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Status Updates posted by Nukaya

  1. *shakes fist at evil negoitations*

  2. *shudder* Oh jeez. Those commercials are scary. Did you ever see the video game they came out with where you're the King and you go around sneaking up on people and give them Whoppers?

  3. *sigh* D:

    It said he was on, because he visited my profile the other day.

  4. *stalks back and throws a stalk of grass at the chickens*

  5. *stops laughing and falls over again*

    Well, we have to stop laughing and not die, or who would we bother on bzp?

    Hee hee that was fun.

  6. *strikes a heroic pose* I'M BAAAACK!!

    Star Wars totally rocks. We seem to have similar interests.

  7. *takes a bow and hands over a towell to wipe of the.....er, whatever it is you've been blasted with*

  8. *throws even more cookies*

  9. *throws you a life jacket*

  10. *throws you a life vest so you stop drowning in the text*

  11. *virtually high fives you from college in LaGrande* Woo!

    Now down to business. Since you guessed my location on the first try (it took Hewkiinuva ages, but he figured it out as well) you get art. Any ideas?

  12. *waltzes by*

  13. *yawn* good morning!

  14. http://www.bzpower.com/story.php?ID=3864

    It's in the end of the paragraph after all the pictures of various staff that were there.

    It is amazingly funny.

  15. :)

    Let me go find a version that looks similar to the style yours is in. The one I had was an actual picture.

  16. :D



    Except, I actually have to leave that day at one point to go back to college, so I might be unable to stay the entire time.

    Still though, hanging out with a bunch of Lego/BZPers is going to be so awesome!

  17. 1. I assume you mean BZP not BAP? On a scale of 1-10, I'd say a 7.49, because I've met some really great people in the past while I've been on, and since I was inactive on here for quite some time, it was nice to come back to nice people who have given me many nice reviews about my art. However, I see people with not so stellar typing grammar, and I really want to go and correct it, b

  18. 250 a week? o.o Wow!

  19. A greased-up deaf guy is the quote of the day? Does he have greasy hair? Because I'm imagining him signing to people and grease just flying off his hands on everyone. Gross.

    I am well! :D My friend had a "Crunchy food party" because he's having his wisdom teeth pulled tommorw, so we watched tv and ate crunchy foods. It was fun.

    How was your trip? I had to

  20. A lot of it is just practicing. I've recently got into doing Bionicle art, and I'm always practicing to improve.

  21. A tad bit strange, yes.

  22. A tad blurry, but very merry nontheless!

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