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Blog Entries posted by ExoM7

  1. ExoM7
    So, I'm Exo M7, as evidenced by the fact that my screen name is Exo M7. Or maybe it's my real name. YOU NEVER KNOW. The last thing this world needs is a blog by me, something which I am free to spam up and completely destroy all your lives (your head explode!) and rant about pie (3.14). Of course, it's spelled "pi". I think it's Greek. I wonder what Greeks said when they didn't understand something. "It's all German to me!" Of course, Germany as we know it didn't really exist at the time of the ancient Greeks, so maybe they said "It's all Aramabainakootlababi to me!". I also wonder when the first pie was created. It was probably some guy named the Earl of Pie, who didn't want to stop being stupid during a game of cards, so he said "Make something and name it after me, you poor pathetic mortal! DANCE FOR ME LITTLE MAN, DANCE!" Maybe that's why you never hear of the Earl of Pie today. Yeah. That's probably it.
  2. ExoM7
    Originally publised December 31, 2006 and August 24, 2007.
    Okay, this calls for a list of Llama Awards. These are nifty little thingys that you can do stuff for, and then you get to put them in your blog/sig/profile! As deemed by...er, me, you can't use these awesome official ones unless you get that achievement. Bahaha.
    Click on the color to get the llama image.
    Red - Have a blog. (Inactive ones count too.)
    Blue - Have 5000 posts.
    Green - Participated in at least two "International --- Days".
    Teal - Have a blog with over 2000 comments.
    Brown - Have a username starting with "Stinky". Just for lulz.
    Yellow - Post an entry in your blog devoted fully to one member, complete with picture shrine and list of all the awesome things about that member.
    Purple - Create a fad that has spread to ten member's signatures, or five blogs. Or both.
    Lime - Write your posts in a special color/boldness/style.
    Radioactively Mutated - Goes with the yellow one - you get this if that person the entry is devoted to is me. : D
    Orange - Been a member of BZP for at least three years.
    Gray - Been in the member spotlight or submitted a news article.
    Neutral Blue - Be a staff member on either BZP or BS01.
    Paradox Llama - Earn the Paradox Llama award. That's right, you can't get this until you get it.
    And thanks to Spitty for the original llamaing.
    Remember, if you see a llama that isn't on my Photobucket or Spitty's Maj - IT IS A FAKE!! THAT PERSON DOES NOT DESERVE A LLAMA AWARD! REPORT TO ME FOR EXOPROTO!!shift + 1
    Yeah, you know.
    By the way, click on my Llama Awards and you get a prize. : O
  3. ExoM7
    A neutron walks into a bar. He walks up to the bartender and asks, "How much for a beer?" The bartender replies, "For you? No charge."
    So an ion says to a proton, "I think I lost an electron." The proton says, "Are you sure?" And the ion responds with "I'm positive."
    Two behaviorists run into each other on the street. The first one looks at the second and says "You're fine, how am I?"
    What did "i" say to "pi"
    "Be rational"
    What did "pi" say to "i"
    "Get real"
    Some people love The Republic; my relationship with it is purely platonic.
    Someone asked me if I wanted to add suffixes to Latin nouns, but I politely declined.

    -Exo (chhhhhh)
  4. ExoM7
    I forgot to update yesterday. So, this is a reminder for me to make an entry yesterday, if I ever get to go back in time.
    Of course, if I went back in time, that'd be useless, cause this wouldn't exist...
    Or would it exist, just not happen yet?
    *my mind asplode*
  5. ExoM7
    Oh, and check out the pimpin' blog links on the side.
    Comments and feedback here.
    If you want to use em and customize 'em for yourself, PM me and I'll erase my head out of there and replace it with yours
  6. ExoM7
    So, I'd just like to ask a li'l question, get everyone's opinion.
    What do you think the best comic on BZP ever was? Both series and just a single comic. I'm bored, so let's get some activity goin' in here.
  7. ExoM7
    Anyway, I'm thinking I should be famous. Why not? Being famous is fun. People hold car doors open for you. They recognize you. They like you. And most of all, they don't throw pineapples at your window at 1:00 demanding that you stop procrastinating and GIVE THEM THEIR FREAKING WINDSHIELD BACK. That's just such a pain in the astronaut. But how to become famous is the question, all the time. I hear "How do I become famous?" all the time. And all the time, I'm hearing "How do I become famous?". And lots of times, when I hear "How do I become famous?", I think to myself "Wow, I hear that all the time." But you get the point. Anyway, one way to do it is to just make up a bunch of quotes that'll be quoted worldwide and everyone will love you.
    "I don't have a problem with authority. Authority has a problem with me." Maybe. Too dramatic, probably.
    "ALL YOUR FROZEN DINNERS BELONG TO US." It worked for Michael Jackson!
    "YOUR MOM." Really, where did that come from? It's so stoopied.
    "Deck the halls with balls of Hahli, fa la la la la, la la la la." No...just...no.
    So maybe that's not the best way to become famous.
    Perhaps you could be involved in a shocking scandal with an already-famous person.
    "They did WHAT?!"
    "That's right, they bought a new microwave!"
    "Oh that did NOT just happen!"
    "Oh yes it did!"
    "I'm not having this conversation."
    Maybe that won't work either.
    The only proven way is to become famous for committing a crime, then rising to stardom after that, getting in the tabloids, but becoming a national hero among a small cultlike group of pudgy and short followers, then using that fame to get in a movie, launching a successful acting career, being happy, then beginning a slow decline into drugs, then rehab, then ending up alone and broke singing show tunes in an alleyway.
    Y'know what, I'll stick to just being Exo.
  8. ExoM7
    Alright, so, a walrus ate my keyboard. Big deal. Doesn't it happen to everyone?
    Well, yeah. A walrus ate my keyboard, so I couldn't put a blog entry in earlier today. Had to beat him with a misshapen carrot for him to give it up.... Hehe. Carrots. Anyway, that's disturbing and untruthful on so many levels, I believe it qualifies as "unsturthing". I went to a cookout yesterday. Everyone else enjoy your 4th of July? No? Oh, yes? Good. I could see fireworks from my window, only catch was it was at 1 AM. >_>
    So, back to those non-existant comic tips;
    Character sheets are controversial. Some people believe they aren't needed, and rather the characters should develop personalities themselves. Some people believe they're necessary, when you have a large cast of characters or just as a reference for those people just joining. It's up to you.
    One thing I've actually noticed though, lately, is that there haven't been too many good kits recently. Almost everyone still uses RZ, Rayg, or Razor style for their base sprites. We've added on stuff (I made a Toa add-on for RZ's kit, Metrukuta's made some cool Hordika sprites for RZ's, Tums has made some good additions to the RZMIK) but it's all been on the same few kits. I haven't seen a MNB for a few years; Bioniplush is the newest kit that's widely used and still updated by its creator, Dok. Haven't seen Biogreg around in ages, and nothing else stands out too much. CD's new kit is coming out slowly but surely, and it should be spiffy. After his kit's out, I think BZP has reached about as far as it can go in Bionicle kitmaking; unless someone can create a kit that'll work even better for comic-making (LARGER. AND. EASIER. TO. SEE. EYES.) than RZ or Rayg's.
    So besides a real entry like that, I'm going to go do random acts of evilness.
    *clubs baby seal*
  9. ExoM7
    Nack nack nack. Knaaaack. CD just used the word "knack" in a comment there, so I'm obsessed with the word for a little while. Nyaaaaaaaaaaaaa. Ck. CK...Cake. Obviously, cake isn't the subject, as that would be such a thinly veiled attempt to not talk about pie.
    Ok, well, cake IS the subject.
    Cake is quite tasty. I may not know much in life, but I do know I love cake. Lime cake would taste nasty. Dunno why I was thinking of limes. Dang that Spitty. He's just a llama, all covered in cheese. >_< Ever eaten llama? No, me either. I imagine they're mighty tasty. Probably taste like fried giraffe.
    Of course, I'm kidding. I have vegetarian leanings; I'd love to not eat meat, but seeing as how I hate all green vegetables, it leaves me sorta stuck. I'd eat potato chips and chocolate all day.
    OK, I'm now a vegetarian.
  10. ExoM7
    I got new books. Yay.
    I spend pretty much all of my money on books. I read far too much, I listen to music far too much, I play guitar far too much, and I play RPGs far too much. And yet I still have time to eat and sleep, for the most part. Like sometimes, I'll have to combine them, and eat while I sleep. The old marshmellow joke comes to mind, but no, it was worse when I woke up with salsa on my neck. Crazy times, indeed...
    Speaking of crazy times at night;
    I've stayed up all night talking to people before, it's fun. Except when you try to go to sleep, and the dang sun is coming through your window. Oopsie.
    Speaking of the sun;
    If you had a house on the sun, how high would your AC bill be? Of course, it wouldn't matter, as there would be no electricity on the sun, which I find odd.
    Speaking of stupid questions;
    What's the parking situation at the Special Olympics?
    Speaking of special;
    I'm special. Everyone says so.
    Speaking of everyone;
    I can't decide what other people are. Are other people the key to happiness, a fun life, or are they stupid creatures to be ignored?
    Speaking of stupid creatures to be ignored;
    Spitty's got some funny comics. Haha, just kidding DJ Spitdaddy.
    Speaking of DJs;
    I have 2100+ music files on my computer, and I still need more music. I'm listening to the Strokes right now.
    Speaking of music;
    I'm waiting for two new CDs to come in the mail from Amazon.com. They're taking forever. Mail makes me sad.
    Speaking of sadness;
    Sad faces are always...well..sad. Smiley faces are funny. Know what else is funny? Salsa.
    Speaking of salsa, that was my original thing anyway, wasn't it? Yeah. Well, I've completed my circle of unconscious odd talking, so enjoy.
  11. ExoM7

    Alright, so I go to Bio3, and I go to my now sixth page...And I read some posts, and that's about it. Today's one of my procrastination days. I might have to put thinking of excuses off til tomorrow though. When I have no ideas, weird, forced things come out. Like this. Or this... Or this, for that matter. Project Klinkerpoop is up now, so I'm going to have to work on procrastination excuses for 6 other people. It should be one of the best comic topics ever, we have 6 of the funniest people on BZP, plus Spitty. (J/k! Spitty rules)
    Now to force him to change his name to DJ Funkdaddy McSpit...
  12. ExoM7
    I've appeared in midair for yet another blog entry.
    Of course, it's midair. You're never in "highair" or "lowair". So, obviously there's a conspiracy about things in the middle. There's the Middle East, and the Midwest, but there's now Low East or Highwest. Middle's just used wrong...and it sounds like meddle.
    "*gasp!* It's Old Man Willowby from the abandoned mine!"
    "And I woulda gotten arweh wit id too if it wern't fer you middling keds!"
    Keds...apparently a pair of shoes solved the case.
    Another conspiracy, I'm sure.
  13. ExoM7
    A man, a woman, and a child are watching a train come into a station. "Here it comes," says the woman. "Here she comes," says the man. "Here he comes," says the child. Who is correct?

    -Exo (chhhhhh)
  14. ExoM7
    *Who is PE lol
    Now I can make plenty of jokes in NMQ&A! If I had any time to get on.
    Well, that's the only thing I wanted to blog about atm. I'm sure I'll be active again in time for some more entries.

    -Exo (chhhhhh)
  15. ExoM7
    A lot of confusing stuff, if you're Scorp
    But really, I already want to change my name again. I do it far too often. I guess it relieves some of the boredom I get by hearing myself type a lot. Or something. That didn't make too much sense. Poor CD, he has to keep up with all my name changes to give me a nickname. Cap'n Eggmutico.

    I was responding to Takatu's post, and that was going to be my blog entry, but putting the same thing in two places would be dumb. Putting the same thing in two places would be dumb. See?

  16. ExoM7
    :- The Poll Request Center
    Need a poll? Here's an easy place to ask a Premier Member to start one up for ya in the Voting Booth forum.
    : Premier Poll-Starters :
    :- Members Online -:
    :- Exo M7 - PM :
    :- Nukora - PM :
    :- frankin-kal-96 - PM :
    :- Slizer Prime - PM :
    :- Shine - PM :
    :- McSpork - PM :
    :- Kohaku - PM :
    :- Clark Kent - PM :
    :- McSpam - PM :
    :- Toa Huki - PM :
    : Looking For A Poll :
    Post in this blog entry if you've got a poll you want made or if you're Premier and can help out. Or you can PM me.
  17. ExoM7
    Honestly. No ideas, perhaps, would be more appropriate, though.
    So I was going to make a blog entry, but I didn't have anything to write about. I wondered why it seemed everyone else had something to write about, though.
    Then it hit me.
    Yes, a frisbee hit me. I threw it back out the window and cursed at the people with bad aim in the park next door, and thought some more.
    Then I got an idea.
    Why don't YOU write my entry for me?
    That's right, citizens. This is YOUR entry. You can keep it in my blog for ever and ever until I get bored of it and delete it.
    Blog about whatever you want. For me.
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