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Status Updates posted by -Neku-

  1. Hey, It's Wolf!

    Who's in Brawl!


  2. Hey, Necro, you have an aim or msn? I'm trying to add people I know on bzp to my list at the moment. If you do, mine's Treefrisbee

  3. Hey, quick question. Where would be a good place for me to download/watch Gurren Lagann? It seems like an interesting series....

  4. I feel like I should leave some kind of deep and moving comment....Eh, I just keep rambling on, forcing you to read all of this pointless text, wasting more and more seconds of your life.

    Wasn't that fun? :D

  5. I guess so, but people close to him have said that they would rather not have signatures about it. Really, out of respect to him, you should take them down. That's just my 2 cents...

  6. I just got Karzanhi and Maxilos...good sets, pieces wise, but Karzanhi seems kinda thrown together.

  7. I need to get my picture up....XP

  8. I need to put my profile up for OE soon. I'm busy even during summer...>>

  9. I see...Eh, I'm starting to become quite busy myself...Junior year and all...

    Work, SAT's and Colleges, oh my!

  10. I still can't figure out how that little guy isn't crushed by that gigantic cannon on his back....

  11. -Neku-

    I think that your CRAAAAZZZZYYYY! You think that I'm CRAAAAZZZYYY!!!!


  12. I would love to have a 3 way fight. That would own. Period.

  13. I've just been busy with all my peeps at the RPG forum and with school/work/friends.

    Ah, the wonders of 11th grade....

  14. Im me sometime. I need to get into OE...I miss Veleno. :D

  15. It was quite fun. I didn't like any of the music, but I got a chance to hang out with my friends.

    I really do dislike my job though...

  16. Just posted my profile. Short and sweet, I'm too lazy to recount and retype all the ###### that happened in the first two rpgs. But, I'm back, baby! [/bender]

  17. Kinda hard not to....School is eating most of my time.

    Honors Chem, Honors History, Latin, Graphic Arts 2.....It's fun, I like the subjects and all, but the work I could do without.

  18. Leppeh.

    I have something very very important to say.

    Something earth shattering.

    Universe imploding.

    Extremely awesome.





  19. lulz. u r so funny. Ima totaly gunna sapm the baords to prve my points nao. Kthnksby

  20. -Neku-

    Make sure to avoid wal-mart though. I highly doubt they have better customer service in 09.

  21. My favorite kind of soup is miso soup.

  22. -Neku-

    Next time some kid calls me at work asking for some obscure toy set, I'll make sure to be extra rude, just for you. :D

  23. -Neku-


    Where'd you go?

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