15 AM. I had a light breakfest, spent half-hour on the computer, cleaned my teeth, brushed my hair and put on a hoody and winter jacket with my backback. I set off at 8:00 AM to my bus stop. I got down there and saw that nobody else was there. Then I remembered that I have no school today!
    Word of advice: Always check your calender(mine was marked but I diddn't care to look at it)
  3. The True Zedd of BZPower
    O yeak thats right I have returned to my blogging duties. I will now post naything and everything on this very blog. BOOYEA!
    Yesterday evening I watched WWE SummerSlam! Very entertaining, very exiting. I hope it or another WWE event comes to my city sometime in the near future, they came here last year and it was AWSOME! I also hope that the next time they come I'll get better seats, I want to be in the lower areas. The only porblem is the seats are Expensive.
    Now then, school is comming bakc. I start grade11(Yet still nobody knows I like LEGO at my school XD). I have to go to my school next thursday to get my new ID, schedule, and textbooks. Hopefully it won't take as long as it did when I had to go their and register for grade 10.
    There is one last bit of news which I would like to share with my single reader out there, that is I WILL BE ON TREESPEAK ON THE AIR! Now for something completely diferent;
    LETS GET IT ON EVERYBODY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. The True Zedd of BZPower
    I welcome you once again to the third part of my history of BIONICLE. So without further adu....
    History of BIONICLE part 3-The bad and the good.
    2003(first half)
    When this year began BIONICLE had exeeded all expectations and had become LEGO's best selling toyline. The story so far was that the Toa had defeated Makuta and his Rahki in 2001, then in 2002 they faced and defeated the vicious Bohrok and they turned into the Toa Nuva at the end of the year. Now 2003 begins with the release of the new enemies. The Bohrok Kal!
    However unlike last year the Bohrok Kal we're not new and inovative enemies. Instead they we're exact clones of the previous Bohrok, even shareing the same names(with Kal on the end of each). Not even the new glittery Krana Kal helped much. However the storyline still went on. The Bohrok Kal had stolen the Toa Nuva's symbols to fry anf ree the Bahrag and thus releaseing the Bohrok swarms once again. This storyline-like the previous one-was told through online animations and news updates on BIONICLE.com and the comics. Also this year the LEGO company held a special promotion, they randomly released a few thousand Krana Kal which we're "startling silver" and "wite metal." This year colectibles also featured Toa Nuva masks packeged with Krana and Krana Kal(although the ones with the Kal were grey). This storyline only lasted for half of 2003 and is what launched BIONICLE into a breif "dark time."
    However all was not lost as after the Kal story was finished in the comics three BIONICLE novels(called BIONICLE chronicles) were released-Tale of the toa, Beware the Bohrok, and Makutas revenge. Not long afterwards the first guid called The Offical Guide To BIONICLE was released. This had info on all characters and locations up until that point. It also featured a sneak-peak of a mysterious "Toa of Light" and showed us somethign that would change BIONICLE forever-the Rahkshi
    The second half of 2003 was kicked off with six new small sets-Hewkii, Hafu, Macku, Hahli, Matoro, and Kopeke. All of them we're new Matoran sets which came packeged with new Kolhii staffs and a small puck. Storyline-wise the Matoran had rebuilt themselves after the defeat of the Bohrok Kal to make them stronger.
    Also in the summer of 2003 four new large sets came out-Jaller/Gukko, Takua/Pewku, Makuta, and Takanuva, the toa of light. The release of his set indicated that Makuta had returned and he now had six new henchman-Turahk, Korahk, Vorahk, Lerahk, Panrahk, and Gurahk-six Rahkshi that we're set out to capture the ?Mask of Light and prevent the comeing of the Toa of Light. However this story was only partialy told through comics as the mian story came with the realease of a new Direct-to-DVD movie. BIONICLE: Mask of Light. It did amzeing at the boxoffice and was praised by BIONICLE fans worldwide. This finaly brought the line of it's darktime after the failure of the Bohrok Kal. Also released late in the year was another new game simply called BIONICLE: The Game. However this did horibly and is generaly considered a massive failure.
    With BIONICLE in it's peak once again it was time to introduce something new, a new story arc, new characters, and a new island....
    Tomorrow: pat 4-The turning point.
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