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Status Updates posted by Nukaya

  1. Because I'm out at the club, and I'm sippin' that bubb' and you're not going to reach my NAKKA NAK NAK NAK NAK.

  2. Destroyed instead of defeated. From the 7th book in the Godric's Hollow chapter.

  3. I believe it was that, because they used the launcher to shoot each other with.

  4. Free movies are always good!

  5. Well, besides having all my beliefs about Santa crushed, I'm good. Right now I'm trying to get a decent full outline for my AC entry.

  6. I'm a bit of a grammar/spellingfreak. Comes with all those years of crazed HS English teachers.

  7. Is she on BZP as well?

  8. Yep! Quite cool to know there's other Proto Squad members on BZP. :)

  9. Hi! I don't know, maybe you forgot me from a while ago. Anyways, how are ye?

  10. Uhmmmm.....I don't know. I guess I ust stayed in school and...uh, yeah. I guess most artists are relativley smart, which is viewed as insane......yeah. WOO! Crazy people!

  11. I'm awesome. Right now I'm decoupaging a fridge.

  12. I've been seriously considering it.....

  13. So I noticed. *shields Artemis' eyes*

  14. Hand him your shoes and runnnnnnnnn!

  15. Ooh, mud! *starts throwing mud* YAy!

  16. Why do you build me up, buttercup?

    Sorry, old camp joke.

    Anyways, you were saying? And hi, Takodox!

  17. That's cool. Those can be a fun age group to be a teacher for.


    Evidently it's actually haunted, not by us, but really haunted, as are several other buildings on campus.

  19. Finished!

    *falls over*

    Now if anyone will look at it. It's such a late entry.

  20. Merry Christmas to you!

    I think it's already Christmas for you, yes? It's about seven in the evening here and you're quite a few hours ahead of me.

  21. *gasp* You're back from wherever you disappeared off to!

    So, I finally figured out how to record stuff on my laptop, but I lack an actual microphone, so I'll have to use the one built into my laptop.

  22. No thank you. I prefer my SN how it is and I don't really feel nor do I want to change it.

  23. Pretty blah. It's second day of term and I woke up to it snowing, and I just got to run back to my dorm in a hail storm.

    How are you?

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