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Status Updates posted by -Neku-

  1. Ey, I'm having kind of a huge bzp nostalgia flashback thing. If any of you guys want to chat, hit me up on Steam, I'm MusikaTriple

  2. -Slowly sneaks in-

    Haven't been here for a while...How are you doing, Ranna?



  4. -Veleno walks in and looks around-

    -Stabs and injects with poison-


  5. ZOMG! Grunty's back....I thought you died. XD

    Either that or nid ate you.

  6. Scratch that, steam is Musika13. Whoops.

  7. -Burns and pillages-

    Payback hurts like a....

    -Gets hit by one of those things from harry potter-

    A snitch?

  8. -Neku-

    -Burns, pillages, and steals your rum-

  9. Please don't tell people our bakery's motorbike ran you over.

  10. Hahli isn't all she's cracked up to be....Personally, Jaller is my favorite, I lurves his mask.

    -Burns and pillages-

  11. And you would be correct, Tak-kun.

  12. -Glows red-

    Give me stregnth!

    -Turns into Valor form-

    Yeah...I've got two Keyblades. What now.

  13. -Neku-

    Since when? I've never worked at any fast food place. And your skill to change subjects is unrivaled. :D

  14. And here I am again, cruising through my old friendlists, hit by a wave of nostalgia. Hey Koname.

  15. -Swings in on vine-

  16. We'll have to see about that. I'm retyping my profile now. >:D

  17. Ey, if you ever do get back on again, add my new MSN. I'd like to catch up sometime, you know?

  18. -Neku-

    -Swings in on vine, screaming SORA THE EXPLORA-

  19. Figured I'd reply here....?_?

    I have work too....My day pretty much starts at 5:00am when I wake up, and then 7:00 pm when I get home from work. School and work is a deadly combonation....

  20. T_T

    You don't have school? Lucky. XD

    You should seriously join AMG after the 7th RPG contest. [/shameless advertising]XD

  21. Heh, I really don't remember at all, but I'd be glad to participate. :D

  22. -Peels off burn scabs-

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