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Status Updates posted by Nukaya

  1. Really? Wow.

    Well, that's ok. I'll forgive you this time. ;)

  2. Hooray!

    Well, fruit salad is better than some of the stuff they serve us in the eating area here. One thing I'm looking forward to is real food when I go home tommorw.

  3. You voted for my RedStar-Bucks entry.


  4. *is commenting on topic*

  5. Yuppers. I do a lot of art stuff.

    I need to get a lot more of it up on my dA account.

  6. OK! :D

    Sooo....good negotiations......

  7. I love the way you did the human Tahu Mistika drawing! I was Googling "Tahu Mistika" and it was one of the first pictures that came up in the search.

  8. I know! It's craziness, is it not?

  9. The new Charlie and the Chocolate Factory was....interesting. There were some aspects that I liked, but others, like the way they changed quite a bit of the storyline, weren't as great.

  10. Yup. How are you?

  11. FO' SHO.

    That's more accurate version of history than any "historical" Disney movie!

  12. *BAM!* It's there.

  13. *takes a bow and hands over a towell to wipe of the.....er, whatever it is you've been blasted with*

  14. I KNOW! It did it again! DX

    WHATTHEBLUEBERRY. Do not want half posts! Grrrrr.

  15. My goodness, you have quite the lego collection. I have nowhere near that many.

    Yay for a review! *does a happy dance*

  16. Hooray for trying to survive! I know the feeling right now as well. I'm not appreciating finals week at all....

    Glad you like the profile image! It was from a very fun day of painting with some good friends over Thanksgiving break.

  17. Oh wow, peanut butter jelly!

    "No, what we really need is name tags." Hahaaa!


    That was good. Now onto noob!

  18. Not even a Disney movie, and history was slaughtered once again.

    And don't even get me started about Pocohantas.

  19. For sure. Do you think you'd ever do GD as a career? I'm thinking about that, but this is just my first year of college, so it could change a lot from now until I graduate.

  20. Perhaps.....I've barely taken any decent looks at their designs, so we'll see.

    Good idea, though.

  21. Hello, hello?You're in a place called Vertigo? Ahhahaahaa! I love U2 references as much as I love HP references.

  22. Nope. But it is a good song.

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