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Status Updates posted by -Neku-

  1. -Trips nid-

    Ahahahaha....Oh no...

    -Runs away-

  2. -Veleno walks in and looks around-

    -Stabs and injects with poison-


  3. -Neku-

    "Before you post, Rho, actually use your brain."

  4. :(

    Bwhahahaha...It will never go away.

  5. 7 comments ago. :)

  6. Agreed. I've been listening to nothing but Bad Religion tonight. Went through like 4 of their albums.

  7. Ah, right....^_^;

    I actually did check it out before, I saw the whole ninja hug thing. XD

    I was just in too much of a rush to have a chance to leave a comment.

  8. -Neku-

    Also, I'm pretty sure the job I'm hoping to get in graphic design won't care if I got fired from some Wal-mart/TRU/Target for yelling at some annoying kid angry about not finding his toy. :D

  9. And here I am again, cruising through my old friendlists, hit by a wave of nostalgia. Hey Koname.

  10. And they both taste equally good.

  11. And you would be correct, Tak-kun.

  12. Anyone want to know what I think about?




  13. Are you still alive?

    Go on aimze!

    I have only a few minutes.

  14. Are you two going to kiss? Cause I'd be interested in watching.


  15. As long as they both tasted good, I don't care.

  16. -Neku-

    Aww, my comment disappeared.


  17. -Neku-

    Bad nid, bad! No starting Titan battle in Po-Metru without Jira!


  18. Bah, sucks the smash topic got closed. Any idea on how the tourney's gonna be run?

  19. -Neku-

    Bloodflow won't work for me...dang connection error.

    You're not still mad at that whole tripping thing, right?

    Guess so...

    -Runs off-

  20. -Neku-

    By stating that it wasn't a threat, you were obviously trying to hide the fact that it was. Whee, sarcasm. And I wouldn't be rude to anyone when I'm working, only if they act like you. Wheeeee!

  21. By the way, are you still writing your epic? I'm dying to find out who the nemisis ish.

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