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Status Updates posted by Nukaya

  1. Ok, your blog subtitle is absolute win. I swear no one I knew had any knowledge about Dr. Strangelove until my Arts and Comm. teacher had my class watch it.

  2. Happy to assist....?

  3. Spring term just started last week and outdoor track season is in full swing, so I have so much stuff keeping me occupied right now.

  4. I struggle to knit, but I have a really good friend who is an amazing knitter.

  5. Quite true.....I'm on summer break for the time being, so I'm quite happy! How are you?

  6. Me neither. Just a crazy Harry Potter NERD. Woo hoo!

  7. *yawn* good morning!

  8. Yeah, me neither.


  9. Woo hoo! How are you?

    Yeah, I noticed the name change. Threw me off for a second. Is it in reference to anything?

  10. What what?

    *is so confused*


    *hands you a power bar*

  12. Well, that's neat. There are soooo many awesome techniques you can do in photography. That's what I love about darkroom (and digitial)photography, is the the amount of experimentation there is.

  13. Well, even the simple patterns can look really nice.

  14. Ha! :D I think that could also read caffeine+aderealine=all-nighter to finish the paper that decides my grade for my English class which basically makes me either graduate or not!

    True story, by the way.

  15. Bono!!! I am glad you like my art! :) How are Edge, Larry, and Adam?

  16. There's a "Halo Wars"?

    Wow, I have missed a lot in recent times.

    You're right, it would likely lead them into the actual franchise, especially the way TV/video games have become a "virtual babysitter" for parents.

  17. I personally prefer that sage green colour, but I guess I could go for broke and alternate every other word between neon green and RK yellow. :P

  18. I'm pretty sure in the video they test the launcher out by shooting it at each other from a distance,

  19. Mega bloks made a Halo set? When did this atrociousness come into play?

  20. :D



    Except, I actually have to leave that day at one point to go back to college, so I might be unable to stay the entire time.

    Still though, hanging out with a bunch of Lego/BZPers is going to be so awesome!

  21. We'll it doesn't look like you have to worry too much about that for at least four years.

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