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Nuhrii the Metruan

Premier Retired Staff
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Blog Entries posted by Nuhrii the Metruan

  1. Nuhrii the Metruan
    Just got interviewed by Black Six along with HAZMAT and Takuma Nuva for the next Powercast. It was a great time - both before and during the recording and I'm looking forward to hearing the final thing, even if I already know what's going to be said. xD Don't we all love to hear ourselves talk once in a while?
  2. Nuhrii the Metruan
    I went to bed as POBZPC and woke up as Premier Forum Assistant... which means I am staff now... which means you may feel free to bash me now. But only here. In this blog. Elsewhere, I ask you to be nice and to ask me for advice if you need it.
    C'mon, do some NtM-bashing - seize the opportunity while it presents itself.
  3. Nuhrii the Metruan
    Seriously, guys, what's up with this year? Almost all of my favourite shows/franchises have been cancelled or otherwise ended in 2010.
    - BIONICLE cancelled (set-wise)
    - Heroes cancelled
    - 24 ended
    - LOST ended
    - Caprica cancelled
    - Stargate Universe cancelled
    What the heck is going on?
  4. Nuhrii the Metruan
    What's shiny is Firefly, which I finally came around to watch in its glorious, short-lived entirety.
    What's not shiny is only two BIONICLE serial updates since November 2010, with the last one occuring exactly 5 weeks ago... hopefully, there'll be one this week.
  5. Nuhrii the Metruan
    Just some things you might have missed--
    1) The Chronicler won't do any contests anymore in 2011. Our last contest will be "Lesovikk's Hiatus", a joint venture with the KanohiJournal.
    2) My interest in BIONICLE is fading. I am still eager for each new chapter on BIONICLEStory.com and I still read the OGD, but I feel less excited about BZP and the saga as a whole... I just feel it is dying.
    3) Since we still have (stress on "still", as I expect it to be completely gone soon, since the time span has been shortened down from 1.5 years to 1 year to 9 months and now to 6 months) compulsory military service here in Germany, which I won't do, I will do a replacement service at a day care institution for old people suffering from Alzheimer's disease (among other things). This will commence on August 2, 2010 and end on April 30, 2011, since I chose to prolong the 6 compulsory months to 9 months.
    4) Afterwards, I will do some minor jobs for 3 months before I go to university, most likely to become a teacher (subjects: English and Spanish).
    5) So yeah... there are some real life things that are beginning to interest me... some particular ones. ^^ Depending on how it turns out, I may consider my withdrawal from active BZPower fandom.
    6) However, the Chronicler's web projects will still enjoy my full support (which means, I pay the server bills and help my staff with whatever technical stuff they need).
    7) Some people sent suggestions to BSS and have started to ask me what became of them. Some of them are still being debated among the Story Squad, others are currently being polled here on BZP. Some of them, like the Mask of Healing, are currently slumbering in Greg's inbox - he has told me he will get to my MoH PM once he finds the time do do so.
    That should be it. ^^
    (P.S.: I am still alive)
  6. Nuhrii the Metruan
    Okay, I contacted Papercutz, told them what I liked about GN8 (and what not) and pretended to be shocked that there was no preview of the next GN at the end of GN9, and asked them if there are any plans for a tenth book. This is their reply:

    At least they are pleased so far... keep buying, folks!
  7. Nuhrii the Metruan
    Got my final exam results yesterday. We have got a 15 points system for the secondary level here in Germany, with 15 being the best and 0 the worst result. Here's what I got:
    German - 10 points (apparently the correctors were very harsh in this subject... some people entered the exams with an average of 13 points and left it with a result of 6 points)
    Math - 5 points (oh well, that was to be expected)
    English - 15 points (was to be expected, too)
    Spanish - 15 points (this really surprised and delighted me)
    Now I have to prepare my presentation exam, which will take place on the June 24.
  8. Nuhrii the Metruan
    The BIONICLE Story Squad recently asked members to name their six favourite elements for the new Toa team Greg will introduce in an upcoming serial on BIONICLEStory.com. These are the results - however, note that Greg Farshtey is in no way forced to stick slavishly to these results, but is willing to respect and consider them.

    Elements and VotesLightning - 468 Psionics - 453 Gravity - 444 Plasma - 444 Iron - 440 Plant Life/The Green - 425 Sonics - 342 Magnetism - 310 Thanks to all who voted. Please note, though, that some votes had to be disqualified because the posts didn't make quite clear what the vote was or because people tried to vote for more than 6 elements.

    And thanks to Night Terror and Erebus for helping me count, and a special thanks to Erebus for hosting this survey.
  9. Nuhrii the Metruan
    I just watched the uncut version of the Mask of Light, not that 4.5 minutes shorter version that was sold here in Germany. (They actually cut the movie for being too violent!!!)
    All of a sudden I like MoL... xD
  10. Nuhrii the Metruan
    As you know, BSS has asked you for your six favourite irregular elements for the new Toa team. We are still counting, but here is something I have got to say:
    If we ask you to do a list in the format--
    1. First Element
    2. Second Element
    6. Sixth Element
    --don't write texts that come down to: "Psionics is bad, Magnetism is half bad, Plantlife is awkward, Plasma is okay, Sonics isn't half bad either..." Just give us a list of six.
    And excuse us if we won't accept the element "Force" - wrong saga, guys. ^^
    Please read the instructions carefully next time or we can't include your votes.
    Expect the poll's results soon.
  11. Nuhrii the Metruan
    I had my presentation exam for the Abitur (secondary level degree in Germany) today - and got the best mark possible (15) for explaining some theological stuff I don't really believe in (but I apparently managed to be convincing). So...
    ABIIIIII!!! (exclamation of people who got Abitur)
  12. Nuhrii the Metruan
    Well... those frequent serial updates are annoying me... I wish there was some way for Greg to find more time to write them... sad.gif
    The bad part is: without new story, I feel my interest in BIONICLE fading, something (in my eyes) completely undesirable.
  13. Nuhrii the Metruan
    In less than 20 minutes, I am going to watch "Incursion, Part 2" - two days before it airs in the USA. Wanna know why? Because for the first time in Stargate history, a German TV channel gets to air an episode BEFORE the US. I don't like the German voice actors for SGU (or the translations, for that matter), but tonight, I simply won't care about that and enjoy the show, knowing that I am among the first to watch this.
  14. Nuhrii the Metruan
    GN 8 and 9 arrived today.
    I stick to what I said before: Sayger sucks. But Zanier is greatness impersonated - the artwork of The Exile's Tale is really epic. Here's hoping we will get so see GN10 and he'll still do it.
  15. Nuhrii the Metruan
    NtM's Nerd Library is about to grow again
    - Amazon.de will ship GN8 and GN9 today (can't wait! ._.)
    Plus, I will buy the following books/comics this week:
    - Star Wars Rebel Force 4
    - Star Wars Jedi Quest Volume 3 (re-release containing books 7-9)
    - Star Wars #88 (a comic magazine including Clone Wars Hero of the Confederacy 2 and Dark Times Blue Harvest 4)
    And I'm looking forward to the following releases during June/July:
    - SW Legacy of the Force 9 (Mid-June release, finally!)
    - SW Graphic Novel 56: Legacy VIII - Monster
    - SW Fate of the Jedi 1 (mid-July)
    (all SW stuff in German)
    As you can see, I'll be busy reading... xD
  16. Nuhrii the Metruan
    The BIONICLE Story Squad (BSS) may soon do a topic in S&T where we can announce all our rejected canon submissions, but since the BSS wants you to know about all our decisions, I took the liberty to create this blog entry. So far, you have only seen topics about what has made it past us - here is what has been declined by us or Greg, along with our reasons why.

    "Kanohi Amana" - Bioni-Cool Jack

    Bioni-Cool Jack suggested to name the Mask of Elemental Energy "Kanohi Amana", based on some observations he made (spoilered for length, click to show).
    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «

    Why was it rejected:
    - the mask was deemed to trivial to be named
    - some BSS memberes disagreed with the naming itself, to quote bonesiii: "When I read the topic title, I thought this would be about using the name "Amana" (referring to healing items) for the Mask of Healing Erebus proposed. I do not see why it would mean Elemental energy instead of healing, since healing is what Amana Volo spheres do... As far as I know, Amana Volo spheres would not affect elemental energy, but instead life energy, which is more in the category of healing... "

    "Retroactively canonized Podu blog contest permission" - MatoroIgnika

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    Clarification of what the suggestion was: The idea was doing a blog contest for Podu and determining a winner, and afterwards there was supposed to be a poll on BZP asking "Do you want this MOC to be canon or not.[/b]

    Why was it rejected:
    - The only Greg-approved contest hosts are: BZPower/S&T, BS01 and KanohiJournal/The Chronicler. BSS will not get involved in any contests unless a contest hosts requests it. That also means that BSS will not host contests themselves!
    - Allowing one such blog contest would open the floodgates for more requests of the like, and we don't want to get swamped.
    - Allowing it would undermine our no-contests-rule.
    - And as Tilius puts it: "You could add as a side note that it's obvious what pieces/colours Podu uses, so a contest is pointless anyway, since he's got a clearly established form and there's no room for creativity. So you'd get a contest with like twenty entries that would be exactly the same."

    "A Vortixx named Xia" by Invader KLI
    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «Posted in this topic instead of PMing, but we took a vote on it nevertheless.

    Why was it rejected?
    - "Personally, I don't see the point in introducing another Vortixx into the story at this point. What could this "first Vortixx" do? Do we really need another obscure part of canon?" - Bioran23
    - There has been no previous mention of the first Vortixx, so this would be making up an entirely new character instead of just naming an old one.
    - There already are enough places named after characters

    "Bring back Toa Ignika" by -Sephiroth-

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    Sephiroth sent us a really well-written, I daresay brilliant essay about why Toa Ignika should return, which I will include here for those who are interested in what he had to say.
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    Why was it rejected?
    - Right now, there's no story reason for it.
    - Greg (re-)introduces characters as he needs them. The BSS does not interfere with that, although we keep tabs on all "I want X to come back" PMs so we can inform Greg if one character is especially much in demand. I bolded this for those who wondered what became of their PMs saying "I want Lesovikk to return" (to name an example).
    - And finally, Greg's comment: "I have no plans to bring him back anytime soon, NOT because I am opposed to it in principle, but because we have been doing Mask of Life for the last four years and I think we all need a break from it."

    Still, we want to commend -Sephiroth- on his good thinking - it didn't work this time, yes, but good arguments is exactly what we want (though you probably should pay attention that you don't write it too extensive, as it may tire the reader).

    "Golden Armor special powers" by .:Yio654:.
    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «
    Again, here is what has been sent to us (this time not that long):
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    Why was it rejected?
    At first the Story Squad was very open to the idea, but we decided to wait until the final Journey's End chapter to see what powers Greg himself intended to give Tahu. After it was revealed that Tahu now has the powers of all the Kraata he killed, we felt forced to decline the idea because we wanted no superweapon.

    Additional Notes
    - In the past existing BIONICLE names have been assigned to characters or groups that had so far only been mentioned in story without being given a name (of course I am speaking of Naho, Nektann, and Toa Mangai). We, too, are getting some more of those and while we are open to them, the being or thing that gets named should have had some previous relevance in story. Note, though, that we are also trying to keep the amount of dupe names low, since we already have quite a few of them in story and especially when several trivial things have the same name, they get annoying.
    - Proposals like "I want to create a character named X with the powers of Y and the traits Z" are bound to be rejected, since character creation is something only Greg may do. Plus, if you name a character, it is very likely your suggested name is not on Greg's soon-to-be-approved list, so he can't use it. Fan fictions or participation in the Expanded Multiverse may be more appropriate places to create your custom characters.

    I hope this was helpful and informative for all readers. I intend to update this blog entry regularly or transfer it into a(n official?) S&T topic, but that is still to be decided.

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