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Blog Entries posted by Nukaya

  1. Nukaya
    On another site, a friend pointed this out: 141 out of 300,000,000 Americans have gotten swine flu, but 36,000 people die every year from REGULAR flu.
    Hey media. LOOK. Something contrary to the mass hysteria you're trying to blend up!
    Wait....how exactly does one blend up mass hysteria? Is there a recipe for that? "Hi, I'd like a mass hysteria shake with a side of fries." "Ok, that'll be 4.99 at the window. Would you like to supersize that mass hysteria for twenty-three cents more?"
    Yes, that is exactly how you make it.-FN
  2. Nukaya
    These pumpkins!
    Spritz cookies in the shape of pumpkins!

    First Thanksgiving away from home, but my friends Christine and Jon had a Thanksgiving dinner with a bunch of people who weren't able to go home or live here and didn't have a Thanksgiving dinner in town to go to. While eating, we watched part of Madagascar 2, part of Elf, and all of The History of the World Part 1. And then we yelled at commercials for being silly.
    I made the aforementioned spritz cookies (which turned out very spicy and warm and quite different from what my mom makes) as well as cranberry sauce again. Except the cranberries didn't pop like last time and it's much more liquidy. It was kind of weird. But it tasted good and everyone really liked it, so no complaints here. I came out of last night with half a ham. So much ham. Delicious ham.
    I am hamstuck.
  3. Nukaya
    Hi everyone! I am at BrickFair with a ton of other people right now, and I found out that my Nike running shoe MOC is nominated for Best Sculpture! This is pretty freakin' sweet, as I'm really proud of how this MOC turned out, especially since it was my first real venture into a more traditional style LEGO build.
    If you are at BrickFair and are registered, if you could please go in to your account, go to the tab that says "Brickees" and vote for my shoe as Best Sculpture, that would be really great and it would mean a LOT to me.

  4. Nukaya
    Larger view of the front of my senior show postcard.
    Maybe I will post my art for this in an art topic. Or a MOC topic. It could go either way, to be honest.

  5. Nukaya
    I went to the eye doctor for an annual check-up yesterday (where lo and behold, my nearsightedness actually improved slightly?), and ended up deciding to go back to wearing contacts more often. I ended up mentioning to the doctor that the main reason I didn't wear contacts much was because with contacts, it bugged my eyes and would give me a headache when I was reading or on the computer, as I couldn't take them off like I usually would with my glasses. She suggested that I buy a pair of inexpensive reader glasses that had a power of +1.25, as they would negate what I'd be seeing with my contacts in, making it so I'm seeing what I would normally see without any contacts or glasses.
    Mind you, it's all rather odd and slightly confusing to be buying a pair of glasses in order to wear contacts more often, but it should work out in the long run.
    There is also an amazing magical food cart/bus in Portland that sells grilled cheese sandwiches, including one called the "Cheesus Burger" (a hamburger patty mashed between two grilled cheese sandwiches) and "The Fat Elvis" (peanut butter, grilled banana, and bacon on white bread). It's really fantastic.
    (also, AdBlock for Safari, where have you been all my life? Not seeing any ads is so nice right now!)
  6. Nukaya
    Running of the bulls at the LEGO store was tonight. I wasn't really sure if I was going to get anything, but they had the Guggenheim Museum set, which was pretty darn cool, plus it was half off at $20 AND I have a LEGO gift card now, so I got it. It's pretty snazzy.
    Things are being pretty awesome. I no longer have a voice though, so yelling across large areas of space isn't really working.
    The Bionicle mosaics are really close to being done! We're just shy on one piece in the Kopaka one, but other than that, they're looking good! The entire area of the Bionicle tables is looking quite snazzy, and we'll all be running around in our usual sort of fashion the next two days there, so it will be quite exciting and wonderful and LEGOy and rainbowy and such. Hooray!
  7. Nukaya
    "I don't know man, it's just too mainstream to just be clearing off islands all the time. I mean, talk about disrupting my latest eco gluten free ultra vegan steampunk organic underground garden with all the noise. Those poor tomatoes can't grow in such a disruptive and harmful environment."

    "Throwbots were better."
    DeeVee and I were talking. We decided the Bionicle universe needed some hipsterness.
  8. Nukaya
    Heyyyyy people. The blog's all shiny and stuff now. Hope it is up to everyone's expectations. Because I remember people being all "go make your blog look nice and whatnot". Going to bed now, as it is one in the morning here.
  9. Nukaya
    Seventy-something frame gif I made of me putting up nearly all of my art from my freshman and sophomore years of college over the course of at least three hours for my art program admission last fall. Kind of mad that I couldn't fit everything I set up in the frame, as there was a bunch more on easels to the left:

  10. Nukaya
    Very late posting these to maj, but the mix of a backlog of editing and uploading many other photos and school/other priorities kept them from being posted until now.
    I think my only request is if you or anyone wants to use these photos for something (a photo of one of your MOCs, a photo of you, etc.) please message me and ask first. I generally don't mind, but if I start finding my photos being used without my permission, I'll be sad that people are stealing and thinking it's ok and I'll likely request that you remove the image(s). Other than that, enjoy!

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